Calibration of Dial Gauges - ITTC

Calibration of Dial Gauges - ITTC Calibration of Dial Gauges - ITTC
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ITTC – RecommendedProceduresSample Work InstructionsCalibration of Dial Gauges7.6-02-05Page 1 of 11Effective Date2002Revision00CONTENTSPURPOSEWORK INSTRUCTION1. Introduction2. Item and condition of calibration2.1 Items and Main Tools of Calibration2.2 Calibration Conditions3. Technical requirements and calibration method3.1 Exterior3.2 Relationship Among Parts3.3 Relative positions of point hand and dial plate3.4 Width of Indicator Needle End and Dial Plate Lines3.5 Roughness of Measuring Head Working Surface3.6 Diameter of clamping sleeve3.7 Measuring force3.8 Hysteresis of Indication3.9 Effect on indication from radial force of survey rod3.10 Error of indication3.11 Error of Return4 Treatment of calibration result and calibration period4.1 Treatment of Calibration Result4.2 Calibration PeriodAPPENDIXCalibration method for additional pointsSourceVerification regulation of dial gauge (reading in 0.01 mm and 0.001 mm)[Issued on Feb. 14, 1996 and put into effect since June 1, 1996 by National Technical Bureau - JJG 34—96, NationalMeasuring Verification Regulation of People’s Republic of China]EditedApprovedQuality Systems Group of 23 rd ITTC 23 rd ITTC 2002DateDate

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 1 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision00CONTENTSPURPOSEWORK INSTRUCTION1. Introduction2. Item and condition <strong>of</strong> calibration2.1 Items and Main Tools <strong>of</strong> <strong>Calibration</strong>2.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> Conditions3. Technical requirements and calibration method3.1 Exterior3.2 Relationship Among Parts3.3 Relative positions <strong>of</strong> point hand and dial plate3.4 Width <strong>of</strong> Indicator Needle End and <strong>Dial</strong> Plate Lines3.5 Roughness <strong>of</strong> Measuring Head Working Surface3.6 Diameter <strong>of</strong> clamping sleeve3.7 Measuring force3.8 Hysteresis <strong>of</strong> Indication3.9 Effect on indication from radial force <strong>of</strong> survey rod3.10 Error <strong>of</strong> indication3.11 Error <strong>of</strong> Return4 Treatment <strong>of</strong> calibration result and calibration period4.1 Treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Calibration</strong> Result4.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> PeriodAPPENDIX<strong>Calibration</strong> method for additional pointsSourceVerification regulation <strong>of</strong> dial gauge (reading in 0.01 mm and 0.001 mm)[Issued on Feb. 14, 1996 and put into effect since June 1, 1996 by National Technical Bureau - JJG 34—96, NationalMeasuring Verification Regulation <strong>of</strong> People’s Republic <strong>of</strong> China]EditedApprovedQuality Systems Group <strong>of</strong> 23 rd <strong>ITTC</strong> 23 rd <strong>ITTC</strong> 2002DateDate

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision00<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>PURPOSEThis working instruction can be applied tothe verification <strong>of</strong> new dial gauges or to thecalibration <strong>of</strong> dial gauges in service and afterrepair, having a scale division <strong>of</strong> 0.01 mm,measuring ranges 0~3、0~5、0~10 mm and witha scale division <strong>of</strong> 0.001 mm and measuringranges between 0~1、0~2、0~3、0~5mm.WORK INSTRUCTION1. Introduction<strong>Dial</strong> gauge is a metrological tool whichuses the rack gear or the level gear operation totransfer the line displacement <strong>of</strong> the survey rodinto an angular one <strong>of</strong> the pointer hand. Itsmain usage is to measure the size、the shapeand the position error <strong>of</strong> products. The outlines<strong>of</strong> the dial gauges are shown in Figure 1 (readingin 0.01mm) and in Figure 2 (reading in0.001mm).Fig. 1 <strong>Dial</strong> gauge (with the reading in0.01mm)Where, 1 dial gauge body; 2 dial gauge ring;3 revolution point hand; 4 dial plate; 5 pointhand (needle); 6 clamping sleeve; 7 surveyrod; 8 measuring head.2. Item and condition <strong>of</strong> calibration2.1 Items and Main Tools <strong>of</strong> <strong>Calibration</strong>The items and the main tools <strong>of</strong> the calibrationfor dial gauges are listed in Table 1.2.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> ConditionsBefore the calibration the dial gauge mustbe kept in the room for temperature equilibriumand by the time <strong>of</strong> the calibration theroom temperature must meet the requirementsin Table 2.Fig.2 <strong>Dial</strong> gauge (with the reading in0.001mm)Where, 1 dial gauge body; 2 dial gauge ring;3 dial plate; 4 revolution point hand; 5 pointhand; 6 clamping sleeve; 7 survey rod; 8measuring head; 9 ear ring.

