Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M

Bavarian Biotech Report 2011/2012 (7MB) - Bio M


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ImprintEditorial staff: Georg Kääb, Bianca ReuterData collection: André Hansbauer, Sabine JordanCompany Profiles: André Hansbauer, Ivonne WagnerWe thank the <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies and the regionalorganizations of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Clusterin supporting this survey.April, <strong>2012</strong>ContactProf. Dr. Horst Domdey, Managing DirectorSpokesman of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology ClusterDr. Georg Kääb, Cluster ManagerThe <strong>Bavarian</strong> and the Munich <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Clusterare managed by:<strong>Bio</strong> M <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster Development GmbHAm Klopferspitz 19aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0)89-899679-0Fax: +49 (0)89-899679-79E-Mail: info@bio-m.orgInternet: www.biotech-bavaria.deThe layout, graphics and other contents of this brochureof the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster are protected bycopyright law.Layout-Design: aimcom, Munich, www.aimcom.dePicture credits: fotolia.com (Jan Felber, kreefax);istockphoto.comSupported by the <strong>Bavarian</strong> State Ministry of EconomicAffairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technologywww.stmwivt.bayern.de/en/foreign-trade4

ContentThe <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster 07Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey – Speaker of the “<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster”The <strong>2011</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Year in Bavaria – And Beyond 08-14Facts and Figures 15-26Employment 17-18Jobs in <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology CompaniesProducts and Pipeline 19-21Drug DevelopmentDeals, Cooperation, Mergers, Financing 22-26Deals and CooperationM&A-ActivityFinancingRevenuesSummaryIndustrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology on the move 28-29Company Profiles 31-121in alphabetical orderAbout this survey:For the following report, a biotechnology company has been defined as a company, which develops and/ormanufactures products on the basis of state-of-the-art molecular biological methods. But as “conventional”pharmaceutical companies are increasingly also using such methods, it is often difficult to differentiatebetween biotech and pharma. Traditional phytopharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of homeopathicproducts are however not included in this compilation. We distinguished the parameters specific toeach sector and conducted separate surveys for biotech companies, pharmaceutical companies, (clinical)contract research organizations (CROs), contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs), suppliers andothers with activities in the biotechnology sector. In the case of the biotech companies, a distinction wasonce again made between small and medium-sized companies (SME) having their headquarters inBavaria, and branch offices and subsidiaries of national and international biotech companies (biotechnologycompanies, non-SMEs). The term “non-SME” therefore does not say anything about the actual size of thisbranch office.The data forming the basis of this report are based on the evaluation of a written survey carried out by<strong>Bio</strong>M <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster Development GmbH at the beginning of <strong>2012</strong> of approx. 320 Life Science companiesthroughout Bavaria. Based on the questionnaires returned and intensive follow-up telephone calls it waspossible to achieve a response rate of almost 86%. Possible deviations from previously published figuresare the result of additional data obtained in this survey that also may refer to previous years. The periodunder review for this report is the year <strong>2011</strong>.Published in April <strong>2012</strong>5

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The <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology ClusterStrong partners make for a strong networklocations of Nuremberg-Erlangen, Wurzburg and Bayreuth.In the last few years, each of these locations hasdeveloped its own unique profile with specific on-sitecore competences, with specific infrastructural measuresand a competent local management team.PROF. DR.HORST DOMDEYSpeaker of the “<strong>Bavarian</strong><strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster”“Success through synergies” is the guiding principlebehind the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Cluster Initiative, where companiesbelonging to one segment of an industry regard themselvesnot as competitors, but as mutual beneficiaries, forexample through trustful cooperation (open innovation),through a shared market or through a pool of highlyqualified personnel. Most of these effects are favouredby spatial proximity, so, as a rule, a “single cluster”is delimited in terms of its location, for example, to onecity. Combining various clusters into a network can beespecially successful, as demonstrated by the <strong>Bavarian</strong>biotechnology industry, which received special supportfrom the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry of Economic Affairs betweenthe years 2006 and <strong>2011</strong> as part of the “<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologyCluster” (www.cluster-bayern.de).One of the initial successes of the “<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologyCluster” was its function as a “catalyst” for white, i.e.industrial, biotechnology. Bavaria’s strategically completelynew white biotechnology initiative was able to raisefunding in the order of millions from the federal andstate governments and strong commitment of chemicalcompany giants like Wacker AG and Süd-Chemie AG(now part of Clariant, Switzerland). This led to the foundationof a specific network of companies and researchinstitutes with their own network coordination (see page28). At various locations, and especially in Straubing,there are deliberate efforts to promote a large variety ofprojects devoted to industrial applications, for example,in the field of renewable raw materials.Munich has concentrated on drug development for manydecades and in 2010 sharpened its profile in the field of“personalized medicine” even further by winning anaward in the “Leading-Edge Cluster Competition“ heldby the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.Under the title “m 4 – Personalized Medicine”, thismajor investment project attracts funding to a total ofalmost € 100 million from the Federal Government, theFree State of Bavaria and industry, which is channelledinto separate cooperative research projects, as well asinto infrastructural measures, for example, the newconsortium of tissue banks, the Munich-<strong>Bio</strong>bank-Alliance.Equally successful in the Leading-Edge Cluster Competitionwas Nuremberg-Erlangen, a Centre of Excellencefor Medical Technology that is able to use to its advantagea tight network linking science, business, hospitals andcare facilities along with the innovative strength of theSMEs. The so called “Medical Valley” combines worldleading big and smaller enterprises like Siemens or Wave.Wurzburg has successfully established itself as a Centreof Excellence for biomedical research and Bayreuth isstrong in the field of materials research, as well as scoringhighly with interesting discoveries in the biology ofphotosynthesis and its technical exploitation.With the injection of funds from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry ofEconomic Affairs, a great deal has been achieved and alot of wheels have been set in motion. To make sure theycontinue rolling, the “<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster”will go on being promoted as a network in future. Eachlocation contributes its own individual strengths to thisnetwork and can profit from its combined efforts, with<strong>Bio</strong> M GmbH serving as a central point of exchange andcontact. I am convinced that the success of each separatelocal player impacts positively on the entire network andthat we are well positioned to continue down the road tosuccess that we have taken together – to further increasethe attractiveness of <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology!Red pharmaceutical biotechnology is still networkedwithin the “<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster” and <strong>Bio</strong> M<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster Development GmbH coordinates the welldeveloped <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> locations of Munich-Martinsriedand Regensburg as well as the up-and-comingProf. Dr. Horst DomdeySpeaker of the „<strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology Cluster“7

The <strong>2011</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Year in Bavaria –And BeyondOur survey for <strong>2011</strong> still matches with our last theme for the 2010 Annual <strong>Report</strong>: that <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology is right ontrack. The transformation process that it describes – fragmented know-how and specific technology competence unitinginto larger units and thereby consolidating with great intelligence rather than necessity – also continued in a number ofcompanies in <strong>2011</strong>. At the same time, <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies entered into new cooperation agreements or have been able torenew existing ones throughout the year. This confirms the sustained relevance and attractiveness of the technologyplatforms and individual projects on an international scale.With regard to external funding, we would have preferrednot to be as accurate with our supposition that theparticularly positive and record-breaking investmentstotalling around 650 million euros in the German biotechnologysector in 2010 could have been a flash in thepan – albeit a very gratifying one. However, this seeminglydramatic drop to about 140 million euros in <strong>2011</strong>(Source: BIO Deutschland e.V., January <strong>2012</strong>) shows usthat new record levels of investment activity in theGerman biotechnology sector cannot be attained everyyear. When comparing the year <strong>2011</strong> with the rathernormal year of 2009 (investments of about 300 millioneuros) and the previous years, then it appears that theaverage value realistically falls somewhere between 200and 300 million euros. Consequently, <strong>2011</strong> would stillcome close to this apparently typical German average line.However, these numbers turned out to be far morepositive for <strong>2011</strong> on an international and European levelor to USA: According to a PricewaterhouseCooperssurvey from January <strong>2012</strong>, the volume of venture capital(VC) investments in the US biotech sector increased by ahealthy 20% to a five-year high of more than $ 4.7 billion.If we include the areas of medical devices and laboratoryequipment manufacturers, then another 340 US companiesbenefitted from the additional $ 2.8 billion in VCfunds. To invest $ 7.5 billion in innovation makes quite astatement – but firms in the USA also had to realise thatestablished companies benefitted almost exclusivelyfrom this investment bonanza; the proportion of firstround financing was very limited. The VentureValuationcompany broke these numbers down into more detailand added all available forms of funding directed to thepure drug and diagnostics developers, which resulted inabout $ 3.5 billion for the USA. For Europe, VentureValuationcalculated that the total value of all investments tothose companies was somewhat more than $ 1 billion for<strong>2011</strong>. When considering the US dollar to euro exchangerate, Germany attracted about 20% of funds that wereinvested across European companies to its own firms –which may spark a debate as to whether this was anappropriate share or too modest.In any case, Bavaria was able to chalk up more thanhalf of the rather meagre 140 million euros of externalbiotech funding for Germany (which includes VC funds,follow-ons, bond issues, etc.) just like in the previousyear of 2010 – namely, about 70 million euros. It isobvious that a financial comparison with the USA isimpossible due to this huge differences in size. But, itisn’t only the money that counts, the content – or let’ssay the technology a company can offer – has to bevalued even higher.Consequently, this major question must still be answered:What is the source of German biotechnology funding– and in particular for <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies – if externalinvestors restrain themselves to such an extent? Sincethe number of companies and employees has been fairlystable in Bavaria – and probably also across Germany(these numbers are not available yet) – the funds musthave originated from other sources. And this may be themost gratifying piece of news: The companies are increasinglygenerating their own sales revenue with whichthey can advance their product developments. Theygenerate these sales in the previously mentioned numerousand international cooperations with Big Pharma orBig <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> through milestone payments or royalties andincreasingly through their own sales revenues.Even if the overall German economy generally delivereda stellar performance with a strong <strong>2011</strong> business yearand was able to increase real GDP at a near recordbreakingpace of 3% against all European crisis scenarios,this feat is even more remarkable for a younghigh-technology industry where theframework conditions are subjectto continuous change, especiallyon the part of theestablished major enter-8

prises. In addition, hardly a day passed in the news lastyear without a major pharmaceutical company announcingmassive restructuring with layoffs or the outsourcingof specific areas – or being forced to declare therejection of an approval study. At the same time, weobserved concrete examples of how the patent expirationof a blockbuster drug can lead to the almost completedrop in sales of a previous pillar of company successwithin a few days of being “attacked” by the genericdrugs – and therefore gained a much more concreteunderstanding of the patent cliff concept. An additionalamount of about US $ 80 billion of secure revenues willbe lost by 2014 due to further patent expirations atpharmaceutical companies (Bain & Company, <strong>2011</strong>).Furthermore, the supply of new drugs is nowhere nearsufficient to close this gap. This holds true even though<strong>2011</strong> showed a strongly rising number of approvals bythe FDA in the amount of about 30 new drugs, which ison a scale that has not been achieved during the last 10years. It remains to be seen whether the continuingdeclining trend or stagnation in the number of approveddrugs or also priority drugs in the past years has alreadybeen reversed or if this was just a one-time effect.enough so that setbacks on one end can be compensatedby success on the other end – and this also continuouslyprovides new opportunities for the employees.As a comparison – and the number of employees andsales revenues indicate this direction – the combinedpharmaceutical developers of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Clusterare equivalent to a larger national pharmaceuticalcompany (see page 17f). However, the major differencebecomes particularly apparent when looking at the productpipeline of the <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotech companies: Not onlyis it unrivalled in Germany, but would not have beendeveloped by a single company that concentrates onindividual indications (see page 19f). On the other hand,such a classical company also sacrifices the broaderscope and its associated flexibility and effective riskmanagement in order to deal with failures. These failurescan be buffered in an – admittedly amorphous – environmentof a cluster in an ideal scenario. This can be comparedto how some animals in a school of fish or flock ofbirds move in the direction that turns out to be correctand were therefore rightly followed by the other partnersin the cluster.The strength of the German biotechnology industry inthe pharmaceutical sector is its broad and very promisingpipeline that the <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies have largely coveredand developed.The year <strong>2011</strong> has presented much positive progress inearly clinical stages: It was even possible for the Leverkusen-based<strong>Bio</strong>frontera com pany to celebrate the longdesiredEuropean approval of its 5-aminolevulinic acidactive substance. Now it still needs to assert itself in themarket. Nevertheless, not all product developments byGerman – and also <strong>Bavarian</strong> – biotech companies havebeen successful in their critical approval study. On theother hand, especially the <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnologysector is fortunate to bediversifiedA few years ago, one of these new directions was focusingon technology platforms – true know-how ownershipthat allowed individual companies to present themselvesas suppliers and technology service providers tothe pharmaceutical industry and establish a permanentpresence in their global value chains. Prior to this, thesomewhat painful realisation had set in that hardly anyof the German <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> SMEs could develop into Big<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> on their own and that an innovative, researchintensivesupplier industry – especially in drug development– could expand in a way similar to the automotivesector.9

Due to this focus that was established several years ago,some exceptionally successful companies were alsoquickly in a position to tackle their own proprietaryprojects and leapfrog important development hurdleswith the income derived from development partnerships.This was the next important change of direction that wasand still is being implemented almost imperceptibly, yetis fundamental for maintaining self-determination ininnovation and high-tech research.It would also be disastrous if the comparison with theautomotive supplier industry and its drawbacks wouldalso find its equivalent in the biotech sector: The strongerdependence on a few internationally operating majorcompanies with their globally negotiated pricing expectations– which are difficult to escape on a local level –comes with the constant danger of being exclusively tiedto the “wrong“ global player while others are alreadyfollowing a new technology gold rush more successfully.This poses the risk of a “marriage made in heaven” –followed by a rude awakening or even a “war of the roses”.a similar pattern since then. The most recent of these areU3-Pharma, Martinsried, acquired by Daiichi Sankyo,Japan and Geneart, Regensburg, acquired by Life Technologies.These two examples in particular show that <strong>Bavarian</strong>know-how does not simply disappear to a foreigncountry but that the opportunity is used to expand theacquired business locations and upgrade them in thegroup of companies....and attractiveness is now paying offThe Martinsried-based company of Kinaxo had a similarexperience after its specialist expertise in mass spectrometryof signalling proteins aroused much interest inthe pharmaceutical industry. It was ultimately acquired atthe beginning of <strong>2011</strong> by the Hamburg-based companyEvotec AG in order to complement the latter’s overalltechnology portfolio in pharmaceutical development. Inthis case, the location of Evotec Munich at the IZBincubator in Martinsried was not only preserved butexpanded.But this certainly does not mean that the streets arepaved in gold in the sector of the technology serviceproviders. Quite to the contrary, the pharmaceuticalcompanies are currently cutting costs everywhere andthe German healthcare system also has massive limitationson reimbursement policies (which may please thesocial health insurance patients and the insurancesystem). These factors have an especially strong effectwhen a firm must react to the quick replacement of lostsales (even by acquiring other companies and their salesrevenues) instead of investing in cooperative venturesthat will only impact the revenue side over the long term.Technology leadership creates international interest...Companies with a very specialised, innovative know-howhave developed in the <strong>Bavarian</strong> locations of Würzburg,Regensburg and Munich and are increasingly attractingthe attention of global industry scouts, which coulddefinitely be viewed as recognition.For example, the Würzburg-based company of OncoMabwas one of the first companies to already create such aninternational interest several years ago that the AustralianPatrys company ultimately acquired it. Other companyacquisitions with <strong>Bavarian</strong> participation have followed inYet, the biggest headlines in this area were made by theacquisition of the Munich-based Micromet company bythe US giant Amgen, which paid about $ 1.2 billion for it.The unprecedented scale of this transaction in Germanycreated a small tremor in the local scene during spring<strong>2012</strong>, but the consequences are now rated as positiveacross the region. The current sales office of Amgen inMunich is now to be complemented by the research unitof the former Micromet as „Amgen Research Munich“,which will ideally facilitate the attracting and retaining ofadditional networks in entirely new areas of the UScompany at this location – not least with the Regensburgsite, Amgen Research Regensburg, where the highthroughputexpertise could wonderfully synergize withthe innovative development site in Munich.Among other things, this internationalisation and apparentglobal perception of <strong>Bavarian</strong> activities is alsoreflected in the high number of international visitorgroups – more than 30 such groups wanted to visit the<strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology sector on site. And last but notleast, this international visibility in the past few monthshas also led to completely new settlements of internationalcompanies. In Martinsried alone, three US biotechcompanies have settled since the end of 2010: the NewYork-based Exosome Diagnostics company, LabPMM of10

San Diego and the most recent move of Myriad Genetics'European central laboratory to the south of Munich withan opening ceremony that is still fresh on people’sminds. The Japanese pharmaceutical company of Otsukahas also opened an additional German branch office inMunich. This positive development appears to also becontinuing in <strong>2012</strong> (see page 16).The new emphasis on personalised medicine – to whichthe Munich <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster has committed its vision ofthe future in the Leading-Edge Cluster programmesponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research (BMBF) and beyond – was a key locationcriterion, especially for US companies.The active promotion of <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology by theCluster management plays an important role, especiallyin the area of international networking. As a result, themany conversations at international partnering eventssuch as BIO USA, BIO-Europe and BIO Pharma USA haveled to cooperation agreements that can always just beinitiated on the cluster level but at least receive thedecisive facilitation here. The partnership agreementsigned in October <strong>2011</strong> with the leading cluster of Japanin the region of Kansai/Osaka promises easier access todecision-makers in the very interesting and very interestedJapanese pharmaceutical industry.Inventions from<strong>Bavarian</strong> universitiesThe Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH provides industry with unique accessto the largest technology pool in Bavaria: as the central patent marketingagency for 28 <strong>Bavarian</strong> universities and universities of applied sciences with abudget of several billion euros, we market the inventions of more than 18,000scientists. With our interdisciplinary team of experienced scientists, engineers,business experts and lawyers managing a broad spectrum of marketableinventions comprising numerous patent families, we are one of the largestpatent marketing agencies in Germany.Bayerische Patentallianz GmbHDestouchesstr. 68Phone +49 89 5480177-0kontakt@baypat.dewww.baypat.deWe offer life science inventions and patentswww.baypat.de/en/industry/technology-offers.html

Furthermore, the continued interest of Big Pharma intargeted “mini partnerships” in places such as theMunich metropolitan area – which we jointly implementwith companies and scientific institutions (resulting infirst concrete agreements) –demonstrates the top-classrelevance of technology and product development by<strong>Bavarian</strong> researchers and companies on a global scale.Within this context, it is particularly important to constantlypromote and support the often cited “resource ofknowledge” that Germany essentially offers as a locationadvantage in the global competition. All of the abovementionedsuccesses by <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology companiesarise from targeted support measures from thenational and the <strong>Bavarian</strong> state government at a particular<strong>Bavarian</strong> location of higher education. In continuationof this successful science policy, Bavaria is currentlyfocusing strongly on systems biology (research networkfor molecular biosystems, <strong>Bio</strong>SysNet), linking the excellentexpertise of the structural scientists working withProfessor Patrick Cramer at the Gene Centre of the LMUMunich with information technology and medical informaticsat other scientific locations in Bavaria in order topave the way for systems medicine. Furthermore, researchnetworks have also been established or are currentlybeing created or expanded across Bavaria in immunotherapyfor researching the metastasis of cancer andneurodegenerative disorders. This is also absolutelyessential for expanding the excellent scientific foundationat all locations.It is equally important to continuously improve thetechnology transfer of these findings in their application.We hope that the strengthening of translational researchin <strong>Bavarian</strong> clinical research departments will result inreal and possibly life-saving developments, especially forthe sake of the patients.There are frequently fundamental discussions in academiccircles about the orientation on application in research.One argument is that when researchers subjectthemselves to dependence upon business enterprisesand their changing needs, the “freedom” of sciencesuffers severely if the industrial partner makes the decisionas to whether or not the research findings arepublished. These discussions often fail to mention thatthis is not about hindering the acquisition of knowledgebut actually making it possible in the first place. In particular,the research landscape in the USA is an example ofhow private and/or corporate support is simply a prerequisitefor high-end research and its position (at the top)could never be adequately financed by public funds.The fact that these young entrepreneurs most recentlyalso come from life sciences is in part an achievement ofthe completely new “m 4 Award”. This award was conceivedin Munich’s Leading-Edge Cluster in order to grantfinancial support to academic projects in the proof-ofconceptphase. Thanks to generous support by the <strong>Bavarian</strong>Ministry of Economic Affairs, this competition –which is now endowed with more than 8 million euros –was expanded across all of Bavaria and established inpartnership with all of the state’s facilities and networksthat are involved in technology transfer. This has closedthe gap that some inventors must face until they canparticipate with their idea in a business plan competitionand hopefully succeed in presenting themselves toinvestors. More than 80 project ideas were submittedafter the first call in <strong>2011</strong>, and they have revealed thetypes of treasures slumbering at the research facilities inthe area of personalised medicine. It was then possibleto teach these scientists about approaching investors asthey received additional, targeted and professionalcoaching for example at a special „boot camp“.It is also important for such new entrepreneurs to find ahome for their company that allows it to grow. The<strong>Bavarian</strong> start-up centres play an essential – even indispensable– role in this respect: The IGZ in Wurzburgoffers office and laboratory space in an area of morethan 5,000 m 2 , which is currently used by more than 20companies with a total of 300 employees. The team ofthe IGZ also assists start-ups with business issuesranging from patenting to financing and gets activelyinvolved in measures to promote start-ups from theexceptionally well-positioned Department of <strong>Bio</strong>medicineat the University of Wurzburg and its hospital.The Medical Valley Centre in Erlangen focuses on medicaland diagnostic technology, as well as IT. It also offerscutting-edge equipment on 5,000 m 2 and an excellencenetwork of small and large global market leaders inmedical technology that received impressive awards inthe BMBF Leading-Edge Cluster competition.12

Straubing is fully committed to renewable resources.Open to all industries, the start-up centre is being complementedby a more specialised <strong>Bio</strong>Cubator – both ofwhich are in direct and ideal proximity to the CompetenceCentre for Renewable Resources of the TU München(Munich Technical University) in Straubing.The <strong>Bio</strong>Park Regensburg has been set up on the campusof the University of Regensburg since 2001. It ceremoniouslyopened the third stage of construction in <strong>2011</strong>and handed over the premises to the new tenants. As aresult, it now offers 18,000 m 2 of laboratory and officespace that is currently occupied by more than 30 tenantswith a total of more than 550 employees. A neighbouringproperty will provide more space for start-ups from allsectors in the near future, in addition to relocations toother commercial buildings in the Regensburg area. The<strong>Bio</strong>Park Regensburg GmbH not only serves as a facilitymanager but also as an industry development companyfor the entire Central <strong>Bavarian</strong> region – and has beenhighly successful in the process. Since life sciences aredeliberately defined very broadly here and expand intomedical technology, the area of Greater Regensburg witha population of 200,000 provides jobs in this sector for anotable number of 2,500 employees. Children and familiesare also offered benefits with the new children’sdaycare centre in the <strong>Bio</strong>Park.LAB RESULTSYOU CAN TRUSTCUSTOMIZED CENTRAL LAB SERVICES WITHGLOBAL REACH FOR OUR SPONSORS’ SATISFACTIONSERVICES FOR BIOTECH COMPANIES· assay development and method validation· reliable sample transportation at any temp. range· biobanking: extended frozen storage· broad testing portfolio: e. g. biomarkers, geneticsGLOBAL STRENGTHS· one single global database· identical lab reports & flagging worldwide· global quality assurance / global SOPs· local support via dedicated project teamHead Office: Bayerstr. 53, 80335 Munich, GermanyPhone +49 89 7413930, info@interlab.de, www.interlab.de

Last but not least, the IZB start-up centres were especiallydesigned to satisfy the requirements of the biotechindustry with its branches in the north of Munich (Freising-Weihenstephan)and especially Martinsried-Planeggat the southern city limits of Munich. Together they offerfacilities with more than 25,000 m 2 of laboratory andoffice space that currently house more than 50 tenantsand almost 700 employees. Although it was designed fora modest 800 m 2 when the first foundation stone waslaid in 1995, the location between the GrosshadernCampus Hospital of the LMU and the Max Planck Institutesfor <strong>Bio</strong>chemistry and Neurobiology – and mostrecently also the Faculty of <strong>Bio</strong>logy, as well as Chemistryand Pharmacy, and the Gene Centre of the LMU – hasturned out to be perfect. The building expansions werejust capable of keeping pace with the companies'expansion requests or – as was the case of the Proteros<strong>Bio</strong>structures company – were satisfied by a privatelyconstructed laboratory building in close proximity in<strong>2011</strong>. In turn, this enabled the recruitment of additionalcompanies.When a start-up centre exceeds a certain size and complexitywith all of its local and regional networks inpolitics and administration, it is advisable to establish anadditional management organisation that focuses ontechnology and product development. This parallelismexisted in Martinsried and the Greater Munich area fromthe very beginning: <strong>Bio</strong> M was already established in 1997as an institution with its own funding; its purpose wasand still is to help entrepreneurs – in good times and inbad – with advice and support in an industry that wasstill in its infancy. More than 150 company start-ups havebeen assisted since then. This is a quite respectable trackrecord in view of the approximately 130 companiesexisting today.best fruit or have already secured a portion of it. Butwhat does the future look like as more “real” productsare generated in the pharmaceutical sector, whichhopefully means an increasing number of approvedbiotech products from the <strong>Bavarian</strong> pipeline?The German healthcare system as such will ultimatelypose a great challenge. There is much uncertainty as towhether a system dating from the time of Bismarck cancope with the societal challenges of the present and thefuture. The <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies would certainly love toannounce positive news about FDA or EMA approvals inthe near future. However, an oath and a decision as towhether a medicine is successful or not is primarilydependent upon its reimbursability – and this might noteven be attained for quite a while after the approval.<strong>Bavarian</strong> companies have already shown many timesover that they are capable of bringing innovative drugsto market based on their scientific foundation and technologicalexpertise. TRION Pharma from Munich demonstratedthis with Removab in 2009, the first tri-functionalantibody that was invented, developed and brought toapproval on location in Germany by a biotech company.However, they also discovered that reimbursability is amajor issue once this process has been completed.As patients realise the necessity and benefit of a newtherapy and the health system also learns that a welltreatedniche disease saves real money, the biotechSMEs with less financial means can demonstrate thegreater benefit over standard medication in smallerclinical studies with better characterised (stratified)patient groups. They must even be able to do this inorder to present a proof of legitimacy for their originalidea – and to show this innovation is paying off.The (scientific and infrastructural) ground has beenexcellently prepared for decades in Bavaria; the seed hasborne fruit that has already been harvested in somecases. In other cases, companies are trying to reach theLet us now look at the facts and figures of the <strong>2011</strong> yearin <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology.14

Facts and FiguresNumber of CompaniesAccording to our survey, the number of biotech SMEs inBavaria in <strong>2011</strong> amounts to 166 (- 3 compared to 2010).126 of these are domiciled in the Greater Munich Area.The Regensburg/Eastern Bavaria region still has thesecond-largest company cluster in Bavaria, with morethan 26 dedicated biotech companies (SMEs and non-SMEs) and in addition some 20 companies working inthe fields of medical technology, biomaterials and industrialbiotechnology.Additionally 35 national or international subsidiaries (inthis <strong>Report</strong> referred to as “non-SMEs”) are working in<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology – of which the Roche Diagnostics inPenzberg, 60 kilometers south of Munich, with more than4800 employees is the largest and most complete inrespect to the value added chain. Penzberg is also thelargest research, development and production locationwithin the whole Roche Corporation. The Roche groupinvested nearly € 2 billion in the development of thePenzberg site since the late 1990s. As a Centre of Excellencefor the technical research and development oftherapeutic proteins, researchers here focus on thediscovery of new protein-based drugs in oncology.In Pharma, more global players are located in Bavaria:Novartis Germany in Nuremberg with almost 2000employees, BristolMyersSquibb, GlaxoSmithKline,BIOTECH/PHARMA COMPANIES IN BAVARIA2006 (total: 304) 2007 (total: 310) 2008 (total: 323)2009 (total: 324) 2010 (total: 329) <strong>2011</strong> (total: 321)<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies(SMEs)<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies(non-SMEs)CROsPharma companiesSuppliers/CMOs262830333335373536363634303031303128565961606058number of companies 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160155158165165169166REGIONAL ALLOCATIONBavaria total (total: 321) Greater Munich Area (total: 256)<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies(SMEs)166126<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies(non-SMEs)3529CROs5850Pharma companies3427Suppliers/CMOs2824number of companies 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 16015

Company FoundationsMerck-Sharp & Dohme and Daiichi-Sankyo in Munichwith together more than 3500 employees. And there areother pharma companies like <strong>Bio</strong>norica in northernBavaria, specialized in phytopharmaceuticals or Hexal-Sandoz in Holzkirchen near Munich, where SandozInternational has its global headquarters. But also thesmaller ones have found their niche like Haupt Pharma orDenk Pharma. And there are quite a lot of companiesworking in contract manufacturing with it anchoring theimportant production experience to the <strong>Bavarian</strong> location,i.e. Pharmazell, Excella or Pfizer Manufacturing.Before it comes to the final production the most importantsteps have to be done in clinical development andapproval. Because of the large numbers of companiesdeveloping drugs, a field of consulting and monitoringhas established that now is professionally provided bynearly 60 international CROs (contract research organizations)employing more than 2500 people.In the biopharmaceutical area, every part of the mosaicbuilding the value added chain in innovative drugs anddiagnostics is present in Bavaria.BAVARIAN BIOTECH SME IN <strong>2011</strong>Therapeutics/DiagnosticsAgriculture, Food,Environment<strong>Bio</strong>informatics111665Newly established companies (SMEs and internationalSubsidiaries) started operating in Bavaria in <strong>2011</strong>:COMPANY FOUNDATIONSCOMPANYCATEGORY2bind GmbHProtein AnalyticsAxolabs GmbHRNA/DNA TherapeuticsMicrodimensions GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsPhenoquest AGPreclinical ServicesMyriad GmbHDiagnosticsOtsuka Novel Products GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsLabPMM GmbHDiagnosticsSyntab TherapeuticsTherapeutics & DiagnosticsAenova Holding GmbHTherapeutics & DiagnosticsIn total, there were only 4 newly established companies,but additionally there have been 3 openings of internationalsubsidiaries from US- or japan companies:LabPMM, San Diego California, opend its German diagnosticLaboratory and the 20 year old diagnostics veteranMyriad Genetics, Salt Lake City Utah set up its centralEuropean laboratory in a new building in Martinsried.Apart from these company foundations, there were alsoseveral companies that ceased to operate, some beingreintegrated into the mother company, relocated to otherplaces, some acquisitions in biotech and also in thepharma field. These changes also affected the area ofCRO (-2 compared to 2010) and Pharma companies(-3 compared to 2010).Devices/ReagentsDNA-/Protein-Analysis1942More detailed descriptions of the business fields of thesenew and all other <strong>Bavarian</strong> companies can be found inthe extensive Annex, page 32ff.Preclinical Services13number of companies 10 20 30 40 50 6016

EmploymentJobs in <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology CompaniesCompared to the previous years, for the very first time,the <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotech SME employed more than 4000people, exactly 4016 (+ 223, or about +6% compared to2010). Nearly 3000 of the employees in <strong>Bavarian</strong> SME areworking in the Greater Munich area.Taking all biotech companies together (SME and non-SME) the number of employees amounts to a good10,300 where the plus of about 300 employees at Roche,Penzberg, is remarkable as well.The Regensburg/Eastern Bavaria region scores with theinterdisciplinary approach pursued by <strong>Bio</strong>Park Regensburgand has around 800 employees in the biopharmaceuticalsector. According to surveys carried out by<strong>Bio</strong>Park Regensburg GmbH, there were even around3000 employees in this region in <strong>2011</strong> if one includesmedical technology and further related disciplines (thatare otherwise not considered in this survey).South of Munich, in and around the scientific cradle of<strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology in Martinsried more than 80biotech companies employing almost 1900 people (1700of which are in biotech SMEs) are domiciled. Around 60companies with approximately 700 employees can befound at the Innovation and Start-up Center for <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology(Gründerzentrum IZB) in Martinsried alone.It is also interesting to look back even further: since 2006the number of employees in <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotech SMEs hasincreased by 30%, and in the “non-SMEs” by 20%.NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN THE BAVARIAN BIOTECH CLUSTER2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong><strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> (SMEs)3.7153.7934.016<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> (non-SMEs)5.9285.9596.254CROs2.5132.5392.562Pharma9.77210.11210.036Suppliers2.3522.5652.559* More detailed figures about employment on the following pages.17

Total number of employees in the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Life Science industryA not inconsiderable percentage of local LifeScience jobsare offered by the so-called (clinical) contract researchorganisations (CROs). There are 2562 people working fora total of 58 CROs across Bavaria. The group of “otherbiotech companies“, which includes suppliers, tradingcompanies and other service providers such as, forexample, contract manufacturing organisations (CMOs)also make a significant contribution to employment andeconomic strength. The 28 companies that have beenincluded in these statistics also employ more than 2550people. And finally there are the 34 companies of the<strong>Bavarian</strong> pharmaceutical industry, currently employing10,000 people. In all three categories of company thereDEVELOPMENT OF STAFF NUMBERS INBIOTECH COMPANIES2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong><strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies(SMEs)<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies(non-SMEs)3.0303.2903.4603.7153.7934.016number of employees 2.000 4.000 6.0005.1705.4505.6105.9285.9596.254has been only little change over the past years.Taking the bio-pharmaceutical industry and biotechnologyin Bavaria together, we arrive at a total of around25,400 employees in <strong>2011</strong>, an increase of a good 2%compared to 2010 – in a surrounding of staff reductionand outsourcing on the global scale!In addition to these jobs in industry, there are also agood 10,000 people working in the Life-Science departmentsof <strong>Bavarian</strong> research institutions. Altogether, thesector provides more than 35,000 jobs in (academic)science and industry throughout Bavaria.Fields of business ofbiotech SMEThe companies specialising in the development of therapeuticsand/or diagnostics and the accompanying platform-technologyproviders have still and always thelargest percentage of employees in the category of smalland medium-sized biotechnology companies. This sectoremploys 2064 people, more than 50 % of all employeesin the SMEs. <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology in "Agriculture, Food,Environment" on the other hand, has made the strongestprogress - from a lower level (235 people in <strong>2011</strong>, 160 in2010; + 47%!).NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES IN THE BIOTECH SME IN BAVARIA (<strong>2011</strong>)Therapeutics/Diagnostics2.064Agriculture, Food,Environment235<strong>Bio</strong>informatics148Devices/Reagents841DNA-/Protein-Analysis591Preclinical Services137number of employees 0 200 400 600 800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 1.800 2.00018

