Niketa Wells - International Taekwon-do Federation of New Zealand

Niketa Wells - International Taekwon-do Federation of New Zealand

Niketa Wells - International Taekwon-do Federation of New Zealand


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REGULARMr Ian Campbell V Danbe involved in all ITFNZ activities at sometime during their tenure as senior dans. Ianhas organised his share <strong>of</strong> extracurriculargradings, training seminars and beeninvolved in IICs, tournaments and so on, butthe balance between brigade and TKD hasalways been difficult to resolve. But hereI hark back to my earlier comment aboutour obligations to society at large – as weare exhorted to <strong>do</strong> in the Student Oath. Ineffect this is exactly what people like Ian <strong>do</strong>,if not specifically for ITFNZ, then certainlyas an explicit response to the requirement<strong>of</strong> the ‘way’, which to my mind amounts tothe same thing.How <strong>do</strong>es activity outside the specificITFNZ purview fit the ideal <strong>of</strong> serviceto, and recognition by ITFNZ? Whatconsideration is given for senior dangrading? From a ‘points’ perspective therearen’t too many problems for peoplelike Ian; regular community volunteeringcan garner a large number <strong>of</strong> points(the Handbook lists 1 credit point forcommunity service, but Master PaulMcPhail has indicated that this can beread with some flexibility as one pointper event) .The ‘recognition’ perspective is perhapsa bit more problematic. Most communityvolunteers <strong>do</strong> not seek recognition – mostbecome involved for altruistic reasons orbecause a particular service interests them.ITFNZ exerts a significant amount <strong>of</strong> timeand effort recognising the achievements<strong>of</strong> its students, whether it be the result <strong>of</strong>grading, tournaments or service – this isas it should be. However, we (and here Imean all students and stakeholders in theorganisation) should make similar effortto recognise those who provide servicesoutside the immediate influence <strong>of</strong> ITFNZ.I reiterate a statement I made earlier but ina slightly different way – that in full pursuit<strong>of</strong> the Student Oath, ITFNZ cannot beinward-looking; the Student Oath was notinserted into <strong>Taekwon</strong>-Do protocols just tomake us feel good; I expect that GeneralChoi meant it to be taken seriously.Ian continues to work towards his owngrading toVI dan, while at the same timeproviding the Te Awamutu Volunteer FireBrigade with leadership. I’m not sure wherehe finds the time for all this, given that healso works full-time for the Department<strong>of</strong> Corrections and helps his wife Sharleenrun a retail business. And at the risk <strong>of</strong>being repetitive, I have no <strong>do</strong>ubt there aremany other <strong>Taekwon</strong>-Do students in ourorganisation who commit large portions<strong>of</strong> their lives to the benefit <strong>of</strong> societyat large, and students whose careers orinterests may be outside, but intertwinedwith <strong>Taekwon</strong>-Do. Perhaps we could hearfrom them.ISSUE TWO, 201235

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