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procured a permit for the Renagownhall but an objection was lodged to thegranting of a licence to run theFahad uff Hall.Mr T O'Neill, Soli citor representedArchdeacon Casey and the pri ests ofthe Castl eisland pari sh at the hea ring.Mr RDF johnson, Dj refu sed Dan'srequest for a licence. In givi ng hisdecision on the application he sa id, 'infuture where applicati ons were grantedthey would be confined to the peopleof the pari sh'. Dan was fined £4 forhavi ng run two dances w ithout alicence. He demolished the FahaduffDancehall in September 1935 .Dan Paddy Andy died w here he wasbo rn, at the family home at Renagownon the 25 th March 1966 at the age of66. His remains are interred inKi lbannivane Cemetery, with hisbe loved sons Andrew and Danieljunior, w ho died in 1942. Followinghis death, hi s w ife Kate went to li vewith her children in Ameri ca. She diedon the 28 th day of March 1973 andwas lai d to rest in the 'Gate of Heaven'Cemetry, Valhalla, New York. TheO'Sulliva n family have erectedidentica l black granite headstones onthe graves of their parents, Dan PaddyAndy and Kate.Antecubital Fossa Petechiaein Country DancersThe following was published in the medical journal 'The Lancet' of November23,1985:Even dancing can produce a dermatological curiosity, we report here transientlocalised petechise of the ante-cubital fossae in three of four adults after Scottishcountry dancing.Twelve hours after four adults attended the Scottish National Orchestra ball inGlasgow, one of them noticed multiple perechiae in the antecubital fossae. Allfour dancers were immediately examined by a dermatoligist, a generalpractitioner, and a nurse. The two women had multiple petechiae in both fossae.One man had minor petechiae bilaterally and there were none in the secondman. The petechiae faded within 24 hours. Six weeks later one of the womenhad similar lesions again after a further evening of Scottish country dancing.Although dancing is generally considered to be a safe recreation, it is in factfraught with hazards. Specialised dances carry their own danger, such as thespecific injuries associated with roller discos, breast disease in tassel dancers,and subconjunctival haemorrhages after 'pogo' dancing, which requires repeatedbouncing movements for long periods. However, despite the sever physicaldemands that folk dancing makes we are unaware of problems having beenpreviously noted with Scottish country dancing.Contact purpura has been described in asociation with clothing, and theunprotected skin of the women did contact the rough tween of their partners'jackets. However, it is more likely that the petechiae were directly related totrauma sustained by unprotected skin: both the women wore short-sleeve dressesand the man who was slightly affected wore a shirt without a jacket, while theman without petechiae wore a jacket.was most madashing white sergeant, and an eight-some reel, dances where there is repeated'birling' (swirling around of couples with antecubital fossa as a pivot). The effectsof alcohol on the small vessels of the skin may have played a part too. Thelesions could be avoided by using a different linking grip when birling or bywearing thicker clothing. Dancing naked would remove the risk of contactpurpura, but we are not necessarily recommending that course.This picture of 'A Dancing School at Ballinaboreen' was first published in 'ThelIustrated Sporting Dramatic News' of October 30, 1880. It is not known if thedancer suffered multiple petechiae in his antecubital fossae! His long coat andhat may have saved him! This is a precaution that might also be considered byset dancers.------------------------------------------------------------------------21

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