Products and PipelineDrug DevelopmentIn comparison to 2010, 61 pre-clinical studies have beeninitiated or continued. During the first quarter of <strong>2011</strong>,MorphoSys AG (Martinsried) has reached positive preclinicaldata on its proprietary drug candidate MOR202, aHuCAL-derived, fully human anti-CD38 antibody. MOR202in combination with each of two approved drugs for thetreatment of multiple myeloma demonstrate the anticanceractivity of the antibody which could be enhancedin vitro and in vivo models of the disease. During thisyear <strong>2011</strong>, MorphoSys has started the dosage for the firstpatient in clinical phase I/IIa for multiple myeloma.Another <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotech company, XL-protein GmbH(Weihenstephan-Freising) has reached significant preclinicalin vitro and in vivo data for its PASylated humangrowth hormone xI020 PAS-hGH program.DRUG PIPELINE IN BAVARIAnumber of clinical studies/drugs 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong>100 959085The total numbers of clinical studies in phase I and inphase I/II includes 35. Last June, Antisense PharmaGmbH (Regensburg) has presented excellent safetyprofile of trabedersen from its ongoing clinical phase I/IItrial with intravenous monotherapy for the treatment ofpatients with advanced pancreatic cancer, malignantmelanoma and colorectal carcinoma.The company apceth GmbH & Co. KG (Munich) haspublished the start of their first clinical phase I/II study onsomatic cell therapy for peripheral arterial occlusivedisease. This study evaluates tolerability and efficacy ofapceth’s somatic cell therapeutics among 30 patients. Theinitial results will be expected by mid of <strong>2012</strong>.Wilex AG (Munich) has initiated another phase I trial withthe small molecule MEK inhibitor WX-554 and investigatessafety, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamicproperties of various single doses of the orally administeredMEK inhibitor. Further studies with cancer patientsare expected to start <strong>2012</strong>.In addition, Pieris AG has issued results as well as thecompletion of phase I clinical study of its PRS-050Anticalin compound in patients with advanced solidtumors. PRS-050 was well-tolerated, with no maximumtolerated dose reached, while demonstrating biologicalactivity and a complete lack of immunogenicity.807066 6160504038 35 38 383020211917 17118106 54 5 5 50Preclinic Phase I Phase II Phase III Approved19

PHASE II4SC: Hepatocellular carcinoma, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma,mild to moderate rheumatoid arthritis,Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)Agennix: Diabetic foot ulcers, Severe Sepsis<strong>Bavarian</strong> Nordic: Small pox, Breast cancerCorimmun: Heart failure, Acute CoronarySyndrome/StrokeDonatur: PeriarthritisMediGene: Breast cancer, Pancreatic cancer,Rheumatoid ArthritisMicromet: adult r/r acute lymphoblastic Leukemia(relapsed/refractory), MRD-positive acute lymphoblasticleukemia, Solid tumorsMorphoSys (with Roche): Alzheimer's diseasesMorphoSys (with Centocor): Immunology, OncologyMorphoSys (with Novartis): OncologyMorphoSys (with Janssen): PsoriasisMorphoSys: Rheumatoid ArthritisScil Technology: Periodontal diseaseSuppreMol: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura,Systemic Lupus ErythematosusTrion Pharma/Fresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>: Metastatic Breastcancer, Gastric cancer, Ovarian cancer, MalignantAscitesVasopharm: Traumatic brain injuryWilex: Advance non-metastatic pancreatic cancer,Breast cancerPHASE IIIAgennix: Non small cell lung cancerAntisense Pharma: Glioma<strong>Bavarian</strong> Nordic: Advanced prostate cancerFresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>: Stem cell transplantation,Immunology therapyWilex: Non-metastatic clear cell renal cellcancerAPPROVEDFresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>: Transplantation(ATG-Fresenius S)MediGene: Genital warts (Veregen ® ),Prostate Cancer (Eligard ® ), Rosacea,inflammatory lesions (Oracea ® , sold)Trion Pharma/Fresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>:Malignant Ascites (EU, Removab ® )The number of all clinical studies in phase II did notchanged during the year <strong>2011</strong>, but nevertheless severaldrug development companies has reached significantmilestones in clinical developement.Corimmun GmbH (Martinsried) has started a phase IIclinical trial with their key compound COR-1, a peptidedrug for the personalized therapy of congestive heartfailure. The trial represents a multi-centric, randomized,double blind, placebo-controlled study.Agennix AG (Munich) has started clinical phase II/IIIOASIS study with their key compound talactoferrin forsevere sepsis. In June <strong>2011</strong>, the first patient has beendosed with talactoferrin. The OASIS study represents amulticenter, double-blind, randomized phase II/III trialevaluating the oral immunotherapy talactoferrin for thetreatment of severe sepsis.In September and October <strong>2011</strong>, the US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency(EMA) have granted orphan drug designation to 4SC'slead oncology compound Resminostat in Hodgkin'slymphoma (HL). 4SC's lead oncologic compound,received in July <strong>2011</strong> a positive recommendation fororphan medicinal product designation in the EU in theindication hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and obtainedorphan drug status in the US for HCC as well.In November <strong>2011</strong>, 4SC AG has announced their finalresults from its clinical Phase IIb COMPONENT study withits anti-inflammatory compound Vidofludimus inRheumatoid Arthritis. The compound Vidofludimus showsthe reduction of objective parameters and reveals substantialanti-inflammatory activity in combination with avery good safety profile. Moreover, the company has20

published positive topline data from its phase II SAPHIREtrial with resminostat, in patients with relapsed/refractoryHodgkin's Lymphoma (HL). The study confirmed safety ofthe drug and is well tolerated in this advanced stagepatient population.SuppreMol GmbH (Martinsried) has started the clinicalphase IIa with its lead compound SM101 in SystemicLupus Erythematosus (SLE). This study is designed as amulti-centric, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,parallel group phase IIa study with 50 SLEpatients. In November <strong>2011</strong>, the company has initiatedthe dosing of their international SMILE study (SM101 inSLE). The first patient was treated in Australia.One of the clinical highlights at the end of the year hasbeen announced by Micromet Inc. (Munich). The companyhas published remarkable results for their key productBlinatumomab, currently in a clinical phase II single-armdose ranging trial. 75% of patients, who received theselected dose achieved a complete remission, with nodetectable leukemic cell remaining. The data has beenpresented at the 53rd Annual American Society of Hematology(ASH) annual Meeting in Chicago.The total number of clinical studies in phase III reducedto 8 in the previous year. In November <strong>2011</strong>, <strong>Bavarian</strong>Nordic A/S (München/Denmark) has started their pivotalphase III trial of PROSTVAC ® for patients with asymptomaticor minimally symptomatic metastatic castration-resistantprostate cancer. PROST-VAC ® represents an“off-the-shelf”therapeutic vaccine candidate that has the potential toextend the lives of people with advanced prostate cancer.Unfortunately, Curacyte AG (München) stopped theirclinical phase III distributive shock trial (“PHOENIX”).Patients in catecholamine-resistant, distributive shockwere treated with the Nitric Oxide (NO) scavengerPHP/Hemoximer. An independent Data Monitoring Boardconcluded the termination of this study.Wilex AG (Munich) has announced in October <strong>2011</strong> theFast Track designation for RENCAREX ® authorized by theUS Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Fast Trackdesignation represents a process that facilitates thedevelopment, and expedites the review of drugs to treatserious diseases and fill an unmet medical need. Thepurpose is to receive important new drugs to the patientearlier. The announcement of the Fast Track designationhas initiated a milestone payment of USD 2.5 million byPrometheus Inc.Clinical development has to deal with sudden and sometimesunexpected results. To follow the <strong>Bavarian</strong> drugpipeline more precise please refer to the editor’s homepage.21

Deals, Cooperation, Mergers, FinancingDeals and CooperationIn <strong>2011</strong>, the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies have been very active in closing many cooperation deals. Despite the difficulteconomic situation, all <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotech companies have been doing their homework in finding new partnerships orextending long-term cooperation deals. In the beginning of <strong>2011</strong>, Pieris (Weihenstephan) signed an Anticalin® Therapeuticcollaboration with Takeda San Francisco, where Pieris will use its innovative technology platform based on Anticalin scaffoldsto identify new potential candidates for Takeda. A few months later, Pieris announced the signing of a drug developmentcollaboration with Daiichi Sankyo Company Limited. Under this agreement Pieris has received € 7 million uponsigning the collaboration agreement for two targets and will obtain research funding and payments for the achievement ofresearch, preclinical, regulatory and commercial milestones. Altogether, this partnership will be valued with more than€ 100 million per target for Pieris.Another mature biotech company, Micromet agreed on acollaboration with Amgen in July <strong>2011</strong> to develop cancerantibodies that could be worth € 695 million. The collaborationfocused of bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE) antibodiesagainst three solid tumor targets. Amgen decidedonly a few months later, that this technology and pipelineshould be integrated in toto – and bought Micromet inspring <strong>2012</strong> for nearly 1,2 billion US $ (see page 10)!End of July <strong>2011</strong>, MorphoSys’ diagnostics unit AbDSerotec started a research and supply cooperation withthe Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS at theDana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston. The companyprovides research tools using its proprietary Slonomicstechnology platform; in return AbD Serotecreceives financial compensation and preferred access tocommercialization rights for products generated duringthe collaboration.Altogether, more than ten service collaborations havebeen signed within the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster, ofwhich Proteros <strong>Bio</strong>structures GmbH (Martinsried) hasclosed five service collaborations. In May <strong>2011</strong>, e.g.,they signed a collaboration agreement with the InstitutPasteur Korea in the field of infectious diseases byproviding their expertise in structural analysis andX-ray crystallography. In July <strong>2011</strong> they increased theirservice collaborations with AMRI as well as with RigelPharmaceuticals.In January <strong>2011</strong>, KINAXO <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologies (Martinsried)started its collaboration with AstraZeneca to supportthe oncology program of AstraZeneca by applyingKINAXO’s technology platform. A couple of months later,KINAXO signed its second collaboration with TakedaPharmaceutical Company Limited Osaka. With thesupport of KINAXO’s PhosphoScout® technology platformTakeda could accelerate its decision making process ondrug efficacy and safety. It was only a few weeks laterthat Evotec AG, Hamburg, bought and integrated Kinaxofor about € 15 Mio.In addition to service collaborations, the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>companies have closed several international marketing,sales and distribution agreements. Particularly MediGene(Martinsried) signed seven new commercialization agreementsfor the commercialization of Veregen ® with internationalpharmaceutical companies. An exclusive licensingand supply agreement with the Canadian companyTriton Pharma Inc. for the supply and commercializationof Veregen ® for the treatment of genital warts in Canadawas closed in April <strong>2011</strong>. Triton will be responsible for thedrug approval procedure in Canada. MediGene is entitledto payments totaling up to € 2.1 million upon theachievement of milestones, and will obtain royalties onthe sales revenue generated with Veregen ® in the form ofa double-digit percentage share.Furthermore, Wilex Inc., the 100 percent subsidiary ofWilex AG (München) signed an exclusive co-marketingand distribution agreement with American LaboratoryProducts Company Inc. (Salem, USA) as regards thecommercialization of the Serum HER-2/neu ELISA test,the only FDA-cleared IVD ELISA in North America formonitoring women with metastatic breast cancer.Definiens and Leica Microsystems havestarted their marketing Joint Venture inApril <strong>2011</strong>. Both companies will jointlymarket their complementary productsand will be providing commonworkshops and educationalevents.22

Moreover, positive news were published in the year <strong>2011</strong>by MorphoSys regarding their three long-term partnerships:The company received an important technologymilestone payment from Novartis after having finishedthe installation of its HuCAL antibody platform at NovartisInstitutes for <strong>Bio</strong>Medical Research in Basel. In September<strong>2011</strong>, MorphoSys reported that Bayer HealthCarePharmaceuticals had accomplished the next milestone byinitiating a phase I clinical trial with the HuCAL-derivedantibody-drug conjugate BAY 94-9343 in the therapeuticarea of oncology. Furthermore in November <strong>2011</strong>, MorphoSysand Shionogi & Co., Ltd. expanded their agreementfor additional three years. This cooperation focuseson MorphoSys’ HuCAL technology and additional proprietarytechnology modules for research in drug discovery.MorphoSys and Shionogi closed the first license agreementin September 2005.By analyzing the different licensing deals during theyear <strong>2011</strong>, several <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies haveannounced significant deals with international industrypartners. For example, 4SC (Martinsried) and YakultHonsha (Japan) signed an exclusive license agreementfor Japan based on 4SC’soral HDAC Inhibitor Resminostat.Under these terms of agreement, 4SC AG has receivedan upfront payment from Yakult Honsha of € 6 millionand will receive up to € 127 million payable upon achievingspecified milestones including clinical and regulatoryevents in Japan. In addition to milestone payments,Yakult will pay 4SC double-digit royalties linked to productsales of Resminostat, which will also include the APIcosts.Another <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> company, Affectis Pharamceuticals(Martinsried), signed an exclusive licensing agreementwith Merck Serono, Darmstadt, for oral compoundstargeting the P2X7 receptors. Affectis has obtained € 2.4million upfront payment, will receive research fundingand could obtain up to € 277 million in milestones andundisclosed royalties. In addition, the Munich basedWilex (Munich) has granted exclusive US commercialisationrights for RENCAREX ® to Prometheus LaboratoriesInc., San Diego, USA. By signing this agreement, Wilexhas received approximately € 29.4 million ($ 39 million),€ 14.3 million ($ 19 million) upon signing and either€ 15.1 million ($ 20 million) after twelve months or alternativelythe European commercial rights for an undisclosedproduct from Prometheus. In addition WILEX willreceive milestone payments and royalties on US net salesof RENCAREX ® . Furthermore Prometheus will co-fund aportion of the ongoing development of RENCAREX ® .Another licensing deal was closed at the end of year <strong>2011</strong>.Sanofi has exclusively licensed Scil Technology’s programfor the regenerative treatment of osteoarthritis andcartilage disorders. This deal is valued with more than€ 180 million and includes upfront payments, potentialmilestone payments and undisclosed royalties on worldwideproduct sales.These adds up to a record deal-closing of nearly € 1,4billion in <strong>2011</strong> – a strong argument for the attractivenessof <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology!23

M&A-ActivityIn early <strong>2011</strong> the acquisition of GENEART, Regenburg,trough the Life Tech Corporation was finalized. TheRegensburg site maintains as specific center of competencein synthetic biotechnology and brand-name withinthe Life Tech group. Later in <strong>2011</strong> the more than 200employees of GENEART moved to the third new buildingof <strong>Bio</strong>Park Regensburg.Another takeover hit a traditional bavarian chemicalcompany, Süd-Chemie AG. Clariant AG, Switzerland,acquired the controlling majority in Süd-Chemie AG andfinalized this procedure in late <strong>2011</strong>; the total value of thetransaction was about € 2.0 billion. Süd-Chemie is – alsoin future - an important partner in the <strong>Bavarian</strong> networkof industrial biotechnology, having advanced projects inproducing bio-fuel from straw. The demonstration plantwas just set up in Straubing by the end of <strong>2011</strong>.During the year <strong>2011</strong> two companies within the <strong>Bavarian</strong><strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster were sold to other <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companieswith a total deal volume of more than € 30 million. InFebruary <strong>2011</strong>, Evotec decided to acquire all shares ofKINAXO <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologies, Martinsried. This acquisitionwill complete Evotec’s leading position as a fully integrateddrug discovery and early drug development partner.The company Kinaxo <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologies has now transformedits name into Evotec Munich AG and will increaseits working force in Martinsried. The second M&A dealwas announced by FEI and Till Photonics. FEI, a leadinginstrumentation company was successful in acquiringTILL Photonics, a Munich based company which developshigh resolution, digital light microscopes and imagingsystems.FinancingThe external financing situation for <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies isstill very sobering. Especially for drug developmentcompanies, the financing gap in early stage developmentup to clinical phase II increases. New financing modelshave been sprout out during the last year <strong>2011</strong>. Onlyabout € 70 million million in total have been invested bypublic and private investors within the <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>companies. In comparison to the year 2010, the totalamount of follow-on, venture capital investments anddebt financing dropped down by 76%, in a five yearoverview, it represents a reduction by 70%.Venture Capital has decreased dramatically during theyear 2010 with € 49 million, the total sum of venturecapital reduced to the amount of € 28.35 million. Thismeans a reduction by 42% compared to last year and atotal reduction by 63% within 5 years.One of the biggest financing rounds within the <strong>Bavarian</strong><strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Cluster has been announced by AMsilk GmbH(Martinsried). The company revealed the closing of theirB-financing round. The investors MIG Fonds 6, MIGFonds 7 und MIG Fonds 11 as well as AT Newtec haveprovided € 5 million for the further commercialization ofAMsilk’s key technology. In addition, the MIG Fonds,together with Global Asset Fund also invested € 8 millionfor Antisense Pharma in Series E round.Furthermore, LipoFIT Analytic GmbH (Regensburg) raised€ 7 million in a second round of financing, which will besupported by SHS Gesellschaft, KfW Bankengruppe,Bayern Kapital and private investors to strengthenLipoFIT’s core business area of human diagnostics,biogas and plant analytics.Regarding the public capital market, especially follow-oninvestments decreased by 81% to € 39.24 million comparedto € 210 million the year before. Only two companies4SC AG (Martinsried) and Agennix AG (München /Heidelberg) completed their capital increases. In February<strong>2011</strong>, 4 SC AG (Martinsried) has gathered grossproceeds of approximately € 11,74 million and placed3,452,647 new shares at a price of € 3,40 per share.In addition, Agennix AG (Munich/Heidelberg) hassuccessfully finished their rights offering andplaced 9,319,504 new no-par value bearershares to shareholders. The companycollected approximately € 11,3 million incash and approximately € 16,2 millionfrom the conversion to equity of anexisting loan plus interest. The contributionin kind was partly done bycompany’s major shareholder,dievini Hopp <strong>Bio</strong>Tech holdingGmbH & Co.KG.24

But there’s some more good news too: The financing gaphas been partly covered by alternative financing sources.In comparison to the decreasing public and privatecapital situation, the deal volume for licensing, commercializationand M&A reached an all-time-high. All <strong>Bavarian</strong><strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companies were able to close a all-time highof deals during the last year (see page 22f).Since beginning of October 2010, the Munich <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>Region has been awarded for the Leading Edge Clustercompetition by the German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research. Over € 40 million has been contributed forfive years by the German Federal Ministry of Educationand Research; another € 60 million has been provided bythe <strong>Bavarian</strong> Ministry and many industry partners. UntilMarch 2015, the main R&D strategy for all projects willpush Personalized Medicine and Targeted therapies.Furthermore, a number of <strong>Bavarian</strong> <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> companiesreceive EU grants for certain R&D topics together withEuropean partners, for example the EUROCALIN Consortium,including ten companies, i.e. Pieris AG (Freising)and universities from across Europe, has initiated acollaboration focused on attaining and completing initialclinical development of a novel Anticalin ® therapeutic.The project will be sponsored partly by the EuropeanCommission Seventh Framework Programme(FP7-Health).EXTERNAL FINANCING AND DEALS1,39 billionMio. €600600610500533400300200151,461,2210,010078,2139,657,5116,2120076,7 3442,22006 200784,0200830,1200949,020,0201040,028,0<strong>2011</strong>Follow-OnIPOVC + Silent PartnershipsFinancing “on demand”closed deals (dotted line)in the respective year only*Loans are not included25

Due to the increasing number of new promising technologiesfor commercialization from public fundedresearch sectors, two partners, Vesalius <strong>Bio</strong>capital andthe technology transfer company Ascenion joined theirforces together with the German Federal Ministry ofEducation and Research (BMBF) to create “the Spinnovator”.This project has been provided up to € 40 millionover the coming 5 years for start-up financing. Half of thebudget will be contributed by Vesalius <strong>Bio</strong>capital, theother half will be provided by the BMBF, further investorscan co-invest.Last but not least, Roche has invested more than € 158million for their location in Penzberg to develop therapeuticproteins. In June <strong>2011</strong>, Roche inaugurated theirinvestment project „TP-Expand“.RevenuesFor reasons of comparison, the figure to the left showsthe business data published by Bavaria’s biotechnologycompanies listed at the stock exchange. Their salesreported for <strong>2011</strong> amount to € 174.8 million, a resultthat is approximately the same as that of last year(2010: € 179.3 million). Remarkable is the share of MorphoSysAG in this respect which is more than € 100million, an all-time high for this company in <strong>2011</strong>.Taken together, the sales figures of all but only <strong>Bavarian</strong>biotech companies (SMEs) thus show a clear upwardtrend to 2010 with more than € 510 million and a plus ofabout 10% (figure to the right).The major part of thisincrease was generated by private biotech companies.Still a major share of revenues is invested in R&D in<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> SME <strong>2011</strong>: approximately 50% or more than €260 million.SummaryIn the past years, the <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotechnology sectorshowed further signs of stabilisation and consilidation.An increase in the number of employees of 30 % since2006, stable growth rates almost every year in terms ofsales, and an unbroken technology leadership whichattracts the most famous global companies are definitelypositive signs for <strong>Bavarian</strong> biotech companies.The attractiveness of excellence in science leading toapplied and translational medicine in innovative fieldslike “personalized medicine” is already paying off – notonly for investors and entrepreneurs but for the societyand finally the patient.Total sales in <strong>2011</strong> for the majority of companies thatare not listed can only be roughly estimated at around€ 340 million, based on the reported figures (65% ofbiotech SMEs).REVENUES TOTAL IN MIO. €,ALL BIOTECH SME TOGETHER<strong>2011</strong>2010REVENUES TOTAL IN MIO. €, LISTED COMPANIES (SME)200620072008 20092010<strong>2011</strong>161 154 185 183 180 175470 51526

Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology on the move<strong>Bavarian</strong> Network supports <strong>Bio</strong>based EconomyIndustrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology is the key technology delivering important impulses for the intended structural change from an oiltoa bio-based economy. The benchmarking of several countries building on 40 different criteria reflecting the situation inthe carbohydrate markets, energy supply, political and socio-economic framework conditions shows that the conditions forthe future development of Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology are most favorable in the EU, particularly in Germany (Study of ECOSYS GmbH for FNR, March <strong>2011</strong>). Within Germany, Bavaria belongs to the most research-intensive sites worldwide and hasa highly developed infrastructure for technology transfer (‘Wirtschaftsstandort Bayern’, BayStMWIVT, Sept. 2010). Thus,Bavaria offers best conditions for the advanced development of Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology.Here, <strong>Bio</strong> M WB GmbH comes into play: With the aim ofstrengthening Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology in Bavaria, thecompany was founded in June 2008. <strong>Bio</strong> M WB is themanagement organization of the interdisciplinary com -petence network <strong>Bio</strong> M WB, a winner of the competition“<strong>Bio</strong>Industry 2021” of the Federal Ministry of Educationand Research (BMBF).The network <strong>Bio</strong> M WB is a consortium of industrial andacademic partners bringing together their complemen -tary skills to develop new processes and products in thesector of Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology.Basis of our work is cross linking partners between andbeyond branches and sectors for the benefit of knowledgeand technology transfer in the field of Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> -nology. In this course, <strong>Bio</strong> M WB scrutinizes demand of themarket, surveys beneficial inventions in academia andidentifies adequate matches that may constitute the basisfor collaborations to create innovative and sustainableproducts and/or procedures in a reasonable time. This isthe key for the implementation of valuable scientific ideasand inventions to marketable products and processes.Beyond supporting the network in all matters of tech -nology transfer, <strong>Bio</strong> M WB conducts public affairs, promotesthe visibility of the network members and seeks thedialogue with policy and decision makers. Last acquisitionsin <strong>2011</strong> to date were twelve new members. Currently,the network involves 80 members in total. Withinalmost four years, the <strong>Bio</strong> M WB network has mobilizedmore than 90 million euros for Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologyencompassing R&D projects, plants and structural measures.In the R&D projects within the network, partners ofas diverse branches as biochemistry, microbiology,process engineering, machine and plant engineering areworking directly together.With the support of <strong>Bio</strong> M WB, collaborations are beingestablished, e. g. between suppliers of agriculturalresidual material with producers of consumers’ goods.The original concept of the network was the cost-effectiveproduction of bulk chemicals, e. g. acetate, starting withagricultural lignocellulose residues with the aid of “performanceproteins”. Subsequently, the network’s focuswas broadened: additional key aspects of activity areprocess optimization, new biomaterials/biopolymers,production of high value products for the food andcosmetic industry, biofuels etc. In <strong>2011</strong>, six R&Dproposals of network members with a totalvolume of more than 11 million euros havebeen granted. Their focus lies e. g. on theoptimization of performance proteins, oron development of new, cheaper andmore efficient processes for the productionof novel materials and theiruse in different technical processes.At the moment, two R&D projectsare being examined by referees;two more R&D-projects will besubmitted soon. Additionally,28

one so called “innovation alliance” consisting of 16industrial and academic partners will be submitted at theend of March to the supportive measure “InnovationInitiative Industrial <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology” of the BMBF. In thisalliance, partners of the entire value chain will collaborateto achieve a higher added value of the current use ofagricultural residues. Particularly, the collaborators in thisalliance belong greatly to industrial branches, in whichbiotechnological processes are yet uncommon.In general, the future interest of “final user industry” is tobe intensified, especially of the branches automotive,building industry, aircraft and sports & life-style industry.CONTACT<strong>Bio</strong> M WB GmbHProf. Dr. Haralabos Zorbas (CEO)Am Klopferspitz 1982152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0)89-54 04 54 70Internet: www.<strong>Bio</strong>M-WB.de29


4SC AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Jochen OrlowskiAm Klopferspitz 19a82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: jochen.orlowski@4sc.comInternet: www.4sc.comKeywords: drug development, targeted therapies, oncology, autoimmunediseases, small molecules, liver cancer (HCC), colorectal cancer, Hodgkin’slymphoma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)The Group managed by 4SC AG discovers and develops targeted smallmoleculedrugs for the treatment of diseases with a high unmet medicalneed in various autoimmune and cancer indications. These drugs are intendedto provide patients with innovative treatment options that are moretolerable and efficacious than existing therapies, and provide a better qualityof life. The company's balanced clinical pipeline comprises promising productsthat are in various stages of clinical development. 4SC's aim is togenerate future growth and enhance its enterprise value by entering intopartnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies. At the end of <strong>2011</strong>, the4SC Group had 96 employees. The company was founded in 1997 and hasbeen listed on the Prime Standard of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISINDE0005753818) since December 2005.4SC Discovery GmbHBIOTECHContact:Dr. Andrea AschenbrennerAm Klopferspitz 19a82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: andrea.aschenbrenner@4sc.comInternet: www.4sc-discovery.comKeywords: drug discovery, integrated drug discovery programmes, hit finding,hit to lead optimisation, in silico screening, medicinal chemistry, analyticalservices, research collaborations4SC Discovery GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 4SC AG that offerstechnologies and tailored research services in drug discovery, covering hitfinding and chemical lead optimisation through to preclinical developmentcandidates. The company focuses its services on offering customers in thepharmaceutical, biotech and chemical industries the cost and time-to-marketbenefits that result from a drug discovery and optimisation process basedon a powerful, computer aided, screening and discovery platform. In addition,4SC Discovery also applies its comprehensive pharmacological expertiseto investigating new compounds in the areas of cancer and autoimmunedisease – a measure also intended to further enhance the clinical developmentpipeline for the 4SC Group. The company aims to engage in partnershipswith pharmaceutical and biotech companies to accelerate the furtherdevelopment and commercialisation of these research programmes.32

Acino AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Pharmacology, Clinical Research, Drug Delivery, Medicinal ChemistryAcino has specialised in the development, registration and manufacture ofgeneric and innovative pharmaceutical products using sophisticated formulationtechnologies, for which Acino also holds patents. By focusing on solidoral dosage forms with modified release as well as therapeutic systems fortransdermal drug delivery such as patches and biodegradable, subcutaneousimplants, Acino supplies the leading companies in the European drug markets.Acino offers the pharmaceutical industry a comprehensive range of servicesfrom product development and registration through procurement and contractmanufacturing to packaging and logistics.Headquartered in Basel, the Acino Group currently employs a staff of closeon 443. In 2010, it generated a total sales revenue of EUR 127,5 million. AcinoHolding AG is quoted on the SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX: ACIN).Contact:Jörg ScheidleAm Windfeld 35D-83714 MiesbachPhone: +49 (0) 8025 2867-0Fax: +49 (0) 8025 2867-28E-Mail: info.miesbach@acino-pharma.comInternet: www.acino-pharma.comActivaero GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTS, MEDTECHKeywords: Drug Delivery, Devices, Peptide/Protein, Small Molecules,Infectious Diseases, Inflammation, Respiratory DiseasesActivaero GmbH, a technology leader in controlled breathing inhalationdevices. These innovative technologies enable safer, more cost-efficient, andeffective options for inhaled treatments and are available for clinical trialsand pharma partnerships. Under the trade mark of AKITA ® Activaero isdeveloping and producing inhalation systems which enable the use ofFAVORITE in the therapy of pulmonary diseases and the development ofnew inhalant drugs. Beyond that, Activaero is a center of excellence in aerosolmedicine and supports pharma and biotech companies with its technologyand services. Activaero GmbH is located in Gemünden/Wohra, Munich(Germany) and Dublin, Ohio (USA).Contact:Bernhard MüllingerRobert-Koch-Allee 29D-82131 GautingPhone: +49 (0) 89 897969-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 897969-22E-Mail: info@activaero.deInternet: www.activaero.deActive Motif Chromeon GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Fine Chemicals / Reagents, Nanobiotechnology, MicroscopyContact:Dr. Jörg PlümpeActive Motif Chromeon provides innovative fluorescent reagents for LifeScience research applications including several lines of fluorescent chromophores-Von-Heyden-Str. 12D-93105 TegernheimChromeo Dyes, RuLabels and Py-Dyes. Chromeo Dye excitationPhone: +49 (0) 9403 95449-10and emission properties match common excitation sources and filter sets,Fax: +49 (0) 9403 95449-15E-Mail: chromeonsales@activemotif.comideal for microscopy and plate-based assays. RuLabels are phosphorescentInternet:www.activemotif.comruthenium probes that emit strongly polarized light with a long decay time,which enhances sensitivity and reduces background. The Py-Dyes possessunique physical and spectral properties that make conjugation simple, whilegreatly reducing background. As alternative to organic dyes, a set of brightand biocompatible fluorescent nanoparticles is offered. They representexcellent tools for increasing the sensitivity of your assays. 33

Contact:Dr. Luc St-OngeFraunhoferstr. 13/4.OGD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8932811-100Fax: +49 (0) 89 8932811-111E-Mail: info@affectis.comInternet: www.affectis.comAffectis Pharmaceuticals AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: CNS, Drug Development, Inflammation, Small MoleculesAffectis is a pharmaceutical company focusing on novel drugs for the treatmentof neuroinflammatory diseases. The company is developing AFC-5128,a potent orally active brain-penetrant P2X7 antagonist which shows stronganalgesic effects animal models of neuropathic pain and significantly reducesclinical scores and frequency of relapse in models of multiple sclerosis.The company is also developing AFC-5278 for osteoporosis. Affectis andMerck Serono have entered into a partnership to commercialize certain compoundsfor treating neurodegenerative diseases. Affectis' programs thuscarry the promise of bringing to market new classes of drugs that addressand satisfy unmet medical needs.Agennix AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Barbara MüllerFraunhoferstr. 20D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8565-2693Fax: +49 (0) 89 8565-2610E-Mail: ir@agennix.comInternet: www.agennix.comKeywords: Infectious Diseases, Immune Therapy, Peptide/Protein, Dermatology,Oncology, Small Molecules, Drug DevelopmentAgennix AG is a publicly listed biopharmaceutical company that is developingnovel therapies to improve the length and quality of life of seriously illpatients in areas of major unmet medical need. The Company's most advancedprogram is talactoferrin, an oral immunotherapy that has demonstratedactivity in Phase II studies in non-small cell lung cancer and in severe sepsis.Talactoferrin is currently in Phase III clinical trials in non-small cell lungcancer and a Phase II/III trial in severe sepsis. Other clinical developmentprograms include RGB-286638, a multi-targeted kinase inhibitor in Phase Itesting for cancer, and a topical gel form of talactoferrin for diabetic footulcers.Contact:Prof. Dr. Gottfried BremLarezhausen 2-3D-86567 HilgertshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8250 9279040Fax: +49 (0) 8250 9279049E-Mail: labor@agrobiogen.deInternet: www.agrobiogen.deAgrobiogen GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Automation, Xenotransplantation, Genomics, Gene Transfer,Transgenic Animals, AgrobiotechnologyAgrobiogen focuses on and is experienced in the application of moleculargenetictechniques in livestock animals (especially moleculargenetic diagnosticsand gene transfer). Many transgenic rabbit lines and several cattleclones have been established. As a service for other biotech companiestransgenic farm animals are generated using conventional microinjectionprocedures and nucleus transfer. Detection of pathogens like BVDV, as wellas parentage control of animals, SNP genotyping and analysis of DNAmarkers are offered as a service for breeders, veterinarians and companies.Agrobiogen has developed a simple labour-saving system for collection oftissue samples and extraction of DNA from millions of animals for highthroughputanalysis.34

ALGORA Gesellschaft für Medizinstatistikund Vertriebssysteme mbHCROKeywords: Oncology, Monitoring, Clinical Research, Infectious DiseasesAlgora is a niche CRO successfully operating on clinical trials in Germany.Services include phase II-IV trials as well as large observational studies andrange from protocol development to final study reports. Algora managescomplete study projects or delivers individual services, such as clinicalmonitoring, data management or statistical analysis. Experienced in oncologysince the first days of the company in 1989, Algora always had a focus oninnovative therapies, leading to close relationships to university hospitalsand medical societies. Since 1995 another focus developed in large pediatricstudies. Customers are pharmaceutical and medical device companies,independent research groups, and other CROs.Contact:Dr. Karl FehnleMünchner Str. 11D-85540 HaarPhone: +49 (0) 89 613727-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 613727-20E-Mail: cro@algora.deInternet: www.algora.deAMGEN GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Research, Oncology, Bone / Joint Diseases, NephrologyAmgen discovers, develops, manufactures and delivers innovative humantherapeutics. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen was one of thefirst companies to realize the new science’s promise by bringing safe andeffective medicines from lab, to manufacturing plant, to patient. Amgentherapeutics have changed the practice of medicine, helping millions of peoplearound the world in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoidarthritis, and other serious illnesses. With a deep and broad pipeline ofpotential new medicines, Amgen remains committed to advancing scienceto dramatically improve people‘s lives. To learn more about our pioneeringscience and our vital medicines, please visit www.amgen.com orwww.amgen.deContact:Dr. Karl-Heinz GrajerHanauerstr. 1D-80992 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 149096-1600Fax: +49 (0) 89 149096-2600E-Mail: karl-heinz.grajer@amgen.comInternet: www.amgen.deAMGEN Research GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Metabolic Diseases, Oncology, Neurology, Inflammation, Hematology,Small Molecules, Drug DevelopmentAMGEN, (Applied Molecular Genetics Inc.) was founded in 1980 as one ofthe pioneers of industrial biotechnology. The company develops, producesand sells biopharmaceutical products that are produced through recombinantDNA technologies as well as small molecule therapeutics. AMGENResearch GmbH was founded in Regensburg in 2000. Basic research is conductedwith the aim of identifying new pharmaceutical lead structures forthe development of innovative drugs. Low molecular weight compoundsare identified by high throughput screening (HTS) procedures. Over 10million compounds are analyzed every year.Contact:Mirko StemmlerJosef-Engert-Str. 11D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 465-20000Fax: +49 (0) 941 465-20100E-Mail: Mirko.Stemmler@amgen.comInternet: www.amgen.de35

