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Seamus Feted at Cion6l2hiS yea r's Tion61 Leo Rowsomewas held in An Chulturfann overthe days September 9-11th. TheTion61 is a spec ial fun ction heldannuall y, and organi sed by the ArdChom hai rl e, w ith a special input fromthe Pipers Club (Cum ann na bPiobairiUilleann) of which Leo had been afou nder member.-Leo Rowsome was born in 1903 anddevoted his entire life to manufacturing,playing, and promoting the UilleannPipes. The twin traditions of makingand playing the pipes had been in theRowsome family for at least twogenerati ons, and before Leo waseighteen yea rs of age he was alreadyplay ing, manufacturing and teachingthe pipes. Th rough the 1920's, 30's and40's he provided instruments, service,and inspiration to all who w ished toplay the pipes in Ireland or overseas.Leo, w ith his brother Tom, pl ayed amajor part in the famed Thomas StreetPiper's Club, and both were alsoprimary movers in the founding ofCom haltas in 1951. W hen Leo diedunexpectedly in 1970 he had given fiftyyears devoted service to the Irish musictrad ition .Now in its fifth year, thi s year's AnnualTion61 Leo Rowsome lived up to the. high standard of previous yea rs. Whenit was founded in 1995 the Ti on61 setout to commemorate Leo Rowsome thelegendary piper and founder member of<strong>Comhaltas</strong>, and also to ce lebrate andcommemorate the work 'of othermusicians and mu sic-lovers .. During theintervening years the music andmusica l times of John Kelly, W illieReynolds and Paddy Mac Elva ney havebeen celebrated. This year the spotlightwas turned on the music and work ofSeamus Mac Mathuna w ho recentlycompleted 42 years membership and30 yea rs as Timire Ceoil of CC E.Mick O'Connor orthe Coiste Ceo il hadbeen given the task of presenting hispersonal review of Seam us MacMathuna's work for Irish traditionalmusic down the years. M ick has in factbeen one of the principal contributorsat workshops and ~ ect ur es at Tion61 LeoRowsome since its inception. M ick ishimself of course an outstanding flutepl ayer, veteran of both Pipers Club andChurch Street Club, founder and mainorgani ser of the famed Castl e CeiliBand (60's to earl y 70's) and has mademonumenta l contri butions to the workof the Coiste Ceo il and the <strong>Comhaltas</strong>Arch ive Committee.As a long standing (36 years plus)friend Mick was the ideal person topresent this review of Seamus MacMathuna's work, and he hadapproached his task in his usualthorough fashion combining snippetson audio and video w ith slides, songs,and poems, and embe llishing all w ithhis own personal recollections of themany mu sica l events he had sharedwith Seamus. Sessions shared w ith suchlegendary figures as Patri ck Kelly ofCree, M rs El izabeth Crotty of Kilrush,Joe Ryan, Bobby Casey, ete. werereca lled, and anecdotes telling of theexploits of these and of other'characters' of the fifties and sixtieswere reca lled with gleeful relish.42 ________________________________________________ _

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