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Yes, itsEnniscorthy again!/van Yates, TO, Oerek Keofih, Chairman ofMillennium Festivals Lld and SenatorLabhr,ls 6 Murchti focus on Fleadh 2000 inEnniscorthy, Co. Wexfordwas a group of dedicated peopl e w ho a few short weeksbefore had just completed a years' hard work organisingthe Fl ead h and now w illing shoulders were already tothe whee l for 2000.Fl eadh 2000, the first of the new millennium, promisesto be even bigger and better than Fl eadh '99 ('if this ishumanl y possible', queri ed one Fleadhgoerl.Cathao irleach Niall Wall predicts th at 'it w ill be aneven greater success than thi s year's has been.'The Fleadh w ill be preceded by the Scoil Eigse w hichthi s year had up to 600 parti cipants.Fl ead h week 2000 is the 20-27 August.Buiochas le DiaEnni scorth y were the unanimouschoice of the <strong>Comhaltas</strong>Ardchomhairle when they met fortheir September meeting atCultu rl ann na hEireann to selectthe Flead h Town for the year2000. W hen the news wasconveyed from the meeting to thelarge contingent from Co. Wexfordwho had travelled to Dublin forthe occasion there were loudcheers. Thi s enthusiastic receptionof the news is indicative of thespirit w hichprevailed inEnni scorth yat Fl eadh'99: hereWexfords Ballad maker.Paddy Berry /As we approach the end of 1999 and prepare for the Holy Season of Christmas, itis understandable that a sense of nostalgia arrests our attention. It is part of ourmake-up - as much a part of our tradition as our music.We are deeply spiritual people. We thank God for a 'soft day'; implore his blessingon the homes visit and the crops we grow; we ask him to save the company weenter and daily request his protection for those we who have departed this life.We in Ireland are keenly aware of the close relationship between faith and nativeculture. In many way they have become .synonymous. Perhaps that is one reasonwhy our music appeals so much to the spirit and transcends barriers of manykinds. It is certainly a classless music which denotes worth rather than wealth.At this time of year we remember in a special way those who have enriched usby their friendship. Even memories of sadness have an enriching quality: this ispart of our inheritance which does not allow for a brooding sorrow which canonly erode and distort.It is a time to thank all those who have worked with us in the last year: those whohave encouraged us by their selfless example and those who gave of themselvesin the cause of others. We wish you a traditional Irish Christmas - consolation,hope and joy. We think in a special way of those who are 'far from the land' andsend them special greetings and look forward to their company in the not toodistant future.Go mbeirimid beo ag an anseo aris.The Ballad ofSean 6 Murchu(A ir: The Felons of our Land)'Tis sad to say this October dayHis voice we'll hear no more,This artist fair from near BelclareWho.was Irish to the core,On RTf for you and meHe played such music grandOn that programme fineWhich was you rs and mineWith many a ceilf band.He loved Knockma in his gentle wayWith its store of legend strong,The Gaelic tongue and sean-nos songThat he heard when he was young,The warm tone of his voice aloneWill live in many a heart,Both here at home and acro ss the foamFor those who are apart.He had words at will and ourhomes did fillWith th e songs our fathers loved.Th ose ballads great about ninety-eighrAnd va lour often proved.His scripts were bright every wordwas rightAs you pictured a vivid scene,That he would portray in hismagic wayWith a mind that was sharp and keen.As fear-a-tf with a golden keyHe opened many a door,With jigs and reels you couldalways feelHis precious music store.His comments grand on someceilf bandA piper or bosca ceoi l,Were picked with care as gems so rareAnd touched at your very sou l.At the church th at day in a moving wayTh ere were hymns and music grand,For ou r noble Sean to hisGod now goneTo join that heavenly band,And friends go lear will be at the door'Cead Failte Isteach' they' ll sing'When down below we lovedyour showSuri of Ceilf House your're King' .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

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