Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


Company FoundationsMerck-Sharp & Dohme and Daiichi-Sankyo in Munichwith together more than 3500 employees. And there areother pharma companies like Bionorica in northernBavaria, specialized in phytopharmaceuticals or Hexal-Sandoz in Holzkirchen near Munich, where SandozInternational has its global headquarters. But also thesmaller ones have found their niche like Haupt Pharma orDenk Pharma. And there are quite a lot of companiesworking in contract manufacturing with it anchoring theimportant production experience to the Bavarian location,i.e. Pharmazell, Excella or Pfizer Manufacturing.Before it comes to the final production the most importantsteps have to be done in clinical development andapproval. Because of the large numbers of companiesdeveloping drugs, a field of consulting and monitoringhas established that now is professionally provided bynearly 60 international CROs (contract research organizations)employing more than 2500 people.In the biopharmaceutical area, every part of the mosaicbuilding the value added chain in innovative drugs anddiagnostics is present in Bavaria.BAVARIAN BIOTECH SME IN 2011Therapeutics/DiagnosticsAgriculture, Food,EnvironmentBioinformatics111665Newly established companies (SMEs and internationalSubsidiaries) started operating in Bavaria in 2011:COMPANY FOUNDATIONSCOMPANYCATEGORY2bind GmbHProtein AnalyticsAxolabs GmbHRNA/DNA TherapeuticsMicrodimensions GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsPhenoquest AGPreclinical ServicesMyriad GmbHDiagnosticsOtsuka Novel Products GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsLabPMM GmbHDiagnosticsSyntab TherapeuticsTherapeutics & DiagnosticsAenova Holding GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsIn total, there were only 4 newly established companies,but additionally there have been 3 openings of internationalsubsidiaries from US- or japan companies:LabPMM, San Diego California, opend its German diagnosticLaboratory and the 20 year old diagnostics veteranMyriad Genetics, Salt Lake City Utah set up its centralEuropean laboratory in a new building in Martinsried.Apart from these company foundations, there were alsoseveral companies that ceased to operate, some beingreintegrated into the mother company, relocated to otherplaces, some acquisitions in biotech and also in thepharma field. These changes also affected the area ofCRO (-2 compared to 2010) and Pharma companies(-3 compared to 2010).Devices/ReagentsDNA-/Protein-Analysis1942More detailed descriptions of the business fields of thesenew and all other Bavarian companies can be found inthe extensive Annex, page 32ff.Preclinical Services13number of companies 10 20 30 40 50 6016

EmploymentJobs in Biotechnology CompaniesCompared to the previous years, for the very first time,the Bavarian biotech SME employed more than 4000people, exactly 4016 (+ 223, or about +6% compared to2010). Nearly 3000 of the employees in Bavarian SME areworking in the Greater Munich area.Taking all biotech companies together (SME and non-SME) the number of employees amounts to a good10,300 where the plus of about 300 employees at Roche,Penzberg, is remarkable as well.The Regensburg/Eastern Bavaria region scores with theinterdisciplinary approach pursued by BioPark Regensburgand has around 800 employees in the biopharmaceuticalsector. According to surveys carried out byBioPark Regensburg GmbH, there were even around3000 employees in this region in 2011 if one includesmedical technology and further related disciplines (thatare otherwise not considered in this survey).South of Munich, in and around the scientific cradle ofBavarian biotechnology in Martinsried more than 80biotech companies employing almost 1900 people (1700of which are in biotech SMEs) are domiciled. Around 60companies with approximately 700 employees can befound at the Innovation and Start-up Center for Biotechnology(Gründerzentrum IZB) in Martinsried alone.It is also interesting to look back even further: since 2006the number of employees in Bavarian biotech SMEs hasincreased by 30%, and in the “non-SMEs” by 20%.NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN THE BAVARIAN BIOTECH CLUSTER2009 2010 2011Biotech (SMEs)3.7153.7934.016Biotech (non-SMEs)5.9285.9596.254CROs2.5132.5392.562Pharma9.77210.11210.036Suppliers2.3522.5652.559* More detailed figures about employment on the following pages.17

Company FoundationsMerck-Sharp & Dohme and Daiichi-Sankyo in Munichwith together more than 3500 employees. And there areother pharma companies like <strong>Bio</strong>norica in northernBavaria, specialized in phytopharmaceuticals or Hexal-Sandoz in Holzkirchen near Munich, where SandozInternational has its global headquarters. But also thesmaller ones have found their niche like Haupt Pharma orDenk Pharma. And there are quite a lot of companiesworking in contract manufacturing with it anchoring theimportant production experience to the <strong>Bavarian</strong> location,i.e. Pharmazell, Excella or Pfizer Manufacturing.Before it comes to the final production the most importantsteps have to be done in clinical development andapproval. Because of the large numbers of companiesdeveloping drugs, a field of consulting and monitoringhas established that now is professionally provided bynearly 60 international CROs (contract research organizations)employing more than 2500 people.In the biopharmaceutical area, every part of the mosaicbuilding the value added chain in innovative drugs anddiagnostics is present in Bavaria.BAVARIAN BIOTECH SME IN <strong>2011</strong>Therapeutics/DiagnosticsAgriculture, Food,Environment<strong>Bio</strong>informatics111665Newly established companies (SMEs and internationalSubsidiaries) started operating in Bavaria in <strong>2011</strong>:COMPANY FOUNDATIONSCOMPANYCATEGORY2bind GmbHProtein AnalyticsAxolabs GmbHRNA/DNA TherapeuticsMicrodimensions GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsPhenoquest AGPreclinical ServicesMyriad GmbHDiagnosticsOtsuka Novel Products GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsLabPMM GmbHDiagnosticsSyntab TherapeuticsTherapeutics & DiagnosticsAenova Holding GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsIn total, there were only 4 newly established companies,but additionally there have been 3 openings of internationalsubsidiaries from US- or japan companies:LabPMM, San Diego California, opend its German diagnosticLaboratory and the 20 year old diagnostics veteranMyriad Genetics, Salt Lake City Utah set up its centralEuropean laboratory in a new building in Martinsried.Apart from these company foundations, there were alsoseveral companies that ceased to operate, some beingreintegrated into the mother company, relocated to otherplaces, some acquisitions in biotech and also in thepharma field. These changes also affected the area ofCRO (-2 compared to 2010) and Pharma companies(-3 compared to 2010).Devices/ReagentsDNA-/Protein-Analysis1942More detailed descriptions of the business fields of thesenew and all other <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies can be found inthe extensive Annex, page 32ff.Preclinical Services13number of companies 10 20 30 40 50 6016

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