No.17 – Subdivisions - Nillumbik Shire Council

No.17 – Subdivisions - Nillumbik Shire Council No.17 – Subdivisions - Nillumbik Shire Council
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Ten (10) sets of photo reduced A3 plans of all plans outlined above;A written submission detailing how the proposal responds to the provisions of the relevantzone, overlays, particular provisions and State and local planning policies (as appropriate);For residential subdivisions (in Residential 1 Zone or Township Zone), a written response tothe objectives and standards of Clause 56 (ResCode) in the Nillumbik Planning Schemerelating to subdivision must be provided.Where there are existing trees on the subject site or trees on adjoining properties proximiteto future buildings within the subdivision, a report from a qualified arborist (an ArboristReport) must be obtained and submitted. This report should provide the following details:- the species, height, girth, canopy width and approximate age of the tree/s to beremoved.- a statement regarding the health, structure and vigour of the tree/s.- comments in relation to the future health of the tree.- a recommendation based on all of the above; For subdivisions requiring the removal of 0-10 trees on lots greater than 1 acre (4000square metres), an Arborist Report must be submitted as outlined in the previous dot point.This report will then be used by Council to ascertain appropriate offset requirements for thenative vegetation removal proposed;For subdivisions requiring the removal of 10+ trees (and/or the removal of patches ofunderstorey vegetation which is construed as significant remnant vegetation) on lotsgreater than 1 acre (4000 square metres), a Flora and Fauna and Net Gain Assessmentprepared by a suitably qualified professional (in accordance with the State Government’sNative Vegetation Management Framework) will be required to calculate appropriate offsetplanting requirements;For subdivisions on non-sewered land (within Low Density Residential Zone, RuralConservation Zone or Green Wedge Zone), areas set aside for septic systems for proposedlots on the plans must be provided, with those areas designated for septic systems andassociated wastewater treatment and disposal shown away from existing native vegetation;For subdivisions on non-sewered land, a Land Capability Assessment prepared by anappropriately qualified professional should be provided which demonstrates that the land iscapable of treating and retaining all wastewater in accordance with the State EnvironmentProtection Policy (Waters of Victoria) under the Environment Protection Act 1970;Where possible, a CD containing a copy of all plans and associated reports in a PDF format.Page 2 of 3

CHECKLIST FOR CERTIFICATIONThe following information must be provided when applying to have a Plan of Subdivision certified:Appropriate application fee ($100 plus $20 per lot to be created);A copy of the planning permit or planning application (if still being considered), if thesubdivision requires a planning permit;Full copy of property title for the parent lot, searched from the land titles office within the last6 months, along with copies of any restrictions, covenants or agreements (available from theLand Titles Office or at;Three (3) heavy weight copies of the Plan of Subdivision as prepared and certified by alicensed surveyor;Eight (8) additional copies of the Plan of Subdivision for approvals by the Council andreferral authorities;A Form 19 surveyor’s statement on completion of the required public works;A Form 1 – Application for Certification;The above checklist ensures that all documents are submitted to Council to initiate theassessment of the planning application or certification application. Additional informationmay be required depending on the precise nature of the proposal and any site-specificconsiderations. If planning applications are lodged without sufficient information forCouncil assessment, Council will formally request further information in accordance withthe Planning and Environment Act 1987.Please check other planning advice sheets (and their attached checklists) for relevance toyour proposal. If applicable, the information requirements provided in that checklistshould also be provided when lodging your application.Page 3 of 3

Ten (10) sets of photo reduced A3 plans of all plans outlined above;A written submission detailing how the proposal responds to the provisions of the relevantzone, overlays, particular provisions and State and local planning policies (as appropriate);For residential subdivisions (in Residential 1 Zone or Township Zone), a written response tothe objectives and standards of Clause 56 (ResCode) in the <strong>Nillumbik</strong> Planning Schemerelating to subdivision must be provided.Where there are existing trees on the subject site or trees on adjoining properties proximiteto future buildings within the subdivision, a report from a qualified arborist (an ArboristReport) must be obtained and submitted. This report should provide the following details:- the species, height, girth, canopy width and approximate age of the tree/s to beremoved.- a statement regarding the health, structure and vigour of the tree/s.- comments in relation to the future health of the tree.- a recommendation based on all of the above; For subdivisions requiring the removal of 0-10 trees on lots greater than 1 acre (4000square metres), an Arborist Report must be submitted as outlined in the previous dot point.This report will then be used by <strong>Council</strong> to ascertain appropriate offset requirements for thenative vegetation removal proposed;For subdivisions requiring the removal of 10+ trees (and/or the removal of patches ofunderstorey vegetation which is construed as significant remnant vegetation) on lotsgreater than 1 acre (4000 square metres), a Flora and Fauna and Net Gain Assessmentprepared by a suitably qualified professional (in accordance with the State Government’sNative Vegetation Management Framework) will be required to calculate appropriate offsetplanting requirements;For subdivisions on non-sewered land (within Low Density Residential Zone, RuralConservation Zone or Green Wedge Zone), areas set aside for septic systems for proposedlots on the plans must be provided, with those areas designated for septic systems andassociated wastewater treatment and disposal shown away from existing native vegetation;For subdivisions on non-sewered land, a Land Capability Assessment prepared by anappropriately qualified professional should be provided which demonstrates that the land iscapable of treating and retaining all wastewater in accordance with the State EnvironmentProtection Policy (Waters of Victoria) under the Environment Protection Act 1970;Where possible, a CD containing a copy of all plans and associated reports in a PDF format.Page 2 of 3

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