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Cion6l Leo UowsomeJoe Doyle's WorkshopHelena 'Rowsome GrimesLouise Mu!cahy agus Mfchea! Mac Cabhann ag seinm ag Tion6! Leo RowsomeDoyle opened theproceedings with a superb so lo:l0eperformance as he spoke to aninterested gathering telling us about thedifferent syles of piping that were instore for us. He spoke of the styles ofFelix Doran, Leo Rowsome, SeamusEnnis, and Tommy Reck .Joe provided us with a feast of pipingfrom a young generation of piperswhich included a namesake - youngJoe Doyle from Shankill w ho told methat he started learning the pipes fromwell known piper, Mick Q 'Brien . AoifeCarty and Eamon Galduff provided uswith a most interesting performance ofsome of his most innovativearrangement while Mikey Bryne gaveus a feast of sp lendidly mature pipingafter which he reiterated the opinionthat 'if you can play the regulators halfwell, you are half way to becoming agood piper'. He indeed proved that hewas far more than half way! It was mostpleasant to hea r Mickey acknowledgingthe fact that Andy Co nroy took aspecial interest in him as a young piper.Andy won the hearts of all whose liveswere enriched by knowing him. I bestremember Andy for his gentle smileand his playing of the 'Grouse in theBog'. He was a frequent and mostwelcome visitor to our home in Dublinfrom the 1940's. His brother Mickaccompanied him on occasions. Andydied in July last - Go ndeana Diatr6caire ar a anam uasa l ceolmhar.Joe's vast amount of knowledgeregarding al l aspects of piping isphenomenal. Unfortunately, theproceedings had to be brought to aswift end since we were runningbehind sched ule.19--------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------

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