design for testability in an application specific dsp - LEDA

design for testability in an application specific dsp - LEDA design for testability in an application specific dsp - LEDA
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DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY IN AN APPLICATION SPECIFICDSPMiljana Sokolović, Predrag PetkovićDepartment of Electronics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Beogradska 14, 18000 Nišmiljana@; predrag@ During large DSP systems on chip design, one of the most important demand isassigned to fast and efficient testability as well as the ability of defect diagnostics. This is veryimportant considering expenses and time consumption needed for circuit design and potentialdesign faults allocation. This paper presents an original practical testing problem solution in aspecific application DSP chain dedicated for integrated power-meter, that benefits BIST and scantesting and faults allocation techniques in a digital circuits. Practical application of the proposedsolution is confirmed by VHDL simulations.1. INTRODUCTIONThe aim of electronic circuit testing is to determine whether the fabricatedcomponent, block or system operates well or not. But the velocity of design andmanufacturing, inflicted by market, irrevocably leads to omissions that should besolved as fast as possible. If defects detecting and locating task would be faster andeasier, fabrication expenses would be significantly smaller and the fabrication processfaster. Defect diagnostics is essential, especially in test chip fabrication. Therefore, itis not just important to determine if the systems functionally fulfils all requirements,but also to discover where and why the problem occurs. In early design andfabricating phases, particularly in prototypes and test chip designs, a special attentionis paid to diagnostics. As the design and fabrication of test versions goes on, theaccent is moving from diagnostics to electronic circuits testing.On the other hand, significant numerosity, variety and complexity of DSPsystems, require the use of some universal testing technique that can be applied to allDSP chain building blocks, regardless to the function they perform. Design ForTestability (DFT) and Built In Self Test technique (BIST) principles are inflicted asgeneral solutions of this problem.This paper presents one DSP chain testing method. This DSP chain is a part ofintegrated circuit used in power consumption measurement. The function of the DSPdiscussed is calculation of all relevant variables referred to the energy metering,based on instantaneous values of voltage and current in digital form.The paper is organized as follows. The next section describes general principlesof DFT, BIST and boundary scan BS. Thereafter, a special attention will be paid to aparticular application specific DSP chain. An original testing approach of such DSPsystem that benefits BIST and scan principles will be described next.A complete logic that the testing method is based on, is described and simulatedin VHDL. In this way, a functionality of the solution described as well as itsuniversality of applying to any other DSP chain is confirmed. At the end simulationresults will be shown.

DESIGN FOR TESTABILITY IN AN APPLICATION SPECIFICDSPMilj<strong>an</strong>a Sokolović, Predrag PetkovićDepartment of Electronics, Faculty of Electronic Eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g, Beogradska 14, 18000 Nišmilj<strong>an</strong>a@; predrag@ Dur<strong>in</strong>g large DSP systems on chip <strong>design</strong>, one of the most import<strong>an</strong>t dem<strong>an</strong>d isassigned to fast <strong>an</strong>d efficient <strong>testability</strong> as well as the ability of defect diagnostics. This is veryimport<strong>an</strong>t consider<strong>in</strong>g expenses <strong>an</strong>d time consumption needed <strong>for</strong> circuit <strong>design</strong> <strong>an</strong>d potential<strong>design</strong> faults allocation. This paper presents <strong>an</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>al practical test<strong>in</strong>g problem solution <strong>in</strong> a<strong>specific</strong> <strong>application</strong> DSP cha<strong>in</strong> dedicated <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>tegrated power-meter, that benefits BIST <strong>an</strong>d sc<strong>an</strong>test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d faults allocation techniques <strong>in</strong> a digital circuits. Practical <strong>application</strong> of