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BOOKN U M B E Ri f o p p Q 3 0 3 2Jtv-.coio Cams 3 0 6 9 2 1071 9771 5

ERRATAPage 18: Delete the word "February" where it occurs in the third line inparagraph 11 and substitute the word " March."Page 50: Delete " L 1, 2 " where it occurs opposite "Telephonists" and substitute" F 1 (£84-£120)."

R E V I S E D C O N D I T I O N S O F S E R V I C EF O R T H EG O L D C O A S T C I V I L S E R V I C E SOrdered by His Excellency the Governor to be PrintedL 1 3 R / R Y'"AIT,P R I N T E D B Y T H E G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G D E P A R T M E N TA C C R A , G O L D C O A S T

T A B L E O F C O N T E N T SP A G E N O .C H A P T E R L G E N E R A L 5Effective date ; to whom applicable : to whom not applicable ;Serving officers ; retired officers ; new appointments ; Limitationof option ; Exercise of option : Officers .who do not accept therevised conditions ; Posts not included in revised conditions ;Officers on special contract terms : Harragin recommendationsstill under consideration ; Increases on promotion.C H A P T E R XI. SENIOR SERVICE—SALARIES, ETC 7Super-scale posts : graded posts ; rent element in basic salaries ;Rental rates ; Circumstances in which rent is payable ; Widows'and Orphans' Pension Scheme : Efficiency Bars ; Promotion Bars ;Audit Department ; Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department; Assistant Surveyor ; Senior Medical Officer and SeniorHealth Officer ; Special grade Medical Officer.C H A P T E R HI. O V E R S E A S P A Y 9Overseas Pay Platform basis ; Definition of Overseas Officer ;of Overseas Pay ; Overseas Pay pensionable.RatesC H A P T E R TV. JUNIOR S E R V I C E — S A L A R Y SCALES, ETC . ... I 10Grading of Posts ; Efficiency Bars ; Promotion Bars ; Scale D ;Scale F ; Scale G ; Scale J ; Scale N ; Police ; Assistant EducationOfficer and Assistant Agricultural Officer : Assistant WelfareOfficer and Labour Inspector ; Artisans ; Distribution of pensionableand non-pensionable posts ; Learners.C H A P T E R V. PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES 11Pension Constant l/600th ; Calculation of Pensions ; Examples ofcalculations of pensions ; Option of full pension or reducedpension and gratuity ; Pensionable service ; M i n i m u m age ofretirement; Retirement with gratuity after 10 years' service ;Gratuities for female officers : Annual Allowances for nonpensionableofficers.C H A P T E R VI. A L L O W A N C E S J 9 I 1 4Harragin recommendation not accepted; Review of existing Allowances,etc.; Currency Board Allowances; Shorthand Allowances;Allowance to Superintendent-in-charge, Criminal InvestigationDepartment; Outfit Allowances ; Allowance in lieu of privatepractice ; Fees of Attorney-General ; Seniority Allowance ;Good Conduct and Long Service Pay ; Table Allowance ;Cost-of-living Allowances, etc. ; Temporary Conversion Allowance,calculation of ; Acting Allowances ; Cost-of-livingAllowance and Bonus may be abolished ; Fees of Office.C H A P T E R VII. CONVERSION R U L E S _ _ ^ f c ^ U ^ J ... 17Conversion Tables; Increments on conversion ; Where two differentpoints in the present scale convert to the same point in the newscale ; Fixed minimum salary for three years in the new scale :Where the minimum of the present scale falls below the minimumof the new scale in the Conversion Table ; Where the maximumof the present scale is above the maximum of the new scale;Where the maximum of the present scale is below the maximumof the new scale ; Where the maximum of the present scale isbelow the point in the Conversion Table at which the minimumof the new scale is fixed ; Where officers convert at a promotionbar; Where officers convert above a promotion bar : Officers whoearn increments between 1st January, 1946 and 1st March,1947; Where salary in old scale is fixed for more than one year.sA P P E N D I C E SI. Salary Scales 21II. Super-scale Posts 27III. Senior Service Posts 29IV. Junior oervice Posts 40V. Posts coi.imon to a number of Departments 50VI. Specimen l ->rm of election 51VLI. Conversion t-ables 52V m . Modifications in conditions of servic not connected with option 68IX. C.S.O. Circular No. 9/47 70X. Annual Allowances and Gratuities Rules, 1947 72

6increases on 14. In cases of promotion where the lower scale of salary overlaps the higher scale, or wherePromotion. t h e i o w e r s c a] e touches the higher scale, officers who have served for not less than one year at theirold maximum shall on promotion, receive an immediate increment on the higher scale: andpromoted officers who have been less than a year at their old maximum shall receive an incrementon completion of 12 months service from the date of their last increment, retaining their existingincremental date.

