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R - Comhaltas Archive


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Diary of a MusicalOdyssey 1999!P6draigin ClancyEnjoying the <strong>Comhaltas</strong> musical voyage on Asgard 11 (Photo: CreedonCommunications, DingleJ7A~ II good things come to passandso it happened. A meetingbetween Sean McLoughlin,Enda O 'Coineen (Co iste An Asga rd)and M fc hea l 6 hAlmhain (CC E) sawthe genes is of another first for<strong>Comhaltas</strong> Ceolt6irf Eireann - a sa iltraining trip for musicians on board ournati onal boat Asga rd 11.Ant what an odyssey it was for th e 19'musica l' crew members (aged between16 and 60) and the five Asga rd staff.Day One 31/May/'99: We gatheredfrom the four provinces in Galway andit was all aboard at 2pm. Thenfollowed the proverbial baptism of fire!Captain (Simon Alleston) and First mate(Aiden Fl eming) ca ll ed us to order w ith'thi s is not Daddy's yacht'"We were divided into three watches -Starboard, Port and Middle - andall oted va rious tas ks. By 7pm thatevening 1 had a new found respect forthe nautica l life. There had been fireand man-over-boa rd drill, sa il fo ldingand knot tying, (how 1 w ished 1 hadpaid attention in the girl guides). Lastlythere w as w hat is in famously known asthe Up and Over. Thi s mea nt cl imbingup on side of the mast's ri gging,stepping out on to a ya rd (a thin lineunder the sa ils at a considerable height)and coming down the other side. Faceswere w hiter shades of pale as each ofus was initiated! We were still mooredat the dock and one shuddered to thinkwhat it would be li ke climbing theri gging on a rolling Atlantic sea.Night one followed day one and ah ....the music was magica l! A full moonshone over Galway bay. Fiddle,w histl e, pipe and harp (esp. of theMonaghan and Clare CCE branches)provided the finest music and a mostmemorable sight on the deck of ournational vesse l.Then came sleep for most ":' curfew wasa strict 12 midnight - but not for yourstruly. 1 found out about night watch.Bas icall y the ship needs to be guardedat all times, night and day. Each watchgets a turn; tw o hours on and twohours off. It means just as you aregetting into your deep rems of rest andsweet dreams you get the wake up ca llfor duty. After seven nights it makes theLough Derg pilgrimage seem easy!Day two and its ship ahoy! We sai ledout into a glorious dawn over Galwaybay. I sat out on the bow, bes ide shipmascot Gruanaile, as we headedtowards the Aran islands. We werehoping for a strong w ind but it couldn'thave been ca lmer. Then we met shipBowson (Wendy l ones) and her sidekick Fl ying Finn (who can dangle,

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