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 3 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision00Table 1No Item Main calibration toolsType <strong>of</strong> calibrationNew In Afterproduct servicerepair1 Exterior ------ + + +2 Relationship among Raster calibration instrument for dial + + +partsgauge or dial gauge calibrator3 Relative positions <strong>of</strong> Tool microscope + + +pointer hand and dialplate4 Width <strong>of</strong> pointer handend and dial plate lines5 Roughness <strong>of</strong> measuringhead working surfaceTool microscope + - +Sample block for comparison <strong>of</strong> surfaceroughness or measuring apparatus<strong>of</strong> surface roughness+ - +First class + - +6 Diameter <strong>of</strong> clampingsleeve7 Measuring force Force gauge + + +8 Hysteresis <strong>of</strong> indication Rigid mounting for dial gauge, leveling+ + +working platform9 Effect on indication Half cylinder side block, rigid mounting+ + +from radial force <strong>of</strong>for dial gauge, working platformsurvey rodwith reinforcement10 Error <strong>of</strong> indication Raster calibration instrument for dial + + +gauge or dial gauge calibrator11 Error <strong>of</strong> return+ + +Note: “+”means calibration must be done; “-“ means calibration may not be done3. Technical requirements and calibrationmethod3.1 ExteriorRequirement: The watch glass <strong>of</strong> the dialgauge should be transparent and clear withoutany air bubbles and obvious scores.Table 2RoomtemperatureTemperatureChangeper hourTime forTemperaturebalance20±10 ℃ ≯ 1℃ ≥ 2h

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 4 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision003.1.1 The lines <strong>of</strong> the dial plate should appearclear and straight to the eye, withoutany breaks and uneven thickness. Themeasuring head should not have any mechanicaldamage, rust spots or obviousscoring. There should be no paint drops,poor chromium plating, burrs or any otherfault which affects the exterior quality.The name <strong>of</strong> the manufacturer or thetrademark, the scale division value and theproduction serial number should bemarked on the dial gauge.A dial gauge in service and after repairshould not have an exterior fault which affectsits accuracy.3.1.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> method: By eyesight.3.2 Relationship Among Parts3.2.1 Requirements3.2.1.1 The dial gauge ring should be steadilymovable. Its stopping should be reliable.The clearance between ring and bodyshould not have obvious looseness . The movement <strong>of</strong> the survey rod andthe return <strong>of</strong> the needle should be steadyand nimble without any phenomena likejumping, seizure, and retarded motion. The pointer hand should be tightlyfixed on the shaft. It should not be loosewhen the survey rod is moved. The survey rod should be freely movableand must not be seized after theclamping sleeve has been positioned andfastened on the dial gauge.3.2.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> method: Testing andobservation.3.3 Relative positions <strong>of</strong> point hand and dialplate3.3.1 Requirements3.3.1.1 The zero line <strong>of</strong> the dial plate shouldbe adjusted till it coincidences with theshaft direction <strong>of</strong> the survey rod, when thesurvey rod <strong>of</strong> the dial gauge locates at thefree position. This position <strong>of</strong> the needleshould meet the requirement in Table 3Table 3 (scale division)Scale mark Pointer hand locatestype <strong>of</strong> dial plate on upper-left <strong>of</strong>zero scale mark50 4~12100 8~25200 16~503.3.1.2 The survey rod running distance <strong>of</strong> thedial gauge should exceed the end point <strong>of</strong>the working running distance. The exceedingrunning distance should meet therequirement written in Table 4.Table 4TypeReadingin0.01mmReadingin0.001mmMeasuringrange(mm)Scalemarktype<strong>of</strong> dialplate(scaledivision)Runningdistancebeyondendpoint(mm)0~3 50 ≥ 0.300~5, 100 ≥ 0.500~100~1, 100 ≥ 0.050~2, 200 ≥ 0.100~30~5