Contact:Dr. Lars WassillWerkstr. 2D-83555 Gars-BahnhofPhone: +49 (0) 8073 91693-0Fax: +49 (0) 8073 91693-33E-Mail: info@amplexdiagnostics.deInternet: www.amplexdiagnostics.deAmplexDiagnostics GmbH − Gesellschaftfür molekularbiologische DiagnostikBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, PCR, Infectious DiseasesAmplexDiagnostics GmbH is a privately held company for the development,production and distribution of In Vitro Diagnostics. Our aim is the improvementof the potential of the PCR-technology by implementing the mainadvantages of this technology into the diagnosis of bacterial infections.Founded in 2002 - Amplex developed its first product (hyplex © StaphyloResist)and entered the market already in 2003. Additional systems for the directdetection of multidrug-resistant bacteria (like VRE, ESBL, KPC and NDM-1)are completing our portfolio of PCR-screening tests for nosocomial infectionscausing bugs. Beside this we offer several PCR-based screening testsfor sexual transmitted diseases, EHEC or TBC. For further information pleasevisit our webpage www.hyplex.de or contact us.AMS Advanced Medical ServicesCROContact:Dr. Gerlinde JänelWerner-Eckert-Str. 10D-81829 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 2000074-11Fax: +49 (0) 89 2000074-40E-Mail: gerlinde.jaenel@ams-europe.comInternet: www.ams-europe.comKeywords: Analysis, Pharmacology, Medical Writing, Monitoring, ClinicalResearchAMS Advanced Medical Services GmbH is a privately owned independentEuropean mid-size CRO founded in 1997 in Mannheim by 6 partners, 4 ofwhom are medical doctors. AMS has also offices in London, Vienna andMunich. AMS has an overall staff of 350 people, approx. half of them are inclinical research, the other half in Marketing and Sales services. AMSinvented the 1. Internet-Pharmaschool (1.IPS) with trainers and techniquesoffering tailor-made training concepts for staff in both clinical research andsales. AMS is a full service CRO with significant experience in multipletherapeutic areas and strong medical expertise covering Phase I to Phase IV,non-interventional programs, pharmaco-epidemiology and -economics.Our staff includes 60 CRAs and more than 50 people in DM and Stats.AMSilk GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTContact:Axel LeimerAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 38156-4430Fax: +49 (0) 89 38156-3859E-Mail: info@amsilk.comInternet: www.amsilk.comKeywords: Drug Delivery, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, Fine Chemicals /Reagents, New MaterialsTechnology enables the production of tailor-made materials which areunrivaled by most common synthetic materials. AMSilk addresses manyapplications and industry sectors with new materials enabling new productswith previously unachievable features.AMSilk has developed a unique process to produce biopolymers like spidersilk at an industrial scale. These materials form the basis for coatings, films,non-wovens and monofilament fibers. The resulting products are being developedmedical, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. The name AMSilkand the AMSilk Logo are registered trademarks of AMSilk GmbH; Munich.36

AmVac Research GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Vaccines, Gene Transfer, Drug DevelopmentAmVac Research is a biotech company developing highly innovative andmultifunctional vaccines. The company is using a novel viral vector technologythat combines excellent immunogenicity of live viral vaccines with thehigh safety profile of inactivated vaccines. This technology serves as aplatform for the development of several tailor-made vaccines. One mainfocus of the company is the development of vaccines against respiratorytract diseases caused by viral agents such as RSV or hPIV3 against which noeffective therapeutic or preventive means exist. Related to vaccination, AmVacis developing adjuvant candidates which show superior mucosal efficacy.R E S E A R C H G m b HContact:Dr. Marian WiegandLochhamer Str. 29aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 63854363Fax: +49 (0) 89 99753425E-Mail: info@amvac-research.deInternet: www.amvac-research.deamYmed GmbH −Referenzzentrum für AmyloidkrankheitenBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Antibody, Devices, Antibody Production Service, ClinicalDiagnosticsWe provide high precision immunhistochemical classification of the diverseamyloid diseases with respect to specific and causal treatment as a servicefor patients and physicians.We are in the process of extending this service by producing and offeringtest kits in order to enable clinics and institutes of pathology to perform thisclassification by themselves.Contact:Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold P. LinkeAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 5<strong>2012</strong>638Fax: +49 (0) 89 52389013E-Mail: linke@amymed.deInternet: www.amymed.deAntisense Pharma GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Oncology, Antisense/Nucleotides, RNAi & Antisense, Drug DevelopmentAntisense Pharma is a biopharmaceutical company located in Regensburg,Germany. The company focuses on targeted therapies for malignant tumorsand is dedicated to discovering and developing drugs based on antisensetechnology. The medications specifically block the synthesis of key cancerproteins. Antisense Pharma has clinical trials running that involve patientswith brain tumors (phase III), advanced pancreatic carcinoma, malignantmelanoma and colorectal carcinoma (phase I/II). Therapies for other indicationsare under preclinical development. The company has been honoredwith the German Founder Award and the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Innovation Award andreceived the Innovation Prize TOP 100 twice.Contact:Carolin NolteJosef-Engert-Str. 9D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 92013-0Fax: +49 (0) 941 92013-29E-Mail: pr@antisense-pharma.comInternet: www.antisense-pharma.com37

Apceth GmbH & Co. KGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. med. Christine GüntherProf. Dr. Ralf HussMax-Lebsche-Platz 30D-81377 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 7009608-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7009608-79E-Mail: c.guenther@apceth.comE-Mail: r.huss@apceth.comInternet: www.apceth.comKeywords: Gene Transfer, Cell Therapy, Gene Therapy, CardiovascularDiseases, Oncology, Tissue Engineering / Cell CultureApceth is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development andclinical application of pioneering cell and gene therapies for the treatmentof malignant and non-malignant diseases. Apceth combines the principlesof (stem) cell biology with ground-breaking technologies and the higheststandards for GMP manufacturing and quality control according to nationaland international regulations. These standards are applied in equal measureto apceth’s own as well as contract GMP-manufacturing of cell-based products.The company’s state-of-the-art GMP/BSL2 facilities comprise 600 m 2of cleanroom area (ISO8, ISO7, ISO5), quality control and R&D units, andpossess manufacturing license for somatic cell therapeutics (AMG §13, §20b).Apceth’s first clinical trial phase I/II is in progress.APEX GmbHCROContact:Dr. med. Gertraud Haug-PihaleLandsberger Str. 476D-81241 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 896016-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 896016-33E-Mail: apexpkpd@aol.comInternet: www.apex-research.comKeywords: Pharmacology, Drug Development, Clinical Research,Pharmacokinetics, Diabetics, Hepatology, NephrologyOur Concept... APEX is a highly efficient combination of investigator andCRO. Our aim is to provide our clients with a service which combines theaccess to patients of an investigator with the expertise to perform acomplex, high quality research project of a CRO. We combine high levelphase 1 data quality with the typical phase 2/3 study population.Our Service... Is the clinical performance of pharmacokinetic and proof-ofconcept/ PKPD studies.Our Study Population... are patients with impaired renal or hepatic functionand patients with other chronic stabile diseases (diabetes, hypertension,asthma etc.). Since the patients come into our clinic, rather than us having togo to them via their GP‘s, the data we generate are more complete andaccurate, fewer patients are required and the project can be completed faster.Our Clients... are international pharmaceutical companies from mediumsized to members of the world‘s top ten.38

apoGene GmbH & Co. KGBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Xenotransplantation, Knock Out, Tissue Engineering / Cell CultureapoGene is focused on the field of xenotransplantation. Rabbits and pigsare genetically modified (transfer, knock out and recombination of endogenousgenes) for influencing the different steps of the rejection process after xenotransplantationof animals tissues and organs. We are also investigating theexpression of endogenous retroviral sequences after xenogenetic transfer.For the development of knock out animals we have developed and patentedan alternative strategy, the so called screen-out of hemozygote carriers offunctional defects in natural or mutagenized populations. The technique willalso be very interesting for the establishment of animal models for basicand applied research.Contact:Prof. Dr. Gottfried BremLarezhausen 2D-86567 HilgertshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8250 9279010Fax: +49 (0) 8250 9279019E-Mail: gottfried.brem@apogene-gmbh.deInternet: www.apogene-gmbh.deAssign GroupCROKeywords: Analysis, Clinical Research, Logistics, Monitoring, Medical Writing,Pharmacology, Toxicology, Insourcing, Outsourcing, RecruitingThe Assign Group, an international expert in pharmaceutical developmentoffering full service globally to <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nology, Pharmaceutical and MedicalDevice Companies. We support pharmaceutical development from preclinicalto clinical phase I to IV. Our broad expertise covers the entire developmentprocess, reduces the clients development time at affordable budgetand supports the projects to become a success. We are right there whereyou need us.Assign Life Science Resourcing’s network (ALSR) matches the most qualifiedcandidates and clients.Contact:Verena KöpkeFraunhoferstr. 22D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 741206-80Fax: +49 (0) 89 741206-88E-Mail: verena.koepke@assigngroup.comInternet: www.assigngroup.comAstellas Pharma GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Drug Development, Antibiotics, Allergy, Autoimmune Diseases,Immune Therapy, Infectious Diseases, InflammationContact:Dr. Martin MarhoeferAstellas Pharma Inc. was formed in April 2005 from a merger withYamanouchi and Fujisawa. Astellas Pharma is Japan’s second largestpharmaceutical company and is headquartered in Tokio. It has operations inEurope, Asia, North America and Japan. Astellas is focused on four keytherapy areas: Transplantation, urology, dermatology, and anti-infectives.Astellas employs approximately 3,300 people in Europe across Sales andMarketing, Research & Development and Manufacturing. Astellas has 19Sales and Marketing Affiliates, 3 plants and 1 R&D site in Europe. AstellasEurope is headquartered just outside London in Staines. The Germanheadquarters are based in Munich. Located here are Sales, Marketing andMedical. The product portfolio includes therapies in transplantation, urology,dermatology, asthma/COPD, cardiology, antibiotics and gastroenterology.Astellas Pharma GmbH Munich employs approximately 350 peopleincluding 225 sales representatives.Georg-Brauchle-Ring 64-66D-80992 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4544-1440Fax: +49 (0) 89 4544-5440E-Mail: info@de.astellas.comInternet: www.astellas.de39

Contact:Dr. Gundel HagerBahnhofstr. 9-15D-82327 TutzingPhone: +49 (0) 8158 2597-30Fax: +49 (0) 8158 2597-31E-Mail: info@aurigon.deInternet: www.aurigon.deAurigon Life Science GmbHBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Toxicology, Pharmacology, Drug DevelopmentAurigon the CRO for efficacy and safety testing, is an independent, privatelyowned company dedicated to serving the biotech, pharmaceutical, food andchemical industries by providing a comprehensive range of services in bioanalytics,pharmacology, biological activity testing, ADME/PK and regulatorytoxicology (rodent and non-rodent) including genotoxicity, immunotoxicity,safety pharmacology, cancerogenicity and reprotoxicity. We have broadexperience in working with small molecules, chemicals and biologicals includingpeptides, antibodies, biosimilars, herbal extracts, nutritionals and celltherapy. With personalized and flexible services we support achievement ofour customers needs in expected timelines, investment and efforts. With itsheadquarter in the south of Munich, Aurigon Life Science operates in state ofthe art GLP respectively GMP compliant facilities with subsidiary andaffiliated laboratories located near Budapest. We are a trusted outsourcingpartner for multinational pharmaceutical and chemical groups, food producersand innovative biotechnology companies. We feel committed to life.baseclick GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Thomas FrischmuthBahnhofstr. 9-15D-82327 TutzingPhone: +49 (0) 8158 903867Fax: +49 (0) 8158 903894E-Mail: info@baseclick.euInternet: www.baseclick.euKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Fine Chemicals / Reagents, New Materials,Chip / Array Technology, Nanobiotechnology, PCRbaseclick GmbH is a young and dynamic company funded and founded byBASF Venture Capital GmbH. The baseclick IP was generated at the Universityof Munich in the group of Prof. Thomas Carell. Core technology of ourcompany is the modification of nucleic acids via click chemistry. baseclickholds the IP for the technology and offers this for licensing, purchasing ofour products, and cooperation for the further development. We provideinnovative products to improve and enhance your research in the fields of:Oligonucleotide-, DNA- and RNA-labeling; PCR assays, cell proliferationassays, FISH probes and many more.Basilea Pharmaceutica Deutschland GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Thomas TrillingKistlerhofstr. 75D-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 7857674-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7857674-100E-Mail: office.DE@basileapharma.comInternet: www.basilea.com40Keywords: Drug Development, Antibiotics, Allergy, Dermatology, InfectiousDiseases, OncologyBasilea Pharmaceutica Ltd. is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland. Thecompany currently focuses on antibiotics and antifungal as well as oncologyand dermatology drugs, targeting the medical challenge of rising resistanceand non-response to current treatment options in the hospital and specialtycare settings. Basilea Pharmaceutica Deutschland was founded 2007 inMunich. Skin diseases are an area of high medical need. Patients aresuffering from disfiguring conditions such as hand eczema. Alitretinoin(Toctino ® ), a vitamin A derivative offers a significant quality of life improvementin the treatment of adults with severe chronic hand eczema unresponsiveto topical corticosteroid.

<strong>Bavarian</strong> Nordic GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Infectious Diseases, Vaccines, Drug Development<strong>Bavarian</strong> Nordic (BN) is a leading international biopharmaceutical companydeveloping innovative vaccines to prevent and treat infectious diseases. Thecompany is capable to meet the growing demand for safe 3rd generationsmallpox vaccines due to its proprietary vaccine technology MVA-BN ® . BNwas founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Kvistgaard, Denmark with subsidiaryoperations in Martinsried and Berlin, Germany. BN recently foundedin the US an operating company, BN ImmunoTherapeutics Inc., for researchand development of cancer vaccines. The company employs about 180 peopleand is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.More than 450 healthy and immune compromised subjects so far vaccinatedwith MVA-BN ® , suggest an excellent safety and efficacy profile of thevector.Contact:Derek BeggsFraunhoferstr. 13D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 85650030Fax: +49 (0) 89 85651333E-Mail: derek.beggs@bavarian-nordic.comInternet: www.bavarian-nordic.comBaxter Deutschland GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, Vaccines, Immune Therapy, Pain,Oncology, Autoimmune Diseases, NephrologyBaxter International Inc. (NYSE: BAX), through its subsidiaries, develops,manufactures and markets products that save and sustain the lives of peoplewith hemophilia, immune disorders, infectious diseases, kidney disease,trauma, and other chronic and acute medical conditions. As a global, diversifiedhealthcare company, Baxter applies a unique combination of expertisein medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to create productsthat advance patient care worldwide.Contact:Lutz KnabeEdisonstr. 4D-85716 UnterschleißheimPhone: +49 (0) 89 31701-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 31701-277E-Mail: info_de@baxter.comInternet: www.baxter.deBeckman Coulter <strong>Bio</strong>medical GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, Nanobiotechnology, Automation, PCRBeckman Coulter develops, manufacturers and markets products that simplify,Contact:automate and innovate complex biomedical testing. Our diagnostic systemsDr. Gerhard Gunzerare found in hospitals and other critical care settings around the world andproduce information used by physicians to diagnose disease, make treatmentSauerbruchstr. 50decisions and monitor patients. Scientists use our life science research instrumentsto study complex biological problems including causes of disease andD-81377 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 579589-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 579589-3503potential new therapies or drugs.E-Mail: info@beckmann.comHospital laboratories are our core clinical diagnostic customers. Our life sciencecustomers include pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, universi-Internet: www.beckmanngenomics.comties, medical schools and research institutions. Beckman Coulter has an installedbase of more than 200,000 clinical and research systems operating inlaboratories around the world.Beckman Coulter has a leading position in Laboratory Automation. Research& Development as well as Production of our stand alone automation systems,the AutoMate 2500 Family (formerly known as OLA 2500), are located inMunich, Germany. 41

Bernina Plus GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Delivery, Liposomes, NanobiotechnologyContact:Dr. Felix GroppAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 52388740Fax: +49 (0) 89 52388333E-Mail: gropp@berninaplus.deInternet: www.berninaplus.deBernina develops smart oral drug delivery systems for therapeutic peptides.The proprietary technology is based on artificial envelopes created by lipids.In addition, these nano-particulate natural and synthetic lipids are used incoating and drug elution processes.Bicoll GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Medicinal Chemistry, Oncology, Drug Development, InfectiousDiseases, Natural Compounds, Small Molecules, NutraceuticalsContact:Dr. Kai LamottkeRichard-Riemerschmid-Allee 27D-81241 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 82072564Fax: +49 (0) 89 529178E-Mail: lamottke@bicoll-group.comInternet: www.bicoll-group.comBicoll is a biopharmaceutical company, offering pre-clinical support in thearea of Drug Discovery from Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry.To speed up drug discovery processes, Bicoll offers its drug like compoundlibrary BILOBAC N, consisting of already fractionated plant extracts, toglobal clients in drug discovery and related innovative fields.BILOBAC N provides enhanced probability of biological activity and reducedcomplexity of fine fractions, thus ready to use in client‘s screening systems.With innovative strategies and a proprietary technology platform, Bicoll isable to rapidly select only the best leads with superior drug-like profiles forfurther development. Subsequent medicinal chemistry and customsynthesis complete Bicoll‘s seamless substantial services.Contact:Dr. Silke MartinHerzog-Heinrich-Str. 2D-80336 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 5399-4500Fax: +49 (0) 89 5399-4505E-Mail: biobank@blutspendedienst.comInternet: www.biobank.deBIOBANK der Blutspender –Blutspendedienst des BRKBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Oncology, Metabolic Diseases, Diabetics, Cardiovascular Diseases,Autoimmune Diseases, Clinical DiagnosticsWith its »Blood Donor BIOBANK«, the <strong>Bavarian</strong> Red Cross Blood DonorService offers a unique resource for biomarker research: the world‘s firstblood donor based biobank. A large pool of more than 400,000 active blooddonors enables the identification of several thousands of diseased BIOBANKparticipants per year. Their serial, pre-diagnostic blood samples are a uniqueresource for investigating markers associated with the onset and progression ofdiseases. With a collection of more than 3 Mio plasma samples processed andstored using highly standardized, qualified processes (ISO9001:2008 certification)the »Blood Donor BIOBANK« is one of the largest biobank projects worldwide.42

<strong>Bio</strong>max Informatics AGBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSKeywords: Proteomics, Genomics<strong>Bio</strong>max provides computational solutions for better decision making andknowledge management in the life science industry. We offer an innovativeand powerful solution to accelerate knowledge-driven research processes.We support our customers with a platform that combines software productswith knowledge resources, including oncology, nutrigenomics, plant researchand functional genomics.Our flexible and comprehensive solutions provide access to relevant knowledgeat the right time & in the right context. We help customers generatevalue from proprietary and public resources by extracting the knowledgeindispensable for efficient data exploration and interpretation. We focus onintegrating information to enable a knowledge-based approach to developinnovative life-science products.Contact:Dr. Shannon FrancesRobert-Koch-Str. 2D-82152 PlaneggPhone: +49 (0) 89 895574-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 895574-825E-Mail: info@biomax.comInternet: www.biomax.com<strong>Bio</strong>med Labordiagnostik GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, PCR, ELISA / EIA, Analytical ChemistryOur core competence is the manufacture and distribution of CE marked productsfor clinical chemistry and quality control according to IVD Guidelines.Our area of activities covers also Infectious Disease Diagnostics. We are currentlyextending our focus to the Molecular Diagnostics field, for which weaim to develop and to market new products leveraging on our years ofexperience at home and abroad. Our success is tied to a continuous increaseof know-how, an extensive expertise in the healthcare marketplace andspecialized system solutions in the field of Laboratory Diagnostics. We worktightly with our customers ascertaining their requirements in relation to newand existing products and create solutions optimized to their needs.Contact:Claudia CaspersBruckmannring 32D-85764 OberschleißheimPhone: +49 (0) 89 3157000Fax: +49 (0) 89 3153242E-Mail: info@biomed.deInternet: www.biomed.deBIONORICA SEPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Phytopharmaceuticals, Neurology, Pain, Respiratory Diseases,Oncology, Clinical Research, Analytical Chemistry, Drug Development<strong>Bio</strong>norica SE is one of the leading companies in the area of phytopharmaceuticalsworldwide. The product range focuses mainly on diseases of therespiratory tract, urinary tract, gynaecological disorders and on medicationsfor the treatment of pain. As an essential <strong>Bio</strong>norica follows the principle ofphytoneering as gold standard in modern phytotherapy. Phytoneering combinesthe huge potential of natural active substances (phytos) with theknowledge and methodology of modern pharmaceutical research (engineering)in order to develop efficant and safe preparations. The expressed goalis to discover new active substances in order to develop effective drugs withminimized side effects. <strong>Bio</strong>norica has established an impressive network ofscientists working in about 490 renowned universities, institutions and organisationsworldwide.Contact:Sabine KohlKerschensteiner Str. 11-15D-92318 NeumarktPhone: +49 (0) 9181 2319-0Fax: +49 (0) 9181 2312-65E-Mail: info@bionorica.deInternet: www.bionorica.de43

<strong>Bio</strong>ntex Laboratories GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Stephan KönigAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 324799-50Fax: +49 (0) 89 324799-52E-Mail: contact@biontex.comInternet: www.biontex.comKeywords: Fine Chemicals / Reagents, Gene Transfer, DNA & RNA (siRNA),Microscopy, Protein Purification, Cell Culture, Mycoplasma Decontamination<strong>Bio</strong>ntex is a genetic engineering company offering comprehensive range ofproducts in field of transfection technology. Our new development META-FECTENE EASY is a GLOBAL INNOVATION in this product sector eliminatingneed for time-consuming optimization, while METAFECTENE SI is a reagentdesigned for efficient siRNA transfection. A major alternative is the directtransport of proteins into cells; a purpose for which the new reagents in thePROTEOfectene series were specifically developed. Our groundbreakingnew Microfection product series enables the outstanding optical propertiesof µ-Slides in live-cell imaging to enhance the versatility and efficiency ofnucleic acid and protein transfection applications. The product portfolio iscompleted by mycoplasma detection and removal kits.<strong>Bio</strong>-Rad Laboratories GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Martina FußHeidemannstr. 164D-80939 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 31884-120Fax: +49 (0) 89 31884-123E-Mail: martina_fuss@bio-rad.comInternet: www.bio-rad.comKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Gene Transfer, Genomics, Proteomics,Peptide/Protein, PCR, Chip / Array Technology<strong>Bio</strong>-Rad Laboratories GmbH is a subsidiary of the <strong>Bio</strong>-Rad Group, one of theleading companies in the field of Life Science and Diagnostics with morethan 6,900 employees throughout the world. <strong>Bio</strong>-Rad Laboratories develops,produces and distributes apparatus and consumables for molecularbiological and biochemical research in Life Science, for Clinical Diagnosticsand routine applications.bioregeneration GmbHBIOTECHContact:Dr. Günter BertholdtBoltzmannstr. 11aD-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 28910-916Fax: +49 (0) 89 28910-933E-Mail: mail@bioregeneration.euInternet: www.bioregeneration.euKeywords: Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, New Materials, Nanobiotechnology,Cell Therapy, Clinical Research, Devicesbioregeneration GmbH works in the field of tissue engineering using aproprietary technology. The technology comprises of the newly developedbiomaterial „Xellulin“, which can be individually shaped and causes nograft-reaction in the human body.44

BIOZOL Diagnostica Vertrieb GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Antibody, Small Molecules, Proteomics, ClinicalDiagnostics, ELISA / EIA, <strong>Bio</strong>chemicals, Veterinary DiagnosticsBIOZOL Diagnostica Vertrieb GmbH markets and distributes products forimmunology, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and human andveterinary diagnostics, such as antibodies, recombinant proteins, ELISA/EIA,detection kits, biochemicals and further reagents for cell culture, flow cytometry,immunohistology and cytogenetics. The company represents almost50 different worldwide known suppliers in Germany. <strong>Bio</strong>zol offers additionallydifferent types of services such as free product search.Contact:Dr. Ralf BäuerleObere Hauptstr. 10bD-85386 EchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 3799666-6Fax: +49 (0) 89 3799666-99E-Mail: info@biozol.deInternet: www.biozol.deBristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co. KGaAPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYBristol-Myers Squibb is a global biopharmaceutical company committed todiscovering, developing and delivering innovative medicines that helppatients prevail over serious diseases. For more information, please visitwww.bms.comContact:Dr. Bernd WinterhalterArnulfstr. 29D-80636 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 12142-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 12142-392E-Mail: info@b-ms.deInternet: www.b-ms.deBSL-BIOSERVICE ScientificLaboratories GmbHCROKeywords: Analysis, Laboratory, Drug Development, Pharmacokinetics,Toxicology, PharmacologySince 1984, BSL BIOSERVICE is world-wide active as an CRO that concentrateson biological trials of pharmaceuticals, biologics, chemicals, agrochemicals,medical devices, cosmetics and food. The internationally acceptedapproach of the institute with its various accreditations and certifications(GLP, GMP, DIN EN ISO 17025, FDA approved) guarantees high-qualityservices. Areas of expertise include e.g. ADME and Metabolism, <strong>Bio</strong>assays,Cell-Based Immunoassays and Immunotoxicological Investigations, ClinicalSample Services, Toxicology, Pharmacology, Microbiology and Analytics.BSL BIOSERVICE also offers comprehensive services for REACH. BSL BIO-SERVICE is also active in the development of alternative test methods toanimal experiments.Contact:Dr. Robert BrownBehringstr. 6/8D-82152 PlaneggPhone: +49 (0) 89 899650-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 899650-11E-Mail: info@bioservice.comInternet: www.bioservice.com45

Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Analysis, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, Microscopy, ClinicalDiagnostics, Clinical ResearchContact:Dr. Richard AnkerholdKistlerhofstr. 75D-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 909000-800Fax: +49 (0) 89 909000-820E-Mail: info@zeiss.deInternet: www.zeiss.de/microdissectionCarl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH offers a broad range of modern and innovatemicroscope systems and solutions for different fields such as biotechnology,biomedical and clinical research as well as routine and industrial applications.Carl Zeiss MicroImaging employs about 1,750 staff worldwide and hasits direct sales force in 130 countries. The company‘s headquarter is in Jena.At it Munich site Carl Zeiss MicroImaging is focusing on software development,systems for laser microdissection and its application as well as digitalslide and automation technology. In addition, in Munich the company ismaintaining a unique facility hosting a modern application center and anup-date laboratory for biomedical and clinical research, molecular analysisand imaging. Practical courses, workshops and training are held on a regularbase and customer services are offered.Celgene GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Aart BrowerJoseph-Wild-Str. 20D-81829 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 451519-010Fax: +49 (0) 89 451519-019E-Mail: info@celgene.deInternet: www.celgene.deKeywords: Drug Development, Small Molecules, Hematology, DrugDelivery, OncologyCelgene is a globally acting biopharmaceutical company, founded in NewJersey (USA) in 1986. Celgene is mainly active in developing and distributingdrugs in oncology and immunotherapy. Since 2006, Celgene operates aGerman subsidiary in Munich-Riem.For further information visit: www.celgene.decellasys GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Joachim WiestKeywords: Devices, Chip / Array Technology, Pharmacokinetics, DrugDevelopment, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, ToxicologyKarlstr. 96D-80335 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 2000110-74Fax: +49 (0) 89 2000110-76E-Mail: wiest@cellasys.comInternet: www.cellasys.comcellasys offers system solutions for online analysis of living cells. Theseinclude services as research and development, production and maintenanceof cell based assays. Furthermore we are consultant for development ofapplications, data analysis and data interpretation.46

CellMed AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Diabetics, CNS, Peptide/Protein, Cell Therapy, Drug Delivery, DrugDevelopmentCellMed is developing encapsulated cellular systems for the delivery of therapeuticsubstances right in the patient. CellMed uses proprietary encapsulationtechnology and a cell line based on mesenchymal stromal cells. The cellsare designed to secrete the desired proteins or peptides. These systems areproduced according to GMP and are currently in clinical trials for the treatmentof stroke. The engineered peptide here is a proprietary version of GLP-1with specific anti-apoptotic properties.For a second version of the GLP-1 AstraZeneca has an option to exclusivelylicense that version for the treatment of diabetes and obesity.A „pure“ bead product for cosmetic dermatology has been developed andwill be introduced to the market by Merz.Contact:Dr. med. Peter GeigleIndustriestr. 19D-63755 AlzenauPhone: +49 (0) 6023 9181-0Fax: +49 (0) 6023 9181-33E-Mail: info@cellmed.deInternet: www.cellmed.deCentronic GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Clinical ResearchCentronic GmbH is a german manufacturer, with a certified QualityManagement System according EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003/AC:2009, and distributor of a big range of high qualitative clinical chemistryreagents in fluid and lyophilisated form for the determination of enzymes,electrolytes, substrates, lipids and proteins. The product range is completedby Latex reagents, controls-calibrators and our registrated additive forwaterbaths Prothermal. The products are distributed worldwide.Our team consist of highly engaged scientists from different special fieldswith an experience of many years in the area of clinical chemistry.Contact:Dr. Johannes BetzAm Kleinfeld 11D-85456 WartenbergPhone: +49 (0) 8762 724300Fax: +49 (0) 8762 724312E-Mail: info@centronic-gmbh.comInternet: www.centronic-gmbh.comCfm Oskar Tropitzsch e.K.PHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Natural Compounds, Drug Development, Pharmacology, DrugDelivery, Agrobiotechnology, Antibiotics, Fine Chemicals/ReagentsSupply for the Pharmaceutical and <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>-SectorLatest research substances:Aflatoxins DTT Geldanamycin IPTG LL-Z-1640-2 RapamycinCyclopamineFurthermore:Contract synthesis (GMP) Fermentation products (> 700 substances)Phytochemicals (> 1000 substances) Pharmaceutical raw materialsEnzyms Chemical specialities (Curare, Picric acid incl. DMF)NEW: Natural toxins - synthetically producedContact:Michael SchaefflerWaldershofer Str. 49-51D-95615 MarktredwitzPhone: +49 (0) 9231 9619-0Fax: +49 (0) 9231 9619-60E-Mail: info@cfmot.deInternet: www.cfmot.de47

ChemDiv, Inc.CROContact:Dr. Anna NieblingWaldstr. 22D-82049 PullachPhone: +49 (0) 89 74442700Fax: +49 (0) 89 79367571E-Mail: aniebling@chemdiv.comInternet: www.chemdiv.comKeywords: Clinical Research, Drug Development, Medicinal Chemistry, CNS,Pharmacology, Neurology, PainChemDiv, a global Contract Research Organization (CRO), offers IntegratedDiscovery outSource solutions that cover a complete range of disciplinesfrom medicinal chemistry to clinical development needed to bring newdrugs from target to market. With successful 20 years business record andover 500 research associates, the company puts forward unique translationalexpertise to help accelerate its partners R&D programs. ChemDiv providesProof of Concept data in less time and at a fraction of the costs typicallyseen in the industry with keeping the high quality standards, all of whichplays a critical role in mitigating risks associated with full scale clinicaldevelopment.Chrom<strong>Bio</strong>s GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Andrea KoflerMühlenstr. 1D-83064 RaublingPhone: +49 (0) 8035 9849-28Fax: +49 (0) 8035 9849-30E-Mail: kofler@chrombios.comInternet: www.chrombios.comFounded in 1998, Chrom<strong>Bio</strong>s is focused on the field of MolecularCytogenetics (fluorescence in situ hybridisation, FISH). The company‘s aimsare to provide service and products for chromosome analysis tailored to theneeds of the customers. We offer „FISH service“ such as chromosome analysiswith „chromosome painting“, mapping of clones, characterisation ofcancer cell lines and animal models in genome research. We especiallyfocus on multi colour karyotyping human tumour cells and other transformedcell lines (for example for patent applications). Chrombios also offersmulti colour chromosome painting of mouse cells to identify translocationsin mouse tumours and to characterise mouse ES cells. Apart from humanand mouse, we also provide service in the characterization of chromosomesfrom other animal model species including rat, hamster, cat, and variouslive stock animals.ChromoTek GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Marion JungAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 787973-10Fax: +49 (0) 89 787973-11E-Mail: info@chromotek.comInternet: www.chromotek.comKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Proteomics, Peptide/ProteinChromoTek GmbH, founded in 2008, is a biotech company focused on thediscovery and development of novel nanoprobes and cell based assays forbiomedical research and early drug development. During the last yearsChromoTek has developed innovative research tools including the GFP-Trap ® and RFP-Trap ® , two versatile pull-down reagents for biochemicalanalysis of fluorescent fusion proteins. In April <strong>2011</strong> ChromoTek successfullyintroduced its first cell based assay for early drug development, the U2OSCell Cycle Chromobody ® . This real-time High-Content Analysis (HCA) screeningassay enables to monitor the complete cell cycle in live cells for thefirst time. In addition ChromoTek developed the Fluorescent 2-Hybrid (F2H)-Assay to analyze protein-protein interactions in vivo in real time.48