the proposedsolution is confirmed by VHDL simulations.1. INTRODUCTIONThe aim of electronic circuit test<strong>in</strong>g is to determ<strong>in</strong>e whether the fabricatedcomponent, block or system operates well or not. But the velocity of <strong>design</strong> <strong>an</strong>dm<strong>an</strong>ufactur<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>flicted by market, irrevocably leads to omissions that should besolved as fast as possible. If defects detect<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d locat<strong>in</strong>g task would be faster <strong>an</strong>deasier, fabrication expenses would be signific<strong>an</strong>tly smaller <strong>an</strong>d the fabrication processfaster. Defect diagnostics is essential, especially <strong>in</strong> test chip fabrication. There<strong>for</strong>e, itis not just import<strong>an</strong>t to determ<strong>in</strong>e if the systems functionally fulfils all requirements,but also to discover where <strong>an</strong>d why the problem occurs. In early <strong>design</strong> <strong>an</strong>dfabricat<strong>in</strong>g phases, particularly <strong>in</strong> prototypes <strong>an</strong>d test chip <strong>design</strong>s, a special attentionis paid to diagnostics. As the <strong>design</strong> <strong>an</strong>d fabrication of test versions goes on, theaccent is mov<strong>in</strong>g from diagnostics to electronic circuits test<strong>in</strong>g.On the other h<strong>an</strong>d, signific<strong>an</strong>t numerosity, variety <strong>an</strong>d complexity of DSPsystems, require the use of some universal test<strong>in</strong>g technique that c<strong>an</strong> be applied to allDSP cha<strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>g blocks, regardless to the function they per<strong>for</strong>m. Design ForTestability (DFT) <strong>an</strong>d Built In Self Test technique (BIST) pr<strong>in</strong>ciples are <strong>in</strong>flicted asgeneral solutions of this problem.This paper presents one DSP cha<strong>in</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g method. This DSP cha<strong>in</strong> is a part of<strong>in</strong>tegrated circuit used <strong>in</strong> power consumption measurement. The function of the DSPdiscussed is calculation of all relev<strong>an</strong>t variables referred to the energy meter<strong>in</strong>g,based on <strong>in</strong>st<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>eous values of voltage <strong>an</strong>d current <strong>in</strong> digital <strong>for</strong>m.The paper is org<strong>an</strong>ized as follows. The next section describes general pr<strong>in</strong>ciplesof DFT, BIST <strong>an</strong>d boundary sc<strong>an</strong> BS. Thereafter, a special attention will be paid to aparticular <strong>application</strong> <strong>specific</strong> DSP cha<strong>in</strong>. An orig<strong>in</strong>al test<strong>in</strong>g approach of such DSPsystem that benefits BIST <strong>an</strong>d sc<strong>an</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>ciples will be described next.A complete logic that the test<strong>in</strong>g method is based on, is described <strong>an</strong>d simulated<strong>in</strong> VHDL. In this way, a functionality of the solution described as well as itsuniversality of apply<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>an</strong>y other DSP cha<strong>in</strong> is confirmed. At the end simulationresults will be shown.

2. DFT, BIST AND BS TESTING PRINCIPLESIn general, DFT presents a circuit <strong>design</strong> that enables efficient circuit test<strong>in</strong>g withthe ability of detect<strong>in</strong>g as m<strong>an</strong>y faults as possible. The most often <strong>an</strong>d the simplestapproach is <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong> additional test logic that c<strong>an</strong> <strong>in</strong>crease controllability <strong>an</strong>dopservability. However, this method is not suitable <strong>for</strong> very large <strong>in</strong>tegrated circuits,where regardless to the big number of p<strong>in</strong>s, some more, used just <strong>for</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g, have tobe added. Partial solution of this problem c<strong>an</strong> be the use of additional multiplexers, asshown <strong>in</strong> Figure 1. Us<strong>in</strong>g them, primary <strong>in</strong>puts (PI) <strong>an</strong>d primary outputs (PO) areadded <strong>an</strong> alternative