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision003.3.1.3 When the revolving needle points toany <strong>of</strong> the integral revolutions the position<strong>of</strong> the needle should meet the requirementsin Table 5.Table 5 (scale division)TypeReading in 0.01mmReading in 0.001mmPoint hand deviationfrom the zero position≤15≤ The direction <strong>of</strong> the needle end shouldbe the same as the one <strong>of</strong> the dial plate line,without any deflection seen by eyesight.The distance between the upper surface <strong>of</strong>the needle end and the dial plate shouldn’texceed the values in Table The end <strong>of</strong> the needle should cover30~80% length <strong>of</strong> the short scale mark.Table 6Type3.3.1 <strong>Calibration</strong> Method:.The distance between the upper surface <strong>of</strong>the needle end and the dial plate can beobserved by eyesight. If there is any dispute,it can be calibrated by use <strong>of</strong> a toolmicroscope with the lens at five-timesmagnification. The lens can be focused onthe upper surface <strong>of</strong> the needle and the dialplate respectively, the values can be obtainedby reading with the final motion deviceor can be read through an additionaldial gauge with an accuracy <strong>of</strong> 0.0 1mm.The difference <strong>of</strong> these two readings is thedistance between the upper surface <strong>of</strong> theneedle end and the plane <strong>of</strong> the dial plate.Readingin0.01mmReadingScale mark Distance betweentype<strong>of</strong> dial plate pointer hand end(scale division)upper surfaceand dial plate50, 100 0.9mm100 0.9mm200 0.7mm3.4 Width <strong>of</strong> Indicator Needle End and <strong>Dial</strong>Plate Lines3.4.1 Requirements: The values in Table 7should not be exceeded.3.4.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> methodThe calibration can be made by use <strong>of</strong> atool microscope. At least three lines shouldbe selectively calibrated.Table 7TypeMeasuredrange (mm)Scale mark type<strong>of</strong> dial plate(scale division)Diameter <strong>of</strong> dialgauge ringWidth <strong>of</strong> pointer handend and dial platelines (mm)Reading in 0~3 50 42mm 0.10~0.200.01mm 0~5, 0~10 100 >42mm 0.15~0.25Reading in 0~1, 0~2, 10042mm 0.10~0.200.001mm 0~3, 0~5200>42mm>42mm0.15~0.250.10~0.20

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 6 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision003.5 Roughness <strong>of</strong> Measuring Head WorkingSurface3.5.1 Requirements: The values in Table 8should not be exceeded.Table 8 (μm)Material <strong>of</strong>measuring headRoughness <strong>of</strong>measuring headworking surfaceSteel Hard alloy GemR a 0.1 R a 0.2 R a <strong>Calibration</strong> method: It may be calibratedusing the comparing method with asample block for the comparison <strong>of</strong> the surfaceroughness. If there is any dispute, a measuringapparatus <strong>of</strong> surface roughness can be used forcalibration.3.6 Diameter <strong>of</strong> clamping sleeve3.6.1 Requirement: The diameter should be0φ8 + −0.015mm.3.6.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> method: The calibration <strong>of</strong>the clamping sleeve diameter can be madeby use <strong>of</strong> a first class dial gauge.3.7 Measuring force3.7.1 Requirement: The measuring forceshould not exceed the values in Table 9.Table 9 (N)TypeMeasuredrange (mm)MaximummeasuredforceChange <strong>of</strong> measuredforce in one directionrunning distanceChange <strong>of</strong> measured forcein go and return directionat same pointReading in 0~3, 0~5, 1.5 0.5 0.40.01mm 0~10Reading in 0~1, 0~2 1.5 0.4 0.40.001mm 0~3, 0~5 1.5 0.5 <strong>Calibration</strong> Method: The calibrationshould be carried out at three positions, thebeginning、the mid and the end position <strong>of</strong>the working running distance for the dialgauge using a force gauge with the scaledivision not bigger than 0.1 N. After theforward direction calibration is over, let theneedle continue going for 5~10 scale divisions,then the return direction calibrationcan be carried out.The maximum force measured in the forwardrunning direction is taken as themaximum measured force <strong>of</strong> the dialgauge. The difference <strong>of</strong> the maximum andthe minimum forces measured in one directionare taken as the change <strong>of</strong> themeasured force in one direction. The differencebetween the measured forces in theforward and the return direction, at thecalibration points, can be taken as thechange <strong>of</strong> the measured force in forwardand return directions at the same point. All<strong>of</strong> these should not exceed the values inTable 9.