Clinical Trial Care GmbHCROKeywords: Clinical Research, Monitoring, Dermatology, Metabolic Diseases,Nephrology, Pain, RheumatologyClinical Trial Care GmbH founded in 2001 is a CRO located in the southwestof Munich (Krailling) and provides the full scope of clinical and biometricservices required for the conduct of clinical trials of phase II-IV, post marketingsurveillance as well as non-interventional or epidemiologic studies. Thevery experienced, flexible and successful team ensures expert support and aresponsive commitment. The CRO is headed by Dr. Christa Sommerburgand Andreas Behr (Geschäftsführer) with a long standing history of clinicalresearch.Contact:Dr. Christa SommerburgPionierstr. 2D-82152 KraillingPhone: +49 (0) 89 8638933-10Fax: +49 (0) 89 8638933-99E-Mail:christa.sommerburg@clinical-trial-care.deInternet: www.clinical-trial-care.deClinipaceCROKeywords: Concepts for Drug & Medical Device Development / Regulatory &Medical-Scientific Services / Clinical Operations / Data Management /<strong>Bio</strong>statistics / QMS Services / Auditing / TEMPO eClinical PlatformClinipace Worldwide, a global digital clinical research organization (dCRO),specialized in serving the strategic product and clinical development needsof emerging and mid-tier biopharmaceutical and medical device firms.Our core competencies are:Concepts for Drug & Medical Device Development Regulatory &Medical-Scientific Services Clinical Operations Data Management &<strong>Bio</strong>statistics QMS Services & Auditing TEMPO eClinical PlatformWe maintain offices on four continents, including centralized NorthAmerican, South American, and European hubs. The combination of our serviceportfolio, our technology-driven approach and our flexible & highly trainedteams enables the adaptation to the specific-requirements of each project.Contact:Dr. Birgit Hennecke-JanzerLandsberger Str. 408D-81241 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 9999-7733Fax: +49 (0) 89 9999-7744E-Mail: bhennecke-janzer@clinipace.comInternet: www.clinipace.comClinTec GmbHCROKeywords: Neurology, Cardiovascular Diseases, Regulatory Affairs, DrugDevelopment, Oncology, Medical Writing, Clinical ResearchClinTec International is a privately owned full service global ClinicalResearch Organization covering more than 30 developed and emergingcountries. It was founded in 1997 by Dr Rabinder Buttar, the company‘sPresident & CEO. In 2007, the Global Clinical Research Centre of Excellencewas established in Munich recruiting a functional unit of thirty professionalsfrom the former European headquarters of an international pharmaceuticalcompany. It is the global home for standards, tools and industry best-practicein the following functions: Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research, DataManagement & <strong>Bio</strong>statistics, Medical Writing and Quality Assurance. We areworking seamlessly with our clients, understanding their needs and constraintsin order to deliver optimal solutions.Contact:Dr. Hans WolfDachauer Str. 37D-80335 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 54558355Fax: +49 (0) 89 557443E-Mail: germany@clintec.comInternet: www.clintec.com49

conoGenetix biosciences GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Andreas KlostermannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 5472-6950Fax: +49 (0) 89 5472-6959E-Mail: info@conogenetix.deInternet: www.conogenetix.deKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, Pain, CNS, Peptide/Protein, DrugDevelopmentconoGenetix is a privately owned biopharmaceutical company focused onthe development of new peptide therapeutics for the treatment of autoimmunediseases. conoGenetix was founded in 2002 by Dr. AndreasKlostermann and Dr. Jörg Stockhaus and is located in Martinsried,Germany. The company has developed an integrated technology platformthat allows for the efficient discovery of drug leads that modulate ion channeltargets causatively involved in the generation of autoimmune diseases.conoGenetix runs a program targeting severe autoimmune disorders likeMultiple Sclerosis (MS), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Vasculitis. Severalpeptides called cgtx-peptides within this program are in preclinical development.The leading indication for the cgtx-peptides will be Vasculitis; a fataldisease strongly related to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Vasculitis is a rare diseaseand will be a market door opener for conoGenetix.Contact:Jürgen SchäferNeuhauser Str. 47D-80331 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 236650-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 236650-50E-Mail: schaefer@conreso.comInternet: www.conreso.comConreso GmbHCROKeywords: Clinical Research, Logistics, Monitoring, Drug DevelopmentConreso, established in 1990, BVMA member, offers a wide range of clinicalresearch services. Conreso shows an impressive record of successful FDAinspections and significant contributions to important new product licensesin Europe and the USA. Having recruited more than 30,000 patients between0 and 17 years of age proves the company’s unique expertise in pediatrictrials. The Hannover Clinical Trial Center, a joint venture of Conreso andthe Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, provides Conreso‘s clients access tothe clinical expertise and the comprehensive diagnostic and therapeuticfacilities of one of the leading academic medical institutions in Germany.The Conreso Institute of Veterinary medicine provides all types of veterinarystudies.50

Corimmun GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Inflammation, Cardiovascular Diseases, Peptide/Protein, DrugDevelopmentCORIMMUN is a spin-off from the universities of Wuerzburg and ofTuebingen. The projects are funded by two grants of the Go <strong>Bio</strong> project ofthe BMBF. Corimmun is financed by the MIG AG, KfW Bank, Bayernkapital,HTGF and <strong>Bio</strong> M AG. The company is developing new drugs to treat congestiveheart failure and atherosclerosis, the most common causes of mortalityin developed countries. Two innovative drugs, COR-1 and Revacept are currentlyin clinical development. COR-1 is a peptide drug candidate to preventthe auto-antibody-mediated propagation of heart failure. Revacept is alesion-specific inhibitor of atherothrombosis. Further preclinical candidatesare under development, i.e. COR-2 is a biological which prevents foam cellformation in atherosclerotic plaques. The founders and management ofCorimmun bring together knowledge and reputation in research and clinicalmedicine together with biotech experience.Contact:Dr. Goetz MünchFraunhoferstr. 17D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8565-2010Fax: +49 (0) 89 8565-2020E-Mail: info@corimmun.comInternet: www.corimmun.comCoriolis PharmaBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Analysis, Vaccines, Peptide/Protein, Lyophilization, Formulationdevelopment, Monoclonal Antibody, Supply preclinical materialCoriolis Pharma is a globally operating independent service provider forresearch and formulation development of (bio)pharmaceutical drugs(proteins, peptides, monoclonal antibodies, RNA/DNA etc.) and vaccines.An interdisciplinary team of highly qualified scientists with many years ofexperience in the development of (bio)pharmaceuticals provides cuttingedgeservice and know-how related to the formulation development of biopharmaceuticals,supported by an expert scientific advisory board.This may involve for example formulation development of (pre-)clinicalmaterial through to commercial products, lyophilization processes, stabilitytesting (light obscuration, Micro-Flow imaging and AF4/HF5 under cGMP),supply of pre-clinical material, and analytical services using innovative analyticaltechnologies.Contact:Dr. Michael WiggenhornAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 5424498-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 5424498-22E-Mail: contact@coriolis-pharma.comInternet: www.coriolis-pharma.com51

CoreLab Partners Europe GmbHCROContact:Dr. Michael KerstenElisabethstr. 91D-80797 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 202 444 970Fax: +49 (0) 89 202 444 979E-Mail: lschmitz@corelabpartners.comInternet: www.corelabpartners.comKeywords: Imaging Analytics, clinical trialsCoreLab Partners is an imaging core lab, managing the complete imagingsegment of clinical trials for the global pharmaceutical, biotechnology andmedical device industries. Our expertise spans Phase I through IV and allmajor therapeutic areas. We are specialized in oncology trials but also docardiovascular, musculoskeletal, CNS and medical device studies. Our radiologists,nuclear physicians and medical oncologists interpret data from allmajor modalities, including CT, MRI, X-ray, SPECT, Ultrasound, PET andPET/CT in a centralized and independent way. We assist in planning, trackingand implementation of studies and provide medical expertise, regulatoryknow-how and validated technologies.Rosenkavalierplatz 10D-81925 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 9210930Fax: +49 (0) 89 913466Internet: www.covance.comCovance Clinical and PeriapprovalServices GmbHCROKeywords: Clinical Trail Management and Monitoring, Regulatory Affairs,Oncology, CNS, Pharmacology, Medical WritinCovance is one of the world's largest and most comprehensive drug developmentservices companies with more than 11,000 employees in 60 countries.Covance is the market leader in toxicology services, central laboratoryservices, discovery services, and a top global provider of Phase III clinicaltrial management services. Through its nonclinical, clinical and commercializationservices, Covance has helped pharmaceutical and biotech companiesdevelop one-third of all prescription medicines in the market today. Covance,headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey, has annual revenues greater than$2 Billion. For more information please visit www.covance.comCRELUX GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Michael SchäfferAm Klopferspitz 19aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700760-170Fax: +49 (0) 89 700760-222E-Mail: schaeffer@crelux.comInternet: www.crelux.com52Keywords: 3D Structural AnalysisCRELUX specializes in tailor made protein crystallography and fragmentbased drug discovery services. The company is a professional and dedicatedservice provider for the global pharma and biotech industry. MoreoverCRELUX is the only completely independent premium crystallography providerfully owned by its founders and directors. We are advancing innovations inprotein expression to promote the availability of high quality crystallizableprotein. Our XPRESS portfolio of readily available proteins grants turnaround times of customer complex structures within a few weeks.Crystallography services from concept to high resolution complex structureare provided under individual agreements following our customer‘s needs.In addition we are offering end-to-end fragment based discovery servicesbased on our unique screening technology INTRACT.

CROS DE GmbHCROKeywords: Dermatology, Pharmacovigiliance, Analysis, Clinical Research,Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Medical WritingCROS NT is a contract research organisation (CRO) providing outsourcedservices for Clinical Data Management, Statistics, Pharmacovigilance,Medical Writing and Hosting for Pharma-Life Sciences Solutions across allphases of drug development.Established in 1992, CROS NT has completed over 780 studies in a widerange of therapeutic areas like respiratory, oncology, cardiovascular, HIVand Infectious diseases of clinical and observational studies. Our clients andpartners include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device and academicorganizations in Europe and USA. CROS NT Headquarters is in Verona,we have offices in Milan and Augsburg and currently employ 45 people.Contact:Frank FreischlägerKonrad-Adenauer-Allee 1D-86150 AugsburgPhone: +49 (0) 603 250696-16Fax: +49 (0) 821 450807-6E-Mail: frank.freischlaeger@crosnt.comInternet: www.crosnt.comCYTOX, biologische SicherheitsprüfungenCROKeywords: Microscopy, ELISA / EIA, Toxicology, Tissue Engineering / Cell CultureCYTOX provides biological testing service for the medical device and pharmaceuticalindustry by using in vitro toxicological testing procedures accordingto ISO 10993 as well as FDA-compliant processes. Next to classical 2Dcell culture testing systems we use organotypical 3D cell culture systemsespecially in the area of skin irritation testing and REACH applications.Contact:Dr. Dietmar ScheddinGottlieb-Keim-Str. 60D-95448 BayreuthPhone: +49 (0) 921 1511-254Fax: +49 (0) 921 1511-255E-Mail: info@cytox.deInternet: www.cytox.deDAIICHI SANKYO EUROPE GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Antibiotics, Drug DevelopmentDAIICHI SANKYO is a global pharmaceutical company that focuses on researchingand marketing innovative medications. The company was created in2005 through the merger of two traditional Japanese enterprises, Daiichiand Sankyo. With net sales of nearly € 5.9 billion in fiscal year 2008,DAIICHI SANKYO is one of the world‘s 20 leading pharmaceutical companies.The company‘s world headquarters is in Tokyo, and its European base islocated in Munich. DAIICHI SANKYO has affiliates in 12 European countriesand has been one of the strongest Japanese pharmaceutical companieslocated in Europe since it set up European production facilities and marketingoffices in 1990. The company‘s research activities focus on the areas ofcardiovascular diseases, hematology, diabetes, anti-infectives and cancer. Itsaim is to develop medications that are „best“ in their class or to create newclasses of pharmaceutical drugs.For more information, please visit: www.daiichi-sankyo.euContact:Olaf LamberzZielstattstr. 48D-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 7808-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7808-202E-Mail: service@daiichi-sankyo.euInternet: www.daiichi-sankyo.eu53

Davids <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Michael DavidsRoentgenstr. 3D-93055 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 948228Fax: +49 (0) 941 9468119E-Mail: antibodies@dabio.deInternet: www.davids-bio.deKeywords: Allergy, Immune Therapy, Antibody, Proteomics, ELISA / EIA,Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, Antibody Production ServiceDavids <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie is a made in Germany manufacturer for custom antibodies.Monoclonal antibodies are developed from mice and men. Polyclonalantibodies are developed from rabbit and other rodent and also from eggyolk from hen and quail. Davids <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie produces antibodies in cellcultures with hybridoma techniques and from transient transformed cells.Monoclonal antibodies as well as polyclonal antibodies will be purified byaffinity purification methods and by ion exchange and size exclusionchromatography beside other methods in our lab. Cell culture based assaysfor optimizing medication and dietary supplement are developed and isapplied together with medical practitionars.Definiens AGBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Angelika RuttkowskiKeywords: Analysis, Toxicology, Oncology, Microscopy, Automation,3 D Structural Analysis, Drug DevelopmentTrappentreustr. 1D-80339 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 231180-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 231180-90E-Mail: etietz@definiens.comInternet: www.definiens.comDefiniens is the number one Enterprise Image Intelligence company for analyzingand interpreting images on every scale - from microscopic cell structuresto satellite images. Based on human cognitive perception processes,Nobel laureate Prof. Gerd Binnig developed the Definiens CognitionNetwork Technology ® to extract intelligence from images. Definiens enablesLife Science organizations to analyze and interpret vast numbers of imagesaccurately and consistently. By automating image analysis processes,Definiens improves the measurement of cell assays, the examination of tissuesamples and the interpretation of non-invasive imaging, enabling highcontentscreening and digital pathology.DiaServe Laboratories GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Ulf HenselingSeeshaupter Str. 27D-82393 IffeldorfPhone: +49 (0) 8856 803605Fax: +49 (0) 8856 803607E-Mail: DiaServe@t-online.deInternet: www.diaserve.deDiaServe is a primary manufacturer of human and animal blood derivedraw materials for diagnostic industry. Based on this raw materials DiaServealso offers tailor-made in vitro controls/calibrators for medical laboratories.The company was established in 1997 with a mission to identify, developand manufacture in vitro diagnostics mainly on OEM basis for diagnosticmanufacturers and clinical laboratories.54

DoNatur GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, RheumatologyDoNatur GmbH develops new therapeutics from herbal extracts with traditionallyconfirmed therapeutic efficiency. The comprehensive analysis of thegenuine extracts, the isolation and structural characterization of the activesubstances and the test of their pharmacological activities constitutes themain competence of the company. Over the last years DoNatur has successfullydeveloped a new immunomodulatory acting natural substance whichhas been proved highly efficacious for the therapy of rheumatic diseases.Contact:Dr. Franz KerekAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 856625-55Fax: +49 (0) 89 856625-56E-Mail: info@donatur.deInternet: www.donatur.deDr. Nibler & PartnerCROKeywords: Medical Writing, Pharmacology, Clinical Research, Devices, DrugDevelopmentLegal requirements for pharmacovigilance are continously rising.The fullfillment turns out to be a major burden for small and medium sizedenterprises.We provide a complete pharmacovigilance full-service solution:24-hours availability for receipt of adverse event reports by phone, fax ore-mail Literature screening and -review Data entry and MedDRAcoding Follow-up by medically qualified personnel (MD, RN) Scientificassessment by experienced physicians Authority reporting eitherelectronically or on paper SUSAR reporting Preparation of periodicreports: PSUR and ASR Preparation and maintenance of risk managementplans Implementation and optimization of your pharmacovigilance systemSOP preparation or revision Audits and guidance through inspectionContact:Dr. Reinhard NiblerFürstenriederstr. 105D-80686 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 56823726Fax: +49 (0) 89 92185265E-Mail: mail@dr-nibler.deInternet: www.dr-nibler.deDr. R. Pfleger GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Dermatology, Antibiotics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, ClinicalResearch, Drug DeliveryDr. R. Pfleger GmbH is a medium sized German pharmaceutical companylocated in Bamberg (Bavaria) with a staff of 300 employees. Established in1945 as a private company, it is nowadays exclusively owned by the DoktorRobert Pfleger Foundation, which aims are the exclusive sponsoring of charitableand social projects and the support of medical research.The company is currently selling about 35 medicinal products with emphasisin urology, gynaecology and dermatology and has GMP approved productionfacilities.The international business is focused on the antimuscarinic drug trospiumchloride which was developed by the Dr. R. Pfleger and is approved for treatmentof overactive bladder.Contact:Dr. Peter TopfmeierD-96045 BambergPhone: +49 (0) 951 6043-0Fax: +49 (0) 951 6043-29E-Mail: info@dr-pfleger.deInternet: www.dr-pfleger.de55

Dynamic <strong>Bio</strong>sensorsBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Dirk SchollLichtenbergstraße 4D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 289-11490Fax: +49 (0) 89 289-12704E-Mail: info@dynamic-biosensors.comInternet: www.dynamic-biosensors.comKeywords: Vaccines, Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein, Antibody, Proteomics,Chip / Array TechnologyDynamic <strong>Bio</strong>sensors offers a superior new analysis system for molecularinteraction. Based on the revolutionary label-free switchSENSE technology,we allow researchers to determine affinity and kinetics of molecular interactionswith unrivaled sensitivity in real time. As a total novelty in label-freeanalysis, switchSENSE allows to determine molecular size (e.g. formationof aggregates) and conformational changes in real-time as well. WhileswitchSENSE is an extremely versatile technology, our current focus lies onprotein interaction analysis (antibodies and transcription factors), proteinfolding and posttranslational modifications.Contact:PD. Dr. Hans-Peter KlenkPoeckinger Fussweg 7aD-82340 FeldafingPhone: +49 (0) 8157 9963-164Fax: +49 (0) 8157 9963-162E-Mail: info@egene-biotech.deInternet: www.egene-biotech.dee.gene <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSKeywords: Pharmacogenomics, Genomicse.gene <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie GmbH is a service provider in microbial genomicsand pharmacogenomics.We perform for our academic and industrial customers complete microbialgenome analyses from genome sequencing to annotation and pathwayreconstruction.ELLA <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Peter FrischmannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 70939316Fax: +49 (0) 89 70939440E-Mail: info@ellabiotech.comInternet: www.ellabiotech.comKeywords: Clinical Research, Antisense/Nucleotides, Genomics, RNAi &Antisense, Chip / Array Technology, PCR, Clinical DiagnosticsOur focus is the synthesis of special oligoribonucleotides for selected projectsin diagnostics, chip technologies, genesynthesis and further topics –following quality standards which you would appreciate and expect in yourown lab. The guidelines for the synthesis standards can be defined by ourcustomers themselves.Through our validated technology platform, our experienced interdisciplinaryteam and our resolute attitude towards the highest quality in our productswe offer tangible advantages to our customers and partners.56

Emergent Product DevelopmentGermany GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Vaccines, Infectious DiseasesEmergent <strong>Bio</strong>Solutions protects and enhances life by developing and manufacturingvaccines and therapeutics that are supplied to healthcare providersand purchasers for use in preventing and treating disease. Emergent‘smarketed and investigational products target infectious diseases, oncologyand autoimmune disorders.Contact:Isabelle ErdeljiWalter-Gropius-Str. 17D-80807 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 5506988-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 5506988-88E-Mail: erdeljii@ebsi.comInternet: www.emergentbiosolutions.comEMP GenetechBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Clinical Diagnostics, Tissue Engineering / CellCulture, Drug DevelopmentEMP Genetech conducts development and production of recombinant proteinsas a service provider for research departments in industry and academia.For production HEK293 (hn embryonic kidney) cells are being used. Thesecells are distinguished for the expression of glycosilated, correctly processedand modified proteins. The expressed proteins show excellent bioactivitycompared to other expression systems. The biomolecules are produced inserum free culture medium of safe origin. EMP Genetech offers all workingsteps from cloning of the GOI to chromatographic purification of the producedprotein. There are developed stable cell lines of high productivity. Theseare cultivated as suspension cell cultures in stirred bioreactors usually in acontinous mode. The expression product is purified from cell supernatant orcell extract by classical column chromatographic methods. The bioactivitywill be analysed by enzymatic or cell assays.Contact:Dr. Franz X. WelserHebbelstr. 61D-85055 IngolstadtPhone: +49 (0) 841 3796013Fax: +49 (0) 841 8817185E-Mail: info@empgenetech.comInternet: www.empgenetech.comEntelechon GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Proteomics, Clinical Research, Chip / Array Technology, PCR,Genomics, Antibody Production ServiceEntelechon is a globally operating service provider specialized in advancedgenomics and proteomics projects. Success factor: Leveraging full potentialof gene and protein synthesis platforms as well as synergy of biochemistry,molecular biology and bioinformatics for implementation of complex projects.Services: Gene optimization and synthesis, protein expression invarious systems, protein analysis and quantification, design and synthesisof gene mutant libraries, bioinformatics software development.Applications: Preclinical stage drug discovery; protein engineering and production;development of therapeutic proteins, antibodies, vaccines, industrialenzymes; downstream biotech services; multiple profile research projects.Contact:Dr. Werner DeiningerIndustriestr. 1D-93077 Bad AbbachPhone: +49 (0) 9405 96999-10Fax: +49 (0) 9405 96999-28E-Mail: info@entelechon.comInternet: www.entelechon.com57

Contact:Uschi LangGoethestr. 4D-80336 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 680872-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 680872-20E-Mail: info@epicept.deInternet: www.epicept.comEpiCept GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Pain, Immune Therapy, Hematology, Drug DevelopmentEpiCept GmbH is a subsidiary of EpiCept Corp. (Tarrytown, NY) which isa specialty pharmaceutical company that focuses on fulfilling unmetmedical needs in cancer treatment and pain management. The Companypossesses an approved cancer product and a deep and balanced pipelineof nine clinical product candidates.EpiCept Corp. is listed on both the NASDAQ National Market and theOM Stockholm Exchange, under the symbol EPCT.Contact:Dr. Friedrich G. FelsensteinHohenbachernstr. 19-21D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 4990-80Fax: +49 (0) 8161 4990-89E-Mail: Friedrich.Felsenstein@EpiLogic.deInternet: www.epigene.deEpiGene GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Agrobiotechnology, GenomicsEpiGene GmbH, founded in 1999, is a genomics-based research and developmentcompany focusing on applications in plant protection. The corecompetences comprise the molecular characterization of plant-pathogeninteractions and the development of high throughput systems for moleculardiagnostics of involved genetic factors. In addition, research efforts includeinvestigations of the mode of action of plant protective agents at the molecularlevel and the identification of mutations or differentially expressedgenes in pathogens as potential new targets.EpiLogic GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Genomics, AgrobiotechnologyContact:Dr. Friedrich G. FelsensteinHohenbachernstr. 19-21D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 4990-80Fax: +49 (0) 8161 4990-89E-Mail: Friedrich.Felsenstein@EpiLogic.deInternet: www.EpiLogic.deEpiLogic is a new European wide operating company involved in productdevelopment based on genomic analysis of fungal pathogens propagatedby wind in agricultural crops (at present: cereals and vine). Pathogen analysisof virulence and fungicide sensitivity are used as decision support forbreeding, choice of cultivar and fungicide management to ensure sustainableagriculture. A genotype bank of several pathogens is currently being setup to offer high quality inoculum for selection in laboratory, greenhouseand field. Additionally, methods are under development for analysing andculturing new pathogens.58

ethris GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Metabolic Diseases, Dermatology, Bone / Joint Diseases, GeneTherapy, Gene Transfer, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture, Drug DevelopmentWith stabilized, non-immunogenic messenger RNA (SNIM ® RNA), ethrisGmbH possesses an enabling platform for Transcript Therapies. SNIM ® RNAis a first-in-class biopharmaceutical which provide a compelling alternativefor recombinant protein or gene therapies. SNIM ® RNAs encode therapeuticproteins to be produced in the patient‘s body and overcome short durationeffects of recombinant proteins. SNIM ® RNA Transcript Therapy is a newoption for a broad variety of diseases, either acquired or genetically predetermined,life style- or age-related, rare or frequent. ethris develops transcripttherapeutics with a focus on regenerative medicine.Contact:PD Dr. Carsten RudolphLochamer Str. 11D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 895 578 80Fax: +49 (0) 89 895 578 818E-Mail: info@ethris.comInternet: www.ethris.cometicur) GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSeticur) is headquartered in the IZB in Martinsried and cooperates with theDepartment of Transfusion Medicine and Haemostaseology of the UniversityHospital of Erlangen. Based on the idea that umbilical cord blood containsmultipotent adult stem cells, the cord blood is prepared and stored forpotential later use. These cells might in future play an important role intherapies including regenerative medicine. Our priority is to grant the mostsecure storage, highest quality and extensive testing by highly qualifiedpersonnel. eticur) grants the storage of stem cells following the highestquality-standards of the Federal Board of Physicians and the Institute forSera and Vaccine (Paul-Ehrlich-Institute).Contact:Felix RaslagAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 125981-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 125981-19E-Mail: info@eticur.deInternet: www.eticur.deEurofins Medigenomix GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Pharmacogenomics, Clinical Diagnostics, Clinical Research,Pharmacogenetics, Genomics, AgrobiotechnologySince foundation in 1998 Eurofins Medigenomix has evolved into a recognizedreliable outsourcing partner for the biopharmaceutical industry and academicinstitutions for high fidelity DNA sequencing incl. GLP sequencingand molecular biological techniques. It expanded successfully with servicesfor DNA forensics, animal and plant breeding, food authenticity testing andfor Pharma/Pharmacogenetics, e.g. genotyping, DNA/RNA preparation, polymorphismscreening, mutation analysis, expression analysis, exclusive markerset for the general identification of responder/non-responder in thescope of clinical studies. Medigenomix is certified according to ISO 9001and ISO 17025 and audited by pharmaceutical clients for GLP.Contact:Dr. Brigitte ObermaierAnzinger Str. 7aD-85560 EbersbergPhone: +49 (0) 8092 8289-200Fax: +49 (0) 8092 8289-201E-Mail: info@medigenomix.deInternet: www.medigenomix.de59

Eurofins MWG OperonBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Jutta HuberAnzinger Str. 7aD-85560 EbersbergPhone: +49 (0) 8092 8289-0Fax: +49 (0) 8092 21084E-Mail: info-eu@eurofins.comInternet: www.eurofinsdna.comKeywords: Small Molecules, PCR, Automation, Antisense/Nucleotides,GenomicsEurofins MWG Operon, founded in 1990 and member of the Eurofins Group,is an international provider of genomic services established around thecore business lines next generation sequencing, custom DNA sequencing,oligo-nucleotides, siRNA and gene synthesis. The company‘s main missionis focussed on customer convenience and high quality services in industrialscale for the life science industries and academic research institutionsaround the world.Evotec AGBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolic Diseases, Drug Development,Small Molecules, Inflammation, OncologyContact:Dr. Andreas JenneAm Klopferspitz 19aD-82152 Martinsried/MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4613363-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4613363-20E-Mail: info@evotec.comInternet: www.evotec.comEvotec is a drug discovery alliance and development partnership companyfocused on rapidly progressing innovative product approaches with leadingpharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The Company has establisheda unique position by assembling top-class scientific experts and integratingstate-of-the-art technologies as well as substantial experience andexpertise in key therapeutic areas including neuroscience, pain, metabolicdiseases as well as oncology and inflammation. Evotec has long-termdiscovery alliances with partners including Boehringer Ingelheim, CHDI,Genentech, Medimmune/Astra Zeneca, Novartis, Ono Pharmaceutical andRoche. The Company‘s headquarters are located in Hamburg. Additionalmajor technology and research facilities are based in Göttingen (formerDeveloGen AG) and Martinsried (former Kinaxo <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologies GmbH),Abingdon, UK and Thane, India. Evotec has more than 550 employeesworldwide. For additional information please go to www.evotec.comEXCELLA GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Johann Peter MörsdorfKeywords: Drug Development, Medicinal Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry,Small Molecules, OncologyNürnberger Str. 12D-90537 FeuchtPhone: +49 (0) 9128 4045-38Fax: +49 (0) 9128 4045-81E-Mail: pmoersdorf.excella@fareva.comInternet: www.excella-pharma-source.deExcella GmbH has been serving the pharmaceutical industry for more than35 years with high quality API‘s and finished dosage forms. Recent investmentshave directed our focus towards high containment products (includingOEB5) and a one-stop-shopping approach. Excella supplies products tothe generic industry but although manufactures for big pharma life cycleend products and develops processes for innovative API‘s and novel soliddosage forms. Services offered range from early product developmentthrough registration support to state-of-the-art manufacturing.Excella‘s Feucht site has an excellent track record with the FDA and otherregulatory agencies since 1983 and is Safebridge certified.60

Exosome Diagnostics GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Clinical Research, Genomics, PCR, CNS,Diabetics, Metabolic DiseasesExosome Diagnostics is a leading developer of blood and urine based moleculardiagnostic tests for use in personalized medicine. Exosomes are shedinto body fluids such as blood and urine forming a highly enriched sourceof intact, disease-specific nucleic acids. The Company‘s proprietaryXosome technology makes use of this natural enrichment to achieve highsensitivity and specificity for rare gene transcripts and the expression ofgenes responsible for cancers and other diseases. The Company is commercializingboth in vitro diagnostic and laboratory developed tests for use incompanion diagnostics and real-time monitoring of disease recurrence. TheCompany is located in New York, USA and Munich, Germany and is backedby an international consortium of leading venture capitalists.Contact:Dr. Mikkel NoerholmAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 416172-70Fax: +49 (0) 89 416172-69E-Mail: munich@exosomedx.comInternet: www.exosomedx.comEyesight & Vision GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, Automation, OphtalmologyEyesight & Vision is focused on intraoperative real-time laser diagnostics forrefractive eye-surgery. Our goal is to become the global leader in intraoperativereal-time diagnostics for the growing number of patients which desireperfect vision. Our team of experts in ophthalmic devices works closely witheye doctors, clinical specialists and partners to advance the wavefront guidedcataract surgery. We provide innovative solutions and utilize our advancedtechnology, to be the first to introduce intraoperative real-time wavefrontdiagnostics, so that surgeons are able to decide during the cataractsurgery which intraocular lens is best to achieve postoperative perfectvision.Contact:Kurt HeibergerNeumeyerstrasse 48D-90411 NürnbergPhone: +49 (0) 911 801 98409Fax: +49 (0) 911 801 98400E-Mail: k.heiberger@eyesight-vision.deInternet: www.eyesight-vision.comFermCom <strong>Bio</strong>-VNT – <strong>Bio</strong>logischeVerfahrenstechnik und Netzwerk-TechnologieBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Monitoring, DevicesFermCom <strong>Bio</strong>-VNT is a research and development company focused on biotechnologyand network applications. FermCom <strong>Bio</strong>-VNT is in development ofan innovative in-situ online-analysis system by using a high-technology bioreactor.With the help of the device for classification of biomolecules in liquidthere will be new technologies brought together to a new biosensor system„Multisensor-MiniLab“. The use of bio-chips allows to miniaturize online realtime-analysis.In cooperation with appropriate high-tech partner companiesFermCom <strong>Bio</strong>-VNT creates a national / international network via Internet /Intranet for data tele-transfer. International patent-applications (PCT) are thecornerstone of the companys strategy. FermComs field of activity is developmenta new compact sytem for non-invasive process-monitoring in the areaof biotechnology, fermentation- and environment-analytics.Contact:Albert StumpfAubinger Str. 30D-82166 GräfelfingPhone: +49 (0) 89 895300-24Fax: +49 (0) 89 895300-25E-Mail: info@fermcom.deInternet: www.fermcom.de61

FGK Clinical Research GmbHCROContact:Martin KraussHeimeranstr. 35D-80339 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 893119-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 893119-20E-Mail: martin.krauss@fgk-cro.deInternet: www.fgk-cro.deKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical ResearchFGK Clinical Research GmbH is a Europe-based full service ContractResearch Organization offering the complete range of clinical developmentand consulting services to biotechnology and medical device companies.FGK headquarters are in Munich, Germany, with more than 70 highly-skilledand experienced employees working on local and global projects, coveringclinical studies Phases II to IV and post-marketing studies.In addition, FGK has subsidiaries in the UK, Hungary, Poland and CzechRepublic, and further subsidiaries are planned. FGK has extensive experiencein all major therapeutic areas allowing it to effectively design, manage,and analyze development programs and clinical trials.FGK Representative Service GmbHCROContact:Dr. Edgar J. FenzlHeimeranstr. 35D-80339 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 893119-22Fax: +49 (0) 89 893119-20E-Mail: edgar.fenzl@fgk-rs.comInternet: www.fgk-rs.comKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical ResearchFGK Representative Service GmbH was founded in order to meet legalrequirements of sponsor companies which do not have a subsidiary withinthe European Union and Switzerland, for the purpose of performing clinicalresearch projects in this region. Such a legal representative for clinical drugtrials or authorized representative for medical device trials fulfills the obligationthat the sponsor companies must be established or represented in theEuropean Union according to Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC. FGK representsin all member states of the EU for drug and medical device trials toenable submissions of regulatory applications to the European authoritiesand ethics committees. FGK also represents for all applications in drugauthorizations and orphan drug designations.Formycon GmbHContact:Iris MargrafFraunhoferstr. 15D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8565 1867Fax: +49 (0) 89 8565 1818E-Mail: service@formycon.comInternet: www.formycon.comFormycon GmbHBIOTECH, CMOKeywords: Formulation and Analytical Services, Manufacturing ServicesFormycon, former part of Scil Technology, is the Martinsried subsidiary ofNanohale AG. Formycon GmbH is focusing on formulation services andanalytical services. Our key areas of expertise are: liquid, freeze drying andspecialty formulations. We understand pharmaceutical development fromresearch to registration. We also know that our clients rely on the quality ofthe product produced and the documentation that we deliver. Due to ourbackground in development we are more than a regular CRO.62

Fresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Immune Therapy, Antibody Therapy, Oncology,Transplantation, Stem CellFresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbH is a globally operating company dedicated todelivering biopharmaceutical treatment options in oncology and transplantationmedicine. A focal point of activity is the development and commercializationof immunologically active biopharmaceutical therapeutics based on innovativeantibody technologies.The company currently has two drugs on themarket: Removab in Oncology and ATG Fresenius-S in solid organ and stem celltransplantation. Fresenius <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbH is a subsidiary of the Fresenius SEhealthcare group. For further details please visit www.fresenius-biotech.com.Contact:Dr. Christian SchetterFrankfurter Ring 193aD-80807 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 306593-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 306593-292E-Mail: info@fresenius-biotech.comInternet: www.fresenius-biotech.comFRIZ <strong>Bio</strong>chem Gesellschaft für<strong>Bio</strong>analytik mbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Devices, Infectious Diseases, Chip / ArrayTechnologyFRIZ <strong>Bio</strong>chem develops and produces highly reliable user-friendly and inexpensivebiochip systems for applications in medical diagnostics, foodtesting and pharmaceutical research. Key products are DNA-chips withdirect electrical read-out where SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) canunambiguously be detected and time-consuming labeling of the target-DNAis no longer necessary. This enables a broad range of simple and fast analysesmaking the system ideal for biological medical studies.The company’s proprietary combination of micro arrays, electrical detectionand semiconductor technology opens the way to compact multiplex analysesdirectly at a PC without the expensive instrumentation commonly needed.Contact:Dr. Gerhard HartwichFloriansbogen 2-4D-82061 NeuriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 724409-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 724409-10E-Mail: info@frizbiochem.deInternet: www.frizbiochem.deGE Healthcare Europe GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Fine Chemicals / Reagents, Devices, Analytical Chemistry,Genomics, ProteomicsGE Healthcare Life Sciences provides a broad range of products and servicesfor biomolecule separations at all scales. Chief products include:ÄKTAdesign chromatography systems and <strong>Bio</strong>Process mediaFiltration systems and devices Wave <strong>Bio</strong>reactor and mixersCell separation for isolating and purifying cells, viruses, and sub-cellularparticles Fast Trak <strong>Bio</strong>Pharma Services.Our products are used in the manufacture of the majority of all FDA-approvedbiopharmaceuticals on the market. GE Healthcare Life Sciences is a partof GE Healthcare, a General Electric company with more than 42,000employees, providing transformational medical technologies that are shapinga new age of patient care.Contact:Michael KalejaOskar-Schlemmer-Str. 11D-80807 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 8996 281-690Fax: +49 (0) 8996 281-679E-Mail: michael.kaleja@ge.comInternet: www.gelifesciences.com63

