Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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17th May, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2763GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6694IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KEROKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLESOKERO NYASINGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 4 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Christamarianne, on 22nd August, 2011,has been filed in this registry by Sarah Nyamoita Okero, of P.O. Box605-40202, Keroka, in her capacity as widow of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th May, 2013.J. MACHARIA,R/1933295 District Registrar, Keroka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6695IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KEROKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARDKEGESA MEKENDOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 5 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tabaka Hospital, on 2nd May, 2011, hasbeen filed in this registry by Annah Kegesa, of P.O. Box 605-40202,Keroka, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th May, 2013.J. MACHARIA,R/1933295 District Registrar, Keroka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6697IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KEROKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETERONKUNDI MAGWAROPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 7 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at K. D. Hospital, on 19th March, 2001, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Mary Kerubo Onkundi and (2) JosephNyamweya Moturi, both of P.O. Box 643-40202, Keroka, in theircapacities as administrators of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th May, 2013.J. MACHARIA,R/1933295 District Registrar, Keroka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6698IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT NANYUKIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUELNDERITU WANG’OMBEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 36 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nyeri, on21st June, 2010, has been filed in this registry by Mary WanjiruNderitu Wang’ombe, of P.O. Box 66, Mugunda, in her capacity as anadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th April, 2013.B. M. KIMTAI,R/1933500 District Registrar, Nanyuki.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6696IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KEROKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ESTHERGEKONDO NYAATA ALIAS GEKONDO NYAATAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 6 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Embaro, on 28th February, 1998, hasbeen filed in this registry by Christopher Rangache Nyaata, of P.O.Box 605-40202, Keroka, in his capacity son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th May, 2013.J. MACHARIA,R/1933334 District Registrar, Keroka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6699IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT ENGINEERIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANJAHIMURIITHIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 5 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at North Kinangop Catholic Hospital, on6th August, 2012, has been filed in this registry by Francis MureithiaWanjahi, of P.O. Box 265, South Kinangop, in his capacity as son ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 30th April, 2013.M. K. MUTEGI,R/2436590 District Registrar, Engineer.

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