C H A P T E R IISENIOR SERVICE SALARIES. ETC.The salaries approved for super-scale posts are shewn in Appendix II.2. Salary Scales A.. B.. C. M.2. N.l and N.2 in Appendix I apply to graded posts in the SeniorService and the salary scale allocated to each post is shewn in Appendix III.SuperscalePosts.Gradedposts.3. The salaries and salary scales for the Senior Service generally shew increases over thoserecommended by the Harragin Commission. These increases represent a rent element included inthe basic salaries of the Senior Service in lieu of provision of free quarters which will be discontinuedwith effect from the date of conversion.Rent elementInbasicsalaries.4. The prescribed rental rates for Government quarters are as follows:-RentalRates.Officer's basic salaryRent per annum£Under £450 per annum£450-£599 per annum£600 per annum£601-£ 1.000 per annumOver £1,000306075901505. (a) It will be assumed that all officers will wish to be allocated Government quarters unless c t'^"" l nthey notify Government in advance that they do not wish to occupy Government quarters. which RentIs payable.(b) Officers eligible for Overseas Pay who occupy Government quarters will normally becharged rent at the rate applicable from the date of arrival in the Colony until the date ofdeparture.(c) African officers will be charged rent at the rate applicable for such period as they occupyGovernmentquarters.id) Officers who share Government quarters or who occupy quarters in respect of which" half-rent " allowance was formerly payable will be charged rent at half-rate only.(e) Officers for whom no quarters are available who occupy one room in a Government RestHouse will be charged full rent for periods up to seven days and thereafter rent at half-rate onlywill becharged.(/) No rent will be charged for any period during which an officer occupies non-Governmentquarters provided he has notified Government in advance that he does not require Governmentquarters to be allocated to him.6. Until a new actuarial calculation is made officers who accept the new conditions of service widows'andOrphanswill be required to contribute to the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Scheme at the present rates Pensionassessed on the revised basic salaries excluding Overseas Pay. scheme.No adjustments will be made until after arrears of salary from 1st January. 1946 have beenpaid and the revised salary scales and salaries are inforce.It has been recommended to the Secretary of State that in certain posts where the revised basicsalary is lower than the present salary, the present holders should be permitted to continue contributionsat the present rates if they so desire.7. Efficiency Bars in the new salary scales for the Senior Service have been abolished and it is B f f i rintended that the incremental certificate which is necessary from year to year should operateas a proof of efficiency. No officer should receive an increment unless the Head of Departmentcertifies that he is in fact efficient. It is not sufficient to justify the grant of an increment thatan officer should not have committed any specific offences or misdemeanours. In each case theHead of Department should satisfy himself that the quantity and quality of the officer's work andhis conduct since his last incremental date have been of the standard required of an officer of hisincremental stase.csl e n c y8. No officer who has reached the point in the revised salary scale immediately below a promo- Bars""' 0 1 1tion bar within the approved scale attached to his post, will be held up at the promotion bar merelybecause of lack of vacancies above the promotion bar. It follows therefore that where there is apromotion bar within an approved salary scale, the establishments above and below the bar will befluid. The operation of the promotion bars will be subject to constant supervision and review inthe light of experience and Government may at any time attach such conditions as it sees fit to thepassing ot any promotion bar.9. The posts of Assistant Auditor and Senior Assistant Auditor have been allocated to Scale B. ^"artmentIn this case however the promotion bar after the ninth year of service will not operate, and there "will be two separate salary scales and separate establishments for the two posts as follows:—Assistant AuditorSenior Assistant Auditor£450. £510 x £20-£610: £660 x £30-£780£810 x £30-£900An officer reaching the maximum of the scale for Assistant Auditor will not be promoted SeniorAssistant Auditor unless a true vacancy exists in the latter grade.

8AssistantEngineerPublicWorksDepartment10. The post of Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, will be abolished and candidateswho are fully qualified will, on satisfying a Selection Board that they are suitable for appointment,be recommended to the Secretary of State for appointment as Engineers on Scale A. Candidateswho on completion of their training are not regarded as suitable for immediate appointment asEngineers may be offered facilities for further training as Pupil Engineers if the Selection Boardconsiders that the candidates will eventually prove suitable.Any serving officer who was appointed to the post of Assistant Engineer before the completionof his training will not be eligible for appointment as Engineer on Scale A until he is fully qualified,and ad hoc arrangements will be made for the interim period.AssistantSuveyor.SeniorMedicalOfficer andSeniorHealthOfficer.SpecialGradeMedicalOfficer.11. The post of Assistant Surveyor will be retained for the present holder only. If at any timethe present holder is appointed Surveyor, the post will fall into abeyance. Future candidates whoare fully qualified will, on satisfying a Selection Board that they are suitable for appointment, berecommended to the Secretary of State for appointment as Surveyors on Scale A.12. The posts of Senior Medical Officer and Senior Health Officer will be abolished when thepresent holders leave the Service.13. Medical Officers in possession of specialist qualifications such as F.R.C.S. will be permittedto convert to Scale M.2. All future appointments of Medical Officers who are in possession ofspecialist qualifications will be made on Scale M.2. Any serving Medical Officer who at any timeobtains a specialist qualification will be permitted to convert to Scale M.2. A statement ofrecognised specialist qualifications for this purpose will be issued in due course.

