Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


4SC AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Jochen OrlowskiAm Klopferspitz 19a82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: jochen.orlowski@4sc.comInternet: www.4sc.comKeywords: drug development, targeted therapies, oncology, autoimmunediseases, small molecules, liver cancer (HCC), colorectal cancer, Hodgkin’slymphoma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)The Group managed by 4SC AG discovers and develops targeted smallmoleculedrugs for the treatment of diseases with a high unmet medicalneed in various autoimmune and cancer indications. These drugs are intendedto provide patients with innovative treatment options that are moretolerable and efficacious than existing therapies, and provide a better qualityof life. The company's balanced clinical pipeline comprises promising productsthat are in various stages of clinical development. 4SC's aim is togenerate future growth and enhance its enterprise value by entering intopartnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies. At the end of 2011, the4SC Group had 96 employees. The company was founded in 1997 and hasbeen listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISINDE0005753818) since December 2005.4SC Discovery GmbHBIOTECHContact:Dr. Andrea AschenbrennerAm Klopferspitz 19a82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: andrea.aschenbrenner@4sc.comInternet: www.4sc-discovery.comKeywords: drug discovery, integrated drug discovery programmes, hit finding,hit to lead optimisation, in silico screening, medicinal chemistry, analyticalservices, research collaborations4SC Discovery GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 4SC AG that offerstechnologies and tailored research services in drug discovery, covering hitfinding and chemical lead optimisation through to preclinical developmentcandidates. The company focuses its services on offering customers in thepharmaceutical, biotech and chemical industries the cost and time-to-marketbenefits that result from a drug discovery and optimisation process basedon a powerful, computer aided, screening and discovery platform. In addition,4SC Discovery also applies its comprehensive pharmacological expertiseto investigating new compounds in the areas of cancer and autoimmunedisease – a measure also intended to further enhance the clinical developmentpipeline for the 4SC Group. The company aims to engage in partnershipswith pharmaceutical and biotech companies to accelerate the furtherdevelopment and commercialisation of these research programmes.32

Acino AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Pharmacology, Clinical Research, Drug Delivery, Medicinal ChemistryAcino has specialised in the development, registration and manufacture ofgeneric and innovative pharmaceutical products using sophisticated formulationtechnologies, for which Acino also holds patents. By focusing on solidoral dosage forms with modified release as well as therapeutic systems fortransdermal drug delivery such as patches and biodegradable, subcutaneousimplants, Acino supplies the leading companies in the European drug markets.Acino offers the pharmaceutical industry a comprehensive range of servicesfrom product development and registration through procurement and contractmanufacturing to packaging and logistics.Headquartered in Basel, the Acino Group currently employs a staff of closeon 443. In 2010, it generated a total sales revenue of EUR 127,5 million. AcinoHolding AG is quoted on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX: ACIN).Contact:Jörg ScheidleAm Windfeld 35D-83714 MiesbachPhone: +49 (0) 8025 2867-0Fax: +49 (0) 8025 2867-28E-Mail: info.miesbach@acino-pharma.comInternet: www.acino-pharma.comActivaero GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTS, MEDTECHKeywords: Drug Delivery, Devices, Peptide/Protein, Small Molecules,Infectious Diseases, Inflammation, Respiratory DiseasesActivaero GmbH, a technology leader in controlled breathing inhalationdevices. These innovative technologies enable safer, more cost-efficient, andeffective options for inhaled treatments and are available for clinical trialsand pharma partnerships. Under the trade mark of AKITA ® Activaero isdeveloping and producing inhalation systems which enable the use ofFAVORITE in the therapy of pulmonary diseases and the development ofnew inhalant drugs. Beyond that, Activaero is a center of excellence in aerosolmedicine and supports pharma and biotech companies with its technologyand services. Activaero GmbH is located in Gemünden/Wohra, Munich(Germany) and Dublin, Ohio (USA).Contact:Bernhard MüllingerRobert-Koch-Allee 29D-82131 GautingPhone: +49 (0) 89 897969-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 897969-22E-Mail: info@activaero.deInternet: www.activaero.deActive Motif Chromeon GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Fine Chemicals / Reagents, Nanobiotechnology, MicroscopyContact:Dr. Jörg PlümpeActive Motif Chromeon provides innovative fluorescent reagents for LifeScience research applications including several lines of fluorescent chromophores-Von-Heyden-Str. 12D-93105 TegernheimChromeo Dyes, RuLabels and Py-Dyes. Chromeo Dye excitationPhone: +49 (0) 9403 95449-10and emission properties match common excitation sources and filter sets,Fax: +49 (0) 9403 95449-15E-Mail: chromeonsales@activemotif.comideal for microscopy and plate-based assays. RuLabels are phosphorescentInternet:www.activemotif.comruthenium probes that emit strongly polarized light with a long decay time,which enhances sensitivity and reduces background. The Py-Dyes possessunique physical and spectral properties that make conjugation simple, whilegreatly reducing background. As alternative to organic dyes, a set of brightand biocompatible fluorescent nanoparticles is offered. They representexcellent tools for increasing the sensitivity of your assays. 33

4SC AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Jochen OrlowskiAm Klopferspitz 19a82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: jochen.orlowski@4sc.comInternet: www.4sc.comKeywords: drug development, targeted therapies, oncology, autoimmunediseases, small molecules, liver cancer (HCC), colorectal cancer, Hodgkin’slymphoma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)The Group managed by 4SC AG discovers and develops targeted smallmoleculedrugs for the treatment of diseases with a high unmet medicalneed in various autoimmune and cancer indications. These drugs are intendedto provide patients with innovative treatment options that are moretolerable and efficacious than existing therapies, and provide a better qualityof life. The company's balanced clinical pipeline comprises promising productsthat are in various stages of clinical development. 4SC's aim is togenerate future growth and enhance its enterprise value by entering intopartnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies. At the end of <strong>2011</strong>, the4SC Group had 96 employees. The company was founded in 1997 and hasbeen listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISINDE0005753818) since December 2005.4SC Discovery GmbHBIOTECHContact:Dr. Andrea AschenbrennerAm Klopferspitz 19a82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: andrea.aschenbrenner@4sc.comInternet: www.4sc-discovery.comKeywords: drug discovery, integrated drug discovery programmes, hit finding,hit to lead optimisation, in silico screening, medicinal chemistry, analyticalservices, research collaborations4SC Discovery GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 4SC AG that offerstechnologies and tailored research services in drug discovery, covering hitfinding and chemical lead optimisation through to preclinical developmentcandidates. The company focuses its services on offering customers in thepharmaceutical, biotech and chemical industries the cost and time-to-marketbenefits that result from a drug discovery and optimisation process basedon a powerful, computer aided, screening and discovery platform. In addition,4SC Discovery also applies its comprehensive pharmacological expertiseto investigating new compounds in the areas of cancer and autoimmunedisease – a measure also intended to further enhance the clinical developmentpipeline for the 4SC Group. The company aims to engage in partnershipswith pharmaceutical and biotech companies to accelerate the furtherdevelopment and commercialisation of these research programmes.32

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