Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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17th May, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2779no valid objection has been received within that period, I intend todispense with the production of the said land title deeds and proceedwith the registration of the said instruments of RL. 19 and RL. 7, andupon such registration, the land title deeds issued earlier to the saidTabitha Njeri Kimemia (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelledand of no effect.Dated the 17th May, 2013.MR/2436785GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6722SHRINE MOTORS LIMITEDDISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODSJ. K. NDIRANGU,Land Registrar, Kiambu District.NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provision of the disposal ofuncollected goods act (Cap 38) to Messrs Nairobi Slums SchoolsProject of P.O. Box 46021 – 00100, Nairobi, as owner of the motorvehicle Registration Number J14674 Leyland Min-Bus, to takedelivery and remove the said motor vehicle from the garage of Messrs.Shrine Motors Lomited along Mombasa Road next to Shell Petrolstation Nairobi within (30) days from the date of publication of thisnotice upon payment of all outstanding storage charges, interest andincidental costs including the cost of publishing this notice, failure towhich the motor vehicles will be sold either by public auction or byprivate treaty and proceeds of the sale shall be defrayed against anyoutstanding storage charges and the balance if any shall remain atthe owners credit but should there be a shortfall, the owner shall beliable thereof.Dated the 3rd May 2013.MR/2436845Gazette Notice No. 6723MORARA NGISA & COMPANY,for advocates Shrine Motors Limited.THE UAP LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITEDHead Office: P.O. Box 23842–00100, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. MP00470 in the name of Soni Anita.APPLICATION has been made to this company for the issue ofduplicate of the above-numbered policy, the original having beenreported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection islodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30)days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, whichwill be the sole evidence of the contract.Dated the 22nd April, 2013.MR/2436829GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6724EDWARD KARANI,Policy Administrator.BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30375, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. 20087326 in the name and on the life of John Njuki Gitari.REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of theabove numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgedto the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) daysfrom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shallbe used as the only valid documents by the company for all futuretransactions.Dated the 10th May, 2013.MR/2436848J. K. MITEI,Underwriting Manager, Life.BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30375, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. 125–3267 in the name and on the life of Fridah KarwithaMarete.REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of theabove numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgedto the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) daysfrom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shallbe used as the only valid documents by the company for all futuretransactions.Dated the 10th May, 2013.MR/2436846GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6726J. K. MITEI,Underwriting Manager, Life.BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30375, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. 161–7969 in the name and on the life of Loise WambuiNyambura.REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of theabove numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgedto the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) daysfrom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shallbe used as the only valid documents by the company for all futuretransactions.Dated the 10th May, 2013.MR/2436846GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6727CHANGE OF NAMEJ. K. MITEI,Underwriting Manager, Life.NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 24th January, 2011, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa asPresentation No. 476, in Volume B-13, Folio 1006/5698, File No.1637, by me, Peter Kilonzo Katumo, of P.O. Box 82118-80100,Mombasa in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as DariusKilonzo Katumo, formally and absolutely renounced and abandonedthe use of my former name Darius Kilonzo Katumo, and in lieu thereofassumed and adopted the name Peter Kilonzo Katumo, for all purposesand authorize and request all persons at all times to designate, describeand address me by my assumed name Peter Kilonzo Katumo only.MR/2436650GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6728PETER KILONZO KATUMO,formerly known as Darius Kilonzo Katumo.CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a Deed Poll dated 21st March, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, asPresentation No. 899, in Volume DI, Folio 65/1454, File No. MMXIII,by our client, Stephen Laiyan Mburu Gathoni Suyanka, of P.O. Box1017–20117, Naivasha in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known asStephen Mburu Gathoni Suyanka, formally and absolutely renouncedand abandoned the use of his former names Stephen Mburu GathoniSuyanka, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name StephenLaiyan Mburu Gathoni Suyanka for all purposes and authorizes andrequests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address himby his assumed name Stephen Laiyan Mburu Gathoni Suyanka only.BRIAN OCHIENG & COMPANY,Advocates for Stephen Laiyan Mburu Gathoni Suyanka,MR/2436829 formerly known as Stephen Mburu Gathoni SuyankaGAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6725

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