Niketa Wells - International Taekwon-do Federation of New Zealand

Niketa Wells - International Taekwon-do Federation of New Zealand

Niketa Wells - International Taekwon-do Federation of New Zealand


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FEATURETHE 2012 WORLD CUP...BEHIND THE DECISIONSby Mr Gwyn Brown IV dan, Tournament Advisor Group1500-plus entrants. Four days <strong>of</strong>competition in 10 rings with only 83umpires. Wow!This was my first World Cup. I considermyself to be a reasonably experience<strong>do</strong>fficial, but outside <strong>of</strong> NZ, well, I was justthe same as everyone else...nervous!Travelling to Brighton with the NZ Teamwas fantastic. After 32 hours <strong>of</strong> flying,airport lounges, and prepared mircowavedfood it was a relief to finally arrive at theOld Ship Hotel, the team’s accommodationfor the tournament. Straight away thoughI had to transfer to the <strong>of</strong>ficials’ hotel,and not stay with the team before thecompetition started as planned. Was a bitdisappointed about that, but I guess thingshave to be <strong>do</strong>ne properly right from thebeginning. Oh well, the two km walk wasjust what the <strong>do</strong>ctor ordered after all thatsitting around anyway (yes I could havetaken a taxi, but the kind receptionist atthe hotel told me it was just <strong>do</strong>wn theroad, which I fell for...Brighton 1, Brown 0 ).For some reason they stuck we <strong>of</strong>ficialswell away from the venue when we couldhave stayed next <strong>do</strong>or, like the NZ teamdid. We (Master Rimmer and myself) putit <strong>do</strong>wn to luck or good management onthe team’s part. I like to think it was goodmanagement personally; luck’s never reallya part <strong>of</strong> the equation with Afi.After two days getting over the jet-lag andsightseeing, which included a day in Lon<strong>do</strong>n,as you <strong>do</strong>, the tournament for me finallyarrived early Wednesday morning with the<strong>of</strong>ficials’ meeting. Master Katz took controlfrom the beginning and along with MasterOtterson laid out our four days for us veryclearly with his statement “are you readyfor the tsunami”?Our very own Mr Banicevich – Jury President, Center Referee and JudgeThe meeting went quickly and the NZ<strong>of</strong>ficials were all aware <strong>of</strong> what we hadto <strong>do</strong>. There was an enormous range <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficials represented, from just about allthe countries involved, and at all levels <strong>of</strong>experience and attitude too.Thursday morning arrived just as quickly,and we were assigned our rings for theday. I was assigned to a patterns ring as ajudge, and because <strong>of</strong> the small number<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials, we got the feeling we wouldbe worked pretty hard. There were to bejust seven <strong>of</strong>ficials per ring for patterns:five Judges, one Jury President, and onlyone <strong>of</strong>ficial to tick names <strong>of</strong>f, line them up,and keep them coming in to the ring onthe right side each time (no dedicated ringmarshals as such, even Masters were <strong>do</strong>ingthis job). The sparring rings on the first dayhad one extra <strong>of</strong>ficial...luxury!The first day I was in ring 5. Ring 5 wasassigned the largest divisions...yep...One designated pattern only forpreliminaries meant slightly less than 1.5minutes on the floor for our divisions.Master Katz allowed a generous twominutes to conduct each bout. Should be apiece <strong>of</strong> cake. I think he jinxed us by sayingwe would be fine so long as “Mr Murphy”left us alone. He didn’t. We were an hourlate in starting due to the computer systembreaking <strong>do</strong>wn three times and our drawnot arriving on time. It was looking morelike a 9 pm finish rather than the 7 pm onewe were told. Oh well, I’m at the WorldCup; could be worse!We finally got under way, due to thecombined efforts <strong>of</strong> all the ITF Ring Counciltrying to fix the system, and then themadness started.The two divisions in ring 5for the first day: Black BeltFemales, 18-35 years old,I dans. There were 103 <strong>of</strong>them. Black Belt Males, 18-35years old, I dans. There were120 something...(I lost track<strong>of</strong> the numbers in the maledivision, but I know it was 120something).Guess who got asked to startthe ring marshalling? Wow,talk about busy. With theThe author and ITF Umpire, Mr Gwyn Browncompetitors <strong>do</strong>ing about a minute on thefloor minus the walk on and the results,it didn’t leave much time to find the nextones, collect their ID cards, get the cards tothe Jury President and line them up at thering. I had them 4-deep lined up outsidethe ring, which was as much room as Ihad to work with...let’s not talk about thelanguage barrier and Argentine coacheswho seemed to think they were moreimportant than anyone else. I did meet anexcellent Norwegian coach though (stillcan’t pronounce his name), who spent a lot<strong>of</strong> time in ring 5, while not openly laughing,at least appreciating the work. Thanks mate!It was great to swap out for the afternoonwith one <strong>of</strong> the other judges and sit <strong>do</strong>wnto score patterns. Even though all patternsbelow Yul Gok were removed, I think Inow know the remainder in a way I neverthought possible! And sitting at the worldcup, scoring patterns, what a buzz!Despite the late start, we still managedto finish at 7 pm, getting faster and fasterwith getting the competitors in and out.7am start, 7 pm finish...long day, big tsunami.Day 2 was exactly the same, but different...same competitors, but sparring. I waschanged to ring 3 as I had asked MasterOtterson if I could referee. I figured if you<strong>do</strong>n’t ask, you <strong>do</strong>n’t get, right? Ring 3 wasassigned the largest sparring divisions...yep...I dans again!22TAEKWON-DO TALK MAGAZINE

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