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DACC Nursing Program Student Handbook 2012-20139. Tattoos, hickeys, and body art shall be covered in the clinical setting.4.4 CLINICAL EXPERIENCESIt is the student‘s responsibility to seek out opportunities to practice skills and learn concepts in clinicalsettings. The student shall receive clinical assignments and learning objectives prior to beginning eachclinical experience.4.4.1 Evaluation: An instructor or preceptor shall always be present, in the clinical setting, whencare is provided. Clinical practice shall be evaluated weekly at mid-term and at the end of thesemester. Areas of concern shall be addressed at midterm and the end of the semester. Strategiesfor improvement shall be identified to assist the student in meeting clinical objectives.If a student is unable to perform skills appropriately during clinical, a remediation slip shall begiven to the student by the instructor. The student shall present the slip to the skills lab instructorfor practice as directed. Upon satisfactory performance of the skill, the student will return to theremedial slip signed by the skills lab instructor to the clinical instructor.If at any point in the clinical experience, a student fails to achieve a passing score in any area ofthe evaluation tool or fails to demonstrate satisfactory progression for current course level, aStudent Improvement Plan (SIP) shall be initiated. An overall score of 77% or above is requiredto ―Pass‖ the clinical component of the course. An overall score of 77% or less shall result in a―Fail‖ of the clinical component and, thus, a failing grade for the entire course.4.5 CLINICAL INCIDENTSWhen the student or an employee of a clinical institution discovers a student error/incident (i.e.,medication error, needle stick injury), it is the student‘s responsibility to report it immediately to theclinical faculty. Faculty shall assist the student with the completion and filing of the appropriateoccurrence report for the specific clinical institution and the DACC Nursing Clinical Incident ReportForm (See Appendix J).The clinical instructor shall create a written Student Improvement Plan (SIP) for any clinical incident(s)and/or occurrence(s). The student is required to meet with the clinical instructor to discuss theoccurrence(s) and determine the stipulations of corrective action applicable to the incident. The studentshall abide by the stated corrective actions. If a student has received an assignment and/or correctiveaction by the clinical instructor and does not complete the assignment/corrective action prior to the lastday of the course, the student shall receive a failing grade for the course.4.5.1 Student Error: An SIP shall accompany the Clinical Incident to identify the type andclassification of the student error. The SIP shall identify the specifics of the error, theconsequences of the student error, and a specified date for corrective action to be taken by thestudent. Other disciplinary action may be imposed on the student as a result of the incident. TheClinical Incident Report and the associated SIP shall become a part of the student record andshall be considered in the assessment of the student's clinical performance.31 | P a g e

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