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Patient Centered CareDACC Nursing Program Student Handbook 2012-2013APPENDIX – BContent Leveled Program OutcomesIntegrate understanding ofmultiple dimensions ofpatient centered care:Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Elicit patient values, preferences Respect and encourage individualand expressed needs as part of expression of patient values,clinical interview, implementation preferences and expressed needsof care plan and evaluation of carepatient/family/community preferences,valuescoordination andintegration of careinformation,communication, andeducationphysical comfort andemotional supportinvolvement offamily and friendstransition andcontinuityCommunicate patient values,preferences and expressed needs toother members of health care teamRecognize personally heldattitudes about working withpatients from different ethnic,cultural and social backgroundsSeek learning opportunities withpatients who represent all aspects ofhuman diversityValue seeing health care situations"through patients' eyes"Value the patient's expertise withown health and symptomsWillingly support patient-centeredcare for individuals and groupswhose values differ from ownDescribe how diversecultural, ethnic and socialbackgrounds function assources of patient, family,and community valuesProvide patient-centeredcare with sensitivity andrespect for the diversity of41 | P a g e

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