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision00Table 10 (μm)Type Measurementrange (mm)Indication hysteresis Effect on indication from radialforce <strong>of</strong> survey rodZero class First class Zero class First classReading in 0~3, 0~5, 0~10 3 5 3 50.01mmReading in 0~1, 0~2, 0~3 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.50.001mm 0~5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.53.8 Hysteresis <strong>of</strong> Indication3.8.1 Requirement: The hysteresis <strong>of</strong> indicationfor the dial gauge should not exceedthe values in Table <strong>Calibration</strong> Method: The dial gaugeshould be clamped on a rigid mounting tomake the shaft line <strong>of</strong> the survey rod verticalto the leveling plane. The survey rodmust be lifted five times when the needlehas been adjusted until it points to thescale mark at the beginning, the mid andthe end positions <strong>of</strong> the range respectively.The difference between the maximum andthe minimum values <strong>of</strong> five readings eachare taken as the indication hysteresis <strong>of</strong> therelevant point. The indication hystereses atthe above mentioned three positions shouldnot exceed the values in Table 10.3.9 Effect on indication from radial force <strong>of</strong>survey rod3.9.1 Requirement: The values in Table 10shouldn’t be exceeded.3.9.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> Method: The dial gaugeshould be clamped on a rigid mounting tomake the shaft line <strong>of</strong> the survey rod verticalto the working platform with reinforcement.One piece <strong>of</strong> the half cylinderside block with a radius <strong>of</strong> 10 mm (appendage<strong>of</strong> the measuring block) should bepositioned between the measuring headand the working platform. The dial gaugeat the zero position <strong>of</strong> the working rangeshould be adjusted till the point near themaximum position <strong>of</strong> the side block cylindersurface is touched. The side blockshould be moved twice for each <strong>of</strong> fourpositions, the front, the back, the left andthe right <strong>of</strong> the gauge along the directionvertical to the generating line <strong>of</strong> the sideblock respectively. The maximum value(the turning point) should be read eachtime when the measuring head touches themaximum point <strong>of</strong> the side block. The difference<strong>of</strong> the maximum and the minimumamong eight readings should not exceedthe values in Table 10. Such a calibrationshould be performed at the middle and theend positions <strong>of</strong> the measurement range.3.10 Error <strong>of</strong> indication3.10.1 Requirements: The indication errors <strong>of</strong>0.01 and 0.001mm reading dial gaugesshould not exceed the values in Tables 11and 12 respectively.

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 8 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision003.10.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> Method3.10.2.1 <strong>Dial</strong> gauges with in 0.01 mm readingscan be calibrated by use <strong>of</strong> a raster calibrationinstrument for dial gauges or a calibratorfor dial gauges with 0.01mm readings.<strong>Dial</strong> gauges with 0.001 mm readingscan be calibrated by use <strong>of</strong> a raster calibrationinstrument for dial gauges or a calibratordial gauges with 0.001 mm readings.Other methods can be used for the calibration,the accuracy <strong>of</strong> which should not belower. The zero positioning <strong>of</strong> the calibrationinstrument (or the calibrator) and <strong>of</strong> thedial gauge should be adjusted at the beginning<strong>of</strong> the calibration. The indicationerror <strong>of</strong> the dial gauge with a 0.01 mmreading should be calibrated at the points<strong>of</strong> every 10-scale division interval in thedirection <strong>of</strong> the forward and the returntravel The indication error <strong>of</strong> dial gaugeswith a 0.001 mm reading should be calibratedat the points <strong>of</strong> every 50-scale divisioninterval in the direction <strong>of</strong> the forwardand the return travel The relevant error <strong>of</strong>every point can be read from the dialgauge after the needle has been shifted tothe scale divisions <strong>of</strong> the instrument, tillthe end <strong>of</strong> the working running distance.Then the survey rod can be compressed forthe needle turning 10-scale division andthe calibration can be carried out in the returndirection.During the whole calibration process thedirection <strong>of</strong> travel <strong>of</strong> the survey rod mustnot be changed right in the middle and anyadjustment must not be done on the calibrateddial gauge and on the calibrating instrument(or the calibrator). Whether theerror in the return travels positive or negativecan be determined in the same way asthat for the forward travel running distance.Table 11AccuracyclassReturn error(μm)Indication error <strong>of</strong> 0.01mm reading dial gauge (μm)Optional Optional Working running distance0.1mm 1mm 0~3mm 0~5mm 0~10mm0 5 8 10 12 14 31 7 10 15 18 20 5Table 12Measured Indication error <strong>of</strong> 0.001mm reading dial gauge (μm) Return error (μm)range (mm) Optional 0.2mm Working running distanceZero class First class Zero class First class Zero class First class0~1 3.0 3.5 4 5 2.0 2.50~2 3.0 3.5 5 6 2.0 2.50~3 3.5 4.0 7 8 2.5 3.00~5 3.5 4.0 8 9 2.5 3.0

