Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


PreSens Precision Sensing GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Achim StangelmayerJosef-Engert-Str. 11D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 94272-100Fax: +49 (0) 941 94272-111E-Mail: info@presens.deInternet: www.presens.deKeywords: Devices, Drug Development, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture,Analytical ChemistryPreSens is a world leader in the field of chemical-optical sensors. It develops,manufactures and distributes sensor systems for Biotech & Pharma,Food & Beverage, Scientific Applications and Medical Devices. PreSensfocuses on parameters which are essential for life: oxygen, pH and carbondioxide. Over the last 14 years, we have delivered our special microsensorsand our non-invasive systems for various applications such as respirometry,biology, or medical research. We also offer imaging Solutions: 2D-sensing ofoxygen-, pH- and CO 2 -distributions. PreSens is certified EN ISO 13485:2003+ AC:2007 and ISO 9001:2008. Together with its partners it offers full servicein Europe, USA and Asia.Priaxon AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Christoph BurdackGmunder Str. 37-37aD-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4521308-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4521308-22E-Mail: contact@priaxon.comInternet: www.priaxon.comKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Oncology, Proteomics, Small Molecules, DrugDelivery, Drug DevelopmentPriaxon is an emerging pharmaceutical company building a pipeline ofnovel drug candidates in different therapeutic fields, but mainly focusing onprotein-protein interactions in oncology and other diseases. The goal is todiscover and develop candidates for validated but hard-to-drug targetsusing two orthogonal drug discovery platforms. In January 2009 a collaborationagreement for the development of mdm2/p53-inhibitors withBoehringer Ingelheim was signed.We open up a new dimension in drug discovery by a unique combination ofproprietary chemoinformatic tools with innovative synthetic chemistries. As aresult Priaxon rationalizes and accelerates the whole drug discovery process.PRIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTContact:Esther GleedeHans-Urmiller-Ring 17aD-82515 WolfratshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8171 99747-0Fax: +49 (0) 8171 99747-0E-Mail: info@prionics.deInternet: www.prionics.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Agrobiotechnology, ELISA / EIA, InfectiousDiseasesPRIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, founded in September 2005, is responsiblefor the marketing, sales and technical support of innovative tests for theearly detection of important zoonotic diseases of production animals. Thecompany provides its customers in Germany and Austria with a portfolio ofmore than 50 diagnostic kits, accessories and biochemicals.PRIONICS offers diagnostic solutions for all major animal disease areasincluding TSE, BVDV, FMD, TB, ParaTB, CSF, Salmonella, Trichinella and BlueTongue. PRIONICS is also the distributor for all Ingenasa products.The parent company Prionics AG, Switzerland, is one of the world’s leadingproviders of farm animal diagnostics and a recognized centre of expertise inBSE and prion diseases.104