9C H A P T E R IIIOVERSEASPAY.It has been decided that Overseas Pay will be determined on a Platform basis covering various ° seasv e rPQ.V P J a t"salary ranges instead of on a percentage of the basic salary as recommended in the Harragin f 0 r' m basis.Report for " Expatriation Pay."2. Overseas pay is granted to the holder of any post in the Senior Service of the West African Definitionof OverseasService who, on the first occasion that he was appointed to any such post was habitually resident, Officer.and not established only for such temporary purposes as those of education or training, in acountry other than Nigeria, Gold Coast, Gambia, Sierra Leone or any adjacent territory in WestAfrica, who has his principal family and social ties and general background in any such countryand whose appointment to the West African Civil Service represents a material degree of dislocationand disturbance in connection with the resulting change in his residence or place of work.at any time any question arises whether any person is entitled to Overseas Pay or as to theamount of such pay to which any person is entitled, the decision of the Governor shall be final.If3. The prescribed rates of Overseas Pay are as follows:—BasicSalaryRates ofOverseasPay.Anysalary less than £450 per annum£450-£599£600-£700£701-£829£830-£ 1,050£1,051-£1,175£1,176-£1,350£1,351-£1,600£1.601-£1,850Over £1,8504 Overseas Pay is a pensionable emolument.OverseasPay Pensionable.

11C H A P T E R VPENSIONS ANDGRATUITIESWith effect from the 1st of January, 1946, the Pension Constant for both the Senior and PensionJunior Services will be 1, 600th.i/woSE*2. Pension in respect of service up to the 31st of December, 1945 will be calculated in accordance Caicuiawiththe pension conditions applicable at that date, including in the case of officers serving on the pe" s°J n s.1,480th constant the liabilities imposed by Regulations No. 7 of 1937 ivide example2 below). Pensionin respect of service after the 31st of December, 1945, will be calculated at the rate of l/600th partof final pensionable emoluments for each completed month of service. In each case the finalemoluments of the officer will be the basis of calculation with the exception of the officersreferredto hereunder, and subject always to the necessity for averaging emoluments over a period of threeyears in cases where an officer retires within three years after he has been promoted.3. There are four groups of officers to be considered.Group I. European officers appointed to West Africa prior to the 12th of August, 1935 (on whichdate the 1935 revised conditions of service became effective) and who have not at any time priorto their retirement accepted the 1935 conditions of service either voluntarily or compulsorily byaccepting promotion to one of the posts specified in the Schedule to the Pensions (EuropeanOfficers) (Amendment) Regulations, 1937 (No. 7 of 1937).Officers in this class retain the right to the full 1 480th constant in respect of their service upto the 31st of December. 1945 and their pensions would be calculated as in the following example: —Examples ofcalculationsof pensions.Example: An Administrative Officer appointed on the 1st January, 1930, retires on31st December, 1957. having reached the maximum of the long grade (Scale A. £ 1.300'.theFinal retiring pensionable emoluments —£1.300(i) Service prior to 31st December. 1945—15 years(ii) Service after 31st December. 1945—12 yearsPension in respect of

12 15 per cent of salary 240(e) Difference between House Allowance and 15 per centof salary 90(i) Service prior to 31st December. 1945(ii) Service after 31st December. 194515 years12 yearsPension in respect of (i) would be(£1,750-£150 (B)-£90 (e)) x 15£ s. d.565 5 040Pension in respect of (ii) would be£1.750 x 1250420 0 0Total ..£986 5 0Group 111. European Officers appointed on cr after the 12th of August, 1935 and EuropeanOfficers appointed to West Africa before that date who have subsequently accepted the 1935conditions.These officers have no right to any constant other than l/600th and no change in the existingmethod of calculating their pension is involved.Group IV. African officers appointed before the 1st January, 1946.(i) For the portion of the officer's service prior to 31st December. 1945 pension will be calculatedat the 1 720thconstant.(ii) For the portion of the officer's service subsequent to 31st December, 1945 pension will becalculated at the l/600thconstant.(iii) The full pension received by the officer will be the sum of (i) and (ii) and the calculationof (i) and (ii) will be based on the officer's final retiring emoluments.Example: An Administrative officer appointed on the 1st January. 1930 retires on the 31stDecember, 1957 having reached the maximum of the long grade (Scale A. £1,000).£ 'Final retiring emoluments 1,000(i) Service prior to 31st December. 1945 ,. ... 15 years(Ii) Service after 31st December. 1945 12 yearsPension in respect of (i) wouldbe£1,000 x 1560£ s. d.250 0 0Pension in respect of (ii) would beI I ill£1,000 x 1250240 0• " f c Q R jrTotalPension£490 0 04. An officer may at his option exercisable at the date of retirement elect to receive: —(ai his total pension calculated as above: or(b) a reduced pension and gratuity.If option