tasks related just to test<strong>in</strong>g [1].PILog icL 1M1NLog icL 2M2POFigure 1. Increas<strong>in</strong>gcontrollability <strong>an</strong>dopservability without<strong>in</strong>crease the number ofexternal p<strong>in</strong>sOne control p<strong>in</strong> (M 1 ) c<strong>an</strong> select a various number of <strong>in</strong>ternal po<strong>in</strong>ts (of the logicL 2 ), to isolate them from their usual stimulus, <strong>an</strong>d to connect them directly to primary<strong>in</strong>puts. The second control signal (M 2 ) enables the connection between variousnumber of primary <strong>in</strong>puts <strong>an</strong>d <strong>in</strong>ternal po<strong>in</strong>ts (the outputs of the logic L 2 ). Thisconcept c<strong>an</strong> offer two operat<strong>in</strong>g modes:1. normal operat<strong>in</strong>g mode (M 1 M 2 =00);2. test<strong>in</strong>g L 1 – value at node N is tr<strong>an</strong>sferred to the primary output (M 1 M 2 =01)3. test<strong>in</strong>g L 2 – value at node N is controlled by the signal at the primary <strong>in</strong>put(M 1 M 2 =10)The efficiency of the proposed DFT method depends on the ability to isolate alltest<strong>in</strong>g blocks <strong>in</strong> the test<strong>in</strong>g phase. It is usual to per<strong>for</strong>m I/O operations us<strong>in</strong>g theserial port <strong>in</strong> order to m<strong>in</strong>imize the number of <strong>in</strong>put/output p<strong>in</strong>s dedicated <strong>for</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g.Built In Self Test (BIST) is based on<strong>in</strong>corporation of test functions <strong>in</strong>to a chip[1], [2]. This approach c<strong>an</strong> overdo one bigdrawback. That is the difference between<strong>in</strong>ternal <strong>an</strong>d external b<strong>an</strong>dwidth.Architecture of the chip that is based onthis technique is shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.External NF signal controls test<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>an</strong><strong>dsp</strong>ecial <strong>in</strong>ternal cells generate test signals<strong>an</strong>d collects the <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about theirresponse.External"NF" testequipmentBISTmodulBISTmodulBISTmodulLog icMe m oryAnalogsub systemFigure 2. Architecture of the BIST chipThe IEEE st<strong>an</strong>dard 1149.1 def<strong>in</strong>es BS method. This st<strong>an</strong>dard assumes <strong>an</strong>additional built <strong>in</strong> test logic that simplifies the system logic test<strong>in</strong>g as well as theenvironment test<strong>in</strong>g [3], [4]. A chip realized accord<strong>in</strong>g to this st<strong>an</strong>dard consists of

system logic that per<strong>for</strong>ms its primary function, <strong>an</strong>d additional test logic as shown <strong>in</strong>figure 3.BSRSsystem logic<strong>in</strong>putsSystemlogicSsystem logicoutputsBRIRTDITMSTCKTestlogic(exept BSR)TDOTDITMSTCKTA PcontrolerOutputlo gicTDOFigure 3. The structure of <strong>an</strong> IEEE 1149.1st<strong>an</strong>dard based chipFigure 4. Block diagram of the test logicFigure 4 shows build<strong>in</strong>g blocks of the test logic: boundary-sc<strong>an</strong> register (BSR),bypass register (BR), <strong>in</strong>struction register (IR), TAP (test access port), controller <strong>an</strong>doutput logic. BSR is <strong>an</strong> array of BS cells (BSC) <strong>an</strong>d c<strong>an</strong> be serially written <strong>an</strong>d read.BSCs are memory elements placed on the boundary of <strong>an</strong> <strong>in</strong>tegrated circuit. A signalfrom the primary <strong>in</strong>put must go through one BSC <strong>in</strong> order to reach the system logic.Similarly, a signal from the output of the system logic must go through one BSC <strong>in</strong>order to reach a primary output.Watched from the outside, a chip based on this st<strong>an</strong>dard has four additional p<strong>in</strong>s.Namely these are TDI – Test Data In, TDO – Test Data Out, TMS – Test ModeSelect <strong>an</strong>d TCK – Test Clock. All of them <strong>for</strong>m a port <strong>for</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g called Test AccessPort (TAP).Exist<strong>in</strong>g so m<strong>an</strong>y different test<strong>in</strong>g pr<strong>in</strong>ciples implies that none of them is ideal.DFT method requires additional test<strong>in</strong>g p<strong>in</strong>s, which <strong>in</strong>creases the chip area. Us<strong>in</strong>gserial port relaxes this problem, but <strong>in</strong> turn, reduces test<strong>in</strong>g speed.The ma<strong>in</strong> disadv<strong>an</strong>tage of BIST technique occurs <strong>in</strong> large circuits, because they<strong>in</strong>evitably <strong>in</strong>crease the test<strong>in</strong>g block size. Similar observation st<strong>an</strong>ds <strong>for</strong> the BSmethod although a serial port c<strong>an</strong> also be assumed as a disadv<strong>an</strong>tage.All described techniques suffer of diagnostics disability. In the scope of chipprototyp<strong>in</strong>g this becomes a serious disadv<strong>an</strong>tage.3. DSP CHAIN IN AN INTEGRATED POWER-METERLet us consider one of DSP cha<strong>in</strong> solutions used with<strong>in</strong> electronic energymeter<strong>in</strong>g devices. It assumes a set of operations needed <strong>for</strong> active (P), reactive (Q)<strong>an</strong>d apparent power (S) calculations together with power factor (PF) <strong>an</strong>d current <strong>an</strong>dvoltage root me<strong>an</strong> square values (I rms <strong>an</strong>d V rms ) computation [5]. This cha<strong>in</strong> is shown<strong>in</strong> Figure 5.

Input signals are digitalvalues of <strong>in</strong>st<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>eousvoltage <strong>an</strong>d current. Thesedata are processed through aset of arithmetic operators, as<strong>in</strong>dicated <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.Actually, DSP consists ofseveral cha<strong>in</strong>s hav<strong>in</strong>g uniqueorig<strong>in</strong>.Calculation of I rms <strong>an</strong>dV rms is per<strong>for</strong>med accord<strong>in</strong>gto the def<strong>in</strong>ition of the rootme<strong>an</strong>s square value <strong>for</strong> thetime dependent signal x(t) <strong>in</strong>discrete <strong>for</strong>m:v(t)i(t)Voltage+HTCurrent+V ACoff+P off+Q offI ACoffSINC 2 N :NSINC 2 N :NFigure 5. DSP cha<strong>in</strong>N1 2X = ∑ X () i . (1)T i=1Second part of this cha<strong>in</strong> is used <strong>for</strong> calculation of P, Q, S <strong>an</strong>d PF. Additional circuitblocks here are Hilbert tr<strong>an</strong>s<strong>for</strong>mer (HT), as well as digital divid<strong>in</strong>g block. Activepower is determ<strong>in</strong>ed as a DC component of the product of <strong>in</strong>st<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>eous voltage <strong>an</strong>dcurrent, while the reactive power is determ<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the same m<strong>an</strong>ner, after the voltageis processed with<strong>in</strong> HT. Us<strong>in</strong>g these two results, the apparent power as well as thephase factor c<strong>an</strong> be calculated <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g way:2 2S = P + Q , PF = P S(2)Considerable hardware sav<strong>in</strong>gs are ga<strong>in</strong>ed us<strong>in</strong>g the same functional blocks <strong>for</strong> moreoperations (<strong>for</strong> example, multiply<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d add<strong>in</strong>g). All DSP cha<strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>g blocks areconnected <strong>in</strong> series, without <strong>an</strong>y feedbacks <strong>an</strong>d loops. This fact simplifies test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>ddiagnostics processes. The pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of built-<strong>in</strong> test logic will be described <strong>in</strong> detail<strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g section.4. TESTING AND DIAGNOSTICS PRINCIPLES IN AN APPLICATION SPECIFIC DSPA concept of described DSP cha<strong>in</strong> test<strong>in</strong>g is illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 6. It is based oneach operation block sc<strong>an</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g. A chip has four operat<strong>in</strong>g modes. Two modes of<strong>in</strong>terest are normal function <strong>an</strong>d test<strong>in</strong>g mode. Test<strong>in</strong>g mode offers two k<strong>in</strong>ds oftest<strong>in</strong>g. One is global test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d the other is detail test<strong>in</strong>g. Test<strong>in</strong>g logic consists ofcomparators, data registers (which are also used <strong>in</strong> a system logic) <strong>an</strong>d