Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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17th May, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2771Occupational health andsafetyFire hazards andaccidents Comply with provision of OSHA 2007in line with Building Operation andworks of Engineering Construction Rule1984. Engage skilled labourers and appoint asupervisor. Use stable, safe ladders and scaffoldsand display safety signs on site. Shield construction activities tominimize accidents. All lifting equipments should beinspected and well maintained. Ensure all workers have insurancecovers. Provide and enforce the use of properPPEs. Register the construction site withDOSHS. Comply with provision of Fire RiskReduction Rules 2007. Install fire fighting equipments duringand after construction Comply with provision of Fire RiskReduction Rules 2007. Sensitize workers on fire safety. Avoid storage of flammable materialsnear possible fire sources.Security Contract a reputable security firm toguard the site and the premise. Collaborate with the authorities andinstitute community policing.Fuel oil leaks and spills Regular inspection of the overhead tanksfor leakages. Protect the tanks with corrosionprevention materials. Site the projects away from sensitiveenvironmental receptors includingsewers, tunnels, vaults, surface waterand ground water reservoirs. Monitor ground water from at least threemonitoring points to also establish thedirection of groundwater flow.Soil and ground watercontamination Regular hydraulic pressure testing of theabove ground tanks. Non destructive testing, for example,ultrasound testing.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Nairobi County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.B. M. LANGWEN,for Director-General,MR/2436681 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6409THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED SULTAN PALACE ON PLOT NOS. 1088AND 1089, KIKAMBALA, KILIFI COUNTYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Sultan Palace limited) intends to develop on about43.26 acres of beach land; a mixed use resort, which shall consist of an80-room 5 star hotel, and a total of 367 residential units (27 villas, 90town houses and 250 apartments).The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Environmental Impacts Recommended Mitigation MeasuresSoil disturbance andpollution.Excavation only at areas of construction.Ensure vehicles delivering materials andmachines are in good condition with nooil leaks.Part of the excavated material will beused for landscaping and beautificationof the project site.Landscaping will be done and additionaltrees planted to enhance theenvironment.Ensure use of fertilizer only whenrequired (after soil testing).Document watering times and volumes.Retain existing land use or similar toavoid major land changes.Water pollution Refrain from releasing any constructionwaste into the sea.Check the site drainage to preventsedimentation of the marineenvironment through storm outfall.The location of the sewage treatmentplant should not be close to watersources. Monitoring quality of effluentdischarged.Provide segregated and covered solidwaste bins and skips.Monitor quality of storm drain into thefield.Air pollution Ensure the vehicle engines are in goodcondition to reduce levels of exhaustgases.Sprinkling of water to reduce dustlevels.Noise pollution Construction during daylight hours.Drive vehicles into the site withoutundue noise (hooting).Land use Maintain same land use as in theneighborhood – recreational.Develop facilities for tourism andrecreation only.Socio-economic Carefully driving vehicles deliveringmaterials.Provide personal protective equipment(overalls, safety shoes and gloves) toemployees.Keep an accident register.Implement safety measures, emergencyplans and contacts. Install firefighting and first aidequipment.Train the community in new technology.Conduct safety training and drills foroccupants and staff. The proponent shall not blockcommunity access routes/roads to thebeach points.

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