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DACC Nursing Program Student Handbook 2012-2013skills; not wearing the prescribed uniform; not wearing the appropriate identification materials(e.g.: program name tag, facility badge).4.3 UNIFORMS/PERSONAL APPEARANCEThe DACC Nursing Program uniform shall be worn for all clinical, community, and simulationexperiences. All students are expected to follow the rules of good hygiene, grooming, appropriate andmodest dress at all class and clinical experiences. The nursing faculty may dismiss the student from aclinical or simulation lab setting for an infraction of the uniform policy. In addition, clinical facilitiesmay have policies regarding dress, piercing, tattooing, and jewelry that are different from programpolicies and must be followed. The Student Clinical Dress Policies and Regulations include, but arenot limited to:4.3.1 Uniform Regulationsi. The student uniform shall be worn while going to and from the clinical area, andwhen participating in education related activities where the student representing thenursing profession or the college, and when participating in simulation activities.ii. The student uniform may not be worn to any event or site not related to the DACCNursing Program coursework.iii. Uniform (top and/or bottom) shall be sized appropriately; tight-fitting, baggy orbody-hugging type uniforms are not acceptable.iv. Uniform shall be wrinkle-free and in good repair.v. Uniform tops or shirts shall have sleeves; shall not be sleeveless.vi. Sunglasses, visors and/or hats/caps may not be worn in the clinical area.When visiting a clinical agency at times other than assigned clinical hours (i.e. to verifyassignments), the white lab coat and name pin are to be worn over appropriate business attire.Shoes must cover the entire foot for safety purposes. Do not wear denim, skirts that are abovethe knee, heels exceeding 1 inch, tee shirts, tube tops, shorts, low cut tops, Capri pants or tanktops when visiting a clinical agency for program business. The clinical agency has the right toask you to leave if your clothing is deemed inappropriate by the facility standards. Students maybe denied access to patient records by the clinical facility and/or access to patient careareas if inappropriately attired.4.3.2 Official Program Student Uniformi. DACC Student Name Badge and clinical site badges must be worn on the left sideand be visible at all times.ii. White or Galaxy Blue scrub top with DACC program patch on the right sleeve 2 1/2inches down from the shoulder seam and centered.iii. Top should not be see-through and undergarments shall not be visible through theuniform. A white, short or long sleeved tee shirt may be worn under the uniform top.iv. White lab coat with a collar with DACC insignia patch sewn neatly on the rightsleeve, 2 1/2 inches down from the shoulder seam and centered.29 | P a g e

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