Manual - EDAN USA

Manual - EDAN USA Manual - EDAN USA


H100B Pulse Oximeter User Manual4 Alarm4.1 Alarm Categories and LevelsAlarm CategoriesThe oximeter’s alarms can be classified into twocategories: physiological alarms and technical alarms.1. Physiological alarmsPhysiological alarms, also called patient statusalarms, are triggered by a monitored parameter valuethat violates setup alarm limits or an abnormalpatient condition.2. Technical alarmsTechnical alarms, also called system status alarms,are triggered by a device malfunction or a patientdata distortion due to improper operation or systemproblems.- 52 -

H100B Pulse Oximeter User ManualAlarm LevelsIn terms of severity, the oximeter’s alarms levels can beclassified into two categories: high level alarms andmedium level alarms.1. High level alarmsIndicate that the patient is in a life threateningsituation and an emergency treatment is demanded.2. Medium level alarmsThe patient’s vital signs appear abnormal or theoximeter system status appears abnormal, indicatethat prompt operator response is required.The levels for both technical alarms and physiologicalalarms are predefined and can not be changed by theuser.Alarm Categories TableMedium LevelHigh level alarmsAlarmsSpO 2 Too HighPhysiological SpO 2 Too Lowalarms PR Too HighPR Too LowTechnical alarms SpO 2 Sensor- 53 -

H100B Pulse Oximeter User <strong>Manual</strong>4 Alarm4.1 Alarm Categories and LevelsAlarm CategoriesThe oximeter’s alarms can be classified into twocategories: physiological alarms and technical alarms.1. Physiological alarmsPhysiological alarms, also called patient statusalarms, are triggered by a monitored parameter valuethat violates setup alarm limits or an abnormalpatient condition.2. Technical alarmsTechnical alarms, also called system status alarms,are triggered by a device malfunction or a patientdata distortion due to improper operation or systemproblems.- 52 -

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