GeneArt AGBIOTECHContact:Prof. Dr. Ralf WagnerJosef-Engert-Str. 11D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 94276-0Fax: +49 (0) 941 94276-711E-Mail: geneart.info@lifetech.comInternet: www.lifetechnologies.comKeywords: Genomics, CombinatoricsSince entering the Gene Synthesis market in 2000 GeneArt has establishedas the global market leader. GeneArt provides key technologies for Synthetic<strong>Bio</strong>logy projects for example for the construction of bacteria which producecomplex biopolymers such as biofuels or organisms which degrade environmentaltoxins. Furthermore the company contributes key technologies necessaryto develop and produce new therapeutics and vaccines. Customers alsorely on GeneArt services to improve enzymes, such as the ones used as additivesin detergents. GeneArt was awarded the worldwide largest gene synthesiscontract for the completion of the „Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC)Program“ by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). In addition, GeneArtproduced subgenomic elements for the construction of the first syntheticbacterial genome by the J. Craig Venter Institute. Since December 2010GeneArt AG is a 100% subsidiary of the U.S.-American Life TechnologiesCorporation.Genedata <strong>Bio</strong>informatik GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Dr. Peter HaberlLena-Christ-Str. 50D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 4581901-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4581901-5E-Mail: peter.haberl@genedata.comInternet: www.genedata.comGenedata is a bioinformatics company that specializes in developing softwaresystems for the comprehensive analysis of genomes, transcriptomes,proteomes, metabolomes, and biochemical compounds. By working closelywith key partners, the company combines its extensive product portfoliowith expert scientific consulting services to offer tailor-made solutions forspecific applications and multiple therapeutic areas. The company‘s solutionsare key for moving the focus of life science research from highthroughputdata acquisition to high-content data interpretation. Founded in1997 as a spin-off from Novartis, the company is headquartered in Basel(Switzerland) with branch offices in Munich (Germany), San Francisco (USA),Boston (USA), and Tokyo (Japan).Genedia AG <strong>Bio</strong>tec Services and ProductsBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Hildegard HaasSchwanthalerstr. 60D-80336 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 543448-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 543448-20E-Mail: info@genedia.deInternet: www.genedia.deKeywords: Medicinal Chemistry, Genomics, Antisense/NucleotidesGenedia AG <strong>Bio</strong>tec Services and Products is a provider of DNA testing servicesincluding private DNA paternity testing, legal DNA paternity testing as wellas other relationship testing services (full or half sibling testing, grandparentstesting, aunt or uncle testing, 1st cousin testing, maternity testing aswell as twin testing). An other area is DNA genealogy and antropology,which includes ancestral origin DNA population test, Y-ChromosomeAnalysis, mt-DNA analysis. The forensic area includes DNA identificationand banking services forensic testing services especially stain analysis.DNA molecular testing of diseases (Factor V and II, MTHFR, CFTR-Mutation).DNA testing of animals.64

Genelux GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Drug Delivery,Immune Therapy, OncologyGenelux Corp., San Diego, CA, US, was founded in 2001. Its assets are builton its founder‘s experience on genetically modified light-emitting bacteria,viruses and mammalian cells:Luminescent or fluorescently labelled microorganisms, when injected intotumor bearing mice, specifically colonize tumors plus metastases and canbe imaged. They grow and replicate within the tumors. Tumors are remitted.These scientific results should enable diagnosis and treatment of cancer,combining in vivo imaging (diagnostics) with bacteria/virus induced tumorregression (therapy), and should add a potent theragnostic alternative toexisting therapies and diagnostics.Genelux GmbH, Bernried, Germany, was established mid 2004 and aims totranslate the scientific results into commercial services and products.Contact:Dr. Albert RöderAm Neuland 1D-82347 BernriedPhone: +49 (0) 8158 9223-0Fax: +49 (0) 8158 9223-35E-Mail: a.roeder@genelux.deInternet: www.genelux.deGenetic ID (Europe) AG –Labor für gentechnische AnalysenBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: ELISA / EIA, Genomics, PCR, Analysis, Laboratory,Transgenic Plants, AgrobiotechnologyGenetic ID is a global leader in testing for the presence of genetically modifiedorganisms (GMOs) in food and agricultural products. In additionGenetic ID also offers Allergen screening.Founded in 1996, Genetic ID Inc. maintains global headquarters in USA, aswell as premier testing laboratories in Japan and Germany, offices in Brazil,and the Global Laboratory Alliance of affiliated laboratories and representativesspanning five continents.We develop technologies that address all aspects of the GMO-testing segmentand provide all clients with the technology, services and informationthey need to operate in the increasingly high-tech global marketplace.Contact:William F. ThompsonAm Mittleren Moos 48D-86167 AugsburgPhone: +49 (0) 821 74776-30Fax: +49 (0) 821 74776-39E-Mail: info-europe@genetic-id.comInternet: www.genetic-id.deGeneWake GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Genomics, Oncology, Clinical Diagnostics, PharmacogenomicsGeneWake GmbH is a pharmacogenomics company focussed on biomarkeranalysis in the field of oncology. Our mission is to realize a personalizedcancer treatment by targeted analysis of relevant gene expression levels intumour tissue and circulating tumour cells. By employing bioinformaticalalgorithms based on our thorough knowledge in pathways and publicmicroarray data sources, biomarker screening can be limited to a lowdensityscale. These genomic tests can be used for patient stratification ortherapy tracking. GeneWake also offers contract research like sequencing,annotation, SNP genotyping, mutation detection, multiplex PCR, immunehistology and genotyping for clinical studies.Contact:Dr. Robert LoeweFloriansbogen 2-4D-82061 NeuriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 74419-166Fax: +49 (0) 89 74419-164E-Mail: info@genewake.comInternet: www.genewake.com65

Contact:Dr. Korbinian GroteBayerstr. 85aD-80335 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 599766-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 599766-55E-Mail: info@genomatix.deInternet: www.genomatix.deGenomatix Software GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSKeywords: GenomicsGenomatix is one of the world‘s leading suppliers of technologies to analyzeand interpret genomic data. As well as laying the groundwork for microarrayexperiments and NGS data sequencing analyses, our hardware, software& service solutions help answer the typical questions posed bysystems biology. Our approach: combine multiple lines of evidence to performan integrated meta-analysis.Instead of looking at single strands of information separately, we access anexceptionally large pool of data from different sources. This wealth of datais continually expanding, so it is continually up to date.This meta-analysis leads to more relevant results, more precise scientificknowledge and a better chance of understanding the molecular contexts ofgene regulation and expression.Contact:Dr. Andrea Kücherer-EhretFraunhoferstr. 17D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 899890-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 899890-90E-Mail: info@gilead-sciences.deInternet: www.gilead.comGilead Sciences GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSGilead Sciences is dedicated to providing accelerated solutions for patientsand the people who care for them. The evolution of Gilead - from a promisingbiopharmaceutical company to a leader in the international developmentand commercialisation of medicines for life-threatening infectiousdiseases (viral, fungal and bacterial infections) - is testament to what thecompany has achieved through disciplined science, visionary thinking anddiversified planning. Gileads headquarter is based in Foster City, Californiawith additional operations in San Dimas, California. Sales and marketingorganisations are located in the following cities: Athens, Greece; Cambridge,UK; Lisbon, Portugal; Madrid, Spain; Istanbul, Turkey; Munich, Germany;Paris, France; Dublin, Ireland; Milano, Italy.GILYOS GmbHCROContact:Dr. Margit GieselerFriedrich-Bergius-Ring 15D-97076 WürzburgPhone: +49 (0) 931 907056-78Fax: +49 (0) 931 907056-79E-Mail: info@gilyos.comInternet: www.gilyos.comKeywords: Drug Development, Nanobiotechnology, Antibody, Peptide/Protein,Small Molecules, AnalysisGILYOS is a research-oriented, highly specialized contract service partner inthe field of pharmaceutical freeze-drying. Services include, but are notlimited to, formulation development for pharmaceuticals (protein, peptide),freeze-drying cycle development, optimization of processes includingQualiy-by-Design and scale-up from laboratory to production. GILYOS offersa variety of analytical methods to fully characterize drug formulations (liquidand solid state), with special focus on the examination of the physicochemicalproperties of materials. Moreover, the company offers a full range ofconsulting services, including technical support for freeze-dryers andsales of equipment.66

GKM Gesellschaft für Therapieforschung mbHCROKeywords: Logistics, Analysis, Pharmacovigiliance, CRO/CMO, ClinicalResearch, Monitoring, Medical WritingGKM Gesellschaft für Therapieforschung mbH is a privately owned full serviceContract Research Organisation for designing and conducting clinical trialsphase II-IV as well as post-marketing-surveillances. Since 1981, GKM isa much valued partner for many pharmaceutical, biotech and medical devicecompanies. GKM provides flexible services with expert knowledge and dedicationto your Projects according to ICH-GCP and international guidelinesfor research projects. 25 years experience: Cost-effective quality combinedwith the latest standards and technologies.Concept Statistical planning Study material Regulatory servicesSite recruitment Monitoring Clinical trial managementQuality assurance Data management Medical coding / writingStatistical analysisContact:Dr. Christian HautmannLessingstr. 14D-80336 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 209120-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 209120-30E-Mail:c.hautmann@gkm-therapieforschung.deInternet: www.gkm-therapieforschung.deGlaxoSmithKline GmbH & Co. KGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Respiratory Diseases, Oncology, Dermatology, CNS, Vaccines,AntibioticsGlaxoSmithKline is one of the world‘s leading research-based pharmaceuticaland healthcare companies with biotech developments in the area of vaccinesand biopharmaceuticals. A cooperation with Human Genome SciencesInc. has led to the sequence and functional analysis of a large number ofgenes which are the basis of ongoing developments.Contact:Claudia KubackiTheresienhöhe 11D-80339 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 360440Fax: +49 (0) 89 360448000E-Mail: service.info@gsk.comInternet: www.gsk.com67

Contact:Peter Paul SchikoraMühlfeld 9D-83324 RuhpoldingPhone: +49 (0) 8663 41800-0Fax: +49 (0) 8663 41800-99E-Mail: info@glucometrix.deInternet: www.glucometrix.deGLUCOMETRIX AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Diabetics, Drug Development, Devices, Chip / Array Technology,Peptide/ProteinKey Figures:GlucoMetrix AG was founded in 2001. It has 3 major subsidiaries that concentrateon different aspects of enhancing the quality of life for peoplesuffering from diabetesGlucoMetrix NIB GmbH develops medical devices for measuring bloodsugar non-invasively, i.e. without puncturing the skinGlucoMetrix PVS GmbH develops a new production method for insulinwhich promises a purer insulin with less side effectsGlucoMetrix Pharma VV GmbH develops, manufactures and marketsmedicinal products related to wound healing. These are particularly suitedfor diabetic woundsProducts and Technologies:Development of expression platforms for biomedical products andDevelopment of downstream purification methodsBIOSept line of wound treatment productsMajor R&D Topics:Opto-acoustical device to measure blood sugar non-invasively (in collaborationwith ETH Zurich)Immunological assay to determine glycated serum proteins (POC-assay;in collaboration with FHI BMT)Genetic predisposition for diabetes mellitusCost-effective production methods for human insulinHarrison Clinical Research DeutschlandGmbHCROContact:Volker KnorzAlbrechtstr. 14D-80636 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 126680-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 126680-2444E-Mail: Volker.Knorz@harrison-cro.comInternet: www.harrisonclinical.comKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, CNS, Metabolic Diseases, Nephrology,Oncology, Pain, Clinical Research, MonitoringHarrison Clinical Research is an independent ISO 9001 certified CRO foundedin 1987 in Munich with offices in UK, Belgium, Israel, Spain, Italy,France, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, USA and partnersin Asia and Australia. Our team comprises more than 500 research professionals.We offer all services required for the clinical development andregistration of new pharmaceutical products/medical devices: Internationalproject management, monitoring, data management, statistics, medical writing,auditing, training and outsourcing.Apart from conduct of standard Phase I studies, our Phase I/IIa clinic isspecialised in proof-of-concept studies in special patient populations andefficacy studies in various indications. For more information please visitwww.harrisonclinical.com68

Haupt Pharma Sales GmbHCMOKeywords: Full service contract development and manufacturing, Clinical TrailSupply Services, Cytotoxics, Hormones, high potent APIsWith nine production sites in Germany, France, Italy and Japan and a representativeoffice in the USA, Haupt Pharma is one of the leading contractdevelopers and manufacturers in Europe. With our full service, which coverspharmaceutical development, materials procurement, commercial production,packaging and distribution, we will manage important sections of yourvalue chain. Haupt Pharma provides a technology that covers most pharmaceuticaldosage forms, with a special expertise in sterile products and lyophilizedformulations. In addition to conventional APIs, we handle cytostatics,hormones, beta-lactam antibiotics and controlled drugs. Apart frompharmaceuticals (ethical and OTC), our portfolio includes veterinary medicinalproducts, dietary supplements and cosmetics. We serve regulated marketsworldwide, with a particular focus on Europe, USA and Japan. Morethan 200 customers, among them many global players, rely on HauptPharma's manufacturing, development and clinical trial supply services.Contact:Christian SchmittPfaffenrieder Str. 5-7D-82515 WolfratshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8171 414 150Fax: +49 (0) 8171 414 109E-Mail:Christian.Schmitt@haupt-pharma.deInternet: www.haupt-pharma.deHematris Wound Care GmbHMEDTECHKeywords: DevicesHematris Wound Care GmbH develops, manufactures and markets productsin the area of wound care. Our major initial focus is the marketing of hemostaticproducts to control bleeding.We are experts in the field of hemostasis and wound healing. Our vision isto build up an attractive company together with our investors in this businessarea.Contact:Dr. Dr. Stefan BertschProfessor-Messerschmitt-Str. 3D-85579 NeubibergPhone: +49 (0) 89 6008761-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 6008761-24E-Mail: bertsch@hematris.deInternet: www.hematris.deHepa Wash GmbHMEDTECHKeywords: Hepatology, DevicesThe Hepa Wash GmbH is a medical device company developing a new liverassist device for the treatment of patient with life-threatening liver disease.Main features of Hepa Washs extracorporeal technology are its highlyefficiency albumin-dialysis and its innovative albumin regeneration circuit.Hepa Wash is dedicated to developing a therapy that is several times moreeffective than currently available treatments and to significantly increase thesurvival rate and quality of live of patients with life-threatening liver disease.Contact:PD Dr. Bernhard KreymannAgnes-Pockels-Bogen 1D-80992 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4111842-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4111842-09Internet: www.hepawash.com69

Contact:Kurt MartinJosef-Engert-Straße 9D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 89 95001711Fax: +49 (0) 89 9612087E-Mail: Kurt.Martin@hepacult.deInternet: www.hepacult.dehepacult GmbHBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Analytical Chemistry, Drug Development, Tissue Engineering / CellCulture, Clinical Research, Toxicology, Analysishepacult develops and markets cell culture technology based on humanliver cells and other human organs. The cell culture technology is used toprognose the metabolism of novel drugs and for the in vitro simulation ofliver dysfunctions. With their cutting edge cell and tissue products hepacultprovides to the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry an outstandingin vitro test system coming close to the human in vivo conditions.Animal experiments can be replaced to a large extent. Results gained duringthe preclinical stage with hepatocytes show a better prognostic value.Partially even the cost-intensive clinical experiments on humans and relatedrisks to humans can be reduced.Contact:Isabell RemusIndustriestr. 18D-83607 HolzkirchenPhone: +49 (0) 8024 908-0E-Mail: isabell.remus@sandoz.comInternet: www.hexal.deHexal AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Drug Development, Peptide/Protein, Pharmacokinetics, 3 DStructural Analysis, Clinical ResearchHEXAL is the leading German generic manufacturer and belongs to theworldwide Sandoz Group with its headquarters in Holzkirchen, Bavaria.HEXAL brings biosimilars to the German market. <strong>Bio</strong>similars are high-differentiatedproducts, based on very complex biological molecules. <strong>Bio</strong>logics,or biopharmaceuticals, are medicines produced from living organisms usingbiotechnology techniques. Many biologics are recombinant proteins and aremanufactured using „recombinant DNA“ technology, a process that involvesinserting a specific gene into a host cell to produce a particular protein.These complex state-of-the-art molecules represent a distinct regulatoryclass of medicine compared to traditional, chemically synthesized medicines.In Germany HEXAL employs more then 4.000 people at six sites. Thecompany was founded in 1986 and merged with Sandoz in 2006.HolsboerMaschmeyer NeuroChemie GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Ramona Maria FichtnerMaximilianstraße 13D-80539 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 30622 455Fax: +49 (0) 89 30622 483E-Mail: info@hmnc.deInternet: www.hmnc.de70Keywords: <strong>Bio</strong>marker Discovery & Development, Laboratory, PersonalizedMedicine, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug DevelopmentHolsboerMaschmeyer NeuroChemie GmbH is a Munich-based biotech companyspecialised in research and development of new drugs against depressionand anxiety disorders, that was founded in December 2010. The companyutilizes research results for the development of new chemical structureswhich then become specifically acting drugs. Laboratory tests developed byHolsboerMaschmeyer NeuroChemie GmbH identify the specific diseasemechanism of the affected patient and thus allow an individual therapy. Thecombined application of laboratory tests and specific drugs improves thequality of the therapy: duration of disease is shortened for the benefit ofpatients and the savings for the health care system are considerable.

HTI bio-X GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, AutomationHTI bio-X GmbH is a innovative company and is focussing on products andcustomer service for biotechnological and pharmaceutical laboratories aswell as Life Science industry. We develop products from the simple labdevice to complex automated solutions. Our service is focused on engineeringtasks and technical support, project management, technical and managementconsulting. Our current product portfolio covers consumables and instruments(e.g. cleavage machines) for DNA-synthesis as well as for microarraytechniques (e.g. hybridization chambers). We also provide instruments forthe dosage of powder as well as a complete robotic platform and devicesfor sample preparation and DNA extraction. Our biomagnetic workstationX-Tract facilitates all kinds of magnetic beads applications.Contact:Ditte HeimbergAnzinger Str. 7D-85560 EbersbergPhone: +49 (0) 8092 2092-0Fax: +49 (0) 8092 2092-28E-Mail: info@hti-bio-x.comInternet: www.hti-bio-x.comHyglos GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Proteomics, Infectious Diseases, Peptide/Protein, ClinicalDiagnosticsHyglos‘ core competency is to exploit the principles of bacteriophage biologyand the expert use of the proprietary phage-protein technology fordiagnostics, antimicrobial and research applications. Hyglos‘ products andservices are supplied to well known pharmaceutical and biotech companiesas well as research institutes. Hyglos product portfolio includes EndoLisa ® ,Endotrap ® , EndoGrade ® , reagents for food diagnostics, Bacteria CaptureKits. Furthermore, Hyglos offers customized services using state-of-the-arttechnology; Endotoxin Detection Service, Endotoxin removal Service, FromGene to Protein Service. Hyglos GmbH is certified according to ISO9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 + AC:2007.Contact:Dr. Wolfgang MutterAm Neuland 3D-82347 BernriedPhone: +49 (0) 8158 9060-0Fax: +49 (0) 8158 9060-210E-Mail: info@hyglos.deInternet: www.hyglos.dei.DRAS GmbH – international DrugRegulatory Affairs ServicesCROKeywords: Drug Development, Analytical Chemistry, Medical Writing,Pharmacology, Toxicology, Regulatory Affairs, DevicesContact:Prof. Dr. Markus Veiti.DRAS is a consultancy company for international drug regulatory affairs.i.DRAS offers strategic support and services for human and veterinaryFraunhoferstr. 18bD-82152 Martinsriedmedicinal products from the preclinical/early clinical development stages toPhone: +49 (0) 89 856536-50Fax: +49 (0) 89 856536-66the first submission of the MA dossier throughout post marketing activities,E-Mail: info@i-dras.comcovering the whole product life cycle. Services provided cover new andInternet: www.i-dras.comestablished drug substances and the corresponding drug products, includingherbal and biological/biotechnological medicinal products. If requestedi.DRAS takes over the project management for complex projects with furtherpartners who may be assigned through us or our clients. The same appliesto borderline medicinal devices and such incorporating an ancillary drugsubstance. 71

ibidi GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Simon HerzogAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 800 001111-28Fax: +49 (0) 800 001111-29E-Mail: sherzog@ibidi.deInternet: www.ibidi.deKeywords: Devices, Nanobiotechnology, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture,Chip / Array Technology, Microscopyibidi develops, produces and distributes cell-culture biochips (µ-Slides) anddevices for functional cell-based assays. An extensive line of µ-Slides andµ-Dishes offers solutions for immunofluorescence and basic cell culture,plus the following complex assays: angiogenesis, chemotaxis, woundhealing, shear stress and flow. The company also specializes in instrumentssuch as heating and incubation units, and a unique perfusion system thatprovides continuous flow for the simulation of blood vessels. The highoptical quality of the µ-Slides allows microscopic cell investigations, usingphase contrast or DIC, fluorescence and also confocal microscopy. The newF-actin marker LifeAct makes it possible to keep track of the developmentand movement of F-actin structures in living cells. All of the products areoffered world-wide through a variety of distributors.Contact:Dr. Merold MüllerLise-Meitner-Str. 30D-85354 Freising/WeihenstephanPhone: +49 (0) 8161 206962Fax: +49 (0) 8161 9363876E-Mail: info@ikinowo.comInternet: www.ikinowo.comIKINOWO GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Analytical Chemistry, Aptamer Technology,Chip / Array Technology, Proteomics, OncologyThe main goal of the *IKINOWO GmbH* is to develop diagnostic tools forhuman diseases and cell profiling concerned with ribonuclease, expressiondefects and codon usage.*IKINOWO GmbH* has been funded by the german government:Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the framework of theprogram „EXIST SEED“ promoting business start ups from university research.IKKF GmbHCROKeywords: Cardiovascular disease, Medical devices, Statistics, e-TrialmanagementContact:Christina KraftBayerstraße 21D-80335 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 548844-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 548844-143E-Mail: ikkf@ikkf.deInternet: www.ikkf.deSpecialist for Cardio-Vascular Research and e-Trial ManagementProfessional Research Services for:Commercial sponsors (pharma industry & device companies)Universities & academic hospitals (investigator sponsored trials)Medical societies & public sponsors (health economic research, publicresearch) Health insurance companies (health economic projects)Our Fokus:Cardiovascular research Medical device companies Electronic TrialManagement Research networkingWe offer:Research services for controlled clinical trials of phase III + IV and for clinicalregistries Project management Data management Site managementClinical monitoring Etrial management system Statistics and biometryTele-ECG services72

IMGM Laboratories GmbH –your partner for genomic servicesBIOTECHKeywords: Analysis, Pharmacogenetics, Chip / Array Technology, Genomics,Laboratory, PCRMunich based IMGM Laboratories offers advanced genomic services tocustomers from pharma, diagnostics, academia and biotech. IMGM isaccredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 including gene expressionanalysis based on Agilent microarrays and qPCR. IMGM offers a full rangeof first-class Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) services based on Roche454 and LifeTech SOLiD platforms. Our service portfolio covers the areas of[RNA SERVICES], [DNA SERVICES], [BIOINFORMATICS] and [CONSULTING].At IMGM, we combine state-of-the-art technology with complex dataanalysis to deliver meaningful results in an easy-to-understand format.For more information, please visit [www.imgm.com].Contact:Dr. Ralph OehlmannLochhamer Str. 29D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8955784-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 8955784-1E-Mail: info@imgm.comInternet: www.imgm.comimmatics biotechnologies GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Genomics, Proteomics, Peptide/Protein,Vaccines, Immune Therapy, Oncologyimmatics biotechnologies is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical companydeveloping rationally designed therapeutic vaccines that are active againstcancer. immatics' lead product, IMA901 has entered a Phase III trial in renalcell carcinoma. immatics' pipeline also includes IMA910, in Phase II for colorectalcancer, and IMA950 which is being developed for glioma. immatics'technology platform rapidly generates defined therapeutic cancer vaccineswhich are based on multiple tumour-associated peptides (TUMAPs) with theability to specifically stimulate the immune system against cancer cells.These vaccines - comprising multiple peptides confirmed to be naturallypresented by real tumour tissue - offer the prospect of greater effectivenessthan existing cancer vaccine approaches. immatics' products are 'drug like'with stable, off-the-shelf formulations and robust easily scalable manufacturing.immatics is based in Tuebingen and Munich, Germany, and has raisedmore than EUR 108 million (US$ 140 million) in private equity in three financingrounds.Contact:Dr. Carsten ReinhardtFraunhoferstr. 18bD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 540415-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 540415-905E-Mail: info@immatics.comInternet: www.immatics.com73

Immumed GmbH –Gesellschaft für angewandte ImmunologieBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESContact:Wolfgang MayerKarlstr. 46D-80333 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 5432177-89Fax: +49 (0) 89 5432177-92E-Mail: info@immumed.deInternet: www.immumed.deKeywords: Analysis, Laboratory, Inflammation, ELISA / EIA, ClinicalDiagnosticsApplied Immunology - Testing ServicesWe offer testing services for human, mouse or rat samples:Analysis of cytokines, chemokines and phosphoproteinsCell-characterization Cell-separation CytotoxicityOur team is specialized in measuring multiplex-parameter analysis withLuminex-Technology in various samples like serum, cell cultures, saliva, urine.We perform every application for flow-cytometry analysis, for example cellphenotyping, intracellular cytokine detection or cytotoxicity assays as wellas positive or negative selection of cells with magnetic-bead technology.Implen GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Martin SahiriSchatzbogen 52D-81829 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 7263718-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7263718-51E-Mail: info@implen.deInternet: www.implen.deKeywords: Proteomics, Nanobiotechnology, Genomics, Chip / ArrayTechnology, Automation, DevicesImplen GmbH is a leading supplier for system solutions for the analysis andprocessing of small volumes. We develop and distribute key technologies tooptimize processes needed for molecular biological as well as cytogeneticapplications. Together with our partners we combine customized completesolutionsand bring them to the market worldwide.IMR Partner International GmbHCROContact:Ilka RotherLärchenstr. 3D-82166 GräfelfingPhone: +49 (0) 89 89665425Fax: +49 (0) 89 82084607E-Mail: info@imr-partner.deInternet: www.imr-partner.deIMR – International Medical Research – Partner GmbH was incorporated in2003 as a family owned business in Gräfelfing (Munich) Germany. The companyprovides consulting services including temporary or part timemanagement in the area of clinical research, regulatory affairs, qualitymanagement and pharmacovigilance. It serves as the service partner forpharma, biotech and medical device companies, venture capital funds andCRO’s. Therapeutic area expertise includes pain, inflammation, neurology,psychiatry, dermatology/allergology, internal and musculoskeletal medicine.74

Inamed GmbHCROKeywords: Drug Delivery, Clinical Research, Monitoring, Medical Writing,Respiratory DiseasesInamed GmbH – „THE Respiratory CRO“INAMED was founded in 1998 and is an experienced, independent, privatelyowned and managed CRO with its headquarters located at the periphery ofMunich, and with its roots in basic research and clinical medicine.We are an international contract research organization with true respiratoryexpertise. Complementing our solid experience in conducting clinical trials,INAMED’s team of inhalation and clinical experts provides our sponsorswith a unique spectrum of services.Besides our clinical trial operations at all phases of development and ourfully staffed, in-house Phase I-IIa unit with twenty beds, INAMED performsin-vitro studies in our own labs and is the only CRO in continental Europeable and approved to perform radio-labeling studies. Our studies deliver thehighest quality data and can enhance your clinical trials and developmentprojects for drugs and inhalation devices. INAMED offers an opportunity forsponsors to get their products to market more successfully.Contact:Patrick McManusRobert-Koch-Allee 29D-82131 GautingPhone: +49 (0) 89 893569-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 893569-22E-Mail: request@inamed-cro.comInternet: www.inamed-cro.comINC ResearchCROKeywords: Clinical Research, Monitoring, <strong>Bio</strong>metrics, Oncology, CNS,Respiratory Medical Writing, Drug SafetyINC Research is a therapeutically focused clinical research organization witha high-performance reputation for conducting global clinical developmentprograms of the highest integrity. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companieslook to INC Research for a complete range of customized Phase Ithrough Phase IV programs in all therapeutic areas and innovative pediatricand women's health trials. The Company's Trusted Process ® methodologyand therapeutic foresight lead customers to more confident, better-informeddrug and device development decisions. For more information, please visitwww.incresearch.com.Contact:Isabel TarazonaStefan-George-Ring 6D-81929 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 993913-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 993913-160E-Mail: muc.info@incresearch.comInternet: www.incresearch.comInfors GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSInfors is specialised in marketing and maintenance of fermenters and shakers.As a subsidiary of Infors AG in Basel, Switzerland, it not only seesitself as a trading and service company but also cooperates with researchersin order to develop new equipment used in the field of microbiology andcell culture.Contact:Dr. Burkhard J. FeigelDachauer Str. 6D-85254 EinsbachPhone: +49 (0) 8135 8333Fax: +49 (0) 8135 8320E-Mail: infors.de@infors-ht.comInternet: www.infors-ht.com75

INHECO GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Andreas ScholleFraunhoferstrasse 11D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 899 593-102Fax: +49 (0) 89 899 593-149E-Mail: info@inheco.comInternet: www.inheco.comKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Devices, Automation,ELISA/EIA, Genomics, PCRINHECO specializes in Thermal Management Solutions for Life Scienceswith off-the-shelf devices as well as with customer specific OEM solutions.INHECO’s liquid handling instruments for LabAutomation and PCR solutionsare applied in <strong>Bio</strong>medical Research and Diagnostics. INHECO's productrange includes incubators, liquid sample heating & cooling devices,temperature controlled shakers, verification tools and thermo cycler blocks.INHECO products serve academic and private research laboratories, pharmaceuticaland clinical diagnostic companies and governmental institutions.Contact:Prof. Dr. Toni LindlBalanstr. 6D-81669 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 48777-4Fax: +49 (0) 89 48777-2E-Mail: info@I-A-Z-zellkultur.deInternet: www.I-A-Z-zellkultur.deInstitut für angewandte ZellkulturDr. Toni Lindl GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Antibody Production Service, Tissue Engineering / Cell CultureThe Institut für angewandte Zellkultur Dr. Toni Lindl offers services in thearea of cell culture and tissue culture, training in cell culture work, distributionof cell lines, consulting in cell culture, molecular biology, geneticengineering and development of monoclonal antibodies and in vitro processes.The core competences cover cell culture services and genetic engineeringwith a product range of recombinant human interleukin-2 and humanmonoclonal antibodies against rabies. Partnerships are sought with universityresearch institutes in immunology and virology, where know-how in cellculture and in vitro technologies can be transferred.Institut Virion\Serion GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Gerhard HermannFriedrich-Bergius-Ring 19D-97076 WürzburgPhone: +49 (0) 931 3045-0Fax: +49 (0) 931 3045-100E-Mail: dialog@virion-serion.deInternet: www.virion-serion.de76Keywords: Automation, Respiratory Diseases, Infectious Diseases,Autoimmune Diseases, ELISA / EIA, Clinical DiagnosticsInstitut Virion\Serion GmbH is a German in-vitro diagnostic company withmore than 30 years of experience in the international market. The extensivehigh-quality product portfolio for the diagnosis of infectious diseasescontains SERION ELISA classic tests recommended for quantified antibodydetection in human serum, plasma, and, if necessary, in cerebrospinal fluid,against various viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections. SERIONELISA antigen tests enable a direct antigen detection of pathogens. OurComplement Fixation Tests are featuring more than 50 different antigens.The latest developments of our particle-based SERION Multianalytproducts allow simultaneous antibody detection against multiple antigensusing flow cytometry. Parallel to immunoassays we have introduced theImmunomat for automated processing and analysis of SERION ELISAclassic and SERION ELISA antigen tests.