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 9 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision003.10.2.1 The indication error <strong>of</strong> the measuringrange <strong>of</strong> the dial gauge can be determinedfrom the difference <strong>of</strong> the maximum andthe minimum values <strong>of</strong> the errors at eachcalibrated point within the measuring range. The indication error <strong>of</strong> a dial gaugewith a reading in 0.01 mm at the condition<strong>of</strong> optional 1 mm can be determined fromthe difference between the maximum andthe minimum <strong>of</strong> the errors measured in eachsection <strong>of</strong> the forward travel0~1、1~2、2~3、3~4、mm.The indication error <strong>of</strong> a dial gaugewith0.001 mm readings at the condition <strong>of</strong>optional 0.2 mm can be determined fromthe difference between the maximum andthe minimum <strong>of</strong> the errors measured in eachsection <strong>of</strong> the direction <strong>of</strong> forwardtravel0~0.2、0.2~0.4、0.4~0.6、mm. The indication error <strong>of</strong> the dial gaugewith 0.01 mm readings within the range <strong>of</strong>optional 0.1 mm can be determined fromthe difference <strong>of</strong> the errors measured at twooptional adjacent points in the direction <strong>of</strong>forward travel. The calibration <strong>of</strong> the indication errorfor an in service dial gauge with 0.01 mmreadings by use <strong>of</strong> the 0.01 mm reading dialgauge calibrator can be carried out on thebasis <strong>of</strong> 20-scale division interval. After thiscalibration is over, if the indication errors <strong>of</strong>the working running distance and the optional1mm are close to the values in Table11 and the indication error <strong>of</strong> the adjacentpoints exceeds the values <strong>of</strong> the optional0.1mm indication error in Table 11, calibration<strong>of</strong> additional points should be carriedout. This method is shown in the Appendix.3.11 Error <strong>of</strong> Return3.11.1 Requirement: The return error <strong>of</strong> thedial gauge should not exceed the valuesgiven in Tables 11 and <strong>Calibration</strong> method: After the calibration<strong>of</strong> the indication error, the maximum <strong>of</strong>the differences <strong>of</strong> the errors between theforward and the return directions <strong>of</strong> travelcan be taken as return error at the samepoint .Table 13 shows the data treatment <strong>of</strong> theindication and the return errors <strong>of</strong> the dialgauge with the reading in 0.01 mm.The indication error <strong>of</strong> the measuringrange :10-(-3)=13μmThe indication error within the range <strong>of</strong> theoptional 0.1mm:4-(-1)=5μmThe indication error within the range <strong>of</strong> theoptional 1mm: the indication error withinthe range <strong>of</strong> 2~3 mm is at maximum.10-(-1)=11μmThe return error: 2-(-1)=3μm4 Treatment <strong>of</strong> calibration result andcalibration period4.1 Treatment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Calibration</strong> ResultFor the dial gauges that meet the requirements<strong>of</strong> this working instruction during calibration,a calibration report will be supplied;For the ones which do not meet the requirementsa notice <strong>of</strong> the calibration result will besupplied.4.2 <strong>Calibration</strong> PeriodThe calibration period can be determinedupon the service condition, but not longer thanone-year.