probior GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSprobior distributes products for biotechnology, medicine and pharmacy. Wecarry a wide selection of high quality reagents and assay kits for HighThroughput Screening manufactured by our Japanese partner Dojindo.We offer fast and convenient assay kits for protein labeling, DNA/RNA isolation,cell viability/cytotoxicity and oxidative stress. There are also high-purityreagents available e.g. for cell staining, NO research, diagnostic analysis, andalso Self Assembled Monolayer, HPLC reagents, detergents, good’s buffer.Contact:Dr. Christian PhilippErnsbergerstr. 5aD-81241 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 580081-20Fax: +49 (0) 89 580081-22E-Mail: info@probior.comInternet: www.probior.comProJect Pharmaceutics GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein, Antibody, Liposomes, DrugDelivery, Drug DevelopmentTransforming proteins into pioneering drugsProJect Pharmaceutics, based in Martinsried/Munich, Germany, transformsproteins, peptides and delicate small molecules into pioneering drugs.ProJect Pharmaceutics adds value to client’s bio-pharmaceutical products byapplying an innovative concept of development called Advaceutics. Basedon the Advaceutics concept, ProJect Pharmaceutics designs optimized formulationsand delivery systems for biologics that are stable, convenient andsafe. Tailored to these optimized systems the company develops cost-effectivemanufacturing processes and transfers those from its own pilot labs tolarge-scale manufacturing. ProJect Pharmaceutics makes sure that investigationalproducts, biosimilars as well as “bio-betters” are developed effectivelyand will run smoothly in clinical and commercial scale GMP manufacturing.ProJect Pharmaceutics was founded and is managed by AndreasSchütz and Klaus Hellerbrand, two leading experts in protein formulationand pharmaceutical process development with many years of experience inbio-pharmaceutics. Their combined expertise and complementary set ofqualifications enables ProJect Pharmaceutics to deliver the high-tech pharmaceuticalservices that are in increased demand for the global biopharmaceuticalindustry.We offer:predictive formulation analytics formulation development including indepthprotein analytics lyophilization process development and optimizationlyophilization in dual chamber prefilled syringe development ofliposomal formulations, producible by simple stirring manufacturing ofpreclinical study material technology-transfer including scale-up to GMPmanufacturerWe deliver:optimized formulations for biopharmaceuticals tailored manufacturingprocesses and transfer to GMP manufacturing development reports readyfor submission to the authorities for registrationFor more information please visit: www.project-pharmaceutics.comContact:Dr. Andreas SchützFraunhoferstr. 22D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 452289-700Fax: +49 (0) 89 452289-717E-Mail: info@project-pharmaceutics.comInternet: www.project-pharmaceutics.com105

PreSens Precision Sensing GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Achim StangelmayerJosef-Engert-Str. 11D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 94272-100Fax: +49 (0) 941 94272-111E-Mail: info@presens.deInternet: www.presens.deKeywords: Devices, Drug Development, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture,Analytical ChemistryPreSens is a world leader in the field of chemical-optical sensors. It develops,manufactures and distributes sensor systems for <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> & Pharma,Food & Beverage, Scientific Applications and Medical Devices. PreSensfocuses on parameters which are essential for life: oxygen, pH and carbondioxide. Over the last 14 years, we have delivered our special microsensorsand our non-invasive systems for various applications such as respirometry,biology, or medical research. We also offer imaging Solutions: 2D-sensing ofoxygen-, pH- and CO 2 -distributions. PreSens is certified EN ISO 13485:2003+ AC:2007 and ISO 9001:2008. Together with its partners it offers full servicein Europe, USA and Asia.Priaxon AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Christoph BurdackGmunder Str. 37-37aD-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4521308-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4521308-22E-Mail: contact@priaxon.comInternet: www.priaxon.comKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Oncology, Proteomics, Small Molecules, DrugDelivery, Drug DevelopmentPriaxon is an emerging pharmaceutical company building a pipeline ofnovel drug candidates in different therapeutic fields, but mainly focusing onprotein-protein interactions in oncology and other diseases. The goal is todiscover and develop candidates for validated but hard-to-drug targetsusing two orthogonal drug discovery platforms. In January 2009 a collaborationagreement for the development of mdm2/p53-inhibitors withBoehringer Ingelheim was signed.We open up a new dimension in drug discovery by a unique combination ofproprietary chemoinformatic tools with innovative synthetic chemistries. As aresult Priaxon rationalizes and accelerates the whole drug discovery process.PRIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTContact:Esther GleedeHans-Urmiller-Ring 17aD-82515 WolfratshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8171 99747-0Fax: +49 (0) 8171 99747-0E-Mail: info@prionics.deInternet: www.prionics.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Agrobiotechnology, ELISA / EIA, InfectiousDiseasesPRIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, founded in September 2005, is responsiblefor the marketing, sales and technical support of innovative tests for theearly detection of important zoonotic diseases of production animals. Thecompany provides its customers in Germany and Austria with a portfolio ofmore than 50 diagnostic kits, accessories and biochemicals.PRIONICS offers diagnostic solutions for all major animal disease areasincluding TSE, BVDV, FMD, TB, ParaTB, CSF, Salmonella, Trichinella and BlueTongue. PRIONICS is also the distributor for all Ingenasa products.The parent company Prionics AG, Switzerland, is one of the world’s leadingproviders of farm animal diagnostics and a recognized centre of expertise inBSE and prion diseases.104

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