a signatureregister. The aim of the test is to determ<strong>in</strong>e whether the operator block functionswell. Each operator keeps oper<strong>an</strong>ds data <strong>in</strong> appropriate <strong>in</strong>put registers while the resultis stored <strong>in</strong> the output register. After process<strong>in</strong>g, the obta<strong>in</strong> output is compared withthe desired one. If the results match, the appropriate bit (correspond<strong>in</strong>g to theoperator under test) <strong>in</strong> signature register keeps flag “1”. However, registeredmalfunction sets the bit to “0”. Ones written “0” on a certa<strong>in</strong> bit position, c<strong>an</strong>not beoverwritten with <strong>an</strong>other value until the signature register is read.V effPPFSQI eff

A described concept presents a global test<strong>in</strong>g. It me<strong>an</strong>s that the process of globaltest<strong>in</strong>g consists of two phases. The first one is load<strong>in</strong>g the test vectors <strong>an</strong>d expectedresponse <strong>for</strong> every block. Then confirmation phase takes place. This concept fulfillsboth dem<strong>an</strong>ds, <strong>for</strong> fast test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d diagnostics.Besides, this test<strong>in</strong>g concept allowsi(t)v(t)serial I/O portv'(t)busregisterb<strong>an</strong>kregregregregoperatorblockoperatorblockcontrolleroperatorblockoperatorblockoperatorblockoperatorblockFigure 6. Test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d diagnostics concept of DSP cha<strong>in</strong>signaturea detailed test<strong>in</strong>g. If a malfunction<strong>in</strong>gof one operator block is detected, thelogic enables the direct approach to thisoperator us<strong>in</strong>g bus connection to serialI/O port. There<strong>for</strong>e, it allowsopservability of detected fault.The presented DSP test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>ddiagnostics concept offers follow<strong>in</strong>gadv<strong>an</strong>tages compar<strong>in</strong>g to the st<strong>an</strong>dardtest<strong>in</strong>g techniques:• m<strong>in</strong>imal enlargement of thesystem logic on chip,• simple realization,• universality that is the use onthe other DSP cha<strong>in</strong>s,• fast test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d• fast defect detect<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>dlocat<strong>in</strong>g.Consider<strong>in</strong>g all issues, it should bekept <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d that this concept has aprimary <strong>application</strong> <strong>in</strong> a test chip <strong>an</strong>d prototyp<strong>in</strong>g where number of <strong>design</strong> <strong>an</strong>dfabrication irregularities is expected.5. VHDL DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST LOGIC AND ITS SIMULATION RESULTSAll blocks needed <strong>for</strong> the test logic are described <strong>in</strong> VHDL as Figure 7 <strong>in</strong>dicates.The length of all <strong>in</strong>put/output digital words <strong>for</strong> each test block is def<strong>in</strong>ed as a generic<strong>in</strong> order to reuse the same description <strong>for</strong> different circuits.The ma<strong>in</strong> goal of the proposed concept is the improvement of diagnostic abilities,s<strong>in</strong>ce the output result does not give the response of the block. Instead, one gets<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation which block doesn’t function well. A reasonable question is why someBS logic elements haven’t been used. The <strong>an</strong>swer is that BS-like solution requiresdouble more number of latches or flipflops <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>puts <strong>an</strong>d outputs of each block.Instead, <strong>in</strong> the proposed solution, one register c<strong>an</strong> be used as <strong>in</strong>put or output storageelement. Consider<strong>in</strong>g the traces test<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> this moment, drastic errors are notexpected <strong>in</strong> the <strong>design</strong> here, because the rout<strong>in</strong>g process will be done automaticallyus<strong>in</strong>g the adequate circuit <strong>design</strong> tool.After automatic VHDL code generation, Active HDL simulator [6] has been run.An array of test vectors have been specified, <strong>in</strong> order to confirm the functionality ofthe proposed structure.

