Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


NanoScape AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Anette ErdmannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 46133443-10Fax: +49 (0) 89 46133443-30E-Mail: info@nanoscape.deInternet: www.nanoscape.deKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Drug Delivery, New Materials, Peptide/Protein,Small Molecules, Vaccines, Fine Chemicals/ReagentsNanoScape is a developer and producer of porous, nanoscale materials forthe pharmaceutics, environment (e.g. water purification membranes) andelectronics (e.g. chemical gas sensors; anti-reflection-coatings) sectors. ItsNanoZeolite materials are cage-like structures with very high loading capacitywhich, through modification of the particle size and pore diameter, functionalisationof the surface chemistry or binding of ligands, can be adaptedto the meet the requirements of the individual customer, allowing a widerange of pharmaceutical, biochemical, electrical and optical properties to berealised. Using such materials intelligent drug-delivery systems for activepharmaceutical ingredients (small molecules, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines)and diagnostic sensors can be developed, and applications in the area ofproteomics supported.NanoScape’s NanoZeolite product portfolio incorporates a range of microandmesoporous silicate materials with tuneable particle sizes from 20 nmto ca. 2 µm with narrow particle size distributions. Materials are available inpowder form (either with hydrophilic or organically-modified surfaces) or insuspension (aqueous or in organic solvents), whereby further processingsteps (e.g. shaping into 300 µm spheres; compounding into polymers;dispersion into coating formulations) are in the pipeline. Internal R&Dactivities are currently focused on the development of “sustained-release”systems for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical ingredients.NanoTemper Technologies GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Philipp BaaskeFlößergasse 4D-81369 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 45228950Fax: +49 (0) 89 452289560E-Mail: info@nanotemper.deInternet: www.nanotemper.deKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Peptide/Protein, Small MoleculesThe NanoTemper Technologies GmbH provides services and instrumentsfor the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry and is also developingproducts for medical diagnostics. The NanoTemper ® Technology „MicroScale Thermophoresis“ allows to probe the affinity, size, stability andconformation of drug candidates/biomolecules in close to real conditions:freely moving in aqueous solutions and especially in biological liquids likecell lysate or blood.For example the affinities of antibodies, aptamers, small molecules, proteinsand oligonucleotides can be quantified, as well as the interactions of nanoparticles,microbeads or drug delivery systems with body fluids.92

NDA Regulatory Service GmbHCROKeywords: Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigiliance, Drug DevelopmentNDA is one of the leading Regulatory Affairs consultancies in Europe. With~85 employees and offices in Sweden, UK and Germany, NDA has successfullyprovided Regulatory Support throughout Europe for over 10 years.NDA Regulatory Service GmbH in Munich was founded by a core group ofregulatory experts from the European headquarter of an international pharmaceuticalcompany. Our consultants are experienced professionals whooffer expert knowledge and understanding of European regulations, guidelinesand procedures. They are proficient in all regulatory activities associatedwith small molecules, biologicals and advanced therapies. We are dedicatedto guide our clients smoothly through product development and registrationin Europe.Contact:Dr. Rainer PaffenholzWeihenstephaner Str. 28D-81673 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 427299-4000Fax: +49 (0) 89 427299-4010E-Mail: munich@ndareg.comInternet: www.ndareg.comNeaspec GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, Analytical Chemistry, Microscopy, NanobiotechnologyNeaspec is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions for nanoscale opticalimaging & spectroscopy for research laboratories in industry and academicinstitutions. After 15 years of R&D, Neaspec now introduces theNeaSNOM microscopy platform – the only commercially available microscopethat enables optical imaging and spectroscopy with a lateral resolution ofbetter than 20 nm within the material fingerprint region in the infrared,visible and terahertz spectral region. As the ultimate nanoanalytic tool formaterial research and photonics, NeaSNOM has a high application potentialin many disciplines such as Semiconductor Technology, Chemistry,Photonics, Polymer Science and Life-Sciences.Contact:Dr. Stefan SchieferBunsenstr. 5D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 787939-78Fax: +49 (0) 89 787939-79E-Mail: info@neaspec.comInternet: www.neaspec.comNeuroProfile GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSNeuroProfile is committed to the discovery and development of novel therapeuticsfor the treatment of Central Nervous System (CNS) diseases. Themain objective is the identification and commercialization of novel neuronaldrug targets (disease-related genes or proteins) for the most important neurodegenerativediseases Alzheimer and Parkinson and for psychiatric disorderssuch as schizophrenia and depression. Our targets will be the basics forforthcoming drug generations with new mechanisms of action that not onlyameliorate the disease symptoms, but potentially prevent or block progressionof the disease. Several patent pending target candidates are run in preclinicalvalidation projects.Contact:Dr. Thomas RohrmeierJosef-Engert-Str. 9D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 7853690Fax: +49 (0) 941 7853699E-Mail: info@neuroprofile.comInternet: www.neuroprofile.com93

NanoScape AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Anette ErdmannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 46133443-10Fax: +49 (0) 89 46133443-30E-Mail: info@nanoscape.deInternet: www.nanoscape.deKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Drug Delivery, New Materials, Peptide/Protein,Small Molecules, Vaccines, Fine Chemicals/ReagentsNanoScape is a developer and producer of porous, nanoscale materials forthe pharmaceutics, environment (e.g. water purification membranes) andelectronics (e.g. chemical gas sensors; anti-reflection-coatings) sectors. ItsNanoZeolite materials are cage-like structures with very high loading capacitywhich, through modification of the particle size and pore diameter, functionalisationof the surface chemistry or binding of ligands, can be adaptedto the meet the requirements of the individual customer, allowing a widerange of pharmaceutical, biochemical, electrical and optical properties to berealised. Using such materials intelligent drug-delivery systems for activepharmaceutical ingredients (small molecules, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines)and diagnostic sensors can be developed, and applications in the area ofproteomics supported.NanoScape’s NanoZeolite product portfolio incorporates a range of microandmesoporous silicate materials with tuneable particle sizes from 20 nmto ca. 2 µm with narrow particle size distributions. Materials are available inpowder form (either with hydrophilic or organically-modified surfaces) or insuspension (aqueous or in organic solvents), whereby further processingsteps (e.g. shaping into 300 µm spheres; compounding into polymers;dispersion into coating formulations) are in the pipeline. Internal R&Dactivities are currently focused on the development of “sustained-release”systems for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical ingredients.NanoTemper Technologies GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Philipp BaaskeFlößergasse 4D-81369 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 45228950Fax: +49 (0) 89 452289560E-Mail: info@nanotemper.deInternet: www.nanotemper.deKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Peptide/Protein, Small MoleculesThe NanoTemper Technologies GmbH provides services and instrumentsfor the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry and is also developingproducts for medical diagnostics. The NanoTemper ® Technology „MicroScale Thermophoresis“ allows to probe the affinity, size, stability andconformation of drug candidates/biomolecules in close to real conditions:freely moving in aqueous solutions and especially in biological liquids likecell lysate or blood.For example the affinities of antibodies, aptamers, small molecules, proteinsand oligonucleotides can be quantified, as well as the interactions of nanoparticles,microbeads or drug delivery systems with body fluids.92

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