Intana <strong>Bio</strong>science GmbHBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Drug Development, Microscopy, Antibody, Peptide/Protein, SmallMoleculesIntana <strong>Bio</strong>science GmbH, founded 2008, is a privately owned service providercompany. Understanding the selectivity profile and the binding characteristicsof a candidate drug has been shown to be essential for downstreamoptimization. Intana <strong>Bio</strong>science GmbH offers interaction analysis based on asingle molecule sensitive spectroscopic approach called fluorescence crosscorrelation spectroscopy (FCCS). FCCS can be applied in cellular lysates todetermine the binding and rate constants of biomolecular interaction andrepresents a highly efficient approach to develop selective inhibitors for targetedtherapies. Customers benefit from short assay development time, indepth interaction analysis and assay conditions that mimic the natural environmentof a drug.Contact:Dr. Frank BeckerLochhamer Str. 29aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 895572-80Fax: +49 (0) 89 895572-81E-Mail: info@intana.deInternet: www.intana-bioscience.deINTERLAB central lab services –worldwide GmbHCROKeywords: Analytical Chemistry, Clinical Diagnostics, Logistics, Clinical ResearchINTERLAB is an independent central laboratory supporting clinical trials forpharmaceutical and biotechnology companies covering Europe, North andSouth America, Australia, Africa and Asia. The international head office is inMunich, Germany. INTERLAB performs routine and esoteric testing on adaily basis: over 25.000 samples daily: clinical chemistry, hematology, endocrinology,genetics, PCR, microbiology, virology, immunology, serology,histopathology, cytology, toxicology, drug assays, incl. LC-MS/MS.Additional services: professional project managers, flexible data managemantand transfer, cost-effective shipment logistics worldwide, EN45,000, ISO 9001 and EC/ISO/EN 15189 (17025).Contact:Dr. Hermann SchulzBayerstr. 53D-80335 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 741393-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 741393-39E-Mail: CEO.Schulz@INTERLAB.deInternet: www.INTERLAB.de77

IRIS <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Thomas BruckdorferWaldershofer Str. 49-51D-95615 MarktredwitzPhone: +49 (0) 9231 9619-73Fax: +49 (0) 9231 9619-99E-Mail: info@iris-biotech.deInternet: www.iris-biotech.deKeywords: Natural Compounds, Combinatorial Chemistry, MedicinalChemistry, Drug Delivery, Drug Development, Peptide/Protein<strong>2011</strong> – Celebrating 10 Years in Business:1. Starting Materials for Peptide Synthesis, Peptidomimetic and MedicinalChemistry (Protected Amino Acids, Coupling reagents, Linkers, resins)2. Reagents for PEGylation (improving solubility and pharmacokinetic propertiesof biopharmaceuticals and organic drug molecules)3. Reagents for Life Science Research (substrates for Drug InteractionStudies, Natural Products with biological & pharmacological activity, AminoAcid and Carbohydrates derivatives as enzyme substrates)4. <strong>Bio</strong>catalysis (immobilised enzymes, enzyme carriers, unusual and innovativeenzymes for modern biocatalytic synthesis of fine chemicals, opticalresolution of racemic mixtures; lipases and esterases for food industry andbiodiesel production)5. Contract Manufacturing of unusual derivatives with one or several chiralcentres.ITG Isotope Technologies Garching GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Richard HenkelmannLichtenbergstr. 1D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 289139-46Fax: +49 (0) 89 289139-29E-Mail: info@itg-garching.deInternet: www.itg-garching.deKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Drug Delivery, Devices,Peptide/Protein, Small MoleculesITG Isotope Technologies Garching GmbH is responsible for all radio-isotoperelated development, production and logistics and provides products andservices to customers in medicine, industry and its sister companies withinthe ITM Group. ITG is managing the isotope sourcing from the global reactornetwork, operates the isotope processing facilities in Garching and holdsthe „radioactive materials production license”. ITG provides products suchas: Lutetium-177 n.c.a., Rhenium-188, Gallium-68, Ge-68/Ga-68 Generator,W-188/Re-188 Generator, Ac-225/Bi-213 Generator.iThera Medical GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Christian WiestIngolstädter Landstr. 1D-85764 NeuherbergPhone: +49 (0) 89 3187-3973Fax: +49 (0) 89 3187-4170E-Mail: christian.wiest@ithera-medical.comInternet: www.ithera-medical.comKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Drug Development, Devices, CardiovascularDiseases, Inflammation, OncologyiThera Medical develops and markets a novel in-vivo biomedical imagingtechnology, MSOT = multi-spectral opto-acoustic tomography. MSOT utilizesthe photo-acoustic effect to visualize and quantify anatomical, functionaland molecular information of living tissue. Today, MSOT allows the earlyand reliable validation of new substance efficacy in drug discovery (e.g., foroncology, neurology and cardiovascular problems). For the future, MSOTalso promises to become a valuable tool for clinical diagnostics.78

ITM Isotopen Technologien München AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Drug Development, Drug Delivery, New Materials, Devices,Automation, Chip / Array Technology, Cardiovascular DiseasesSetting Standards with New Generation Therapies! The ITM Group providesa new generation of highly effective radioisotope therapies and integratedapplication systems to those oncological and endovascular patients who arecurrently very difficult or impossible to treat with conventional methods:ITM-Rhenium-SCT © : Skin cancer patients with large and difficult to treatlesions ITM-Rhenium-PTA © : Patients with progressed peripheral endovasculardisease, and cardiovascular patients with recurring in-stent restenosisITM-PRRT: Peptide Receptor Radioisotope Therapies: Oncological patientswith metastatic disease.Contact:Dr. Richard HenkelmannLichtenbergstr. 1D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 8651 7678-0Fax: +49 (0) 8651 7678-20E-Mail: info@itm.agInternet: www.itm.agITM RP-München GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein,Devices, Drug Delivery, Clinical Diagnostics, Drug DevelopmentITM RP-München GmbH - Radiopharmazie München –is responsible forthe development of the portfolio and pipeline of radiopharmaceutical productsin oncology/personalized medicine.RPMs main focus are the so called Targeted or Peptide ReceptorRadioisotope Therapies, which have already proven their medical effectivenessand commercial viability in the treatment of various metastatic tumors.In this context an innovative peptide with a multistage targeting and internalizationmechanism has been licensed and has been brought into pre-clinicaldevelopment by RPM. First promising results in a wide variety ofvascularized tumors and metastatic melanoma could be obtained.Contact:Dr. Günter SchumacherLichtenbergstr. 1D-85748 GarchingPhone: +49 (0) 89 2891-3905Fax: +49 (0) 89 6283-6811E-Mail: info@radiopharmacy-munich.comInternet: www.radiopharmacy-munich.comKantarHealth GmbH – Clinical ResearchCROKeywords: Logistics, Clinical Research, Pharmacovigiliance, Oncology, MedicalWriting, Monitoring, AnalysisKantarHealth GmbH Clinical Research conducts phase I-IV clinical trials aswell as NIS world-wide. Our operations span local agencies in over seventycountries in Europe. KantarHealth GmbH combines more than 25 years ofCRO expertise in drug research with the development of innovative webbasedapplications in project and data management (InTrial and InDrums).Our services include: protocol and CRF design, eCRF solutions, feasibilityand site selection, investigators training, handling and completion of legaland ethical requirements, monitoring and site management, projectmanagement, implementation of risk management programs, data management,medical coding, quality assurance, statistical planning and analysis,medical writing.Contact:Siegfried FreytagLandsberger Str. 284D-80687 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 5600-1421Fax: +49 (0) 89 5600-1590E-Mail: siegfried.freytag@kantarhealth.comInternet: www.kantarhealth.com79

KLIFOVET AGCROContact:Dr. Klaus HellmannGeyerspergerstr. 27D-80689 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 580082-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 580082-15E-Mail: info@klifovet.comInternet: www.klifovet.comKeywords: Logistics, Monitoring, Medical Writing, Analysis, Clinical ResearchKLIFOVET is the provider of high quality services for the Animal HealthIndustry and Animal Nutrition Industry in Europe regarding the registrationand marketing of products. Strategic advice on licensing products, regulatoryaffairs consultancy, but also full CRO for conducting efficacy studies inany animal species is our business. We are in command of well organizedlogistics, a highly motivated team, a comprehensive net of co-operators andskilled investigators throughout Europe and US. We can handle large multinationalprojects as well as run studies locally, in Europe or globally accordingto the demanding standards of FDA, EMA and/or the client. We performthis efficay studies, field safety studies, marketing studies and palatabilitystudies for veterinary medicinal products and feed additives.kmbsBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Michael MillerFerdinand-Zwack-Str. 39D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 08161 205957E-Mail: info@kmbioservices.deInternet: www.kmbioservices.deKeywords: Genomics, PCRkmbs is your service partner for organismic studies e. g. in Conservation<strong>Bio</strong>logy, Zoology, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and Molecular <strong>Bio</strong>logy to clear upspecimens’ identities by means of molecular/genetic analyses (Samplepreparation, PCR, DNA sequencing, Gene Fragment analysis) for purposeslike resolving species relationships, detecting sibling species, delimitingspecies boundaries, investigating population structure and integrity, a.s.o.In addition, we are experienced in making microscopic preparations,carrying out outdoor services like mapping species inventories or searchingfor special organisms within a given habitat including the collection oforganisms on demand, and acting as project manager and consultants.Contact:Dr. Elisabeth MüllerSteubenstr. 4D-97688 Bad KissingenPhone: +49 (0) 971 7202-0Fax: +49 (0) 971 68546E-Mail: mueller@laboklin.deInternet: www.laboklin.comLaboklin GmbH & Co KG –Unternehmensbereich LabogenBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSOur laboratory provides a complete testing service for veterinary surgeonsto meet the diagnostic needs of your practice. You can find all importantinformation and our laboratory profiles and screens (microbiology, haematology,allergy, pathology and genetic testing.) Furthermore you candownload submission forms or order sample collection material. If you areregistered you are able to locate your samples, the stage of investigationand much more.80

Labor L+S AGBIOTECHKeywords: Medicinal Chemistry, Allergy, Clinical DiagnosticsLabor L+S AG is a service provider who understands the language of thefuture: Achievement, service, quality. With L+S AG there is no separationfrom advisors and practitioners. More than 500 customers from the pharmaceutical,cosmetics, food and feed industry trust our know-how. Ourrange of services: Microbiological, molecular-biological, biological, chemicaland physicochemical tests of pharmaceuticals, medicinal products, food andfeed, cosmetics as well as related raw materials and intermediate goods,Industrial hygiene, Clinical-microbiological diagnostic as well as diagnosticof food intolerances and allergies. In our state of the art laboratory (5100sqm) 250 employees carefully handle more than 100.000 samples/year.Labor L+S AGContact:Dr. Frank BöttcherMangelsfeld 4D-97708 Bad Bocklet-GroßenbrachPhone: +49 (0) 9708 9100-0Fax: +49 (0) 9708 9100-36E-Mail: labor@labor-ls.deInternet: www.labor-ls.deLAT GmbH Dr. Tittel –Institut für Pharma-AnalytikCROKeywords: Pharmacology, Pharmacovigiliance, Regulatory Affairs, Laboratory,Analytical Chemistry, Analysis, Medical WritingLAT has more than 30 years experience both in routine testing and methoddevelopment. We offer a wide range of services:Pharmacopeial Tests (Ph. Eur., USP, BP, Ph. Eur.), Characterisation of RawMaterial, writing of DMF (Drug Master Files), Characterisation of ReferenceStandards, writing of Monographs, Development of analytical methods(identity, assay, related substances, dissolution), Validation of analyticalmethods according to ICH guidelines, Analysis of residual solvents, ethyleneoxide, unknown peaks. Stability testing according to ICH-guidelines,Compilation and revision of marketing authorisation dossiers (CTD, eCTD,IMPD, ASMF/US-DMF).Compilation of dossiers for CEP application at the EDQM.Contact:Dr. Franz KelnhoferAm Haag 4D-82166 GräfelfingPhone: +49 (0) 89 858967-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 858967-111E-Mail: info@lat-gmbh.deInternet: www.lat-gmbh.deLeon-nanodrugs GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Drug Development, Drug Delivery, Nanobiotechnology, Antibody,Antisense/Nucleotides, Peptide/Protein, Small MoleculesLeon-nanodrugs GmbH is an innovative contract drug development companyspecialized in the production of API-specific nanoparticles and complexdrug-delivery-systems for generic and original products up to market approval,including pre-clinical and clinical development and the drug specificmanufacturing patents. The APIs range from small molecules to proteinsand hormones. The patented MJR-technology enables the realization of lineextensions and drug combinations which were up to now impossible. Basedon its interdisciplinary expertise the company provides unique tools for proactivelife cycle management for the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.Contact:Cornelia BeierLucile-Grahn-Str. 47D-81675 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4142488-96Fax: +49 (0) 89 982722-7E-Mail: info@leon-nanodrugs.comInternet: www.leon-nanodrugs.com81

LEUKOCARE AGBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Michael SchollAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 Martinsried/MunichPhone: +49 (0) 89 7801665-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7801665-11E-Mail: info@leukocare.comInternet: www.leukocare.comKeywords: Inflammation, Immune Therapy, Peptide/Protein, Antibody, ClinicalResearch, New Materials, Clinical DiagnosticsLEUKOCARE is a privately owned, product-focused, clinical-stage biotechnologycompany headquartered in Martinsried near Munich, Germany.LEUKOCARE’s proprietary Stabilizing and Protecting Solutions (SPS) allowto extend shelflife of biologics (proteins, vaccines, nucleic acids) in dehydratedstate and to retain functionality following terminal sterilization of biologicsby gamma-, or beta-irradiation or ethylene oxide. LEUKOCARE collaborateswith partners in the fields of biopharmaceuticals, medical devices anddiagnostics. Partnering with LEUKOCARE also grants access to our wellestablished physiological, biochemical, and immunological expertise.LipoFIT Analytic GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Fritz HuberJosef-Engert-Str. 9D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 69809-100Fax: +49 (0) 941 69809-101E-Mail: info@lipofit.deInternet: www.lipofit.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Analysis, Nephrology, Metabolic Diseases,Pharmacokinetics, Fine Chemicals / Reagents, AgrobiotechnologyLipoFIT: NMR analytics for clinical laboratories, the pharmaceutical andagrochemical industry. For current unsolved analytical challenges, the NMRtechnology may offer a solution. LipoFIT offers and develops tests based onNMR and tailor made statistical procedures for multi-parameter tests.Examples are:Products for safety testing: A precise multi-parametric NMR screening testfor detecting nephrotoxicity caused by any substance (e.g. NECs)Purity testing of chemical compounds: Distinction of analogues, causingsevere auto immune reactions Products used in the agrochemical industry:Quality tests of plants and seeds as raw materials and for breedingpurposes. LipoFIT is certified (EN ISO 13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000) andholds the Statement of GMP Compliance.LivImplant GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Prof. Dr. Matthias SchiekerTruhenseeweg 8D-82319 StarnbergPhone: +49 (0) 8151 5590291Fax: +49 (0) 8151 917922E-Mail: info@livimplant.deInternet: www.livimplant.deKeywords: Inflammation, Bone / Joint Diseases, Cell Therapy, TissueEngineering / Cell CultureLivImplant GmbH develops and sells innovative cell based therapies for leasonsand diseases of tendons, joints, cartilage and bones, focusing on stimulatingthe self-healing powers of the body by applying stem cells andgrowth factors. As a spin off from the Experimental Surgery andRegenerative Medicine department of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University ofMunich (www.experimed.de) and a close collaboration with the VeterinaryClinic of the University of Giessen LivImplant benefits from the latest scientificproceedings. First applications are available for curing lameness withhorses and dogs.82

Loewe ® <strong>Bio</strong>chemica GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Agrobiotechnology, ELISA / EIALOEWE is committed to the development and production of high qualityreagents for the detection of plant diseases caused by bacteria, fungi,nematodes, and viruses. Furthermore we offer contract testing services forall kinds of crops and ornamentals (ELISA techniques, Immuno FluorescenceAntibody Assays, Blotting, and PCR).Contact:Dr. Caroline Freye-MinksMühlweg 2aD-82054 SauerlachPhone: +49 (0) 8104 616-20Fax: +49 (0) 8104 616-48E-Mail: service@loewe-info.comInternet: www.loewe-info.comLophius <strong>Bio</strong>sciences GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSLophius <strong>Bio</strong>sciences GmbH, founded in 2002, is a <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Company with thefocus on R&D and marketing of innovative diagnostics and therapeuticproducts in the field of T-cell immunology and immunotherapy. In itsT-Track ® product series Lophius uses its proprietary UREA technology for thesensitive functional assessment and monitoring of cell-mediated immunity(CMI) in immunocompromized patients.Clinical studies are ongoing underlying the value of such a test in moderntransplantation medicine. Other products for infectious disease such as tuberculosisare currently under development.Contact:Dr. Ludwig DemlJosef-Engert-Str. 13D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 6309197-0Fax: +49 (0) 941 6309197-9E-Mail: info@lophius.deInternet: www.lophius.deMAB Discovery GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Antibody, Drug DevelopmentMAB Discovery is an antibody discovery company. Founded in October 2010it started its operations in January <strong>2011</strong>. The company provides an integrateddiscovery concept based on in vivo and in vitro mab generation platformsas well as different lead optimization concepts.The company currently has formed a strategic alliance with <strong>Bio</strong>Duro<strong>Bio</strong>logics, a CRO company with operations in Shanghai, China. The mainshareholder of <strong>Bio</strong>Duro <strong>Bio</strong>logics is PPD an US based leading global CROorganization.Contact:Dr. Stephan FischerForstenrieder Str. 8-14D-82061 NeuriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 990178-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 990178-199E-Mail: info@mabdiscovery.comInternet: www.mabdiscovery.com83

medicomp GmbHCROContact:Dr. med. vet. Michael GierendFraunhoferstr. 17D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 895286-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 895286-66E-Mail: medicomp@medicomp-cro.deInternet: www.medicomp-cro.demedicomp GmbH was founded in 1985 and has developed ever since into afull service CRO. We offer a wide range of services for phase I-IV trials, PMSand medical devices: medical and biometrical planning, protocol and CRFdesign, project management, data management, monitoring, statisticalanalysis and medical writing. medicomp is a member of the BundesverbandMedizinischer Auftragsinstitute (BVMA), which implies regular independentsystem audits. Furthermore, medicomp is a founding member ofPharmaceutical Service Network (PSN), a network of independent EuropeanCROs, which allows us to offer services for studies conducted on a Europeanscope in collaboration with our partners.MediGene AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Julia HofmannLochamer Str. 11D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 856529-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 856529-20E-Mail: medigene@medigene.comInternet: www.medigene.comKeywords: Dermatology, Autoimmune Diseases, Oncology, DrugDevelopment, Immune TherapyMediGene AG is a publicly listed (Frankfurt: MDG, prime standard) biotechnologycompany headquartered in Martinsried/Munich, Germany. Medigenefocuses on clinical research and development of novel drugs against cancerand autoimmune diseases. Medigene is the first German biotech companyto have revenues from marketed products, which are distributed by partnercompanies. It has two drug candidates in clinical trials and is developing aninnovative vaccine technology.Contact:Dr. Alfred FraunhoferGmunder Str. 53D-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 8955718-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 8955718-100E-Mail: A.Fraunhofer@medpace.comInternet: www.medpace.deMedpace Germany GmbHCROKeywords: Monitoring, Oncology, Metabolic Diseases, CardiovascularDiseases, Clinical ResearchMedpace, established in 1992, is a full-service Contract Research Organization(CRO), who partners with leading pharmaceutical and biotech organizations tobring promising new drugs to market. Medpace combines comprehensiveregulatory consulting with efficient clinical trial management to provide sponsorswith exceptional support in drug development. Proven leaders in medicaland scientific research monitor every project. Medpace physicians have firsthandexperience working with regulatory agencies to successfully guide projectsthrough the complexities of the regulatory process. The medical expertiseand regulatory guidance provided by Medpace leads to reduced costs andincreased efficiencies for our valued customers.84

MedPharmTec GmbHCROKeywords: Regulatory Affairs, Data Management, Medical WritingMedPharmTec GmbH is a Pharmaceutical Contract Service Organisation providingexpert assistance in drug development, clinical research (phase IIthrough IV), medical information, regulatory affairs and drug safety to pharmaceuticaland biotechnology companies. Our clinical research servicesrange from protocol planning, CRF design, trial management, monitoringand auditing up to data management, biometrics and report writing. Furtherareas of MedPharmTec-Services’ activities include medical information, i.e.medical and scientific translations, proof-reading, writing/designing of brochures,publications and scientific literature searches as well as consultingand services in terms of regulatory affairs and drug safety.Contact:Dr. Horst H. LangenbahnOlschewskibogen 7D-80935 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 354998-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 354998-199E-Mail: office1@MedPharmTec.deInternet: www.MedPharmTec.demetabion international AGBIOTECH PRODUCTS & SERVICESKeywords: Nucleic Acid Synthesis & Analysis Services, Peptides & AntibodyProduction & Analysis Services, Nucleic Acid Amplification & IdentificationSolutionsmetaBIOn is one of the globally leading suppliers of custom nucleic acidsrenowned for its focus on reliable supplies of consistently high quality productsand services. Founded in 1997 in Munich/Martinsried, metabion keepson expanding its product portfolio from the production of a wide range ofsynthetic DNA and RNA oligonucleotides according to customers' needs tothe supply of standard life science products. Successfully translating highestquality standards into daily practice is the core of metabion's businessphilosophy and key to its popularity at the same time. Careful evaluationand implementation of new and promising technologies and products arecomplementing metabion's progressive and innovative approach within ahealthy and sound business setup.Contact:Dr. Regina BichlmaierLena-Christ-Str. 44D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 899363-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 899363-11E-Mail: metabion@metabion.comInternet: www.metabion.comMetronomia Clinical Research GmbHCROKeywords: Clinical Research, Logistics, Monitoring, Medical Writing, DrugDevelopment, OncologyMetronomia Clinical Research is a mid-size European CRO, providing fullortailored services in clinical trials phase I - IV and NIS, with special focuson e-clinical, data management and biostatistics. Metronomia’s missionstatement is to improve and accelerate drug development by bringing togethercutting-edge e-clinical technologies, well accepted study designs and pronouncedcustomer orientation. Since more than 20 years our customersparticularly esteem the high-quality and reliability of our data, our commitmentto best service and outstanding flexibility, our stable project teamsand the competitive cost-benefit ratio. Metronomia has a proven trackrecord in all major therapeutic areas (core indications: oncology, dermatology,transplantation, nephrology and pulmonary diseases).Contact:Dieter MeyerPaul-Gerhardt-Allee 42D-81245 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 829265-100Fax: +49 (0) 89 829265-099E-Mail: info@metronomia.netInternet: www.metronomia.net85

Contact:Dr. Erwin SoutschekFloriansbogen 2-4D-82061 NeuriedPhone: +49 (0) 700 5050-2002Fax: +49 (0) 700 5050-2003E-Mail: info@microbionix.comInternet: www.microbionix.comMICROBIONIX GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Research, Analysis, Infectious Diseases, ClinicalDiagnosticsMICROBIONIX specializes in the development of Multiplex Assay Systems.The basis of all our applications is Luminex „xMAP-Technology“, a bead-basedmultiplex platform technology for rapid and cost-efficient analysis.MICROBIONIX offers Multiplex Testing Services for analytes relevant to biomarkerstudies, hormone-analytic, cellular signal transduction and pathways:Quantification of Cytokines, Chemokines and Growths Factors ActivityAssays for Protein-Kinases Activity State Assays for Signalling ProteinsBinding-Assays for Transcription Factors Immunglobulin IsotypingMMP-AnalysisMicroCoat <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Günter MüllerAm Neuland 3D-82347 BernriedPhone: +49 (0) 8158 9981-0Fax: +49 (0) 8158 9981-10E-Mail: info@microcoat.deInternet: www.microcoat-biotechnologie.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, ELISA / EIA, PCR, Analytical ChemistryFounded in 1992, MicroCoat is a biotechnology company focused on thefield of Immune- and Nucleic acid-Diagnostics.The major work areas areCoating of various biological reagents (streptavidin; antibodies; nucleicacids; and others) on solid phases (e.g. microtiterplates, tubes, chips)Development and manufacturing of diagnostic assays,Service in the field of Immune and Nucleic acid-Diagnostics like:measurement of samples, also for clinical trials; method comparison ofassays; configuration and handling of „sample panels“; system verificationand validation.MicroCoat has been certified for EN ISO 13485:2003 (9001/EN 46001).Micromet AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Angela LucksStaffelseestr. 2D-81477 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 895277-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 895277-105E-Mail: info@micromet.deInternet: www.micromet.deKeywords: Oncology, Immune Therapy, Antibody, Drug DevelopmentMicromet puts novel concepts in immunotherapy to work. Using proprietarytechnologies, the Company is building a strong pipeline of innovative drugcandidates for the treatment of cancer, inflammation and autoimmunedisease. Two candidates are currently in clinical trials. The Company hasestablished a powerful drug development platform: BiTE („Bispecific T cellengagers“), a unique drug format that leverages the outstanding cytotoxicpotential of T cells to precisely eliminate pathogenic cells. In addition,Micromet is exploiting the potential of SCAs (single-chain antibodies) for thedevelopment of novel drug candidates. The Company has attracted bothtop-tier life science investors and corporate partners such as MedImmune,Inc., Enzon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Serono. In <strong>2012</strong> AMGEN acquiredMicromet which now operates as AMGEN Research Munich GmbH.86

MIKROGEN GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, ELISA / EIA, Infectious Diseases, Automation,Autoimmune Diseases, Chip / Array Technology, PCRFounded in 1989 MIKROGEN GmbH offers innovative solutions for medicallaboratories. The companies scope is the development and production ofclinical diagnostic test systems based on recombinant antigens, with thefocus on bacterial, viral, parasitic and autoimmune diseases. MIKROGEN’score competencies covers genetic engineering and the scientific quality ofresearch and development, which is reflected in various patent applicationsand publications in international journals. The key success factors of thecompany are consistent customer orientation, the strong product competenceand highly skilled employees. MIKROGEN meets ongoing market demandsby emphasising its activities on automation and standardisation in thein-vitro diagnostics, to improve processes in medical laboratories.Contact:Dr. Erwin SoutschekFloriansbogen 2-4D-82061 NeuriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 54801-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 54801-100E-Mail: mikrogen@mikrogen.deInternet: www.mikrogen.deMINITÜB GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTKeywords: Artificial Reproduction Technologies, Drug Development,Pharmacokinetics, Transgenic Animals, Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetics,Respiratory Diseases.Minitüb is an international established system supplier for assisted reproductionof domestic animals, notably in the areas of A.I., cryobiology andE.T. Through its participation in MWM <strong>Bio</strong>models GmbH, a spin-off companyof the LMU Munich, Minitüb is also engaged in the development and characterizationof transgenic large animal models for biomedical research.Current projects are focused on genetically modified pigs for xenotransplantationas well as transgenic pig models of diabetes mellitus, musculardystrophy and immunodeficiency. Customer support starts as early as fromthe design of a project, the development of expression and targeting vectors,the generation of genetically modified large animals, their phenotypiccharacterization, and the performance of preclinical studies.Contact:Dr. Christian SimmetHaupstr. 41D-84184 TiefenbachPhone: +49 (0) 8709 9229-664Fax: +49 (0) 8709 9229-82664E-Mail: csimmet@minitube.deInternet: www.minitube.de87

MLL Münchner Leukämie Labor GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Prof. Dr. Dr. Torsten HaferlachMax-Lebsche-Platz 31D-81377 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 99017-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 99017-111E-Mail: info@mll.comInternet: www.mll.comKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Chip / Array Technology, Genomics, PCR,Hematology, OncologyMLL Munich Leukemia Laboratory is working as a reference laboratory forthe diagnosis of hematologic malignancies focussing on leukemia and lymphoma.All 120 coworkers (physicians, molecular biologists, and technicians)have outstanding reputation in the field of comprehensive diagnostics. Inparallel, cytomorphology, cytochemistry, immunophenotyping, cytogenetics,FISH, and molecular genetic techniques such as PCR as well as new techniquessuch as next-generation sequencing are performed. The seven day availablework-flow is orientated to the clinical needs of patients and physicians.MLL serves as a reference laboratory for German and European leukemiastudies and is a SME-member in the European Leukemia Network (ELN).Education programms are provided for physicians and technicians.Molecular Networks GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Dr. Oliver SacherIZMP, Henkestr. 91D-91052 ErlangenPhone: +49 (0) 9131 8156-68Fax: +49 (0) 9131 8156-69E-Mail: info@molecular-networks.comInternet: www.molecular-networks.comKeywords: Small Molecules, Molecular ModellingMolecular Networks offers innovative chemoinformatics software products,consulting, development and research services to increase the quality andproductivity of discoveries in chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnologyR&D. Founded in 1997, the company established international business relationshipsand Molecular Networks’ technology is utilized in major industrialand academic discovery laboratories worldwide to design and optimize chemicalproducts and processes. Molecular Networks’ product portfolio comprisesa variety of software tools, databases and decision support applicationsfor the design and the synthesis of chemical compounds, the predictionof their chemical, physical and biological properties, their chemical reactivityand metabolic or environmental fate.Monitor Zentrale DeutschlandCROContact:Dr. Jorge GarciaGut Keferloh 1cD-85630 Grasbrunn b. MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 456729-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 456729-18E-Mail: mailto@mzd.deInternet: www.MZD.deMonitor Zentrale Deutschland (MZD) a department of Geelen & GeelenGmbH, is a clinical research service provider, located in Grasbrunn nearMunich. It started in 1994 as a monitoring service and has become an agencyfor the recruitment (out- and in-sourcing) of temporary experienced freelanceclinical research professionals for the R&D sector (e.g. CRAs, StudyNurses, Project Managers, Medical Writers, Regulatory Affairs and DrugSafety Managers, Clinical Trials Administrators or Coordinators, DataManagers. Besides this Geelen & Geelen is the publisher of the GermanMagazine of Clinical Research (Deutsche Zeitschrift für Klinische Forschungwww.dzkf.de).88

MorphoSys AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: CNS, Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Dermatology, Antibody,Antibody Production Service, Drug DevelopmentMorphoSys is an independent biotechnology company that develops novelantibodies for therapeutic, diagnostic and research applications. By successfullyapplying HuCAL ® and other proprietary technologies, MorphoSys hasbecome a leader in the field of fully human therapeutic antibodies. Throughits alliances with some of the world's most important pharmaceutical companies,MorphoSys has created a pipeline of more than 75 drug candidates.The Company is expanding its drug pipeline by adding new partnered programs,and by building a portfolio of fully-owned therapeutic antibodies. Forits proprietary portfolio, the Company is focused on the areas of oncologyand inflammation. Via its business unit AbD Serotec, MorphoSys is expandingits reach in the diagnostics and research markets.Contact:Dr. Claudia Gutjahr-LöserLena-Christ-Str. 48D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 89927-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 89927-222E-Mail: info@morphosys.comInternet: www.morphosys.comMSD SHARP & DOHME GMBHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, Dermatology, Diabetics, Oncology,Ophtalmology, Respiratory Diseases, RheumatologyMSD SHARP & DOHME GMBH is the German subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., aresearch-driven, worldwide acting pharmaceutical company based in the US,which develops, produces and distributes medicines and vaccines in differenttherapeutic fields. MSD wants to contribute to medical care in order to guaranteeand improve access to urgently needed medicines worldwide. Thus, MSDsupports numerous poor countries with donations of pharmaceuticals.For more than 100 years MSD publishes the renowned "MSD-Manual", astandard publication for physicians and pharmacists (www.msd.de/msdmanual/).Medical knowledge and advice for the public is published in the"MSD-Manual Handbuch Gesundheit". MSD Germany has 1.455 employees.The company is situated in Haar near Munich.Contact:Kurt LeidnerLindenplatz 1D-85540 HaarPhone: +49 (0) 89 4561-1130Fax: +49 (0) 89 4561-1329E-Mail: kurt.leidner@msd.deInternet: www.msd.deMSOURCE Medical Development GmbHCROKeywords: Monitoring, Analysis, Clinical Research, Oncology, InfectiousDiseases, CNS, Cardiovascular DiseasesAs a rapidly expanding ISO 9002 certified full-service CRO organization,MSOURCE has provided a range of clinical development and professionalservices to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industriessince 1994. Through a strong focus on client needs, our people, processesand continued emphasis on quality, MSOURCE has built services toaddress: Clinical Trial Management, Clinical Data Services, Clinical ContractHire and Quality Assurance Consulting.Contact:Christine WurmRüdesheimerstr. 15/3D-80686 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 21019-10Fax: +49 (0) 89 21019-150E-Mail: cwurm@msource-cro.comInternet: www.msource-cro.com89

multimmune GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Claus BotzlerArnulfstr. 197D-80634 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4520-7707Fax: +49 (0) 89 4140-4299E-Mail: info@multimmune.deInternet: www.multimmune.deKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Antibody, Cell Therapy,Vaccines, Oncologymultimmune is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discoveryand development of new products for the treatment of cancer. The companyfocuses on the development of drug candidates to treat heat shock protein70 (Hsp70) positive tumors, as surface-bound Hsp70 is a tumor-specific markerexpressed on about 50-75% of various cancer entities, e.g. lung, breast,colon, pancreas.Currently, four approaches are being explored to destroy cancer cells: (1) byextracorporal activation of Natural Killer (NK) cells with a synthetic peptide(ready to go into phase II), (2) by using an antibody against Hsp70 (preclinical),(3) by inducing tumor specific apoptosis with a recombinant human serineprotease(preclinical), (4) by direct infusion of an Hsp70 peptide (preclinical).Contact:Dr. Josef ReisingerJosef-Engert-Str. 13D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 63086-49Fax: +49 (0) 941 63086-48E-Mail:josef.reisinger@multi-service-monitoring.deInternet: www.multi-service-monitoring.demulti-service-monitoringCROKeywords: Drug Developmentmulti-service-monitoring (in the <strong>Bio</strong>Park, founded in 2003, 5 employees) is aclinical research organisation (CRO) that is specialised in monitoring of noncommercialclinical trials and medical clinical trials with devices. All tasksare carried out in accordance with the appropriate national regulations andthe international guidelines ICH/GCP.MWM <strong>Bio</strong>models GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Pharmacokinetics, Transgenic Animals,Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetics, Respiratory DiseasesContact:Dr. Christian SimmetHauptstr. 41D-84184 TiefenbachPhone: +49 (0) 8709 9229-664Fax: +49 (0) 8709 9229-82664E-Mail: csimmet@minitube.deMWM <strong>Bio</strong>models GmbH is a spin-off company of the LMU Munich andMinitube, specialized in the development and characterization of transgeniclarge animal models for biomedical research. Current projects are focusedon genetically modified pigs for xenotransplantation as well as transgenicpig models of diabetes mellitus, muscular dystrophy and immunodeficiency.MWM <strong>Bio</strong>models offers support starting from the design of a project, thedevelopment of expression and targeting vectors, the generation ofgenetically modified large animals, their phenotypic characterization andthe performance of preclinical studies.90

Myriad GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Genomics, <strong>Bio</strong>marker, Molecular Diagnostics, PersonalizedMedicine, OncologyMyriad is a leading molecular diagnostic company based in Salt Lake City,Utah. The Company cites its mission as, “making a difference in patient’slives through the discovery and commercialization of transformative tests toassess a person’s risk of developing disease, guide treatment decisions andassess risk of disease progression and recurrence.” Originally founded in1991, Myriad has spent the last twenty years investing in the education ofpatients and health care providers on the role genes play in hereditary breast,colon, endometrial, ovarian, pancreatic, and skin cancers.Since <strong>2011</strong>/<strong>2012</strong> Myriad is building on this strong tradition by extendingtheir mission to Europe, in an effort to broaden the Company’s geographicfootprint and provide critical information to more patients and healthcareproviders. The central european laboratory of Myriad GmbH has opened inMartinsried/Munich in March <strong>2012</strong>. The Company plans to offer itsBRACAnalysis ® test for genetic predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer,its Colaris ® test for genetic predisposition to colon and endometrial cancer,and the Colaris AP ® test for genetic predisposition to polyposis colon cancer.In addition to the laboratory in Munich, the Company has set up itsEuropean headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland and regional offices in Paris,France, Madrid, Spain, and Milan, Italy.Contact:Dr. Heinz OehlBunsenstr. 7D-82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8757 8189Fax: +49 (0) 89 8757 8170E-Mail: hoehl@myriad.comInternet: www.myriad.comNanion Technologies GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, DevicesNanion Technologies is a spin-off from the Center for Nanoscience (CeNS)of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (LMU). Nanion combinesbio- and microtechnology in a company serving the life sciences industry byoffering products and services which will dramatically increase the speedand efficiency of the drug discovery process in an important segment of thepharmaceutical market. Nanion bases its business on a proprietary chiptechnology and will design and develop High Throughput Screening (HTS)systems for ion channel active drugs (ICADs). Ion channels are prime targetsfor innovative medicines aimed at many important diseases.Contact:Dr. Niels FertigGabrielenstr. 9D-80636 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 2189979-72Fax: +49 (0) 89 2189979-60E-Mail: info@nanion.deInternet: www.nanion.de91

NanoScape AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Anette ErdmannAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 46133443-10Fax: +49 (0) 89 46133443-30E-Mail: info@nanoscape.deInternet: www.nanoscape.deKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Drug Delivery, New Materials, Peptide/Protein,Small Molecules, Vaccines, Fine Chemicals/ReagentsNanoScape is a developer and producer of porous, nanoscale materials forthe pharmaceutics, environment (e.g. water purification membranes) andelectronics (e.g. chemical gas sensors; anti-reflection-coatings) sectors. ItsNanoZeolite materials are cage-like structures with very high loading capacitywhich, through modification of the particle size and pore diameter, functionalisationof the surface chemistry or binding of ligands, can be adaptedto the meet the requirements of the individual customer, allowing a widerange of pharmaceutical, biochemical, electrical and optical properties to berealised. Using such materials intelligent drug-delivery systems for activepharmaceutical ingredients (small molecules, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines)and diagnostic sensors can be developed, and applications in the area ofproteomics supported.NanoScape’s NanoZeolite product portfolio incorporates a range of microandmesoporous silicate materials with tuneable particle sizes from 20 nmto ca. 2 µm with narrow particle size distributions. Materials are available inpowder form (either with hydrophilic or organically-modified surfaces) or insuspension (aqueous or in organic solvents), whereby further processingsteps (e.g. shaping into 300 µm spheres; compounding into polymers;dispersion into coating formulations) are in the pipeline. Internal R&Dactivities are currently focused on the development of “sustained-release”systems for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical ingredients.NanoTemper Technologies GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Philipp BaaskeFlößergasse 4D-81369 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 45228950Fax: +49 (0) 89 452289560E-Mail: info@nanotemper.deInternet: www.nanotemper.deKeywords: Nanobiotechnology, Peptide/Protein, Small MoleculesThe NanoTemper Technologies GmbH provides services and instrumentsfor the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry and is also developingproducts for medical diagnostics. The NanoTemper ® Technology „MicroScale Thermophoresis“ allows to probe the affinity, size, stability andconformation of drug candidates/biomolecules in close to real conditions:freely moving in aqueous solutions and especially in biological liquids likecell lysate or blood.For example the affinities of antibodies, aptamers, small molecules, proteinsand oligonucleotides can be quantified, as well as the interactions of nanoparticles,microbeads or drug delivery systems with body fluids.92