138. All Female Officers confirmed in pensionable posts, on resigning on marriage after fiveyears pensionable service will be eligible for a gratuity calculated at the rate of three quarters ofa month's pensionable emoluments for each complete six months of pensionable service, subject toa maximum gratuity of one year's pensionable emoluments.9. The rules governing the distributionprescribed in paragraph 13 in Chapter IV.of pensionable and non-pensionable pests areUnder the present Rules non-pensionable employees whose aggregate annual emolumentsexceed £50 per annum are eligible on retirement for an annual allowance calculated at the samerate as the pension of pensionable officers, viz.: l/960th of a year's emoluments for eachcompleted month of service. The pensionable officer receives in addition a gratuity of one year'semoluments.Under the revised pension conditions a pensionable officer is eligible for a full pension withoutgratuity calculated on a 1/600th basis or a pension so calculated, reduced by one quarter plusa gratuity equal to ten times the annual value of the reduction. In order to maintain the existingrelationship between the pensionable and non-pensionable officer the annual allowance of thelatter should be calculated on l/600th basis and reduced by one quarter. This is equivalent to anallowance calculated on l/800th of a year's emoluments for each complete month of service and theSecretary of State has approved a recommendation that this basis should be adopted. The revisedAnnual Allowances and Gratuities Rules are contained in Appendix X.Gratuitiesfor FemaleOfficers.AnnualAllowancesfor nonpensionableofficers.

14C H A P T E R V IALLOWANCESHarraginRecommendationnotaccepted.Review ofexistingallowances,etc.CurrencyBoardAllowances.The Secretary of State has not accepted the recommendation in paragraph 20 of the HarraginCommission Report that " where in this Report no reference is made to an existing allowance orprivilege it is assumed that these will be continued at existing rates."2. A review of all existing allowances, overtime fees, etc. is at present being undertaken (videC.S.O. Circular No. 6/47 of the 20th of January) Unless it is otherwise stated, decisions whichmay be taken as a result of this review will be independent of the option for the revised conditionsof service and no guarantee can be given of the continuance of any such allowances or feesirrespective of whether the officers concerned have elected for the revised conditions of service.3. Officers in the graded posts in the Accountant-General's Department at present receivinga Currency Board Allowance will continue to receive the allowance until they are relieved of theirpresent duties by leave or transfer or until the 1st of April. 1947 whichever is the earlier, whenthe allowance will be abolished.Officers in the super-scale posts in the Accountant-General's Department at present receivinga Currency Board Allowance will cease to receive the allowance with effect from the date of conversionto the new conditions of service and the allowance will be abolished with effect fromthat date.ShorthandAllowances.Allowanceto SuperintendentIncharge ofCriminalInvestigationDepartment.OutfitAllowances.4. Officers at present in receipt of shorthand allowance may continue to receive the allowanceat the rates they are at present receiving but no new allowances will be granted.5. The special allowance payable to the Superintendent-in-Charge of the Criminal InvestigationDepartment or officer acting for him will continue until the present recipient is relieved ofhis present duties by leave or transfer or until the 1st of April, 1947 whichever is the earlier, whenthe allowance will be abolished.6. Outfit Allowances will be payable with effect from the 1st of January, 1946 according to thefollowing rules :-p(a) A general outfit allowance of £60 will be paid to all officers both European and Africanon first appointment or promotion to the Senior Service on salaries of less than £800per annum.(b) A Ceremonial Outfit Allowance of £25 will be paid on confirmation in posts which arescheduled in General Order 306 (Amendment Slip 178).(c) Police officers who are required to provide themselves with Ceremonial dress will be paidan allowance of £25 on appointment.(d) Camp Kit Allowance will not be paid to the Junior Service but Departments will providefield equipment as required.Allowancein lieu ofPrivatePractice.Fees ofAttorneyGeneral.SeniorityAllowance.Good ConductandLong ServicePay.TableAllowance.7. The recommendations contained in paragraph 72 of the Harragin Commission Report havebeen accepted, but separate instructions will be issued later. This amendment forms no part ofthe present option.8. Fees paid to the Attorney-General in respect of services rendered to certain Town Councilswill be discontinued with effect from the date of conversion of the present holder.9. Seniority Allowance at present being drawn by European officers on the pre-1935 conditionsof service will cease with effect from the date of conversion. Officers at present in receipt ofseniority allowance will be granted one increment in respect of the allowance on conversion to thenew salary scale. Allowance has been made for the grant of this increment in the ConversionTables in Appendix VII.10. Good Conduct and Long Service Pay will cease on conversion to the revised conditions ofservice.11. Table Allowance payable to the Colonial Secretary will cease with effect from the 1st ofApril, 1946 (i.e. the date from which it was originally payable).The Table Allowances at present payable to Chief Commissioners and Provincial Commissionerswill be subject to review at anytime.Cost ofLivingAllowances,etc.TemporaryConversionAllowanceCalculationof.12. All Cost of Living Allowances and Bonuses, Consolidated Allowances, Maritime Allowancesand any other form of Cost of Living Bonus will be abolished in respect of officers converting inthe new terms.13. Since cost of living allowances will be withdrawn with effect from the date of conversionto the new conditions, it is necessary to make special arrangements for maintaining the principlethat no officer's emoluments under the new conditions will be less than the total which he wouldhave drawn, by way of salary plus cost of living allowances, if he had remained on the oldconditions.(2) It has therefore been decided that in cases where the net salary under the new conditions,after deduction for rent of quarters, is less than the total emoluments which would have beendrawn under the old conditions, the officer will be paid a temporary non-pensionable allowanceequivalent to the difference between the two. For purposes of calculation it will be assumed thatif the officer had remained nn the old conditions he would have received the increments appropriateto the old salary scale.

