Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


vertis Biotechnologie AGBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Chip / Array Technology, Genomics, PCR, AnalysisContact:PD Dr. Fritz ThümmlerLise-Meitner-Str. 30D-85354 Freising-WeihenstephanPhone: +49 (0) 8161 1411211Fax: +49 (0) 8161 1411212E-Mail: info@vertis-biotech.comInternet: www.vertis-biotech.comVERTIS was established in 2000 as a spin off from Technical UniversityMunich-Weihenstephan, Germany. The compamy offers highest quality andfast turn-around molecular biology services in the field of functional genomics.VERTIS has developed an innovative technology platform which significantlyaccelerates gene discovery projects. VERTIS products and servicescan be broadly grouped into the following categories:cDNA synthesis Full-length cDNA cloning cDNA library constructionCloning and analysis of small non-coding RNA (sncRNA, the prototype ofwhich is microRNA) Profiling of gene expression using novel ultra highthroughput MPSS DNA sequencing GmbHCROKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Research, CNS, Dermatology,Diabetics, Oncology, Respiratory DiseasesContact:Christian SacherSembdnerstr. 5D-82110 GermeringPhone: +49 (0) 89 800777-60Fax: +49 (0) 89 800777-88E-Mail: verum@verum.deInternet: www.verum.deVerum is a CRO highly specialized in monitoring in Central and EasternEurope. We have experienced and well established monitoring units inHungary, Romania, Belarus and in the Ukraine. Verum also covers CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Baltics, Georgia and Uzbekistan. All ourCRAs are highly educated, well trained and permanently employed. A longtradition combined with an excellent relationship to authorities and a broadexperience from more than 120 international projectsguarantee the smoothconduct of a trial and high quality of the data. Client related key functionslike reporting, contracting or invoicing as well as project and qualitymanagement are provided by the German head office.Viramed Biotech AGBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Ludwig FurtmayrBehringstr. 11D-82152 Planegg-SteinkirchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 899336Fax: +49 (0) 89 8599949E-Mail: viramed@viramed.deInternet: www.viramed.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, ELISA / EIA, Infectious DiseasesBased on 20 successful years on the German IVD-Market, Viramed BiotechAG produces and markets IVD-Products, based on its proprietary researchand development. The company focuses on Westernblot-, Stripe- and Elisatestkits for serological screening and confirmation of infectious and autoimmunediseases. The major products are Westernblot tests for Borrelia sp.,Yersinia, Heliocbacter p., Epstein-Barr-Virus, Bordetella pertussis, ENA andautoimmune liver diseases. New analytics based on purified and recombinantantigens are under development. The development of antigens and testkits for specific analytics are offered as service. The company aims to intensifyexport of existing products worldwide and appreciates further distributioncontacts.118

