Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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2742THE KENYA GAZETTE 17th May, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6568IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANJIRUMBUGUA GIKONYOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 95 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kiambogo Location, on 7th January,1970, has been filed in this registry by (1) David Kamau Mbugua and(2) Peter Gikonyo Mbugua, in their capacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th March, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2436577 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6571IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF YUSUFMAKOKHA ISMAILPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 166 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong> Navy Hospital, on 6th December,2007, has been filed in this registry by Ismael Ali, in his capacity asfather of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th April, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2436509 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6569IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WAITITUKIARIEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 103 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru, on14th July, 1991, has been filed in this registry by (1) Ann WambuiGacheru and (2) Edward Kiarie Waititu, in their respective capacitiesas daughter and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th March, 2013.R. AGANYO,R/2436577 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6572IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOPUNAMENGWELIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 165 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kongasis, on 8th October, 2010, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Josphat Ekeno Lopuwa and (2) JohnRock Lopuwa, in their capacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th April, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2436510 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6570IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ONESMASMWAURA KARANJAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 116 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Murengeti, on 11th October, 2004, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Peter Kariuki Mwaura and (2) JosephNdungu Mwaura, in their capacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th March, 2013.R. AGANYO,R/2436577 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6573IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JANENJERIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 179 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nairobi, on 9th March, 1992, has beenfiled in this registry by Joseph Muchiri Mwangi, in his capacity as sonof the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th April, 2013.R. AGANYOR/2436691 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.

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