ruoounu. nnSlunCIS&UINI-rOSIlnS - the Society for Reproductive ...

ruoounu. nnSlunCIS&UINI-rOSIlnS - the Society for Reproductive ...

ruoounu. nnSlunCIS&UINI-rOSIlnS - the Society for Reproductive ...


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(Conlinuod).•.•.•.......•.•....•..•.••••..•..•...•.•...•.....•••..•....•...••..•.•.....•••.••....•.•.•.•....••.•..•...•..••...•....•.BALLROOM 1 (ASRB)1400-14151415-14301430-14451445-15001500-15151515-15301530-1600BALLROOM 1 (ASRB)1600-16301630-17001700-18301900-IateJSA PRESENTATIONS (chair-Marilyn Renfree)OralOralOralOralOralOralSPECIAL INVITED LECTURES (chairs-Lyn Hinds and Bob Seamark)Oral *Prof Bob Moor Why chromosomes separate at meiotic anaphase*SPONSORED BY PEST ANIMAL CONTROL CRGA.J. Pask, M. B. Renfree,R.J. Waugh O'Neill, S.L. Layfield,J.A. Marshall Graves and J. L. HarryC.E. Gargett, EL. Ledermanand PAW. RogersL.M. Kilpatrick, D. Xu, I. Kolaand L.A. SalamonsenI.K. Greaves, M. Svartman,M.J. Wakefield, D. Taggartand JAM. GravesL.T. Sebastian, G. Shaw, G.E. Riceand L.J. ParryS.D. Roman, C. Wallaceand K.A. SuttonAFTERNOON TEA-ATRIUM, CANBERRA ROOM, GALLERYAnnual General Meeting of ASRBSTUDENT EVENING-ANU UNION, INCLUDES BUSH BANDThe roles of SOX genes in marsupial sex determination.VEGF, intravascular neutrophils and human endometrialangiogenesis.Progesterone downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-1(MMP-1) in <strong>the</strong> human endometrium: evidence <strong>for</strong> indirecttranscriptional regulation.Non-random arrangement of chromosomes in Sminthopsiscrassicaudata and Macropus eugenii spermProstaglandin Hsynthase-2 gene expression in <strong>the</strong> endometriumand placenta of <strong>the</strong> Tammar wallaby.Identifying markers of <strong>the</strong> mammalian male germ line usingsubtractive hybridisation.Oral Dr Marilyn Monk Regulation of gene expression in early mammalian development......•....•.....................................•........................................................................TIME AUTHOR TITLE: MALE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT/SPERM FUNCTION(chairs-Gordon Baker and John Aitken)0830-0845 Oral B. Lewis and J. Aitken Impact of epididymal maturation on <strong>the</strong> redox regulatedpathways controlling sperm capacitation.0845-0852 Miniposter M.A. Wade,R.J. Aitken, R.C. Jones Mechanisms of activation of mammalian sperm.and R.N. Murdoch0852-0890 Miniposter D.Y. Liu, M. Martic, G.N. Clarke, Anti-Actin monoclonal antibody inhibits hyperactivation and <strong>the</strong>I. Grkovic, C. Garrett, M.E. Dunlop zone pellucida induced acrosome reaction of human sperm.and H.W.G. Baker0900-0907 Miniposter M. Lin, C. Scarlett and R.J. Aitken Final construction of sperm acrosome may be anactin-mediated process.0907-0915 Miniposter M.S. Harris and J.C. Rodger Development of PSA-10 monoclonal antibody reactivity withBrushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) spermatozoa duringepididymal maturation.0915-0930 Oral O. Gerdprasert, M.K. O'Bryan, Monocyte chemoattractant protein -1 (MCP-1) is up-regulated inD.P. Nikolic-Paterson, K.L. Sebire, <strong>the</strong> testes of lipopolysaccharide-treated adult rats: apossibleD.M. de Krester and M.P. Hedger role in monocyte recruitment.0930-0937 Miniposter M. Martic, D.Y. Liu, M.E. Dunlop SNARE proteins, Syntaxin and Munc-18 are present inand H.W.G. Bakerhuman sperm0937-0945 Miniposter H.W.G. Baker, C.J. Stern Azoospermia, Hypospermatogenesis, low FSH, high inhibin Bandand D.M. Robertsonpossible intratesticular genital tract obstruction.0945-0952 Miniposter D. Wright, K. De Boer, J. Persson Analysis of sperm using fish to determine <strong>the</strong> appropriatenessand C. Robertsof IVF with preimplantation genetic diagnosis in cases of malechromosomal anomalies.0952-1000 Miniposter S. Maddocks, B.P. Setchell Whole body heat-stress of male mice impairs sperm-zonaand J. Yaerampenetration.1000-1007 Miniposter M.G. Katz, D.S. Cram and A.O. Trouson Development of DNA fingerprinting <strong>for</strong> application in assistedreproductive technology.1007-1015 Miniposter Y. Sistina, R. Trijatmoko, I Setiadi Induced triploid by heat shock in NILEM (Osteochilus hasseltiand R. WidiastutiC.V.) fish.1015-1022 Miniposter R.V. McClean and WG. Breed Glycoprotein maturation of <strong>the</strong> Brushtail possum sperm plasmamembrane during epididymal transit.1022-1030 Miniposter N.J. Cooper and w.G. Breed Changes in glycoprotein composition of <strong>the</strong> plasma membraneof Brushtail possum spermatozoa, during epididymal migration.1030-1100 MORNING TEA-ATRIUM, CANBERRA ROOM, GALLERYTime Author TITlE: OOCYTE AND EMBRYO DEVELOPMENT(chair-Keith Harrison)0830-0845 Oral H. Jericho, E Nieto and D.H. Edgar Investigation of <strong>the</strong> effects of glucose and phosphate on earlycleavage stage embyros asibling oocyte stUdy0845-0900 Oral C. SjOblom, M. Wikland Glucose transport in murine blastocysts is stimulated byand SA Robertsongranulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF).0900-0907 Miniposter KM. Hartwich, J.S. Robinson Foetal outcome following <strong>the</strong> exposure of ovine embryos to highand S.K. Walkerammonium concentrations in vitro.0907-0915 Miniposter D. Sherrin, T. Breen, M. Hunter Problems associated with <strong>the</strong> detection of multinucleatedand K. Harrisonblastomeres in human embryos.0915-0930 Oral G. Abdelnour, S. Fleming, G. Coticchio Examination of <strong>the</strong> interaction of EGF, FSH and Activin a onand P. Illingworthmeiotic resumption in mouse oocytes0930-0937 Miniposter T.T. Peura, H.M. Hamilton Incubation of two hours in 6-DMAP is sufficient <strong>for</strong>and S.K. Walkerpar<strong>the</strong>nogenetic activation of sheep oocytes.•

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