Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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2738THE KENYA GAZETTE 17th May, 2013CAUSE NO. 643 OF 2012By (1) Agnes Muthini Mutua and (2) Anna Mutanu Mutua, both ofP.O. Box 12, Kyatune in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and daughter,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Benrogers Mutua Kamanza, late of Kibwea Location, whodied at Vote Sub-location, on 30th March, 2010.The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown tothe contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this notice in the <strong>Kenya</strong> Gazette.Dated the 25th June, 2012.R/2436686–2436687GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6549P. N. GESORA,Deputy Registrar, Machakos.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOSPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this courtin:CAUSE NO. 520 OF 2012By Gerard Kilonzo Mumo, of P.O. Box 25, Mbiuni in <strong>Kenya</strong>, for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of John MumoKioko, late of Makiliva Sub-location, who died at Makiliva Sublocation,on 21st January, 2012.CAUSE NO. 831 OF 2012By (1) James Kioko Muthoka and (2) Daniel N. Muthoka, both ofP.O. Box 52, Kibwezi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Samuel MuthokaMutangili, late of Kinyambu, who died at Thange, Kinyambu, on 8thMay, 2010.CAUSE NO. 152 OF 2013By (1) Ndulu Nthiwa and (2) David Nzili Nthiwa, the deceased’swidow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Joseph Nthiwa Muthike, late of KangundoLocation, who died at Katinga, Machakos, on 24th February, 1987.CAUSE NO. 216 OF 2013By Mutua Ali, of P.O. Box 162–90100, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Monicah Kamene Muinde, late of Mung’ala, who died atMachakos Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 19th November, 2002.CAUSE NO. 219 OF 2013By (1) Everlyne Ambuso Wambua and (2) Sharon Nzula Wambua,both of P.O. Box 8, Mutituni in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow anddaughter, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestateto the estate of Daniel Wambua Mutua, late of Mutituni, who died atMutituni, on 23rd August, 2012.CAUSE NO. 226 OF 2013By (1) Ngonyo Mbali and (2) Timothy Mutua Mbali, both of P.O.Box 8, Mutituni in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and daughter,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Joel Mbali Mutie, late of Mutituni, who died at Mutituni, on6th December, 1998.CAUSE NO. 232 OF 2013By (1) Mary Sammy Musila and (2) Sabina Nduku Sammy, bothof P.O. Box 262, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, for a grant of letters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Tom Nzioka Samuel, late ofMumbuni, who died at Mumbuni, on 24th April, 1990.CAUSE NO. 234 OF 2013By (1) Ruth Muthoka and (2) Joel Muthoka, both of P.O. Box 8,Mbumbuni in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s daughter-in-law and grandson,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Kiiko Muthoka Muli, late of Mukimwani, Kalimani, whodied at Mukimwani Sub-location, on 21st May, 1998.CAUSE NO. 247 OF 2013By (1) Sammy Mbithi Kilundo (2) Justus Muinde Kilundo and (3)Josphat Kitonyi Kilundo, all of P.O. Box 48, Wamunyu in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Kilundo Muinde, late of Miondoni, who died at Miondoni, on22nd April, 1994.CAUSE NO. 266 OF 2013By (1) Ester Ngubia Ngurua and (2) Stephen Njiraini Ngurua, bothof P.O. Box 1, Ekalakala in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and son,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Ngurwa Kimani, late of Ekalakala, who died at Ekalakala, on27th July, 1998.CAUSE NO. 268 OF 2013By (1) Mulka Mwelu Judah and (2) Benson Ngungi Judah, both ofP.O. Box 1363, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and son,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Judah Vuva Kulala alias Judah Joshuah Buba, late of Utooni,who died at Utooni, on 27th May, 1981.CAUSE NO. 273 OF 2013By Mbeneka Mutunga, of P.O. Box 959, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Mutunga Muthusi Kuli, late of Katoloni Sub-location,who died at Mbilini, Machakos, on 20th January, 2008.CAUSE NO. 275 OF 2013By David Muema Wambua, of P.O. Box 1210, Kangundo in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Wambua Mutavi, late of Isinga, who died atMbaani, on 27th September, 1974.CAUSE NO. 302 OF 2013By Antony Munyambu Busani, of P.O. Box 79135–00200, Nairobiin <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Busan Munyambu, late of Mumbuni,Machakos, who died at Bethany Hospital, in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 7th July, 1991.The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown tothe contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this notice in the <strong>Kenya</strong> Gazette.Dated the 13th May, 2013.R/2436648–2436901GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 6550in:R. N. MAKUNGU,Deputy Registrar, Machakos.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT ELDORETPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this courtCAUSE NO. 361 OF 2012By (1) Daniel I. Sianje and (2) Margaret O. Sianje, both of P.O.Box 8433–30100, Eldoret in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s brother andmother, respectively, through Messrs. Wambua Kigamwa & Co.,advocates of Eldoret, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Loice Ayum Sianje, who died at Lugari District, on 28thMarch, 2011.CAUSE NO. 406 OF 2012By Samuel Njoroge Gachui, of P.O. Box 3099–30100, Eldoret in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, through Messrs. Wambua Kigamwa & Co.,advocates of Eldoret, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Wanjiku Njoroge, who died at Kahuho Sub-location, on9th July, 2007.CAUSE NO. 7 OF 2013By Wilson Kariuki Mwangi, of P.O. Box 113, Timborua in <strong>Kenya</strong>,the deceased’s son, through Messrs. Wambua Kigamwa & Co.,advocates of Eldoret, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Daniel Mwangi Kariuki, who died at Kapsoya Sublocation,on 18th May, 2009.CAUSE NO. 88 OF 2013By Zipporah Njoki Muiruri, of P.O. Box 8161–30100, Eldoret in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Samuel Muiruri Nganga, who died at Rurigi,on 21st October, 2012.

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