NDA Regulatory Service GmbHCROKeywords: Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigiliance, Drug DevelopmentNDA is one of the leading Regulatory Affairs consultancies in Europe. With~85 employees and offices in Sweden, UK and Germany, NDA has successfullyprovided Regulatory Support throughout Europe for over 10 years.NDA Regulatory Service GmbH in Munich was founded by a core group ofregulatory experts from the European headquarter of an international pharmaceuticalcompany. Our consultants are experienced professionals whooffer expert knowledge and understanding of European regulations, guidelinesand procedures. They are proficient in all regulatory activities associatedwith small molecules, biologicals and advanced therapies. We are dedicatedto guide our clients smoothly through product development and registrationin Europe.Contact:Dr. Rainer PaffenholzWeihenstephaner Str. 28D-81673 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 427299-4000Fax: +49 (0) 89 427299-4010E-Mail: munich@ndareg.comInternet: www.ndareg.comNeaspec GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, Analytical Chemistry, Microscopy, NanobiotechnologyNeaspec is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions for nanoscale opticalimaging & spectroscopy for research laboratories in industry and academicinstitutions. After 15 years of R&D, Neaspec now introduces theNeaSNOM microscopy platform – the only commercially available microscopethat enables optical imaging and spectroscopy with a lateral resolution ofbetter than 20 nm within the material fingerprint region in the infrared,visible and terahertz spectral region. As the ultimate nanoanalytic tool formaterial research and photonics, NeaSNOM has a high application potentialin many disciplines such as Semiconductor Technology, Chemistry,Photonics, Polymer Science and Life-Sciences.Contact:Dr. Stefan SchieferBunsenstr. 5D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 787939-78Fax: +49 (0) 89 787939-79E-Mail: info@neaspec.comInternet: www.neaspec.comNeuroProfile GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSNeuroProfile is committed to the discovery and development of novel therapeuticsfor the treatment of Central Nervous System (CNS) diseases. Themain objective is the identification and commercialization of novel neuronaldrug targets (disease-related genes or proteins) for the most important neurodegenerativediseases Alzheimer and Parkinson and for psychiatric disorderssuch as schizophrenia and depression. Our targets will be the basics forforthcoming drug generations with new mechanisms of action that not onlyameliorate the disease symptoms, but potentially prevent or block progressionof the disease. Several patent pending target candidates are run in preclinicalvalidation projects.Contact:Dr. Thomas RohrmeierJosef-Engert-Str. 9D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 7853690Fax: +49 (0) 941 7853699E-Mail: info@neuroprofile.comInternet: www.neuroprofile.com93

nexttec GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Prof. Dr. Gottfried BremThalmannsdorf 25D-86567 HilgertshausenPhone: +49 (0) 214 869-1516Fax: +49 (0) 214 869-1528E-Mail: service@nexttec.bizInternet: www.nexttec.bizThe nexttec 1-Step technology is a reversal of the usual, known DNA purificationsystems on a silica or magnetic bead base. Proteins, detergents andlow molecular weight compounds are retained by the nexttec sorbent.DNA passes through the nexttec cleanColumn during a short, one-steppurification procedure (4 minutes).The obtained DNA is suitable for all commonenzymatic reactions (restriction digests, real-time PCR, PCR, genotypingetc.).NIGU Chemie GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Frank FleischerBeuthener Str. 2D-84478 WaldkraiburgPhone: +49 (0) 8638 962-0Fax: +49 (0) 8638 962-287E-Mail: info@nigu.deInternet: www.nigu.deNigu offers a full range of high-purity guanidine salts for biotechnologicalapplications, which meet the supreme quality standards set by the biopharmaceuticalindustry. The product group includes several grades of guanidinehydrochloride for separation and purification of recombinant proteins andantibodies. Guanidine thiocyanate for nucleic acid based diagnostics isanother integral part of the portfolio. A typical example is to provide guanidine-saltsand recycling of used solutions as a complete package to the biopharmaceuticalindustry.Contact:Martin BischofZielstattstr. 40D-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 7877-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7877-250E-Mail:communications.munich_de@novartis.comInternet: www.novartis-consumerhealth.deNovartis Consumer Health GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYNovartis Consumer Health, located in Munich, merchandises and distributesOTC and prescription drugs for self-medication.Novartis provides innovative healthcare solutions that address the evolvingneeds of patients and societies. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland,Novartis offers a diversified portfolio to best meet these needs: innovativemedicines, eye care, cost-saving generic pharmaceuticals, preventive vaccinesand diagnostic tools, over-the-counter and animal health products.Novartis is the only global company with leading positions in these areas. In<strong>2011</strong>, the Group's continuing operations achieved net sales of USD 58.6billion, while approximately USD 9.6 billion (USD 9.2 billion excludingimpairment and amortization charges) was invested in R&D throughout theGroup. Novartis Group companies employ approximately 124,000 full-timeequivalentassociates and operate in more than 140 countries around theworld. For more information, please visit www.novartis.com.94

Nuvisan GmbHCROKeywords: Oncology, Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein, Pharmacokinetics,PCR, ELISA / EIA, Clinical ResearchNuvisan Pharma Services is a global provider of product development andsupport services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical deviceindustries. We deliver services ranging from a single test to fully integrateddrug development programs.Together with Focus we are pleased to offer our sponsors the completespectrum of drug development services and assist the sponsor in bringingsafe and effective pharmaceutical products to market.Contact:Dr. Karl MichaelisWegenerstr. 13D-89231 Neu-UlmPhone: +49 (0) 731 9840-0Fax: +49 (0) 731 9840-280E-Mail: karl.michaelis@nuvisan.comInternet: www.nuvisan.comOmegametrix GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSProf. W.S. Harris, Stanford University – USA, and Prof. C. von Schacky,University of Munich, invented and defined the HS-Omega-3 Index in 2004.Then, in 2006 Schacky founded Omegametrix GmbH, as a Laboratory, todeal with the ever growing number of research projects, applications andsamples. Initially proposed as a risk factor for sudden cardiac death, it nowindicates cardiovascular risk as well. First studies have shown its associationto life expectancy in general. Other applications, still in development,range from psychiatric diseases to pregnancy and lactation.Contact:Adrian PassowAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 55063007Fax: +49 (0) 89 55063008E-Mail: info@omegametrix.euInternet:www.omegametrix.euOncoLead GmbH & Co. KGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Tissue Engineering / CellCulture, Cell Therapy, OncologyOncoLead offers cellular screens designed to accelerate the decision makingprocess for the development of anticancer drugs. Its information driven cellpanel screen is to help scientists from all sectors to discover and developnovel and innovative anticancer medicines faster.Contact:Dr. Igor IvanovFraunhoferstr. 20D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 38012215-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 38012215-9E-Mail: request4more@oncolead.comInternet: www.oncolead.com95

Contact:Michael AlmstetterAm Klopferspitz 19aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 7801676-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 7801676-777E-Mail: info@origenis.deInternet: www.origenis.deorigenis GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Small Molecules, Molecular Modelling, Medicinal Chemistry,Combinatorial Chemistry, AutomationOrigenis is a leader in small molecule drug discovery with over 14 years ofexperience in the field. Origenis is a privately owned company based inMartinsried, Germany. Origenis runs its own patented Drug Discovery platformMOREsystem ® . The unique platform combines state-of-the-art drugdesign, patent analysis, chemical synthesis and biological characterizationperformed in an integrated manner on 20.000 square feet of integrated labspace. Origenis runs research alliances as well as active in-house programs.Origenis is currently focusing on anti-inflammatory and CNS drugs. Origenisis offering a variety of out-licensing opportunities.Orion Clinical Services GmbHCROContact:Dr. Jörg RenneckeElsenheimerstr. 61D-80667 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 2241 97398-201Fax: +49 (0) 2241 97398-200E-Mail: Joerg.Rennecke@orioncro.comInternet: www.orioncro.comKeywords: Drug Development, Medical Writing, Monitoring, Clinical ResearchORION Clinical Services is a full-service clinical development organisationperforming all aspects of clinical trials internationally. The company is adynamic, proactive, multicultural CRO, offering a high quality, customisedand flexible service.ORION s European operations are managed from offices in the UnitedKindom, France and Germany, while North America is managed from theUSA, and Australasia from Australia. These central hubs are augmentedby regional staff – who are particularly important in providing coverage ofcentral and Eastern Europe.Founded in 1997, ORION Clinical Services has steadily built a reputation builton quality and reliability.Otsuka Novel Products GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Katharina ThieleKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Antibiotics, InfectiousDiseasesErika-Mann-Str. 21D-80636 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 2060205 20Fax: +49 (0) 89 2060205 55E-Mail: kthiele@otsuka.deInternet: www.otsuka.deOtsuka Novel Products GmbH (ONPG) was founded in <strong>2011</strong> in Munich, as anOtsuka group company. With an international network of 145 subsidiariesand 39,000 employees in 23 countries, and regions across Europe, Asiapacific,America and the Middle East, Otsuka researches, develops, manufacturesand markets innovative and original products with a focus on pharmaceuticalproducts for the treatment of diseases. ONPG will initially focuson infectious diseases, working in collaboration with other group companiesto develop improved diagnostic tools and novel products for the treatmentof tuberculosis.96

P.SS.T Pharma Scientific Services TeamCROKeywords: Pharmacovigiliance, Regulatory Affairs, Drug Development,Devices, Nutraceuticals, AntibioticsP.SS.T is a small international consultancy and service provider for pharmaceuticaland related industries. We accompany your drug / medical devicedevelopment projects with advise and services in:regulatory affairs (from Clinical trials to Marketing authorisation filings,strategies+services including e.g. eCTD, User testing for PILs) drug dev.project management organisation+services, quality management clinicaldev. (incl. scientific writing, protocol development, EUDRACT filings, IMPD etc.)general services and consultancy training and information provisionP.SS.T’s range includes scientific services for all sections of pharmaceutical,medical and healthcare industry. For support in other countries we establishedpartnerships with local CROs and consultant.Contact:Dr. Axel F. WenzelKreillerstr. 65D-81673 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 922003-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 922003-90E-Mail: office@p-ss-t.deInternet: www.p-ss-t.dePAKTIS Antibody Service GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Transgenic Animals, Xenotransplantation, Antibody ProductionService, Drug Development, AgrobiotechnologyPaktis is a biotechnological company located in the north of Munich thatproduces and tests bispecific antibodies for the treatment of tumors. Paktisis using a unique production technology based on transgenic cattle to rapidlyprogress its first generation product into early stage clinical trials. In thisrespect Paktis is the only company in Europe with a GMP qualified transgeniclivestock production unit. The company's lead product is a bi-specificantibody directed against tumour specific antigens that will locally and specificallyactivate the immune system of the treated patient. After demonstrationof safety and efficacy in an initial clinical trial, Paktis plans to manufacturesecond generation product using conventional bioreactors and conductphase I/II clinical trials in a number of indications including melanoma andglioblastoma multiforme. Line extension with other tumor based specificantibodies and the same t-cell efficacy will also allow the treatment of otherindications including some advanced metastatic breast cancers and prostatecancers. The company operates with a lean and efficient managementstructure where a core development team in the company manages sourcedout operations and processes.Contact:Prof. Dr. Gottfried BremLarezhausen 3D-86567 HilgertshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8250 92790 10Fax: +49 (0) 8250 92790 19E-Mail: info@paktis.deInternet: www.paktis.de97

PAN <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Prof. Dr. Michael WiechmannGewerbepark 13D-94501 AidenbachPhone: +49 (0) 8543 601630Fax: +49 (0) 8543 601649E-Mail: info@pan-biotech.deInternet: www.pan-biotech.dePAN-<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbH is a modern and innovative company with its headquartersin Aidenbach/Germany.PAN-<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> was founded in 1988 and is today a major producer of biotechnologicalproducts which are worldwide distributed and used in researchand industry.The product range includes new serum- and proteinfree media, sera (FCS)from different countries of origin including important special variants and abroad variety of media for cell culture. Important new product areas are ourautomated cell culture systems for research and industry as well as new servicesall around the cell culture and cell processing.As a specialist for cell culture we can offer you nearly the complete range ofproducts and services that you need for your successful cell culture.Contact:Michael HahnLochhamer Schlag 21D-82166 GräfelfingPhone: +49 (0) 89 742846-831Fax: +49 (0) 8151 279-6331E-Mail: m.hahn@pari.deInternet: www.paripharma.comPARI Pharma GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, MEDTECHKeywords: Drug Development, Drug Delivery, Analytical Chemistry,Liposomes, Antibiotics, Infectious Diseases, Respiratory DiseasesPARI Pharma focuses on the development of aerosol delivery devices andcomprehensive inhalation drug development to advance aerosol therapieswhere drug and device can be optimized together. Based on PARI’s 100-yearhistory working with aerosols, PARI Pharma develops treatments forpulmonary and nasal administration customized with advanced deliveryplatforms, such as eFlow (lower respiratory) and Vibrent (upper respiratory)Technologies. PARI Pharma partners with pharmaceutical companies todevelop new or improved therapies. PARI Pharma has several clinicaldevelopment programs ongoing, either partnered or on its own, for cysticfibrosis, asthma, COPD, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection, andtreatments for lung transplant patients among other indications. PARIPharma, a PARI Medical Holding company, is located near Munich, Germanywith a major presence in the United States.98

Patrys GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Antibody, Drug DevelopmentPatrys – the natural human antibody based company. Patrys Limited (ASX:PAB) is an Australian public company committed to the development ofnovel treatments for cancer and other diseases, including the commercialisationof a unique natural human antibody based therapies for the treatmentof lung, pancreatic, gastric and colon cancers.The company has the world-wide and exclusive rights to technologies thathave been developed over 25 collective years of research and developmentand which uniquely allow for the capture, development and production ofnatural human antibodies for potential therapeutic applications. The technologies,and resulting deep product pipeline, have achieved positive resultsin animal studies in the treatment of human lung, pancreatic, gastric andcolon cancers.Patrys also currently benefits from the prior establishment of drug developmentcollaborations with three large pharmaceutical companies.In addition to its internal drug development projects and existing collaborations,the company has also acquired a substantial preferred equity holdingin Acceptys, Inc., an American company developing the platform naturalhuman antibody technology for the treatment of infectious diseases, includingHepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Pneumonia and Staph A.Patrys’ commercial strategy is to blend the internal development of leadproduct candidates while simultaneously benefiting from partnerships andcollaborations aimed at developing additional product candidates from thecompany’s deep product pipeline.Contact:Dr. Frank HenselFriedrich-Bergius-Ring 15D-97076 WürzburgPhone: +49 (0) 931 230795-0Fax: +49 (0) 931 230795-19E-Mail: info@patrys.comInternet: www.patrys.comPfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Pain, Infectious Diseases, CNS, Cardiovascular Diseases, AutomationPfizer is a leading pharmaceutical company with headquarters in the USwhich develops, produces and distributes medicines and vaccines in differenttherapeutic fields. The product portfolio of the Pfizer Illertissen manufacturingsite is specialized in solid dosage forms sold globally. We stand fora high degree of automation, system integration and innovation with anexcellent supply performance. We provide innovative concepts and servicesin Containment Manufacturing and Wallet Packaging with a proven highquality and high service level at competitive costs. The unique expertise isproven by renowned awards achieved: Overall „Facility of the Year Award“from „International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering“ (ISPE) in 2008for the fully automated containment manufacturing facility and „HealthcareCompliance Packaging Council (HCPC)-Columbus Award <strong>2011</strong>“ for innovativecompliance packaging solutions realized with wallet cards.Contact:Dr. Peter RemigerHeinrich-Mack-Str. 35D-89257 IllertissenPhone: +49 (0) 7303 12-0Fax: +49 (0) 7303 12-387E-Mail: peter.remiger@pfizer.comInternet: www.pfizer.com99

Pharma Stulln GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, CMOContact:Karin IrlbacherWerksstr. 3D-92551 StullnPhone: +49 (0) 9435 3008-0Fax: +49 (0) 9435 3008-99E-Mail: info@pharmastulln.deInternet: www.pharmastulln.deExperience in manufacturing eye drops in bottles and single-dose-units formore than 30 years. Pharma Stulln fulfills international standards in modernproduction of sterile preparations. Pharma Stulln has approximately fiftywell established pharmaceutical customers in Germany, Europe and internationalcountries such as Australia, China, Canada etc. Contract ManufacturingPharma Stulln is specialist in manufacturing: Eye drops, Nasal sprays,Respiratory solutions, Lens care products. In our new production building,seven seperate rooms high-performance bottelpack ® -filling machines areplaced for manufacturing your individual products. A modern zone conceptfulfills European and international standards for the production of sterilefluid pharmaceuticals. Advanced water treatment and ventilation technology,combined with continuous monitoring ensure a continuous high level ofquality production.PhaToConContact:Dr. Thomas W. BeckerAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 Planegg-MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 444 899 41Fax: +49 (0) 89 444 899 43E-Mail: info@phatocon.comInternet: www.phatocon.comPhaToConBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Toxicology, Pharmacology, Antibody, Tissue Engineering/CellCulture, Drug Delivery, Drug Development, Regulatory AffairsWe offer individually tailored development concepts in applied Pharmacologyand Toxicology (in vitro / in vivo). Our focus and core competencies are:Research and Development (R & D) Preclinical Development LaboratoryManagement Process Optimization and Validation TroubleshootingCustomized Quality-Management and Preclinical as well as <strong>Bio</strong>analyticalMethods Expertise.Above all, results and data that serve as a basis for future decision makingmust be valid! To ensure this validity, specific industrial and regulatory standardsof quality assurance (GxP, ISO, ...) apply. We are well prepared to supportyou case by case, but also to accompany you and your project continuously.And we do not just talk about it, we want to participate actively in theimplementation.100

PHARMALOG – Institut für klinischeForschung GmbHCROPharmalog acts as a European full service CRO with an excellent reputationin clinical trials Phase I - IV since 1983. Our staff of 50 colleagues (incl. centralfield based monitors) conducts clinical and non-interventional trials inGermany and all EU/EEU-countries, using our pool of 9,800 investigators inclinics/ practices. Special advantages: Fast patient recruitment, motivatedinvestigators, local monitors are native speakers. We have performed about300 clinical trials in all medical indications for medical products/-devices/biotechnologyproducts according to ICH- and FDA-Standards for 50 nat./internat.pharmaceutical companies. We offer full service or modular approach(e.g. monitoring, data management/statistics), reasonable pricing due toshort contact ways and low overhead costs.Contact:Dipl. Stat. Holger StammerNeumarkter Str. 18D-81673 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 544637-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 544637-50E-Mail: pharmalog@pharmalog.comInternet: www.pharmalog.comPharm-Olam InternationalDeutschland GmbHCROPharm-Olam International is a multi-national contract research organizationoffering a wide range of comprehensive, clinical research services to thepharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.Our global network, including the emerging markets of Central EasternEurope, Latin America, and India enables us to recruit patients on-time foreven the most challenging studies. By accelerating enrolment, we reducecosts for our sponsors and take trials to the next Phase faster.From pre-clinical to Phase IV, POI is focused on delivering the highest qualitydata, achieving targeted enrolment and meeting projected timelines.Contact:Dr. Peter SonnerIngolstädter Str. 20D-80807 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 3750899-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 3750899-20E-Mail: german.office@pharm-olam.comInternet: www.pharm-olam.comPhenoquest AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Small Molecules, Antibody, Drug Development, Pharmacology, CNSPhenoquest is a recently founded biopharmaceutical company dedicated tothe development of innovative medications for the treatment of psychiatricdiseases. The lead project focuses on the development of antibody-basedtherapeutics for depressive disorders. Scientists at Phenoquest combineprofound knowledge in the fields of neurobiology and behavioural pharmacologywith substantial experience in drug-development processes in industry.Making use of this combination, Phenoquest offers services rangingfrom the performance of basic experiments to a multi-faceted evaluation ofdrug candidates.Contact:Dr. Markus HennigerFraunhoferstr. 13D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8932811-109Fax: +49 (0) 89 8932811-111E-Mail: service@phenoquest.comInternet: www.phenoquest.com101

Phytochem Referenzsubstanzen GbRmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Hans RauschKrumbacherstr. 9D-89335 IchenhausenPhone: +49 (0) 731 97205-45Fax: +49 (0) 731 97205-46E-Mail: phytochem@t-online.deInternet: www.phytochem-standards.dePhytochem develops, produces and markets high purified substances forthe pharmaceutical industry, research, analytics and authorities (main focusover 3,000 Natural Compounds). Phytochem synthesizes or isolates alsoDegradation products and Impurities in remedies or other rare drugs especificallyfor customers needs with best equipment and experience. Lot specifictesting is guaranteed. Phytochem products were used as ReferenceStandards for research and development: (Identity standard Data File: IDF)also for quality control as Primary Standards (Reference SubstanceMasterfile: RMF) and full documented Method Validation. Additional productsand consulting services in the fields of Funcional Foods, DietarySupplements, Food Additionals and Cosmetics are new focuses fromPhytochem.Pieris AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Rita FischerLise-Meitner-Str. 30D-85354 Freising/WeihenstephanPhone: +49 (0) 8161 1411400Fax: +49 (0) 8161 1411444E-Mail: info@pieris-ag.comInternet: www.pieris-ag.comKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Drug DevelopmentPieris AG is a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery anddevelopment of Anticalins ® for the diagnosis and treatment of life-threateninghuman disorders. Exploiting extensive know-how in protein engineeringas part of a broad intellectual property portfolio, the Company applies abalanced risk business model to the development of its Anticalin ® candidates.Recognizing the enormous market potential of protein-based drugs,Pieris is committed to becoming an integrated drug discovery and developmentcompany.PIKA Weihenstephan GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTContact:Dr. Gudrun VogeserHohenwarter Str. 100D-85276 PfaffenhofenPhone: +49 (0) 8441 87948-30Fax: +49 (0) 8441 87948-31E-Mail: info@pika-weihenstephan.deInternet: www.pika-weihenstephan.de102Keywords: PCR, Analysis, Analytical Chemistry, New Materials,AgrobiotechnologyPIKA Weihenstephan was founded in 2000 as a spin-off from the TechnicalUniversity of Munich-Weihenstephan. Our focus is the fast detection andidentification of microorganisms which may occur as spoilers during theproduction process of beer and beverages, but also in a diversity of otherapplications. Besides offering analyses for customers, PIKA Weihenstephanis producing and selling enrichment media and kits to be used for fast andspecific process control. We are specialists in microbiology, both in conventionaland in DNA analyses, especially PCR based methods. All processes atPIKA Weihenstephan are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.

PolyQuant GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Oncology, ELISA / EIA, Analysis, Clinical Diagnostics, Proteomics,Clinical ResearchBased on an innovative platform technology for the absolute multiplexquantitation of proteins, PolyQuant offers cost-effective products and servicesfor proteomics and pharma. The technology allows large-scale acquisitionof protein levels, which can be leveraged in drug discovery and biomarkervalidation. The QconCAT technology is particularly well suited for therapid development of protein assays, which typically takes 12 weeks andless. QconCAT-based reference standards for a wide range of topics, such asdisease states or metabolic pathways, are in the pipeline or can be customdesigned on request. PolyQuant offers a full protein analytical service fromarbitrary samples such as cell extracts or blood serum. Alternatively, proteinquantitation products are offered for the implementation of analytical workflowsat the customer. A convenient license path exists for adaptation ofPolyQuant technologies to large scale customer projects.Contact:Markus FischerSt. Veit-Weg 2D-93051 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 69818-10Fax: +49 (0) 941 69818-28E-Mail: info@polyquant.comInternet: www.polyquant.comPostnova Analytics GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Devices, Analytical Services, Protein/Polymer/NanoparticleCharacterizationPostnova Analytics provides complete analytical solutions for the characterizationof proteins, biopolymers, macromolecules and nanoparticles (1000 Da –10 12 Da, 10 nm – 100 µm). Postnova’s products are used by all major globalcompanies and institutions in the field of biotechnology, pharma, polymerand environmental research, e.g. DOW, BASF, Roche, MIT, TUM. Postnova’sproduct portfolio includes systems, supplies and services based on it’s proprietarypatented FFF technology for protein-virus, aggregate characterization,polymer-rubber characterization, nanoparticle characterization and preparativemicron particle separation. Postnova has two locations inLandsberg, Germany (headquarters) and Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.Contact:Dr. Thorsten KleinMax-Planck-Str. 14D-86899 Landsberg a. L.Phone: +49 (0) 8191 985 688 0Fax: +49 (0) 8191 985 688 99E-Mail: info@postnova.comInternet: www.postnova.comPPD Germany GmbH & Co. KG –Branch officeCROKeywords: Drug Development, Devices, Clinical Research, Logistics,Monitoring, Medical WritingContact:Dr. Peter OberoslerHansastr. 32PPD is a leading global contract research organization providing drug discovery,development and lifecycle management services. Our clients and part-D-80686 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 57877-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 57877-400ners include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, academic andE-Mail: genl.info@ppdi.comgovernment organizations. With offices in 44 countries and more thanInternet: www.ppdi.com11,000 professionals worldwide, PPD applies innovative technologies, therapeuticexpertise and a commitment to quality to help clients and partnersaccelerate the delivery of safe and effective therapeutics and maximize thereturns on their R&D investments. For more information, visitwww.ppdi.com 103

PreSens Precision Sensing GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Achim StangelmayerJosef-Engert-Str. 11D-93053 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 941 94272-100Fax: +49 (0) 941 94272-111E-Mail: info@presens.deInternet: www.presens.deKeywords: Devices, Drug Development, Tissue Engineering / Cell Culture,Analytical ChemistryPreSens is a world leader in the field of chemical-optical sensors. It develops,manufactures and distributes sensor systems for <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> & Pharma,Food & Beverage, Scientific Applications and Medical Devices. PreSensfocuses on parameters which are essential for life: oxygen, pH and carbondioxide. Over the last 14 years, we have delivered our special microsensorsand our non-invasive systems for various applications such as respirometry,biology, or medical research. We also offer imaging Solutions: 2D-sensing ofoxygen-, pH- and CO 2 -distributions. PreSens is certified EN ISO 13485:2003+ AC:2007 and ISO 9001:2008. Together with its partners it offers full servicein Europe, USA and Asia.Priaxon AGPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Dr. Christoph BurdackGmunder Str. 37-37aD-81379 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4521308-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4521308-22E-Mail: contact@priaxon.comInternet: www.priaxon.comKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Oncology, Proteomics, Small Molecules, DrugDelivery, Drug DevelopmentPriaxon is an emerging pharmaceutical company building a pipeline ofnovel drug candidates in different therapeutic fields, but mainly focusing onprotein-protein interactions in oncology and other diseases. The goal is todiscover and develop candidates for validated but hard-to-drug targetsusing two orthogonal drug discovery platforms. In January 2009 a collaborationagreement for the development of mdm2/p53-inhibitors withBoehringer Ingelheim was signed.We open up a new dimension in drug discovery by a unique combination ofproprietary chemoinformatic tools with innovative synthetic chemistries. As aresult Priaxon rationalizes and accelerates the whole drug discovery process.PRIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GmbHBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTContact:Esther GleedeHans-Urmiller-Ring 17aD-82515 WolfratshausenPhone: +49 (0) 8171 99747-0Fax: +49 (0) 8171 99747-0E-Mail: info@prionics.deInternet: www.prionics.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Agrobiotechnology, ELISA / EIA, InfectiousDiseasesPRIONICS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, founded in September 2005, is responsiblefor the marketing, sales and technical support of innovative tests for theearly detection of important zoonotic diseases of production animals. Thecompany provides its customers in Germany and Austria with a portfolio ofmore than 50 diagnostic kits, accessories and biochemicals.PRIONICS offers diagnostic solutions for all major animal disease areasincluding TSE, BVDV, FMD, TB, ParaTB, CSF, Salmonella, Trichinella and BlueTongue. PRIONICS is also the distributor for all Ingenasa products.The parent company Prionics AG, Switzerland, is one of the world’s leadingproviders of farm animal diagnostics and a recognized centre of expertise inBSE and prion diseases.104

probior GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSprobior distributes products for biotechnology, medicine and pharmacy. Wecarry a wide selection of high quality reagents and assay kits for HighThroughput Screening manufactured by our Japanese partner Dojindo.We offer fast and convenient assay kits for protein labeling, DNA/RNA isolation,cell viability/cytotoxicity and oxidative stress. There are also high-purityreagents available e.g. for cell staining, NO research, diagnostic analysis, andalso Self Assembled Monolayer, HPLC reagents, detergents, good’s buffer.Contact:Dr. Christian PhilippErnsbergerstr. 5aD-81241 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 580081-20Fax: +49 (0) 89 580081-22E-Mail: info@probior.comInternet: www.probior.comProJect Pharmaceutics GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Small Molecules, Peptide/Protein, Antibody, Liposomes, DrugDelivery, Drug DevelopmentTransforming proteins into pioneering drugsProJect Pharmaceutics, based in Martinsried/Munich, Germany, transformsproteins, peptides and delicate small molecules into pioneering drugs.ProJect Pharmaceutics adds value to client’s bio-pharmaceutical products byapplying an innovative concept of development called Advaceutics. Basedon the Advaceutics concept, ProJect Pharmaceutics designs optimized formulationsand delivery systems for biologics that are stable, convenient andsafe. Tailored to these optimized systems the company develops cost-effectivemanufacturing processes and transfers those from its own pilot labs tolarge-scale manufacturing. ProJect Pharmaceutics makes sure that investigationalproducts, biosimilars as well as “bio-betters” are developed effectivelyand will run smoothly in clinical and commercial scale GMP manufacturing.ProJect Pharmaceutics was founded and is managed by AndreasSchütz and Klaus Hellerbrand, two leading experts in protein formulationand pharmaceutical process development with many years of experience inbio-pharmaceutics. Their combined expertise and complementary set ofqualifications enables ProJect Pharmaceutics to deliver the high-tech pharmaceuticalservices that are in increased demand for the global biopharmaceuticalindustry.We offer:predictive formulation analytics formulation development including indepthprotein analytics lyophilization process development and optimizationlyophilization in dual chamber prefilled syringe development ofliposomal formulations, producible by simple stirring manufacturing ofpreclinical study material technology-transfer including scale-up to GMPmanufacturerWe deliver:optimized formulations for biopharmaceuticals tailored manufacturingprocesses and transfer to GMP manufacturing development reports readyfor submission to the authorities for registrationFor more information please visit: www.project-pharmaceutics.comContact:Dr. Andreas SchützFraunhoferstr. 22D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 452289-700Fax: +49 (0) 89 452289-717E-Mail: info@project-pharmaceutics.comInternet: www.project-pharmaceutics.com105

Contact:Dr. Torsten NeuefeindBunsenstraße 7aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700761-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700761-15E-Mail: business@proteros.comInternet: www.proteros.comProteros biostructures GmbHBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: 3 D Structural Analysis, Fine Chemicals / Reagents, SmallMolecules, Cardiovascular Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Metabolic Diseases,OncologyProteros is Europe’s most experienced and largest biotechnology companyin the field of X-ray protein structure analysis and a leading service partnerfor fully integrated lead discovery. Successful in business since 1998,Proteros collaborates with more than 80 international pharma, biotech andagricultural companies. Focusing on services, Proteros provides protein crystallography,a tailor-made compound library in conjunction with uniqueassay technologies and medicinal chemistry capabilities to generate novellead compounds for a variety of therapeutically relevant target proteins.Flexible business models, no royalty requirements, and the transfer ofIntellectual Property to the customer, renders Proteros an ideal partner ofthe Pharmaceutical and <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> Industry.quattro research GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Dr. Bernhard SchirmAm Klopferspitz 19aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700763-16Fax: +49 (0) 89 700763-29E-Mail: info@quattro-research.comInternet: www.quattro-research.comquattro research GmbH develops and markets software solutions for themanagement and analysis of chemical and biological data in drug discoveryand development. quattro’s suite of products contains solutions for registeringnew chemical substances, for managing biological assay data, for stockmanagement particularly for research laboratories, and an electronic laboratorynotebook. The efficiency of the quattro products is a result of the integratedChemistry Engine, which facilitates work with chemical structures inall areas of the software package. The quattro’s suite has been developedunder realistic conditions, in close collaboration between quattro research’sdeveloper team and scientists in the laboratory. In addition to the quattro’ssuite, quattro research also offers its customers consultancy services andspecific system solutions to manage chemical and biological data.QUINTILES GmbHCROContact:Beatrice EbnerMühlweg 2D-82054 SauerlachPhone: +49 (0) 8104 8980-13Fax: +49 (0) 8104 8980-99E-Mail: stefan.schoeffel@quintiles.comInternet: www.quintiles.deKeywords: Monitoring, Medical Writing, Clinical ResearchQuintiles is the only fully integrated biopharmaceutical services provideroffering clinical, commercial, consulting and capital solutions. More than22,000 Quintiles employees in 60 countries helped develop or commercializeall of 2010’s top 50 best-selling products or compounds. For more informationvisit the company's Website at www.quintiles.com.106

R&D <strong>Bio</strong>pharmaceuticals GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Small Molecules, Natural Compounds, Drug DevelopmentR&D-<strong>Bio</strong>pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on thepre-clinical and clinical development of unique small molecules derivingfrom natural products for diseases with unmet medical need. The Companyhas exclusive access to the natural product class of the Tubulysins discoveredby Prof. Höfle and Prof. Reichenbach from the Gesellschaft für<strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologische Forschung in Braunschweig and to proprietary secondgeneration Epothilones, a highly promising new drug class for the treatmentof cancer. The Company is pursuing an active partnering strategy for furtherdevelopment of these compound classes. They are suited especially for conjugationand targeting approaches.Contact:Dr. Wolfgang RichterAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700764-90Fax: +49 (0) 89 700764-99E-Mail: wolfgang.richter@rdbiopharma.deInternet: www.rdbiopharma.deRAPID <strong>Bio</strong>medical GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Clinical Research, Devices, Bone / Joint Diseases, CardiovascularDiseases, CNS, OncologyRAPID <strong>Bio</strong>medical GmbH is specialised in the development of probeheads forMRI and NMR spectroscopy. The company cooperates with research institutes,hospitals and MR system manufacturers worldwide. Our products include 1HMR coils for clinical studies at all magnetic field strengths and for all organs.We supply multi-nuclear MR-probeheads for combined MRI and MRS in clinicaland basic science investigations. This development has been extended to a7 T whole body scanner.Our recent work concentrates on multi array coils for parallel MRI both forhuman as well as for animal studies.Our sister company RAPID MR International, LLC (www.rapidmri.com), situatedin Columbus, Ohio, is contact partner for customers from the UnitedStates, Canada and South America. Whenever you need an optimised MRI coilfor your application, please contact us and we will come up with a proposal.Contact:Ulrike HaaseKetteler-Str. 3-11D-97222 RimparPhone: +49 (0) 9365 8826-0Fax: +49 (0) 9365 8826-99E-Mail: info@rapidbiomed.deInternet: www.rapidbiomed.deREMARK GmbH Pharmaservices &ConsultingCROKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Research, Medical WritingREMARK is a privately owned pharma services and consulting companyfounded in 1999. Quality and speed are the decisive factors in the success ofa company involved in the healthcare market. To reach your goals our businessunit Clinical Research offers the following services:Strategic Consulting Project Management Quality AssurancePharmacovigilance Services Training / Coaching Medical WritingDue DiligenceTogether with our unit Pharma Marketing, REMARK bridges the gap betweendevelopment and marketing. For more information visit our web siteat www.remark-pharma.comContact:Dr. Albrecht PfahlerMünchner Freiheit 18D-80802 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 33039921-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 33039221-30E-Mail: info@remark-pharma.deInternet: www.remark-pharma.de107