ViroLogik GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Infectious DiseasesViroLogik develops innovative drugs for treatment of viral diseases with afocus on Hepatitis C, HIV and Influenza.ViroLogik devised a novel strategy to overcome the formation of drug-resistance.The approach aims at the inhibition of highly conserved host cell factorsmandatory for viral replication. This is in contrast to many current drugsthat target fast changing viral proteins and, hence, are prone to formation ofdrug resistance.ViroLogik obtained a licence for a highly promising drug candidate andowns a broad panel of patents and patent applications. Comprehensivepartnerships with leading research institutions, hospitals and pharmaceuticalcompanies secure access to valuable expertise, networks and resources.Contact:Karl AppelmannHenkestr. 91D-91052 ErlangenPhone: +49 (0) 9131 974434-0Fax: +49 (0) 9131 974434-43E-Mail: info@virologik.comInternet: www.virologik.devivoPharm Europe LtdCROKeywords: Bone / Joint Diseases, Metabolic Diseases, Oncology, DrugDevelopment, Medical Writing, Pharmacology, ToxicologyvivoPharm is a contract research organisation (CRO) based in Australia. Itoffers integrated preclinical services to the biotechnology and pharmaceuticalindustries, which include in vitro and in vivo efficacy, safety, toxicology(GLP), pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic analyses.The company’s advanced animal facilities, laboratories and corporate headquartersare located in Adelaide, Australia. Its European office is based inMunich, Germany. vivoPharm works closely with its clients to develop a flexibleexperimental design to best serve each customer’s individual needs.vivoPharm operations are GLP compliant and meet the highest industrialstandards, acknowledged by customers worldwide.Contact:Dr. Katja WosikowskiGrillparzerstr. 25D-81675 MünchenPhone: + 49 (0) 89 552797-590Fax: + 49 (0) 89 552797-599E-Mail: info@vivopharm.euInternet: www.vivoPharm.euWacker Chemie AGCHEMICAL INDUSTRY & INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGYKeywords: Nutraceuticals, Peptide/Protein, Antibody Production Service,Fine Chemicals / ReagentsWACKER is a globally active chemical company headquartered in Munich,Germany. With a wide range of state-of-the-art specialty products, WACKERis a leader in numerous industrial sectors. Its products are required incountless high-growth end-user sectors such as photovoltaics, electronics,pharmaceuticals and household/personal care products.Within its bio division, WACKER uses advanced biotech processes to offerinnovative and tailored solutions and biotech products for the pharma andthe food & nutrition industry. Its products include pharmaceutical proteins,cyclodextrins and fermentation-grade cysteine. The division focuses ondeveloping customized solutions for growth sectors such as food additivesand pharmaceutical actives.Contact:Rachela MohrHanns-Seidel-Platz 4D-81737 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 6279-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 6279-1770E-Mail: info@wacker.comInternet: www.wacker.com119

vertis <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie AGBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Chip / Array Technology, Genomics, PCR, AnalysisContact:PD Dr. Fritz ThümmlerLise-Meitner-Str. 30D-85354 Freising-WeihenstephanPhone: +49 (0) 8161 1411211Fax: +49 (0) 8161 1411212E-Mail: info@vertis-biotech.comInternet: www.vertis-biotech.comVERTIS was established in 2000 as a spin off from Technical UniversityMunich-Weihenstephan, Germany. The compamy offers highest quality andfast turn-around molecular biology services in the field of functional genomics.VERTIS has developed an innovative technology platform which significantlyaccelerates gene discovery projects. VERTIS products and servicescan be broadly grouped into the following categories:cDNA synthesis Full-length cDNA cloning cDNA library constructionCloning and analysis of small non-coding RNA (sncRNA, the prototype ofwhich is microRNA) Profiling of gene expression using novel ultra highthroughput MPSS DNA sequencing GmbHCROKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Research, CNS, Dermatology,Diabetics, Oncology, Respiratory DiseasesContact:Christian SacherSembdnerstr. 5D-82110 GermeringPhone: +49 (0) 89 800777-60Fax: +49 (0) 89 800777-88E-Mail: verum@verum.deInternet: www.verum.deVerum is a CRO highly specialized in monitoring in Central and EasternEurope. We have experienced and well established monitoring units inHungary, Romania, Belarus and in the Ukraine. Verum also covers CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Baltics, Georgia and Uzbekistan. All ourCRAs are highly educated, well trained and permanently employed. A longtradition combined with an excellent relationship to authorities and a broadexperience from more than 120 international projectsguarantee the smoothconduct of a trial and high quality of the data. Client related key functionslike reporting, contracting or invoicing as well as project and qualitymanagement are provided by the German head office.Viramed <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> AGBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Ludwig FurtmayrBehringstr. 11D-82152 Planegg-SteinkirchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 899336Fax: +49 (0) 89 8599949E-Mail: viramed@viramed.deInternet: www.viramed.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, ELISA / EIA, Infectious DiseasesBased on 20 successful years on the German IVD-Market, Viramed <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>AG produces and markets IVD-Products, based on its proprietary researchand development. The company focuses on Westernblot-, Stripe- and Elisatestkits for serological screening and confirmation of infectious and autoimmunediseases. The major products are Westernblot tests for Borrelia sp.,Yersinia, Heliocbacter p., Epstein-Barr-Virus, Bordetella pertussis, ENA andautoimmune liver diseases. New analytics based on purified and recombinantantigens are under development. The development of antigens and testkits for specific analytics are offered as service. The company aims to intensifyexport of existing products worldwide and appreciates further distributioncontacts.118

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