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ehe Uowsome eraditionKevin nowsome's new CDSeamus ConnollyKevin Rowsome p laying w ith LorraineHickey at the Tion61 Leo Rowsome of<strong>Comhaltas</strong> Ceolt6irf Eirea nn2he name Rowsome has alwaysbeen revered in the Connollyhousehold. It just seems likeyesterday but it's almost 50 years nowsince I first heard the music of KevinRowsome's grandfather, Leo.I remember so vividly my fatherproudly holding in his hands arecording of 'The Maestro' (as hereferred to Leo). He then carefullyplaced the 78 rpm record on theturntable of our wind up gramophoneand slowly lowered the needle on tothe groove. It was then that I saw thesmile on my father's face as our kitchenfilled with sounds of the master atwork, playing the haunting air, 'TheDark Woman of the Glen'.Reflecting now on the music of LeoRowsome, his command of theinstrument, his use of the chanter,regulators and drones brings to mindthe following lines: 'You can makemusic of a sort with white keys only,but for true harmony you need theblack keys also' . Leo, with hisinimitable style of playing certainly putsthe words of lames E Kwegyir intope rspecti ve.Almost a half-century has gone by sincemy father told me, with pride, stories ofLeo Rowsome. It gives me greatpleasure now to write about the newgeneration of Rowsome piping that hasemerged to the forefront. KevinRowsome proudly perpetuates, with hisown creative playing, the long pipingtradition of his forefathers. A master inhis own right, Kevin 's assuredrenditions of tunes once recorded byhis grandfather, along with the otherselections on this lovely compact diskare a credit to him and to the musicalRowsome family. Today, I proudly holdin my hand Kevin 's recording, which 'no doubt will further enhance theworld of Irish traditional music anduilleann piping. Congratulations toKevin, a job well done! I hope it's thefirst of many.Leo Rowsome (1903-1970)Leo's name is synonymous withuilleann piping and traditional Irishmusic in general. He was a foundermember of <strong>Comhaltas</strong> Ceolt6iriEireann. He devoted his life to theuilleann pipes and excelled in everyaspect of the instrument. His name isknown the length and breadth of thecountry as a master piper, pipemakerand pipe teacher. To this day Leo iscommonly regarded in uilleann pipingcircles as the best ever maker of widebore concert pitch uilleann pipes. Hepassed on his musical skills to the nextgeneration of pipers. This is of greatersignificance when you bear in mindthat he lived in an age when traditionalmusic was in serious decline anduilleann pipes in particular were inTheRowsomeTRadi'Ciondanger of dying out, as teachers ofthe instrument were practically nonexistent.The list of pipers who weretaught by Leo is extensive. Theyinclude Liam O'Flynn, Willie Clanc ~,Sean Seery, jo McKenna, PaddyMoloney, Gay McKeon, Peter Browne,and AI Purcell. Most of today's pipingstudents have been influenced by atleast one of Leo Rowso.me's students.Leon Rowsome (1936-1994)Leon, Kevin's father made two recordson the uilleann pipes (Glenside &Dolphin) labes) and featured on manyother albums as a guest musician. Heperformed as a solo piper throughoutEurope and the USNCanada. Much indemand as an accompanist pianist inCE~ili bands, Leon played piano andpiano accordion with the Ballinamereand the Blackthorn Ceili Bandsrespectively. Like his father Leon alsotaught the pipes for some years at theCollege of Music.39

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