Figure 8 shows the simulation results. After load<strong>in</strong>g test vectors <strong>in</strong>to dataregisters, <strong>an</strong>d obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the appropriate response, a comparison is per<strong>for</strong>med. Theprimary function of the test logic is verified. In the case of disparity of two digitalwords (the real result of the block <strong>an</strong>d the expected result) the correspond<strong>in</strong>g bitposition <strong>in</strong> the signature register is properly flagged. This bit position keeps the value<strong>in</strong> the case of irregularity detection. It me<strong>an</strong>s that there is no result overwrit<strong>in</strong>g.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the bit position <strong>in</strong> a signature digital word, one c<strong>an</strong> determ<strong>in</strong>e whichone of the operator blocks does not function well.U1clkdiag_testclkTBU2TBen_reg<strong>in</strong>_orig(7:0)out_test(7:0)reg_<strong>in</strong>(7:0)resetrw(1:0)testclkdiag_testen_reg<strong>in</strong>_orig(7:0)out_test(7:0)reg_<strong>in</strong>(7:0)resetrw(1:0)testen_reg<strong>in</strong>_orig7(7:0)out_test7(7:0)reg_<strong>in</strong>7(7:0)bus_buffresetbuf_out(bit_Nr - 1:0)rw7(1:0)buf_<strong>in</strong>7buf_<strong>in</strong>6buf_<strong>in</strong>5buf_<strong>in</strong>4buf_<strong>in</strong>3buf_<strong>in</strong>2buf_<strong>in</strong>1buf_<strong>in</strong>0<strong>in</strong>_orig6(7:0)out_test6(7:0)reg_ <strong>in</strong>6(7:0)rw6(1:0)testU3en_prih_regrwU4en_prih_reg reg_<strong>in</strong>(bit_Nr -1:0)rw reg_out(bit_Nr -1:0)prih_regsetreg_out(7:0)Figure 7. Test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d diagnostics concept of DSP cha<strong>in</strong>6. CONCLUSIONsetFigure 8. Simulation resultsDur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>tegrated electronic circuit <strong>design</strong>, test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>d diagnostics must beconsidered as aspects that signific<strong>an</strong>tly affect the per<strong>for</strong>m<strong>an</strong>ces of fabricated chip.Their ma<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fluence is reflected <strong>in</strong> cost-reliability trade. This paper presents oneorig<strong>in</strong>al practical solution of realiz<strong>in</strong>g test<strong>in</strong>g-diagnostics functions <strong>in</strong> the DSP cha<strong>in</strong>of <strong>an</strong> <strong>in</strong>tegrated energy meter. Adv<strong>an</strong>tages of the purposed solution are expla<strong>in</strong>ed.Further improvements of this method are expected <strong>in</strong> the test logic control <strong>an</strong>doptimal test vectors selection.REFERENCES[1] V. Litovski, "Electronic circuit <strong>design</strong> (<strong>in</strong> Serbi<strong>an</strong>)”, DGIP “Nova Jugoslavija” –Vr<strong>an</strong>je Niš, Yugoslavia, 2000.[2] Abramovici, M., Breuer, M., <strong>an</strong>d Fridem<strong>an</strong>, A.D., “Digital system test<strong>in</strong>g <strong>an</strong>dtestable <strong>design</strong>”, Computer Science Press, New York, 1990.[3] D. Maksimović, M. Sokolović "Boundary-sc<strong>an</strong> electronic circuit <strong>design</strong> (<strong>in</strong>Serbi<strong>an</strong>)", Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>for</strong> the XLVI conference of ETRAN, B<strong>an</strong>ja Vrućica, Bosnia<strong>an</strong>d Hercegovn<strong>in</strong>a, June 2002. pp. 82 I-85 I.[4] M. Sokolović, P. Petković “Design <strong>for</strong> <strong>testability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>an</strong> <strong>application</strong> <strong>specific</strong> DSP(<strong>in</strong> Serbi<strong>an</strong>)”, XLVII conference of ETRAN, Herceg Novi, Serbia <strong>an</strong>d Montenegro,June 2003.[5] ----- “CS5460A S<strong>in</strong>gle Phase Bi-Directional Power/Energy IC”, CRYSTAL,[6] Active-HDL, ver. 5.1., ALDEC Inc., 2002.

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