Ridom GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Jörg RothgängerSedanstr. 27D-97082 WürzburgPhone: +49 (0) 931 4173329Fax: +49 (0) 931 4173348E-Mail: info@ridom.deInternet: www.ridom.deRidom supplies highly customized and therefore extremely user-friendlysoftware for DNA sequence-based diagnostics.The company was started in January 2003 by research scientists who stillhave close links to the University. Therefore, the company’s motto is „fromscientists for scientists“. As a highly specialized company, which is ownedby the founders, Ridom reacts flexible and fast to their customers needs.Major products are Ridom SeqSphere and Ridom StaphType.Ritter GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dipl. Wirtschaftsing. Michael FuchsKaufbeurer Str. 55D-86830 SchwabmünchenPhone: +49 (0) 8232 5003-0Fax: +49 (0) 8232 5003-10E-Mail: michael.fuchs@ritter-online.deInternet: www.ritter-medical.deKeywords: Proteomics, Pharmacogenetics, PCR, Genomics, ELISA / EIA,Automation, DevicesAs a very productive brand-supplier, Ritter provides over 40 years of knowhowin developing and producing fine high-precision plastic parts.Ritter produces in accordance to the local quality standards only in own productionplants. The company is DIN ISO 9001:2000 certified and worksaccording the DIN EN ISO 13485:2003.The 200 employees are engaged to provide packaging solution for constructionchemicals (cartridges), laboratory and medical products (liquid handlingsystems, products for dialysis and robotic systems.Roche Diagnostics GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Barbara Jopp-HeinsNonnenwald 2D-82377 PenzbergPhone: +49 (0) 8856 60-0Fax: +49 (0) 8856 60-3896E-Mail: barbara.jopp-heins@roche.comInternet: www.roche.deKeywords: Drug Development, Clinical Diagnostics, Automation, ELISA / EIA,PCR, Antibody, Peptide/ProteinRoche Diagnostics GmbH is part of Roche, Switzerland. Roche is a world leaderin in-vitro diagnostics, medicines for cancer, transplantation and a marketleader in virology. At Penzberg, Roche operates one of the largest biotechnologyfacilities in Europe for research, development and production ofbiotechnology based diagnostics and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Theportfolio comprises test systems for the life science market, diagnosis,patient stratification and therapy monitoring. Pharma specializes in therapeutichuman proteins with focus on monoclonal antibodies and biomarkersfor oncology. Recently, stem cell research was added to the site portfolio.108

Sandoz <strong>Bio</strong>pharmaceuticalsPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYKeywords: Drug Development, 3 D Structural Analysis, Pharmacokinetics,Peptide/Protein, Clinical ResearchSandoz, the generic pharmaceuticals division of Novartis, is a worldwideleader in generics. Sandoz is also the pioneer and global leader in the rapidlyemerging market for biosimilars, also known as follow-on biologics (orbiopharmaceuticals). Sandoz developed and launched both, the first-everbiosimilar product in the EU (recombinant human growth hormone in 2006)and the first complex - glycosylated - biosimilar (recombinant humanerythropoetin alfa) a year later. With the EU approval and launch in 2009 ofbiosimilar G-CSF (filgrastim), Sandoz is the only company with three productson the market in Europe. Sandoz currently employs more than 23.000people in over 130 countries across the globe. The company’s global headquartersis based in Holzkirchen/Bavaria, in the south of Munich.Contact:Isabell RemusIndustriestr. 18D-83607 HolzkirchenPhone: +49 (0) 8024 908-0E-Mail: isabell.remus@sandoz.comInternet: www.sandoz-biosimilars.comSension GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Antibody, Autoimmune Diseases, ELISA / EIA, Clinical DiagnosticsSension developes immunoassays and rapid test systems for on-site analysis.The tests find broad applications in the fields of food analysis, environmentalanalysis, medical diagnostics, reproductive management in agriculture,and in the monitoring of samples for mold.Also technologies for label production to prevent products from counterfeitingare realized.Sension is realizing own product developments, but also performs R&Ddevelopments for partners and customers and specifically focus on the specificneeds required.Contact:Dr. Marcus MeyrAm Mittleren Moos 48D-86167 AugsburgPhone: +49 (0) 821 455799-0Fax: +49 (0) 821 455799-22E-Mail: info@sension.euInternet: www.sension.euSequiServe GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSSequiServe offers the following custom services in molecular biology: DNAsequencing(plasmids, PCR-products, BACs, PACs, primer-walking).Purification of PCR products.Contact:Eva MetzgerJoh.-Seb.-Bach-Str. 7D-85591 VaterstettenPhone: +49 (0) 8106 8887Fax: +49 (0) 8106 301565E-Mail: service@sequiserve.deInternet: www.sequiserve.de109

SERVIER Deutschland GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYContact:Horst StemmerElsenheimer Str. 53D-80687 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 57095-01Fax: +49 (0) 89 57095-126E-Mail: info@de.netgrs.comInternet: www.servier.deKeywords: Pharma Industry Drug Development, Clinical Research, Bone /Joint Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, CNS, DiabeticsFollowing its international success, SERVIER Deutschland GmbH has establishedan independent branch in Munich since 1996. SERVIER is one of thevery dynamic pharmaceutical companies in Germany, experiencing agrowth-rate in double figures on average. The reason for this is not only theapproved and merchandised drugs but also new, innovative products. Thesuccess of the new drugs is supported by the SERVIER Forschung undPharma-Entwicklung GmbH (also in Munich), which manages many differentprojects throughout the German-speaking region.Contact:Dr. Udo SticherEschenstr. 5D-82024 TaufkirchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 6513-1504Fax: +49 (0) 89 6513-1399E-Mail: udo.sticher@sial.comInternet: www.sigma-aldrich.comSigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Proteomics, Antibody, Genomics, CNS, Small Molecules, KnockOut, PCRSigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and High Technology company. Ourbiochemical and organic chemical products and kits are used in scientificand genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceutical development, the diagnosisof disease and as key components in pharmaceutical and other hightechnology manufacturing. We have customers in life science companies,university and government institutions, hospitals and in industry. Sigma-Aldrich operates in 36 countries and has over 7,600 employees providingexcellent service worldwide.SiNatur GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Franz KerekAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 856625-55Fax: +49 (0) 89 856625-56E-Mail: kerek@sinatur.netInternet: www.sinatur.netKeywords: Diabetics, Metabolic DiseasesSiNatur owns the patent rights for the structure, preparation and medicinalapplications Sub-Nano-Silicic Acid (SNSA). This recently discovered SNSA isthe first biologically active form of silicic acid and of silicon generally. Thesubstance is a potent inhibitor of P-type ATPases and of certain Protein-Phosphatases with IC50 in the nanomolar range.Due to the ubiquitous presence of Si in living organisms the discovery ofthe first biological active form of this element will have a broad scientificand practical impact.SiNatur is developing medicinal applications of SNSA first of all in the therapyof diabetes and of gastric hyperacidity.110

SIRION BIOTECH GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Gene Transfer, Drug Development, Drug Delivery, Knock Out, RNAi& AntisenseSIRION BIOTECH GmbH is a biotech company that produces geneticallymodified cells and is a technology provider in the area of viral vectorsystems. The company founded in 2006 is located in the Innovations- undGründerzentrum <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie IZB in Martinsried near Munich. The expertin RNAi technology offers a wide range of more than 100 products andservices. Using state-of-the art techniques and assay systems the companyoffers reliable lead-through service projects in target validation, screeningand drug discovery. With its strong expertise in primary cell handlingisolation, and cell line generation SIRION BIOTECH serves as a partner foroptimized drug development for pharamceutical and biotech companies.Contact:Dr. Christian ThirionAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700961-999Fax: +49 (0) 89 700961-998E-Mail: info@sirion-biotech.deInternet: www.sirion-biotech.comSMARTEC IngenieurBüroBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTS, MEDTECHKeywords: Devices, Automation, Chip / Array Technology, PCR, TissueEngineering / Cell CultureSmartec IngenieurBüro is your competent partner for individual systemapproaches and instrument development in the biological laboratory.Smartec IngenieurBüro convinces with know-how within the ranges biotechnology,analytics, genetic engineering, micro technology as well as microfluidic. Smartec IngenieurBüro solves tasks of instrumentation for molecularand immunological process engineering. Smartec IngenieurBüro supportsyou from the idea to all stages of the product. Smartec IngenieurBüro offerscomplete solutions, consisting of mechanics, optics, electronics, as well asfirm- and software of a hand. Smartec IngenieurBüro consists of engineersand physicists which are predominantly settled in the ranges Research andDevelopment (R&D) of bioanalytic systems.Contact:Dipl. Ing. Ulrich SchubertAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 854665-13Fax: +49 (0) 89 854665-15E-Mail: ulrichschubert@smartecbio.deInternet: www.smartecbio.deSpheroTec GmbHBIOTECH PRECLINICAL SERVICESKeywords: Drug Development, Oncology, Tissue Engineering / Cell CultureSpherotec is a biotech company using 3D cell-culture systems that havesimilar properties to microtumors in cancer patients. On this basis,Spherotec offers pharmaceutical and biotech companies the opportunity toconduct functional tests of drug candidates for oncology in close to realconditions. This permits the early identification of promising substances andgives a broad profile of the effects of substances. The process also allowsthe definition of the kinds of tumors for which a substance or a combinationof substances has the best clinical efficacy.Contact:Dr. Ilona FunkeAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 5404134-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 5404134-20E-Mail: info@spherotec.comInternet: www.spherotec.com111

SSS International Clinical Research GmbHCROContact:Dr. Michael SigmundLandsberger Str. 23/25D-82110 GermeringPhone: +49 (0) 89 8006500Fax: +49 (0) 89 800650555E-Mail: michael.sigmund@cro-sss.euInternet: www.cro-sss.euKeywords: Clinical Research, Medical Writing, Monitoring, RespiratoryDiseases, Oncology, Cardiovascular Diseases, HematologySSS International Clinical Research provides cost-effective, high quality,comprehensive, and internationally integrated services to develop and commercializethe products of our clients throughout Europe in the pharmaceuticaland biotechnology industries. From experienced project planning andclinical trials management to innovative web-based monitoring tools andexpert consulting, our products and services have been proven for mor thana decade and through many successful projects. From Phase II dose-findingstudies to Phase IV post-marketing studies, and everything in between, weoffer a broad range of therapeutic expertise to meet your clinical trial needs.We have the international experience and local presence to promote yoursuccess.Süd-Chemie AGCHEMICAL INDUSTRY & INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGYContact:Dr. Andre KoltermannStaffelseestr. 6D-81477 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 710661-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 710661-122E-Mail: info.crd@sud-chemie.comInternet: www.sud-chemie.comSüd-Chemie, a member of the Clariant Group, Muttenz, Switzerland, is aspecialty chemicals company. The common denominator of all Süd-Chemieproducts and services is the efficient and sparing use of natural resources toenhance the quality of life for humans and the environment. Having itsheadquarters in Munich, it operates on a worldwide scale. The main focus ofSüd-Chemie’s industrial biotechnology activities is on bio-catalysis and biorefining.The company develops energy-efficient processes for themanufacture of biomass-based chemicals and fuels. Süd-Chemie has developeda process which uses enzymatic hydrolysis followed by fermentation toproduce second generation cellulosic bio-ethanol from wheat straw or otheragricultural production residue.Contact:Prof. Dr. Peter BuckelAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 30905068-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 30905068-68E-Mail: info@suppremol.comInternet: www.suppremol.comSuppreMol GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Autoimmune Diseases, Rheumatology, Antibody, Drug Development,Peptide/ProteinSuppreMol is a clinical stage biotech company developing first-in-class biopharmaceuticaldrugs based on a new therapeutic principle. Developmentcandidates comprise therapeutic proteins and antibodies with the potentialto cure autoimmune diseases instead of only treating symptoms.SuppreMol is developing its lead product SM101 in proof-of-concept studiesin Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP), an orphan disease, as wellas Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). The company is further evaluatingmore common and mainstream diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis,Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).SuppreMol is a spin-off from the laboratories of the Nobel Laureate Prof.Robert Huber of the Max Planck Institute of <strong>Bio</strong>chemistry in Martinsried,Germany.112

Syntacoll GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYSyntacoll is the manufacturing division of Innocoll, Inc. and produces clinicalsupply or commercial product to its marketing partners and to Innocoll’s twoother divisions, Innocoll Technologies and Innocoll Pharmaceuticals.Using proprietary manufacturing processes, Syntacoll converts raw collagenmaterial and incorporates medicinal compounds yielding finished pharmaceuticalproduct in the form of a sponge or membrane. This system formsthe basis of Innocoll’s lead collagen-based technology, CollaRx. The spongeor membrane product format is a unique way to locally deliver a wide varietyof medicinal compounds and is fully biodegradable and resorbable. Thesponge and the membrane formats can be implanted at the time of surgeryor applied topically to a chronic, acute or traumatic wound. Delivering druglocally to the site of action has a number of benefits, including the safe deliveryof higher doses than could be achieved through systemic routes andavoidance of systemic side effects.Contact:Dr. Alexandra DietrichDonaustr. 24D-93342 Saal/DonauPhone: +49 (0) 9441 68600Fax: +49 (0) 9441 686030E-Mail: info@syntacoll.deInternet: www.innocoll.deTemmler Werke GmbHPHARMA & CHEMICAL INDUSTRYThe Temmler Group, with its 7 production sites in Europe, is one of the largestproviders of contract services in the pharmaceutical environment.Temmler has a wide experience in formulation development of finishedsolid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms, in manufacture, packaging,blinding, distribution and return handling of clinical trial supplies, in theoptimization of established manufacturing processes as well as in thecontract manufacture of medicinal products with marketing authorization,supplemented by Quality Control and Analytical services.Temmler offers services from stand-alone processes according to customerspecifications, to strategic services comprising the entire supply chain.Contact:Dr. Claudio LorckWeihenstephaner Str. 28D-81673 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 427299-01Fax: +49 (0) 89 427299-1000E-Mail: info@temmler.euInternet: www.temmler.deTHERMOSOME GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Delivery, Liposomes, OncologyFounded in 2010, Thermosome is a biotech company developing new drugdelivery systems for therapeutic and diagnostic agents based on temperature-sensitiveliposomes.The company is using a novel liposome technology based on synthetic phosphatidyloligoglycerolsthat provides liposomes with prolonged circulation halflifeand ultra-fast release properties. Drug release shall be triggered by theapplication of energy from an exogenous or endogenous device (e.g. regionalhyperthermia, high intensity focused ultrasound) to the patient receiving thetreatment. Thermosome will make use of its platform technology in order to notonly enhance the efficacy of the drug but also to reduce systemic side effects.THERMOSOME GmbHContact:PD Dr. Lars LindnerSilberblattstr. 18aD-81377 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 179 5368303Fax: +49 (0) 89 71668340E-Mail: info@thermosome.comInternet: www.thermosome.com113

TILL Photonics GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, Microscopy, AutomationContact:Erika WeberLochhamer Schlag 21D-82166 GräfelfingPhone: +49 (0) 89 895662-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 895662-101E-Mail: info@till-photonics.comInternet: www.till-photonics.comTILL Photonics GmbH, founded in 1993, develops and markets live cell fluorescencemicroscopes for research applications as well as routine, appliedscience and diagnostics. The microscopes based on patented technology forconfocal and conventional fluorescence microscopy, were developed incollaboration with the <strong>Bio</strong>Imaging Zentrum (BIZ) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich and are manufactured in Germany. The successof TILL Photonics in the scientific as well as the routine markets is based ona competent and experienced team providing reliable instrumentation forautomated routine applications as well as collaboration with internationalresearch institutions.TILL provides extremely flexible, modular systems for all current and futuremicroscopy standards – and complete turnkey solutions for imaging andphotometry systems. The majority of TILL’s customers are found in the fieldsof neurobiology, cell biology, biomedicine and pharmacology.The company’s headquarters are located in the Munich <strong>Bio</strong>Regio (Germany),TILL Photonics’ US operation is based in Rochester, NY.TopLab GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSContact:Dr. Elfriede MüllerFraunhoferstr. 18aD-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 856512-83Fax: +49 (0) 89 856512-86E-Mail: info@toplab.deInternet: www.toplab.deKeywords: Analysis, ProteomicsTOPLAB GmbH is a leading ISO 9001 certified service provider with highend research facilities for proteomics, protein analytics, target and biomarkerdiscovery and validation. The company has outstanding expertise inproteome analysis, protein identification and characterisation with morethan 15 years experience. A portfolio of proprietary technologies has beendeveloped and/or licensed that is able to significantly enhance the rate ofdiscovery of potential biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets.The vision of TOPLAB is to support our clients from pharma, biotech andacademia with highest quality standards, modern technologies and anexperienced and highly motivated team, to achieve confident results incompliance with the timelines of our customers with calculable costs.114

Transcatheter Technologies GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: Devices, Cardiovascular DiseasesTRANSCATHETER TECHNOLOGIES develops medical devices aimed at reducingthe trauma of open-heart valve surgeries. Its re-positionable transcatheteraortic valve system TRINITY is at the forefront of next generation valveimplantation technology. The new technology makes it possible to implantaortic valve prostheses without the need for traumatic open-heart surgery.Key features of TRINITY allow the physician to reposition the valve duringimplantation. ZERO PRESSURE CRIMPING technology protects the fragilebiological leaflets when the stent is folded and expanded. This will increasethe safety and durability of the valve prosthesis and will allow for implantationin younger patients.Contact:Dr. Wolfgang GoetzJosef-Engert-Str. 13D-93051 RegensburgPhone: +49 (0) 170 63099-20Fax: +49 (0) 941 63099-897E-Mail:wolfgang.goetz@transcathetertechnologies.comInternet: www.transcatheter-technologies.comTRION Pharma GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Immune Therapy, Antibody, Drug DevelopmentTRION Pharma GmbH is a privately held biopharmaceutical company thathas established a novel approach to cancer immunotherapy. The Company’sunique family of trifunctional therapeutic antibodies, called Triomab ® ,simultaneously activates multiple immune defense mechanisms againstcancer. Removab ® (catumaxomab), the most advanced candidate of theTriomab ® family, received EU market approval for the intraperitoneal treatmentof malignant ascites. Removab ® is not only the first drug indicated forthe treament of malignant ascites, but also the first approved bispecific,trifunctional antibody worldwide. TRION employs about 90 people in Munichfor development and cGMP-manufacturing of its antibody products.Contact:Brigitte StempferFrankfurter Ring 193aD-80807 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 324266-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 324266-199E-Mail: mail@trionpharma.deInternet: www.trionpharma.deTRION Research GmbHBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Antibody Production Service, Immune TherapyTRION Research GmbH, founded in 1998, is a <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> research company and astrategic partner of TRION Pharma GmbH focusing on the generation of novelTriomab ® antibody candidates and the support of non-clinical and clinicaldevelopment of Triomab ® antibodies. The company offers ImmunomonitoringService, special antibody conjugation support, additional analytical service intumor biology and further analytical support for reagent control to investigators,study sponsors and CROs. TRION Research is ISO 9001:2008 certified.The core competences of the company are:Immunomonitoring and logistical support for clinical and non-clinical studiesSupply of purified antibodies (labeled and unlabeled) Developmentof immunological assaysContact:Brigitte StempferAm Klopferspitz 19D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 700766-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 700766-11E-Mail: mail@trionresearch.deInternet: www.trionresearch.com115

Tripos InternationalBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Dr. Fabian BösKeywords: Molecular Modelling, 3 D Structural Analysis, Medicinal Chemistry,Combinatorial ChemistryMartin-Kollar-Str. 17D-81829 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 451030-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 451030-30E-Mail: fabian.boes@certara.comInternet: www.tripos.comTripos International is a global leader in innovative scientific solutions thatenable life science researchers to improve the efficiency of their moleculardiscovery efforts. Established in 1979, Tripos was the first company to bringscientific computational drug discovery capabilities to the pharmaceutical,chemical and food design industries, and today helps a broad range ofcompanies and research facilities accelerate the identification and optimizationof new compounds that have the potential to become new products inthe drug, food, flavoring and fragrance markets. Headquartered in St. Louis,Missouri, Tripos International serves more than 1,000 customers spanningover 46 countries. Tripos is wholly owned by Vector Capital, a San Franciscobasedprivate equity boutique.U3 Pharma GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Dr. Johannes BangeFraunhoferstr. 22D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8103-9100Fax: +49 (0) 89 8103-9199E-Mail: information@u3pharma.comInternet: www.u3pharma.comKeywords: Antibody, Drug DevelopmentU3 Pharma GmbH, based in Martinsried near Munich, Germany, is a leaderin targeted cancer drug development. Established in July 2001, the companyhas produced a pipeline of novel targeted therapeutics based on theground-breaking discoveries made by its founder - Professor Axel Ullrich.Since May 2008 U3 Pharma belongs to DAIICHI Sankyo Co. Ltd., one of thetop 20 leading pharmaceutical companies worldwide and no. 3 in Japan.Being part of this global environment, U3 Pharma is striving to providepatients around the world with innovative antibody-based therapeutics.UniEquip Laborgerätebau & Vertrieb GmbHBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSKeywords: DevicesContact:A. N. KraupaFraunhoferstr. 11D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 8575200Fax: +49 (0) 89 8561304E-Mail: info@uniequip.deInternet: www.uniequip.comUniEquip provides production and distribution of biotech instruments, e.g.AutoGen (fully automated nucleic acid extraction), highly advanced geldocumentation systems, nucleic acid purification kits, ThermoCycler andmost typical laboratory equipment for molecular biology.116

Vaecgene <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, Proteomics, Drug Development, ImmuneTherapy, Infectious Diseases, OncologyVaecgene focuses on the research and development of novel therapeuticsand in vitro diagnostics. Core competence and proprietary technology arethe development of viral vectors that helped Vaecgene to establish a broadportfolio including individual drugs for immunological treatment of tumorsand infectious diseases. Recently, Vaecgene has developed a new intelligenttechnology, AMIDA, for functional proteomics for fast and efficient identificationand validation of tumor markers for early detection of cancer. In addition,the company offers services related to Epstein-Barr-Virus.The company has also extensive experience in monitoring and quantitatingthe immune competence in patients and non- human primates.Contact:Dr. Reinhard ZeidlerMarchioninistr. 25D-81377 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 70992-96Fax: +49 (0) 89 70992-25E-Mail: info@vaecgene.deInternet: www.vaecgene.devasopharm GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSvasopharm is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery anddevelopment of novel therapeutics for the treatment of cerebro- and cardiovasculardiseases and their consequences. The company is focused on thedevelopment of therapeutics which permits steering the bioavailability ofbiological NO, covering the entire NO/cGMP signal cascade and its functionalcounterpart NOX. vasopharm’s drug candidate VAS203 represents acompletely new class of NOS modulators targeting cerebral vessels andcerebral tissue, thus preventing life threatening rises in intracranial pressureafter a traumatic brain injury. www.vasopharm.comContact:Christian WanderseeFriedrich-Bergius-Ring 15D-97076 WürzburgPhone: +49 (0) 931 359099-0Fax: +49 (0) 931 359099-12E-Mail: office@vasopharm.comInternet: www.vasopharm.comvermicon AGBIOTECH AGRO, FOOD, ENVIRONMENTvermicon AG offers solutions for microbiology. The company develops andmarkets products and services for the detection and analysis of microorganisms.Additionally the company offers microbiological consulting.Its approach is new and non-conventional. Our portfolio comprises: Theproducts - our detection systems for industrial and private customers. Theservices - extensive analyses for microbiology. Microbiological consulting –the unique link between microbiology and consulting. The power of thetechnology portfolio combined with a strong and innovative team consistingof microbiologists and chemists allows us to explore completely new andexciting ways.Contact:Barbara RoderusEmmy-Noether-Str. 2D-80992 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 15882-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 15882-100E-Mail: info@vermicon.comInternet: www.vermicon.com117

vertis <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>nologie AGBIOTECH DNA/PROTEIN ANALYTICSKeywords: Chip / Array Technology, Genomics, PCR, AnalysisContact:PD Dr. Fritz ThümmlerLise-Meitner-Str. 30D-85354 Freising-WeihenstephanPhone: +49 (0) 8161 1411211Fax: +49 (0) 8161 1411212E-Mail: info@vertis-biotech.comInternet: www.vertis-biotech.comVERTIS was established in 2000 as a spin off from Technical UniversityMunich-Weihenstephan, Germany. The compamy offers highest quality andfast turn-around molecular biology services in the field of functional genomics.VERTIS has developed an innovative technology platform which significantlyaccelerates gene discovery projects. VERTIS products and servicescan be broadly grouped into the following categories:cDNA synthesis Full-length cDNA cloning cDNA library constructionCloning and analysis of small non-coding RNA (sncRNA, the prototype ofwhich is microRNA) Profiling of gene expression using novel ultra highthroughput MPSS DNA sequencing technologyVERUM.de GmbHCROKeywords: Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Research, CNS, Dermatology,Diabetics, Oncology, Respiratory DiseasesContact:Christian SacherSembdnerstr. 5D-82110 GermeringPhone: +49 (0) 89 800777-60Fax: +49 (0) 89 800777-88E-Mail: verum@verum.deInternet: www.verum.deVerum is a CRO highly specialized in monitoring in Central and EasternEurope. We have experienced and well established monitoring units inHungary, Romania, Belarus and in the Ukraine. Verum also covers CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Baltics, Georgia and Uzbekistan. All ourCRAs are highly educated, well trained and permanently employed. A longtradition combined with an excellent relationship to authorities and a broadexperience from more than 120 international projectsguarantee the smoothconduct of a trial and high quality of the data. Client related key functionslike reporting, contracting or invoicing as well as project and qualitymanagement are provided by the German head office.Viramed <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong> AGBIOTECH DEVICES & REAGENTSContact:Dr. Ludwig FurtmayrBehringstr. 11D-82152 Planegg-SteinkirchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 899336Fax: +49 (0) 89 8599949E-Mail: viramed@viramed.deInternet: www.viramed.deKeywords: Clinical Diagnostics, ELISA / EIA, Infectious DiseasesBased on 20 successful years on the German IVD-Market, Viramed <strong><strong>Bio</strong>tech</strong>AG produces and markets IVD-Products, based on its proprietary researchand development. The company focuses on Westernblot-, Stripe- and Elisatestkits for serological screening and confirmation of infectious and autoimmunediseases. The major products are Westernblot tests for Borrelia sp.,Yersinia, Heliocbacter p., Epstein-Barr-Virus, Bordetella pertussis, ENA andautoimmune liver diseases. New analytics based on purified and recombinantantigens are under development. The development of antigens and testkits for specific analytics are offered as service. The company aims to intensifyexport of existing products worldwide and appreciates further distributioncontacts.118

ViroLogik GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: Drug Development, Infectious DiseasesViroLogik develops innovative drugs for treatment of viral diseases with afocus on Hepatitis C, HIV and Influenza.ViroLogik devised a novel strategy to overcome the formation of drug-resistance.The approach aims at the inhibition of highly conserved host cell factorsmandatory for viral replication. This is in contrast to many current drugsthat target fast changing viral proteins and, hence, are prone to formation ofdrug resistance.ViroLogik obtained a licence for a highly promising drug candidate andowns a broad panel of patents and patent applications. Comprehensivepartnerships with leading research institutions, hospitals and pharmaceuticalcompanies secure access to valuable expertise, networks and resources.Contact:Karl AppelmannHenkestr. 91D-91052 ErlangenPhone: +49 (0) 9131 974434-0Fax: +49 (0) 9131 974434-43E-Mail: info@virologik.comInternet: www.virologik.devivoPharm Europe LtdCROKeywords: Bone / Joint Diseases, Metabolic Diseases, Oncology, DrugDevelopment, Medical Writing, Pharmacology, ToxicologyvivoPharm is a contract research organisation (CRO) based in Australia. Itoffers integrated preclinical services to the biotechnology and pharmaceuticalindustries, which include in vitro and in vivo efficacy, safety, toxicology(GLP), pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic analyses.The company’s advanced animal facilities, laboratories and corporate headquartersare located in Adelaide, Australia. Its European office is based inMunich, Germany. vivoPharm works closely with its clients to develop a flexibleexperimental design to best serve each customer’s individual needs.vivoPharm operations are GLP compliant and meet the highest industrialstandards, acknowledged by customers worldwide.Contact:Dr. Katja WosikowskiGrillparzerstr. 25D-81675 MünchenPhone: + 49 (0) 89 552797-590Fax: + 49 (0) 89 552797-599E-Mail: info@vivopharm.euInternet: www.vivoPharm.euWacker Chemie AGCHEMICAL INDUSTRY & INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGYKeywords: Nutraceuticals, Peptide/Protein, Antibody Production Service,Fine Chemicals / ReagentsWACKER is a globally active chemical company headquartered in Munich,Germany. With a wide range of state-of-the-art specialty products, WACKERis a leader in numerous industrial sectors. Its products are required incountless high-growth end-user sectors such as photovoltaics, electronics,pharmaceuticals and household/personal care products.Within its bio division, WACKER uses advanced biotech processes to offerinnovative and tailored solutions and biotech products for the pharma andthe food & nutrition industry. Its products include pharmaceutical proteins,cyclodextrins and fermentation-grade cysteine. The division focuses ondeveloping customized solutions for growth sectors such as food additivesand pharmaceutical actives.Contact:Rachela MohrHanns-Seidel-Platz 4D-81737 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 6279-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 6279-1770E-Mail: info@wacker.comInternet: www.wacker.com119

Wilex AGBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSContact:Katja ArnoldGrillparzerstr. 10D-81675 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 413138-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 413138-99E-Mail: investors@wilex.comInternet: www.wilex.comKeywords: Drug Development, Antibody, Small Molecules, OncologyWILEX AG is a biopharmaceutical company based in Munich, Germany.Focused on oncology, the company has a broad portfolio of near-to-markettherapeutic and diagnostic products for the targeted treatment and specificdetection of various types of cancer. The company's therapeutic productcandidates are based on antibodies and small molecules. Through its USsubsidiary WILEX Inc. in Cambridge, MA, WILEX markets a portfolio ofresearch use only and in vitro diagnostic tests under the brand OncogeneScience ® . These diagnostic tests could be developed as companion diagnosticsin clinical trials and for therapy monitoring. The wholly owned subsidiaryHeidelberg Pharma AG gives WILEX access to an attractive and highlypromising antibody drug conjugate technology platform and a pre-clinicalservice business. The business model of WILEX covers the entire value chainin the oncology market and comprises research, technology, developmentcollaboration as well as sales and marketing. WILEX's customers andpartners include leading international pharmaceutical companies.Wimasis GmbHBIOTECH BIOINFORMATICSContact:Kilian SchrammKarlstr. 55D-80333 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 4524466-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 4254466-50E-Mail: kilian.schramm@wimasis.comInternet: www.wimasis.comKeywords: Inflammation, Dermatology, Cardiovascular Diseases, Microscopy,Automation, DevicesWimasis is an image analysis servicer in the field of life science, preclinicaland clinical research. It’s focus lies in the automation of image analysistasks via an intuitive, web-based interface, that allows access to large scallcomputing power. With multiple fully automated solutions in the life sciences(Scratch, Tube Formation, Chemotaxis Assays, etc.), Wimasis has growna worldwide userbase from Australia to Zypress. Besides the ongoing developmentprojects in the field of cell-based assays, many custom solutionsare continuously being developed for in vitro and in vivo analysis. If you arelooking at cells, tissue or data generated from clinical imaging modalities,Wimasis can help you solve the automation task with cost efficient tools.Winicker Norimed GmbH – MedizinischeForschungCROContact:Jens WinickerDeutschherrnstr. 15-19D-90429 NürnbergPhone: +49 (0) 911 926800Fax: +49 (0) 911 9268039E-Mail: wn@winicker-norimed.deInternet: www.winicker-norimed.de120Winicker Norimed, established in 1993, is a full service Contract ResearchOrganization, located in Southern Germany in the center of Nuremberg. Ourhighly skilled personnel has many years of professional experience in clinicalresearch and consists of physicians, life scientists, psychologists, statisticiansand other specialists with medical background. Our reputation isbased on professionalism, personal commitment and an efficient clientorientedcooperation. We deliver quality by exclusively working according tointernationally accepted standards, Good Clinical Practice and by followingour or our clients’ Standard Operating Procedures. Winicker Norimed offersa full range of services in clinical research, from planning through reporting.We manage and conduct phase II-IV clinical trials, non-interventional trials,epidemiological studies and registers.

XL-protein GmbHBIOTECHKeywords: Peptide/Protein, Pharmacokinetics, Drug DevelopmentXL-protein is a biopharmaceutical company utilizing its proprietary‘PASylation’ technology to develop second generation biopharmaceuticalswith prolonged plasma half-life. PASylation of therapeutic proteins allowsless frequent and lower dosing combined with better tolerability, also openingperspectives for follow-on products of approved biopharmaceuticals.‘PASylation’ – the genetic fusion with conformationally disordered polypeptidesequences composed of the amino acids Pro, Ala, and Ser – provides asuperior way to attach a solvated random chain with large hydrodynamicvolume to a biologically active protein. Thus, its typically rapid clearance viakidney filtration can be retarded by one to two orders of magnitude whilethe PAS moiety is biochemically inert and easily degradable.Contact:Prof. Dr. Arne SkerraLise-Meitner-Str. 30D-85354 FreisingPhone: +49 (0) 8161 53730-90Fax: +49 (0) 8161 53730-99E-Mail: info@xl-protein.comInternet: www.xl-protein.comXvir Therapeutics GmbHBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSXvir Therapeutics GmbH was founded in 2004 and is focusing on the clinicaldevelopment of novel cancer therapies for the treatment of various solidtumors, and in particular of drug-resistant or radiation-resistant tumors.Such cancer therapies are based on the use of oncolytic adenoviruses restoringdrug sensitivity and radiation-sensitivity, respectively, of the tumors.Experimental evidence for the efficacy of Xvir’s therapeutic approach hasbeen provided in several animal studies. Xvir’s therapeutic approach iscovered by proprietary patents and patent applications, respectively.Contact:Dr. Per Sonne HolmNymphenburger Str. 1D-80335 MünchenPhone: +49 (0) 89 99317446Fax: +49 (0) 89 51556413E-Mail: info@xvir.comInternet: www.xvir.comZentrum für Humangenetik undLaboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein undDr. Rost GbRBIOTECH THERAPEUTICS & DIAGNOSTICSKeywords: ELISA / EIA, Chip / Array Technology, Genomics, Microscopy, PCR,Pharmacogenomics, PharmacogeneticsThe Center for Human Genetics und Laboratory Medicine Dr. Klein and Dr.Rost in Martinsried was founded in 1998 and is accredited according to DINEN ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189. The facility provides quality genetic servicesin diagnostics, prevention and management of hereditary disorders aswell as birth defects affecting the fetus, the newborn, the child and adults.The laboratory provides DNA/RNA testing for more than 200 diseases, continuouslydeveloping new tests and implementing state-of-the-art technologiessuch as array-CGH and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS).Contact:Dr. Hanns-Georg KleinLochhamer Str. 29D-82152 MartinsriedPhone: +49 (0) 89 895578-0Fax: +49 (0) 89 895578-780E-Mail: info@medizinische-genetik.deInternet: www.medizinische-genetik.de121

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