China's - Orient Aviation

China's - Orient Aviation

China's - Orient Aviation

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BUSINESS DIGEST: JULY STATISTICSAirline CodesRPK Growth by CarrierPassenger Load FactorGrowth by CarrierBIRoyal Brunei AirlinesMH Malaysia AirlinesBREVA AirNHAll Nippon Airways15%10CICXChina AirlinesCathay PacificOZPRAsiana AirlinesPhilippine Airlines10%5KAGADragonairGarudaQFSQQantas AirwaysSingapore Airlines5%0JLJapan AirlinesTGThai Airways Int’l0%-5KEKorean AirlinesVNVietnam AirlinesPercentage(Jul 07 vs Jul 06)Percentage Points Change(Jul 07 vs Jul 06)-5%-10Percentage(Aug 06-Jul 07 vs Aug 05-Jul06)Percentage Points Change(Aug 06-Jul 07 vs Aug 05-Jul06)-10%BI BR CI CX/KA GA JL KE MH NH OZ PR SQ TG VN-15BI BR CI CX/KA GA JL KE MH NH OZ PR SQ TG VNHealthy PAX improvementCompiled and presented by KRIS LIM of the Research and StatisticsDepartment of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines SecretariatEmail: krislim@aapa.org.myThe international revenue passengerkilometres (RPKs)of A s s o c i a t ion of A siaPacific Airlines (AAPA)members grew 4% in July ona capacity increase of 2.5%. This resultedin a 1.1 percentage point improvement inpassenger load factor (PLF) to 79.8%.International passenger numbers rose3.6% to 12.7 million.Ten AAPA carriers registered higherRPK growth rates in July compared withthe same month last year. Three carriersposted double-digit increases: KoreanAir (12.5%), All Nippon Airways (11.7%)and Philippine Airlines (11.7%). ThaiAirways International (9.4%), GarudaIndonesia (8.8%) and Asiana Airlines(7.1%) also experienced relatively strongRPK growth.Four A A PA car riers posted R PKdeclines: Japan Airlines (5.7%), RoyalBrunei Airlines (4.9%), EVA Air (2.1%)and Malaysia Airlines (0.4%).Continued capacity restraint allowedeight AAPA carriers to report improvementsin PLF in July. Garuda Indonesiaposted the largest increase of 9.5 percentagepoints, followed by Philippine Airlineswith a 5.6 percentage point improvement.RPK and ASK (In Billions)RPK and ASK (In Percentage)806040200RPK, ASK and PLF Growth Rates(Aug 06 vs Jul 07)121086420-2-4A S O N D2006ASRPK, ASK and PLF(Aug 06 vs Jul 07)RPKASKPLFRPKASKPLFONDJJF M A M20072006 vs. 2005 2007 vs. 2006FMAMJJJJ806040200121086420-2-4PLF (In Percentage)PLF (In Percentage Points)PLFs for seven carriers averaged above80%: EVA Airways (85.3%), CathayPacific/Dragonair (84.6%), PhilippineAirlines (82.8%), Gar uda Indonesia(82.6%), Singapore Airlines (82.1%),China Airlines (81.9%) and Thai AirwaysInternational (80.2%).FREIGHTAAPA international FTKs grew 4.4%in July, slightly below the 5% rate recordedin May and June.With capacity up 4% and keeping pacewith cargo demand, international freightload factor (FLF) was virtually unchangedat 66.8%.Eight carriers recorded FTK growth inthe month under review, led by All NipponAirways (41.8%), Thai Airways International(16.9%) and Korean Air (13%).Six carriers experienced FTK declines:Royal Brunei Airlines (21.2%), PhilippineAirlines (13.6%), EVA Air (9%), GarudaIndonesia (4.9%), Vietnam Airlines (3.9%)and Asiana Airlines (1.2%).FLF for a majority of carriers remainedlow in July. Only three carriers managedto report load factors above 70%: AsianaAirlines (80.1%), Korean Air (79.2%) andEVA Air (77%).64 ORIENT AVIATION NOVEMBER 2007

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