CAG CAR CAR CAG CAG CAR CAR - German Flight-Center

CAG CAR CAR CAG CAG CAR CAR - German Flight-Center

CAG CAR CAR CAG CAG CAR CAR - German Flight-Center


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Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009LIEE/<strong>CAG</strong>ELMAS 7 JAN 05 10-3CApt Elev13'DTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence within the limits ofperformance criteria is mandatory.2. Turns shall be executed with MAX 220 KT.TACDECDECIMOMANNU(108.2)DECN39 22.9 E008 57.9JEPPESEN<strong>CAR</strong> 6A, <strong>CAR</strong> 6BRWYS 32, 14 DEPARTURESTO BE USED WHEN <strong>CAG</strong> VOR & <strong>CAG</strong> LCTR UNSERVICEABLEJEPPESENJeppView<strong>CAG</strong>LIARI, ITALY.SID.Licensed to Elefant air. Printed on 15 Jul 2009.Notice: After 17 Jul 2009 0901Z, this chart may no longer be valid. Disc 13-2009LIEE/<strong>CAG</strong>Apt Elev13'JEPPESENELMAS 15 MAY 09 10-3DTrans level: By ATC Trans alt: 6000'1. SIDs are also minimum noise routings. Strict adherence withinthe limits of performance criteria is mandatory.2. Turns shall be executed with MAX 220 KT.KOVAS 6A [KOVA6A]KOVAS 6B [KOVA6B]KOVAS 6C [KOVA6C]RWYS 32, 14 DEPARTURESTO BE USED WHEN<strong>CAG</strong> VOR UNSERVICEABLED38 326^<strong>CAR</strong>115.1 R ACKOVASD16.5 DECN39 38.7 E009 04.2At or aboveFL150JEPPESENJeppView<strong>CAG</strong>LIARI, ITALY6100'089^179^.SID.5700'MSA<strong>CAG</strong> LctrWhen leaving1000'317^137^CHANGES: Chart reindexed.180^25<strong>CAR</strong> 6A16 DME DEC101^<strong>CAR</strong> 6B13At or above3000'Suggested minimum climb gradient320' per NM up to 4000'.Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300320' per NM 400 533 800 1067 1333 1600SID<strong>CAR</strong> 6A<strong>CAR</strong> 6BRWY3214At or above2000'D13 <strong>CAR</strong>270^NOT TO SCALEAt or above4000'D11 <strong>CAR</strong>At or above4000'13081^11D<strong>CAR</strong>BONARA<strong>CAR</strong> 402 115.1 <strong>CAR</strong>N39 06.7 E009 30.5N39 06.7 E009 30.5At or aboveFL80or6000' if QNHis lower than977 hPaR281^R261^ROUTING317^ track until leaving 1000' , turn RIGHT, 180^ track, turn LEFT, intercept<strong>CAR</strong> R-281 inbound to <strong>CAR</strong>.137^ track, when crossing <strong>CAR</strong> R-270 turn LEFT, intercept <strong>CAR</strong> R-261inbound to <strong>CAR</strong>.| JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.TACDECDEC 331 DECIMOMANNUD(108.2)DECN39 22.9 E008 57.9DECIMOMANNUN39 21.8 E008 58.4When leaving1000'KOVAS 6A<strong>CAG</strong>LIARI371 <strong>CAG</strong>N39 12.9 E009 05.8KOVAS 6CAt or above4500'CHANGES: NCRPs upgraded to CRPs.194^014^D3 DECN39 20.8 E009 00.7102^By ATCKOVAS 6A, 6B317^KOVAS 6C5By ATC137^KOVAS 6CD3 DECN39 20.8E009 00.85180^D16 DECN39 09.7 E009 09.6When leaving2000'but not beforeD16 DECSuggested minimum climb gradientsKOVAS 6A: 400' per NM up to FL150.KOVAS 6B: 428' per NM up to FL150.KOVAS 6C: 360' per NM up to FL150.176^356^137^22D8 DECAt or above5000'KOVAS 6BD14 DECN39 11.2E009 07.8298^300^NOT TO SCALEComplete turnat or above3500'Complete turnat or above3000'KOVAS 6AGnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300428' per NM 535 713 1070 1427 1783 2140400' per NM 500 667 1000 1333 1667 2000360' per NM 450 600 900 1200 1500 1800SID RWYROUTINGKOVAS 6A 32 317^ track (317^ bearing from <strong>CAG</strong>) until leaving 1000' , turn RIGHT, 180^track, intercept 137^ bearing via <strong>CAG</strong> to D14 DEC, turn LEFT, intercept 298^bearing towards DEC, at D3 DEC turn RIGHT, intercept 014^ bearing fromDEC to KOVAS.KOVAS 6B 14 To <strong>CAG</strong>, 137^ bearing until leaving 2000' but not before D16 DEC, turn LEFT,intercept 300^ bearing towards DEC, at D3 DEC turn RIGHT, intercept 014^bearing from DEC to KOVAS.KOVAS 6C 32 317^ track until leaving 1000' , turn LEFT, intercept 102^ bearing to <strong>CAG</strong>,By ATC turn LEFT, intercept 356^ bearing from <strong>CAG</strong> to KOVAS.| JEPPESEN, 2005, 2009. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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