Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University

Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University

Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University


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12<strong>In</strong> <strong>Search</strong> <strong>of</strong> "<strong>Khazar</strong>"nothing? Which <strong>of</strong> our scientific institutions are famousfor their important works and glorious traditions?Which universities can <strong>of</strong>fer diplomas th<strong>at</strong> are able tocompete with European and American ones?If today we do not think about the future <strong>of</strong> ourscience, educ<strong>at</strong>ion and culture, do not take seriousmeasures, it is certain th<strong>at</strong> our future will be bleak. It isin our n<strong>at</strong>ure to exagger<strong>at</strong>e and to be pleased withourselves, thus stimul<strong>at</strong>ing our own and the public’simagin<strong>at</strong>ion about our "successes."Today when our intern<strong>at</strong>ional rel<strong>at</strong>ions arebecoming broader, the lack <strong>of</strong> highly skilled andcompetent specialists is even more obvious. The number<strong>of</strong> our comp<strong>at</strong>riots familiar with the intern<strong>at</strong>ional world,modern science and economics, capable <strong>of</strong> dynamic andanalytical thought and able to converse fluently inEnglish (German, French...) with Western specialistscan be easily counted on the fingers <strong>of</strong> one hand.Up to now, and <strong>at</strong> present, the structure <strong>of</strong>educ<strong>at</strong>ion, science and culture and the ways in whichthey are developing have been under a tight centralizedcontrol and personal and small groups initi<strong>at</strong>ives havenot been taken into consider<strong>at</strong>ion. Everything has beendefined, planned and governed from "above." This way<strong>of</strong> governing could only bring local and temporarysuccesses, but has not been able to form long lasting andfirm traditions. One <strong>of</strong> the most serious and distressingresults has been the separ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> science and educ<strong>at</strong>ionfrom each other. The Academy <strong>of</strong> Science 7 wasresponsible only for the development <strong>of</strong> scientificresearch, whereas the universities were there to train thespecialists and give them higher educ<strong>at</strong>ion. The two hadinsignificant influence on each other.

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