L5-Example 1. An officer on a salary of £500, with wife and two children resident outside theColony and drawing allowances of £30 plus £84 plus £96: total emoluments £710 per anum.Salary plus overseas pay on the new conditions, £660 less £60 rent, equals £600 per annum net.On conversion to the new conditions he will be paid a temporary non-pensionable allowance of£110 per annum.(3) The allowance is subject to variations as and when an officer's domestic circumstanceschange to an extent which would have involved an alteration in his cost of living allowance if hehad remained on the old conditions.Example 2. The same officer as in Example 1, drawing salary on the new scale at £660 perannum, less £60 rent, plus non-pensionable allowance of £110 per annum. On the arrival of hiswite and children in the Colony, his allowances on the old scale would have been reduced to £60per annum, making his total emoluments £560 per annum. This is less than his present netsalary of £600 per annum and the non-pensionable allowance will therefore cease with effectfrom the date of their arrival. When they subsequently leave the Colony it will be resumed atthe appropriate rate; i.e. if the officer has by that time received an increment to £690 in the newscale (£630 net), at which point his emoluments on the old scale would have been £525 plus £24plus £84 plus £96, total £729, the non-pensionable allowance will be £99 per annum.(4) When an officer who is drawing a non-pensionable allowance proceeds on leave, anddeductions from his new salary on account of rent of quarters are discontinued, the non-pensionableallowance will be reduced by an equivalent amount.Example 3. An officer on £860 on the new scale (net £770) is drawing a non-pensionableallowance of £144 per annum. When he proceeds on leave his net salary on the new scale will beincreased to £860, owing to discontinuance of deductions for rent, and his non-pensionableallowance will accordingly be reduced to £54 per annum. It will be restored to £144 on hisreturn from leave, provided his circumstances have not otherwise changed.(5) The non-pensionable allowance will be continued on the basis of the difference betweenpresent net emoluments and the total emoluments which would have been payable if the officerhad remained on the old conditions, until it is finally extinguished: provided that no additionalallowance will be payable in respect of any child born after the date on which the officer electslor the new conditions of service, or in respect of a wife if the marriage takes place after thatdate. It should be noted that the date on which the officer elects is not the date from whichconversion takes effect. He may elect at any time within six months after the date of publicationof the new terms, but conversion in every case will take effect from 1st January, 1946. The effectis therefore that additional allowances are payable in respect of children born between 1stJanuary, 1946 and the date of election; and in respect of a wife if the marriage takes place betweenthose dates; but not in respect of any of those events which takes place after that date.Example 4. An unmarried officer, old scale salary £500 plus £30 cost of living allowance, ison leave in the United Kingdom when the new terms are published. His salary under the newconditions is £660, with rent deduction of £60 while in the Colony. He has arranged to getmarried on 31st March, 1947, which on the old salary scale would have entitled him to cost ofliving allowances of £30 plus £84: total emoluments £614. If his election to convert to the newconditions is communicated to Government before the date of his marriage, he will not be entitledto benefit from the increased cost of living allowance, and will receive no non-pensionableallowance. But if his election to convert is made after the date of his marriage he will be entitledto benefit; and if his wife remains in the United Kingdom when he returns from leave he will bepaid a non-pensionable allowance at £14 per annum as from the date of his return, i.e the dateon which the deduction of rent reduces his new salary from £660 per annum to £600 per annum.(6) In considering the question of arrears of salary from 1-1-46 cases may arise in which,owing to changes in domestic circumstances, the officer's total emoluments were at one period morethan his net salary at the new rates, and less at another period. In these cases the arrears ofsalary for the latter period will be paid in full, and will not be set off against the allowances drawnduring the former period.Example 5.—An officer drawing £750 per annum on old scale: wife and three children residentin the United Kingdom on 1st January, 1946 arrived in the Colony on 1st July, 1946. Salary onnew scale £1,030 less £90 rent=£940 net. Emoluments on old scale for the period 1-1-46 to30-6-46 were at the rate of £750 plus £24 plus £60 plus £120, total £954. Emoluments on oldscale for the period 1-7-46 to 31-12-46 were at the rate of £750 plus £24, total £774, and the officerwill therefore be paid arrears at £166 per annum for this period.(7) In the case of officers who were on leave during the period 1-1-46 to 31-3-47, the new scalesalary during leave, for the purpose of calculating arrears, is the gross salary without deductionfor rent.Example 6.—Officer drawing £600 per annum on 1-1-46, with a wife and one child in theUnited Kingdom; proceeded on leave on 1st July, 1946. Allowances on old scale, £24 plus £72plus £60=£156. Total emoluments on old scale=:£756. For the period 1st January to 30th Junehis net salary on the new scale was £830 less £90= £740: i.e. less than the emoluments he actuallyreceived. From 1st July his net salary on the new scale becomes £830, and he is thereforeentitled to arrears at the rate of £74 per annum (i.e. £830 less £756) for the period of his leave.(8) It is hoped that the foregoing will serve as a general guide to the effect of conversionto the new conditions in the case of officers who are in receipt of cost of living allowances on theold salary scales. It will no doubt be appreciated that is almost impossible to draw up rules, andto give examples, which will cover every individual case, but officers may rest assured that theprinciple laid down in sub-paragraph (1) will be carefully observed.14. (1) The basis of calculation of acting allowances is at present under review and is subject Actingto variation. S £ * Sof.(2) Acting allowances paid from the 1st of January. 1946 to the date of the officer's electionfor the new conditions of service, will not be taken into account in calculating arrears of salary,with the exception of the case referred to in sub-paragraph 4 below.

