Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


Dynamic BiosensorsBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Dirk SchollLichtenbergstraße 4D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 289-11490Fax: +49 (0) 89 289-12704E-Mail: info@dynamic-biosensors.comInternet: www.dynamic-biosensors.comKeywords: Vaccines, Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein, Antibody, Proteomics,Chip / Array TechnologyDynamic Biosensors offers a superior new analysis system for molecularinteraction. Based on the revolutionary label-free switchSENSE technology,we allow researchers to determine affinity and kinetics of molecular interactionswith unrivaled sensitivity in real time. As a total novelty in label-freeanalysis, switchSENSE allows to determine molecular size (e.g. formationof aggregates) and conformational changes in real-time as well. WhileswitchSENSE is an extremely versatile technology, our current focus lies onprotein interaction analysis (antibodies and transcription factors), proteinfolding and posttranslational modifications.Contact:PD. Dr. Hans-Peter KlenkPoeckinger Fussweg 7aD-82340 FeldafingPhone: +49 (0) 8157 9963-164Fax: +49 (0) 8157 9963-162E-Mail: info@egene-biotech.deInternet: www.egene-biotech.dee.gene Biotechnologie GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSKeywords: Pharmacogenomics, Genomicse.gene Biotechnologie GmbH is a service provider in microbial genomicsand pharmacogenomics.We perform for our academic and industrial customers complete microbialgenome analyses from genome sequencing to annotation and pathwayreconstruction.ELLA Biotech GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Peter FrischmannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 70939316Fax: +49 (0) 89 70939440E-Mail: info@ellabiotech.comInternet: www.ellabiotech.comKeywords: Clinical Research, Antisense/Nucleotides, Genomics, RNAi &Antisense, Chip / Array Technology, PCR, Clinical DiagnosticsOur focus is the synthesis of special oligoribonucleotides for selected projectsin diagnostics, chip technologies, genesynthesis and further topics –following quality standards which you would appreciate and expect in yourown lab. The guidelines for the synthesis standards can be defined by ourcustomers themselves.Through our validated technology platform, our experienced interdisciplinaryteam and our resolute attitude towards the highest quality in our productswe offer tangible advantages to our customers and partners.56

Emergent Product DevelopmentGermany GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Vaccines, Infectious DiseasesEmergent BioSolutions protects and enhances life by developing and manufacturingvaccines and therapeutics that are supplied to healthcare providersand purchasers for use in preventing and treating disease. Emergent‘smarketed and investigational products target infectious diseases, oncologyand autoimmune disorders.Contact:Isabelle ErdeljiWalter-Gropius-Str. 17D-80807 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 5506988-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 5506988-88E-Mail: erdeljii@ebsi.comInternet: www.emergentbiosolutions.comEMP GenetechBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Clinical Diagnostics, Tissue Engineering / CellCulture, Drug DevelopmentEMP Genetech conducts development and production of recombinant proteinsas a service provider for research departments in industry and academia.For production HEK293 (hn embryonic kidney) cells are being used. Thesecells are distinguished for the expression of glycosilated, correctly processedand modified proteins. The expressed proteins show excellent bioactivitycompared to other expression systems. The biomolecules are produced inserum free culture medium of safe origin. EMP Genetech offers all workingsteps from cloning of the GOI to chromatographic purification of the producedprotein. There are developed stable cell lines of high productivity. Theseare cultivated as suspension cell cultures in stirred bioreactors usually in acontinous mode. The expression product is purified from cell supernatant orcell extract by classical column chromatographic methods. The bioactivitywill be analysed by enzymatic or cell assays.Contact:Dr. Franz X. WelserHebbelstr. 61D-85055 IngolstadtPhone: +49 (0) 841 3796013Fax: +49 (0) 841 8817185E-Mail: info@empgenetech.comInternet: www.empgenetech.comEntelechon GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Proteomics, Clinical Research, Chip / Array Technology, PCR,Genomics, Antibody Production ServiceEntelechon is a globally operating service provider specialized in advancedgenomics and proteomics projects. Success factor: Leveraging full potentialof gene and protein synthesis platforms as well as synergy of biochemistry,molecular biology and bioinformatics for implementation of complex projects.Services: Gene optimization and synthesis, protein expression invarious systems, protein analysis and quantification, design and synthesisof gene mutant libraries, bioinformatics software development.Applications: Preclinical stage drug discovery; protein engineering and production;development of therapeutic proteins, antibodies, vaccines, industrialenzymes; downstream biotech services; multiple profile research projects.Contact:Dr. Werner DeiningerIndustriestr. 1D-93077 Bad AbbachPhone: +49 (0) 9405 96999-10Fax: +49 (0) 9405 96999-28E-Mail: info@entelechon.comInternet: www.entelechon.com57

Dynamic <strong>Bio</strong>sensorsBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Dirk SchollLichtenbergstraße 4D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 289-11490Fax: +49 (0) 89 289-12704E-Mail: info@dynamic-biosensors.comInternet: www.dynamic-biosensors.comKeywords: Vaccines, Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein, Antibody, Proteomics,Chip / Array TechnologyDynamic <strong>Bio</strong>sensors offers a superior new analysis system for molecularinteraction. Based on the revolutionary label-free switchSENSE technology,we allow researchers to determine affinity and kinetics of molecular interactionswith unrivaled sensitivity in real time. As a total novelty in label-freeanalysis, switchSENSE allows to determine molecular size (e.g. formationof aggregates) and conformational changes in real-time as well. WhileswitchSENSE is an extremely versatile technology, our current focus lies onprotein interaction analysis (antibodies and transcription factors), proteinfolding and posttranslational modifications.Contact:PD. Dr. Hans-Peter KlenkPoeckinger Fussweg 7aD-82340 FeldafingPhone: +49 (0) 8157 9963-164Fax: +49 (0) 8157 9963-162E-Mail: info@egene-biotech.deInternet: www.egene-biotech.dee.gene <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSKeywords: Pharmacogenomics, Genomicse.gene <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie GmbH is a service provider in microbial genomicsand pharmacogenomics.We perform for our academic and industrial customers complete microbialgenome analyses from genome sequencing to annotation and pathwayreconstruction.ELLA <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Peter FrischmannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 70939316Fax: +49 (0) 89 70939440E-Mail: info@ellabiotech.comInternet: www.ellabiotech.comKeywords: Clinical Research, Antisense/Nucleotides, Genomics, RNAi &Antisense, Chip / Array Technology, PCR, Clinical DiagnosticsOur focus is the synthesis of special oligoribonucleotides for selected projectsin diagnostics, chip technologies, genesynthesis and further topics –following quality standards which you would appreciate and expect in yourown lab. The guidelines for the synthesis standards can be defined by ourcustomers themselves.Through our validated technology platform, our experienced interdisciplinaryteam and our resolute attitude towards the highest quality in our productswe offer tangible advantages to our customers and partners.56

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