HM 1400 TRX Total Mercury Analyser - Webshop, Gas Analysis ...

HM 1400 TRX Total Mercury Analyser - Webshop, Gas Analysis ...

HM 1400 TRX Total Mercury Analyser - Webshop, Gas Analysis ...

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2. Safety2.7 Hazard from chemicalsChemicals in principle give rise to particular dangers. Therefore, they mustalways be handled with the necessary care by appropriately trained personnel.WARNINGDanger of chemical burns and skin irritations!Caustic chemicals such as potassium hydroxide are used in the<strong>HM</strong> <strong>1400</strong> <strong>TRX</strong> to analyse the mercury concentration.The maintenance work comprises the replacement of these substances.Please comply with the information on the safety data sheets provided withthese chemicals.During analysis of the mercury concentration, the mercury contained in themeasuring gas is bound in the iodised activated carbon filter (betweenmeasuring and reference cuvette of the photometer) and therefore remains inthis filter.WARNINGRisk of poisoningAvoid heating the iodised activated carbon laden with mercury above 150 °C,in order to prevent evaporation and release of mercury.In the case of (elemental) mercury there is a risk of inhalatory absorptionthrough breathing in.Please also comply with the information provided in the mercury safety datasheet during these maintenance tasks.Used selective filter content (iodised activated carbon contaminated withmercury) replaced after 6 months within the scope of device maintenance, andcrystalline KOH (potassium hydroxide) from the pre-filter, must be handled,transported and disposed of under the measuring device operator'sresponsibility in accordance with the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances andthe safety data sheet. It should be noted that, in the case of iodised activatedcarbon laden with mercury, separate data sheets are available for iodisedactivated carbon and mercury. The same applies for disposal of thesesubstances.• Extracts from the relevant safety data sheets can be found in theAppendix to this manual! Persons handling these substances should befamiliar with the contents of these extracts. However, in all cases thecurrent editions of the safety data sheets obtained from the chemicalmanufacturer and enclosed with the delivery of the device, whichDURAG will gladly provide on request (the DURAG GROUP companyaddresses and telephone numbers can be found on page 107), aredefinitive.• All necessary and appropriate protective measures, as specified in thedata sheets, must be taken and implemented. Please observe the firstaidmeasures specified therein.2.8 Hazard from hot componentsSome of the components used in the <strong>HM</strong> <strong>1400</strong> <strong>TRX</strong> as well as the samplingprobe, sampling line, flange and flange connection may be or become hot.22 <strong>HM</strong> <strong>1400</strong> <strong>TRX</strong>

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