16Cost ofLiving allowanceandbonus maybe abolished.(3) Acting allowances will continue to be calculated as laid down in General Orders and onexisting salaries until the beginning of the month following the date of the officer's election for thenew conditions of service and no adjustment of the amount of allowance paid will be made inrespect of that period merely on account of the retrospective adjustment of substantive salary.With effect from the beginning of the month following the date of the officer's election for the newconditions of service, acting allowance will be calculated on basic salary excluding overseas pay.(4) Sub-paragraph 2 above will not apply where an officer who has acted in a graded postconverts to a point above the promotion bar in the revised scale and would therefore not have beeneligible on the new scales to receive acting allowance. In such cases any acting allowance receivedsince the 1st of January, 1946 will be taken into account in calculating arrears of salary due.(5) For the time being acting allowances will be payable only in circumstances where actingallowances would be payableunder the old conditions.15. Cost-of-living allowance and cost-of-living bonus may be altered or abolished at any timein respect of all officers.Fees ol office16. The following fees of office will in future accrue to revenue: —(a) Allowances payable by the West African. Currency Board in respect of services of officers ofthe Accountant-General's Department.(b) Allowance at present payable to the Auditor for auditing Enemy Property accounts.(c) Fees at present paid to the Attorney-General by Native Authorities or Town Councils.(d) Any other fees or allowances at present payable to Government officers by non-Governmentbodies the payment of which to Government officers may be discontinued as a resultof the review of such fees or allowances.

17C H A P T E R VIICONVERSIONRULESThe Conversion Tables in Appendix VII show the points to which serving officers, other than conversionholders of super-scale posts, will convert in the new salary scale. The revised salary is set out atthe top of each Conversion Table and the existing scales which convert to that particular revisedscale are set out below.In order to ascertain the point in the new scale at which he converts, an Officer must firstascertain from Appendix HI, IV or V, as the case may be, the new scale allotted to his post. Hewill then find the Conversion Table for that particular scale, select the salary scale in which he isat present serving and he will convert to the point at the top of the vertical column in which hispresent salary is shewn.2. Unless it is otherwise stated in the Conversion Table or in the following paragraphs, an incrementsofficer will proceed to the next point in the new scale on the date on which he would have qualified °So n "o n v e rfor a further increment in his old scale.3. In any case where two different points in the old scale convert to the same point in the new where twoscale, the officer on the lower point in the old scale will wait one year from the 1st of January, po'in'is'in1946 before proceeding to the next incremental point in the new scale and the 1st of January will the presenthenceforth be his incremental date. to the samepoint inthe newscale.4. Where the new scale provides for a fixed minimum salary for three years an officer who, at Fixed minithedate of conversion to the new scale has less than three years service in his present post will ""Three" '1not proceed to the next point in the new scale until he has completed three years service in his years in thepresent post.new scale.5. In any case where the minimum of the old scale falls below the point in the Conversion Where theTable at which the minimum of the new scale is fixed an officer who has not reached the pointminimumof the presentin the old scale at which the minimum of the new scale has been fixed will convert to the newscalefalls belowscale at the minimum and the date of conversion will henceforth be his incremental date.the minimumof thenew scaleIn such a case, if the new scale provides for a fixed minimum salary for three years the officer in Conversionwill remain on the minimum of the new scale for three years from the date of conversion.Table.6. If the maximum of the old scale is above the point in the Conversion Table at which the Where themaximum ofmaximum of the new scale is fixed the officer will convert to the maximum of the new scale if he the presenthas reached a point in the old scale which corresponds to or is above the maximum of the new scale isabove thescale.maximumof the newscale.7. n the maximum of Vae old scale falls below the point in the Conversion Table at which Where thethe maximum of the new scale is fixed an officer who has reached the maximum of the old scalemaximumof the presentwill convert to the new scale at the point corresponding to his present salary in the Conversionscaleis below theTable. He will however be granted one increment in the new scale for each completed year of maximum ofservice on the maximum of the old scale provided that his Head of Department can sign a certificatethe newscale.that he has earned such increments by the standard of his conduct and efficiencysincehe reached the maximum of his present scale; and provided further that the officer will not beadvanced to a point in the new scale beyond that attained by any officer by whom he has beensuperseded or who is senior to him at the time of election.8. If the maximum of the old scale falls below the point in the Conversion Table at whichthe minimum of the new scale is fixed, an officer will convert to the minimum of the new scaleand the date of conversion will henceforth be his incremental date. He will however be grantedone increment in the new scale for each completed year of service on the maximum of the old scaleprovided that his Head of Department can sign a certificate that he has earned such incrementsby the standard of his conduct and efficiency since he reached the maximum of his present scale.In the latter case the officer will retain his old incremental date.Where themaximumof the oldscale fallsbelow thepoint inthe ConversionTableat which theminimumof the newscale isfixed.9. Where an officer converts at a promotion bar within the approved scale he will not proceedto the point in the new scale beyond the promotion bar until his Head of Department is satisfiedthat he is in all respects suitable for advancement beyond the promotion bar. Suitability forpassing a promotion bar may or may not include passing an examination or possession of prescribedqualifications according to local Departmental rules which may be laid down from time to timefor the postsconcerned.Whereofficers convertat apromotionbar.10. Officers whose posts have been allotted salary scales which include a promotion bar and wherewho at the date of conversion have reached a point in the old salary scale which converts to a Convertpoint in the new salary scale above the promotion bar will be regarded as having passed the above apromotion bar in the new scale. g ° m t i 0 n

