Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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17th May, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2773MR/1933809GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6716THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTIN MUTALIA, OFF KANGUNDO ROAD, MACHAKOS COUNTY,ON PLOT L.R. NO. DONYO SABUK/ KOMAROCK BLOCK1/20775INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to Regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Coordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Ghanima limited) intends to develop on about 41acres; a total of 449 three bedroom residential housing units; generallyin clusters of 23-50 houses, shops and a nursery school, ancillaryfacilities including driveways and common parking bays. Othercomponents include a recreational area, borehole, waste watertreatment plant, associated storm water drainage system and aperimeter wall with guardhouse.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:EnvironmentalImpactsSoil erosion andwater loggingVegetationDestructionNoise pollution andexcessivevibrationsRecommended Mitigation MeasuresTerrace, level and rip off compacted areasof the project site to reduce run-offvelocity and increase infiltration of stormwater into the soil.Proper planning of site excavation workssuch that a section is completed andrehabilitated before another sectionbegins.Landscaping and construction of retentionwalls to control soil erosionSurface runoff and roof water should beharvested and stored in suitable reservoirfor reuse. Ensure proper demarcation anddelineation of the project area to beaffected by construction works.Design and implement an appropriatelandscaping programme to help in revegetationof parts of the project area afterconstruction.Introduction of vegetation (trees, flowersand grass) on open spaces and around theproject site.Comply with maximum permissible noiseand vibration levels for constructions sitesas per 2 nd Schedule of the EnvironmentalManagement and Coordination (Noise andExcessive Vibration Pollution Control)Regulations, 2009. Prescribe noise reduction measuresappropriately e.g. restricted workinghours, material transport hours and noisebuffering. Install portable barriers to shieldcompressors and other small stationaryequipment where necessary and locatestationary noise sources as far fromexisting sensitive receptors as possible.Minimize vehicle and machinery idlingtime by switching off engines when not inuse.Air pollution(exhaust emissionsand dustgeneration)National Environment Management Authority. Ensure use of well serviced andmaintained vehicles and equipment.All construction works and delivery ofmaterials shall be carried out during theday between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.Use water sprinklers control dust. Vehicles and machinery should beswitched off when not in use.Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand andother loose materials or require all trucksto maintain at least two feet of freeboard.Pave, apply water when necessary, orapply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on allunpaved access roads, parking areas andstaging areas at construction site.Use of electrically operated constructionmachinery to avoid externalities producedby diesel engines.Health and safety Unattended public access to theconstruction site should be restricted.Roster and General Register of allconstruction workers should be keptwithin the project site.Warning signs should be placed inappropriate places.Safety education and training of theconstruction workers should beemphasized.Install proper fire management equipmentand strategies.Security personnel should be posted onsite at all timesWaste management Solid waste management duringconstruction and operational phases of theproject must adhere to the EnvironmentalManagement and Coordination (WasteManagement) Regulations, 2006Traffic along accessroadIncreased waterdemandIncreased energydemandProvide facilities for proper handling andstorage of construction materials to reducethe amount of waste caused by damage orexposure to the elements.Use of building materials that haveminimal packaging to avoid the generationof excessive packaging waste.Use of construction materials containingrecycled content when possible and inaccordance with accepted standards.Adequate collection and storage of wasteon site and safe transportation to thedisposal sites and disposal methods atdesignated area shall be provided. Sensitize truck drivers to avoidunnecessary road obstruction.Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand andother loose materials to avoid spillage anddust emissions that may interfere withsmooth motoring.Transportation hours shall be restricted tothe period between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30p.m., Monday through Friday, unlessapproved otherwise.Promote awareness on water conservationand reducing water wastage.Quick fixing of leaking taps, pipes andtoilet cisterns.Install push taps.Minimize water use in the gardens.Audit energy use. Identify and utilize

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