Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


Contact:Uschi LangGoethestr. 4D-80336 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 680872-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 680872-20E-Mail: info@epicept.deInternet: www.epicept.comEpiCept GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Pain, Immune Therapy, Hematology, Drug DevelopmentEpiCept GmbH is a subsidiary of EpiCept Corp. (Tarrytown, NY) which isa specialty pharmaceutical company that focuses on fulfilling unmetmedical needs in cancer treatment and pain management. The Companypossesses an approved cancer product and a deep and balanced pipelineof nine clinical product candidates.EpiCept Corp. is listed on both the NASDAQ National Market and theOM Stockholm Exchange, under the symbol EPCT.Contact:Dr. Friedrich G. FelsensteinHohenbachernstr. 19-21D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 4990-80Fax: +49 (0) 8161 4990-89E-Mail: Friedrich.Felsenstein@EpiLogic.deInternet: www.epigene.deEpiGene GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Agrobiotechnology, GenomicsEpiGene GmbH, founded in 1999, is a genomics-based research and developmentcompany focusing on applications in plant protection. The corecompetences comprise the molecular characterization of plant-pathogeninteractions and the development of high throughput systems for moleculardiagnostics of involved genetic factors. In addition, research efforts includeinvestigations of the mode of action of plant protective agents at the molecularlevel and the identification of mutations or differentially expressedgenes in pathogens as potential new targets.EpiLogic GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Genomics, AgrobiotechnologyContact:Dr. Friedrich G. FelsensteinHohenbachernstr. 19-21D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 4990-80Fax: +49 (0) 8161 4990-89E-Mail: Friedrich.Felsenstein@EpiLogic.deInternet: www.EpiLogic.deEpiLogic is a new European wide operating company involved in productdevelopment based on genomic analysis of fungal pathogens propagatedby wind in agricultural crops (at present: cereals and vine). Pathogen analysisof virulence and fungicide sensitivity are used as decision support forbreeding, choice of cultivar and fungicide management to ensure sustainableagriculture. A genotype bank of several pathogens is currently being setup to offer high quality inoculum for selection in laboratory, greenhouseand field. Additionally, methods are under development for analysing andculturing new pathogens.58

ethris GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Metabolic Diseases, Dermatology, Bone / Joint Diseases, GeneTherapy, Gene Transfer, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, Drug DevelopmentWith stabilized, non-immunogenic messenger RNA (SNIM ® RNA), ethrisGmbH possesses an enabling platform for Transcript Therapies. SNIM ® RNAis a first-in-class biopharmaceutical which provide a compelling alternativefor recombinant protein or gene therapies. SNIM ® RNAs encode therapeuticproteins to be produced in the patient‘s body and overcome short durationeffects of recombinant proteins. SNIM ® RNA Transcript Therapy is a newoption for a broad variety of diseases, either acquired or genetically predetermined,life style- or age-related, rare or frequent. ethris develops transcripttherapeutics with a focus on regenerative medicine.Contact:PD Dr. Carsten RudolphLochamer Str. 11D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 895 578 80Fax: +49 (0) 89 895 578 818E-Mail: info@ethris.comInternet: www.ethris.cometicur) GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSeticur) is headquartered in the IZB in Martinsried and cooperates with theDepartment of Transfusion Medicine and Haemostaseology of the UniversityHospital of Erlangen. Based on the idea that umbilical cord blood containsmultipotent adult stem cells, the cord blood is prepared and stored forpotential later use. These cells might in future play an important role intherapies including regenerative medicine. Our priority is to grant the mostsecure storage, highest quality and extensive testing by highly qualifiedpersonnel. eticur) grants the storage of stem cells following the highestquality-standards of the Federal Board of Physicians and the Institute forSera and Vaccine (Paul-Ehrlich-Institute).Contact:Felix RaslagAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 125981-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 125981-19E-Mail: info@eticur.deInternet: www.eticur.deEurofins Medigenomix GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Pharmacogenomics, Clinical Diagnostics, Clinical Research,Pharmacogenetics, Genomics, AgrobiotechnologySince foundation in 1998 Eurofins Medigenomix has evolved into a recognizedreliable outsourcing partner for the biopharmaceutical industry and academicinstitutions for high fidelity DNA sequencing incl. GLP sequencingand molecular biological techniques. It expanded successfully with servicesfor DNA forensics, animal and plant breeding, food authenticity testing andfor Pharma/Pharmacogenetics, e.g. genotyping, DNA/RNA preparation, polymorphismscreening, mutation analysis, expression analysis, exclusive markerset for the general identification of responder/non-responder in thescope of clinical studies. Medigenomix is certified according to ISO 9001and ISO 17025 and audited by pharmaceutical clients for GLP.Contact:Dr. Brigitte ObermaierAnzinger Str. 7aD-85560 EbersbergPhone: +49 (0) 8092 8289-200Fax: +49 (0) 8092 8289-201E-Mail: info@medigenomix.deInternet: www.medigenomix.de59

Contact:Uschi LangGoethestr. 4D-80336 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 680872-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 680872-20E-Mail: info@epicept.deInternet: www.epicept.comEpiCept GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Pain, Immune Therapy, Hematology, Drug DevelopmentEpiCept GmbH is a subsidiary of EpiCept Corp. (Tarrytown, NY) which isa specialty pharmaceutical company that focuses on fulfilling unmetmedical needs in cancer treatment and pain management. The Companypossesses an approved cancer product and a deep and balanced pipelineof nine clinical product candidates.EpiCept Corp. is listed on both the NASDAQ National Market and theOM Stockholm Exchange, under the symbol EPCT.Contact:Dr. Friedrich G. FelsensteinHohenbachernstr. 19-21D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 4990-80Fax: +49 (0) 8161 4990-89E-Mail: Friedrich.Felsenstein@EpiLogic.deInternet: www.epigene.deEpiGene GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Agrobiotechnology, GenomicsEpiGene GmbH, founded in 1999, is a genomics-based research and developmentcompany focusing on applications in plant protection. The corecompetences comprise the molecular characterization of plant-pathogeninteractions and the development of high throughput systems for moleculardiagnostics of involved genetic factors. In addition, research efforts includeinvestigations of the mode of action of plant protective agents at the molecularlevel and the identification of mutations or differentially expressedgenes in pathogens as potential new targets.EpiLogic GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Genomics, AgrobiotechnologyContact:Dr. Friedrich G. FelsensteinHohenbachernstr. 19-21D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 4990-80Fax: +49 (0) 8161 4990-89E-Mail: Friedrich.Felsenstein@EpiLogic.deInternet: www.EpiLogic.deEpiLogic is a new European wide operating company involved in productdevelopment based on genomic analysis of fungal pathogens propagatedby wind in agricultural crops (at present: cereals and vine). Pathogen analysisof virulence and fungicide sensitivity are used as decision support forbreeding, choice of cultivar and fungicide management to ensure sustainableagriculture. A genotype bank of several pathogens is currently being setup to offer high quality inoculum for selection in laboratory, greenhouseand field. Additionally, methods are under development for analysing andculturing new pathogens.58

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