18Officers whoearn incrementsbetween 1stJanuary.1946 and1st March.1P47.Wheresalary inold scaleis fixed formore thanone year.11. Where an officer at the date of conversion has reached a point in the old salary scalewhich converts to a point in the new scale below the promotion bar but who between the dateof conversion and the 1st of February, 1947 earned increments in the old scale which brought himto a point in the old scale which converts above the promotion bar in the new scale he will beregarded as having passed the promotion bar in the new scale with effect from the date onwhich he received such increment.12. Where an officer's salary in the present scale is fixed at the same rate for more than oneyear he will remain at the corresponding point in the new scale until such time as he wouldhave qualified for an increment in the old scale.

23A P P E N D I X I—contdS C A L EDSECTION 1Salary170 ! 170 170 200 210 220 230 240 250' 260 270 285 300SECTION 2SECTION 3Salary320 : 340 360 380 400 425 450500 , 525 550 575 600This scale, or sections of it as specified in Appendix IV. will apply to the following posts : —Assistant Agricultural Officer, Assistant Education Officer. Assistant Programme Officer. AssistantWelfare Officer, Labour Inspector, Assistant Surveyor.* Efficiency Bar at £250.S C A L E F£ £ £ £\£ £\ £ £ £Section F 1 84 84 84 90 96 112 120* 128 136 144 152 160 168SECTION A SECTION BSection F 2 120 120 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190' 200 210 220 230 240 250iSection F 3 265 280 295 310 325 350Section F 4 360 375 390 405 420 435 450VSection F 5 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480 500 525 550• Efficiency Bar at £120 in Scale F 1 and at £190 in Scale F 2.Scale F will apply to posts in the clerical serviceor other posts which are of a clerical nature.Section 2 will apply in part only to certain posts as indicated in AppendixIV.4 A

A P P E N D I X I—contd.S C A L EG£ £ ,| £ £ £ £ £ £ £SECTION A SECTION BSection G 1 96 96 96 j 112120 128 136* 144 152 160 1701SECTIONASECTIONBSection G 2180 I 190 200 210*220 i 230 240 I 250Section G 3Section G 4270 285 300 315 330 350 370375 390 405 420 435 ' 450 i 465 j 480Scale G will apply to the technical service and certain other grades not within the clericalservice. The first two sections of this scale will apply only in part to certain posts.* Efficiency bar at £136 in Scale G 1 and at £210 in Scale G 2.S C A L EH:ALE IS APPLICABLE TO POLICE G R A D E S£ £\ ) j•££ £ £ £ £ £ £Section H 9170 180 190 200 210 220Section H 10230 240 250 260 270 280Section H 11 290 305 320 335 350 365 380 400S C A L E J .THIS S C A L E IS APPLICABLE MAINLY TO UNIFORMED G R A D E S OTHER THAN P O L I C E£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £Section 1 60 63 66 69 722 75 78 81 843 84 87 90 93 96 1004 112 116 120 124 128 132 1364a 108 114 120 126 132 138 1445 140 145 150 155 160,, 5a 150 160 170 1806 170 180 190 200 210 2206a 190 200 210 220 230 2407 230 240 250 260 270 280

