Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


Due to this focus that was established several years ago,some exceptionally successful companies were alsoquickly in a position to tackle their own proprietaryprojects and leapfrog important development hurdleswith the income derived from development partnerships.This was the next important change of direction that wasand still is being implemented almost imperceptibly, yetis fundamental for maintaining self-determination ininnovation and high-tech research.It would also be disastrous if the comparison with theautomotive supplier industry and its drawbacks wouldalso find its equivalent in the biotech sector: The strongerdependence on a few internationally operating majorcompanies with their globally negotiated pricing expectations– which are difficult to escape on a local level –comes with the constant danger of being exclusively tiedto the “wrong“ global player while others are alreadyfollowing a new technology gold rush more successfully.This poses the risk of a “marriage made in heaven” –followed by a rude awakening or even a “war of the roses”.a similar pattern since then. The most recent of these areU3-Pharma, Martinsried, acquired by Daiichi Sankyo,Japan and Geneart, Regensburg, acquired by Life Technologies.These two examples in particular show that Bavarianknow-how does not simply disappear to a foreigncountry but that the opportunity is used to expand theacquired business locations and upgrade them in thegroup of companies....and attractiveness is now paying offThe Martinsried-based company of Kinaxo had a similarexperience after its specialist expertise in mass spectrometryof signalling proteins aroused much interest inthe pharmaceutical industry. It was ultimately acquired atthe beginning of 2011 by the Hamburg-based companyEvotec AG in order to complement the latter’s overalltechnology portfolio in pharmaceutical development. Inthis case, the location of Evotec Munich at the IZBincubator in Martinsried was not only preserved butexpanded.But this certainly does not mean that the streets arepaved in gold in the sector of the technology serviceproviders. Quite to the contrary, the pharmaceuticalcompanies are currently cutting costs everywhere andthe German healthcare system also has massive limitationson reimbursement policies (which may please thesocial health insurance patients and the insurancesystem). These factors have an especially strong effectwhen a firm must react to the quick replacement of lostsales (even by acquiring other companies and their salesrevenues) instead of investing in cooperative venturesthat will only impact the revenue side over the long term.Technology leadership creates international interest...Companies with a very specialised, innovative know-howhave developed in the Bavarian locations of Würzburg,Regensburg and Munich and are increasingly attractingthe attention of global industry scouts, which coulddefinitely be viewed as recognition.For example, the Würzburg-based company of OncoMabwas one of the first companies to already create such aninternational interest several years ago that the AustralianPatrys company ultimately acquired it. Other companyacquisitions with Bavarian participation have followed inYet, the biggest headlines in this area were made by theacquisition of the Munich-based Micromet company bythe US giant Amgen, which paid about $ 1.2 billion for it.The unprecedented scale of this transaction in Germanycreated a small tremor in the local scene during spring2012, but the consequences are now rated as positiveacross the region. The current sales office of Amgen inMunich is now to be complemented by the research unitof the former Micromet as „Amgen Research Munich“,which will ideally facilitate the attracting and retaining ofadditional networks in entirely new areas of the UScompany at this location – not least with the Regensburgsite, Amgen Research Regensburg, where the highthroughputexpertise could wonderfully synergize withthe innovative development site in Munich.Among other things, this internationalisation and apparentglobal perception of Bavarian activities is alsoreflected in the high number of international visitorgroups – more than 30 such groups wanted to visit theBavarian biotechnology sector on site. And last but notleast, this international visibility in the past few monthshas also led to completely new settlements of internationalcompanies. In Martinsried alone, three US biotechcompanies have settled since the end of 2010: the NewYork-based Exosome Diagnostics company, LabPMM of10

San Diego and the most recent move of Myriad Genetics'European central laboratory to the south of Munich withan opening ceremony that is still fresh on people’sminds. The Japanese pharmaceutical company of Otsukahas also opened an additional German branch office inMunich. This positive development appears to also becontinuing in 2012 (see page 16).The new emphasis on personalised medicine – to whichthe Munich Biotech Cluster has committed its vision ofthe future in the Leading-Edge Cluster programmesponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research (BMBF) and beyond – was a key locationcriterion, especially for US companies.The active promotion of Bavarian biotechnology by theCluster management plays an important role, especiallyin the area of international networking. As a result, themany conversations at international partnering eventssuch as BIO USA, BIO-Europe and BIO Pharma USA haveled to cooperation agreements that can always just beinitiated on the cluster level but at least receive thedecisive facilitation here. The partnership agreementsigned in October 2011 with the leading cluster of Japanin the region of Kansai/Osaka promises easier access todecision-makers in the very interesting and very interestedJapanese pharmaceutical industry.Inventions fromBavarian universitiesThe Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH provides industry with unique accessto the largest technology pool in Bavaria: as the central patent marketingagency for 28 Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences with abudget of several billion euros, we market the inventions of more than 18,000scientists. With our interdisciplinary team of experienced scientists, engineers,business experts and lawyers managing a broad spectrum of marketableinventions comprising numerous patent families, we are one of the largestpatent marketing agencies in Germany.Bayerische Patentallianz GmbHDestouchesstr. 68Phone +49 89 5480177-0kontakt@baypat.dewww.baypat.deWe offer life science inventions and

San Diego and the most recent move of Myriad Genetics'European central laboratory to the south of Munich withan opening ceremony that is still fresh on people’sminds. The Japanese pharmaceutical company of Otsukahas also opened an additional German branch office inMunich. This positive development appears to also becontinuing in <strong>2012</strong> (see page 16).The new emphasis on personalised medicine – to whichthe Munich <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster has committed its vision ofthe future in the Leading-Edge Cluster programmesponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research (BMBF) and beyond – was a key locationcriterion, especially for US companies.The active promotion of <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology by theCluster management plays an important role, especiallyin the area of international networking. As a result, themany conversations at international partnering eventssuch as BIO USA, BIO-Europe and BIO Pharma USA haveled to cooperation agreements that can always just beinitiated on the cluster level but at least receive thedecisive facilitation here. The partnership agreementsigned in October <strong>2011</strong> with the leading cluster of Japanin the region of Kansai/Osaka promises easier access todecision-makers in the very interesting and very interestedJapanese pharmaceutical industry.Inventions from<strong>Bavarian</strong> universitiesThe Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH provides industry with unique accessto the largest technology pool in Bavaria: as the central patent marketingagency for 28 <strong>Bavarian</strong> universities and universities of applied sciences with abudget of several billion euros, we market the inventions of more than 18,000scientists. With our interdisciplinary team of experienced scientists, engineers,business experts and lawyers managing a broad spectrum of marketableinventions comprising numerous patent families, we are one of the largestpatent marketing agencies in Germany.Bayerische Patentallianz GmbHDestouchesstr. 68Phone +49 89 5480177-0kontakt@baypat.dewww.baypat.deWe offer life science inventions and

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