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 10 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision00Table 13Distance <strong>of</strong>Calibrated point (scale division)travel(mm) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0Error (μm)0~1 Forward 0 0 0 +4 +6 +2 +2 0 0 +1 +1Return +1 +2 +1 +5 +5 +4 +4 +1 0 +1 +11~2 Forward +1 0 +1 +2 +3 +6 +5 +4 +2 +2 -1Return +1 +1 +3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +3 +3 +1 +22~3 Forward -1 +4 +2 +4 +8 +8 (+10) +8 +8 +6 +6Return +2 +4 +3 +4 +8 +9 +11 +8 +7 +7 +63~4 Forward +6 +2 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -2Return +6 +1 +1 0 +1 0 +2 0 +1 0 -24~5 Forward -2 (-3) -3 -3 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1Return -2 -2 -2 -2 -1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0APPENDIX<strong>Calibration</strong> method for additional points1. Usage range: The calibration <strong>of</strong> the indicationerror and the return error for the dial gaugewith the reading in 0.01mm in service.2. Equipment for calibration: Calibrator fordial gauges.3. Technical requirements: The values in Table11 should not be exceeded.4. <strong>Calibration</strong> method: The calibration <strong>of</strong> theindication error for the dial gauge with thereading in 0.01 mm in service can be carriedout on the basis <strong>of</strong> 20-scale division interval inthe directions <strong>of</strong> the go and the return distance.After the calibration, if the indication errors <strong>of</strong>the measuring range and the optional 1 mm areclose to values in Table 11, the calibration <strong>of</strong>the additional points in the area <strong>of</strong> the maximum,the minimum errors in the forward distance<strong>of</strong> travel and the maximum, the minimumerrors <strong>of</strong> the optional 1 mm should be carriedout respectively.During the calibration <strong>of</strong> the additionalpoints the clamping position <strong>of</strong> the calibrateddial gauge should be kept the same as before.The calibrator should be adjusted to the positions0.1 mm before and after the point <strong>of</strong> themaximum error in the go running distance forthe additional points calibration respectively. Ifthere is an error in an additional point that isbigger than the original maximum, this error <strong>of</strong>the additional point should be taken as maximumerror.Similarly, the calibration <strong>of</strong> the additionalpoints should be carried out at the positions0.1mm before and after the point <strong>of</strong> the minimumerror in the forward distance <strong>of</strong> travel <strong>of</strong>the calibrated dial gauge. If there is an error inan additional point which is smaller than theoriginal minimum, this error <strong>of</strong> the additionalpoint should be taken as minimum error.The same method should be used for thecalibration <strong>of</strong> the additional points in the area

<strong>ITTC</strong> – RecommendedProceduresSample Work Instructions<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dial</strong> <strong>Gauges</strong>7.6-02-05Page 11 <strong>of</strong> 11Effective Date2002Revision00<strong>of</strong> the maximum and the minimum errors forthe optional 0.1 mm.If the indication error <strong>of</strong> the adjacent pointsexceeds values <strong>of</strong> the indication error for theoptional 0.1 mm in Table 11, a calibration <strong>of</strong>the middle point between these adjacent pointsshould be carried out.Table 14 shows the data treatment <strong>of</strong> the indicationerror and the return error for a dial gaugewith the reading in 0.01 mm in service.The indication error <strong>of</strong> the measuring range:11-(-9)=20μmThe indication error within the range <strong>of</strong> the optional1mm: 11-0=11μmThe indication error within the range <strong>of</strong> the optional0.1 mm: 11-5=6μm (at the position0.7~0.8mm <strong>of</strong> the first revolution)The return error: 0-(-4)=4μmTable 14Distance Calibrated point (scale division) Optional 1mm Optional Whole distance<strong>of</strong> travel 0 20 40 60 80 00.1mm error(mm)Error (μm)0~1 Go 0 +2 +3 (+8) +5 +1 8R 1 +1 +3 +5 +9 +6 +3 (11)1~2 Go +1 +3 +4 +6 +6 +7 620R +3 +5 +5 +6 +5 +82~3 Go +7 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 86Return errorR +8 +2 +3 0 0 -13~4 Go -2 -4 -3 -3 -1 -3 3R -1 -1 -2 -3 0 -14~5 Go -3 (-9) -4 -4 -3 -3 64R -1 -6 0 -3 0 -1<strong>Calibration</strong> <strong>of</strong> additional points Maximum Minimum Optional0.1mmDistance <strong>of</strong> travel (mm) 0~1 4~5 2~3Calibrated point (scale division) 50 60 70 10 20 30 0 10 20Indication error (μm) +5 +8 +1 -5 -9 -6 +7 +3 -11Note: 1 means the return distance <strong>of</strong> travel.

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