2 6A P P E N D I X I—conldM I S C E L L A N E O U S SCALES—contd.S C A L E NS C A L E N W I L L APPLY TO N U R S I N G APPOINTMENTSSENIORPOSTS£££ £ £ £ £ £ £Scale N 1 350 350 350 390 405 420 435 445Overseas Pay 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125Scale N 2 500 515 530 545 560 575 590 600Overseas Pay 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200Matron690OverseasPay200SUBORDINATEPOSTS£A£ *1 £ f- £ #*r£ £B£ £ £Scale N 3 84 34 84 90 96 112* 120 128 136 144 152 160Scale N 4170180190 200 I 210* 220 | 230 j 240250Scale N 5265280295310 j 325350Scale N 6375390405 420435 ' 450* Efficiency Bar.

27A P P E N D I X IIS U P E R - S C A L ES A L A R E SBasic (including , 0 v e r s e a s P a y T o t a lhousingelement)G R O U P 1£Chief JusticeColonialSecretary2,650G R O U P 3Chief CommissionersAttorney-GeneralFinancial SecretaryDirector of Medical ServicesGeneral Manager of the Railway2,150G R O U P 5Puisne JudgesCommissioner of Income Tax (West Africa)Medical—Deputy Director•Public Works—Director1,950G R O U P 6Under-SecretaryAgriculture—Director ...Education—Director ...Supplies—DirectorMedical—Assistant DirectorMedical—Senior Specialist .1,850G R O U P 7Administrative Officer, Class IForestry—Chief ConservatorLabour—CommissionerPolice—CommissionerVeterinary—Director1,3504001,750Social Services—DirectorGeological Survey—DirectorG R O U P 8Income Tax (West Africa) Deputy Commissioner ... ^ s i * ^ ,Accountant-General-jad]Auditor Nw_ ...I ... rrr — :Comptroller of Customs ... Z ^ ^ y * LPostmaster-General — .... ._1,30.4001,700Chief Inspector of MinesMedical—SpecialistSolicitor-GeneralG R O U P 9tDeputy Financial SecretaryAdministrative Officer, Class IIAgriculture—DeputyCo-operation—RegistrarEducation—DeputyMedical—Senior Medical Officer ...Medical—Senior Health OfficerMedical—Senior PathologistPublic Relations Officer1,2004001,600Public Works Department—DeputyRailway—Chief EngineerRailway—Chief Mechanical EngineerRailway—Traffic ManagerSurveys—DirectorElectricity—Chief EngineerLabour—Deputy• The Post of Director of Public Works to be re :-raded in Group 6 if at any time the holder ceases to beController of Civil Aviation.t Graded as Administrative Officer, Class II.

28A P P E N D I X \\—contd.S U P E R - S C A L ESALARIES—contd.Basic (includinghousing element)G R O U P 10Customs—DeputyLands-CommissionerForestry—DeputyPosts and Telegraphs—DeputyPosts and Telegraphs—Engineer-in-ChiefPolice—DeputyRailway—Chief AccountantWater Supply—Director1.150 3501.500G R O U P 11Accountant-General—Chief Assistant Accountant-GeneralAgriculture—Assistant DirectorAgriculture—Chief Agricultural Survey OfficerAgriculture—Principal Agricultural EducationOfficerAudit—DeputyCo-operation—D/RegistrarEducation—Assistant DirectorEducation—Mass Education OfficerEducation—Principal Government Technical SchoolEducation—Principal Teachers Training CollegeForestry—ConservatorIGeological Survey—DeputyChief Registrar and SheriffPrisons—DirectorPublic Works Department -Assistant Director1.1003501,450Public Works Department—Chief Architect"Public Works Department—Senior Executive Engineer ...Public Works Department—Senior Public Health EngineerPublic Works Department—Chief AccountanttRailway—Chief Electrical EngineerSurveys—DeputyTown and Country Planning—Secretary and Executive OfficerIncome Tax—DeputyChief Transport OfficerSuperintendentof BroadcastingG R O U P 12Police—Assistant Commissioner ...Customs—Assistant ComptrollerPosts and Telegraphs—Chief AccountantRailway—Assistant to the General Manager of the Railway300 1.350MISCELLANEOUSIncome Tax—Assistant CommissionerWater Supply—Assistant DirectorAgriculture—Chief Inspector of Plants andGovernment PrinterProduce1.0009003003001,3001,200* Post of Senior Executive Engineer being abolished,t Post of Chief Electrical Engineer being abolished-

20CM CM CNM 73C3 OCOC O O I H H Q§•§•§•§«>O O O O egtS O C5 c 02c3QQo o oCO CD CD73 O CO O CC O

30m «>EH OSo o.toCO cSCOCOCN c i-—tO O Oi CD crio O -O03 X 50X 3p. A3o p•5 5HB W DP* CD CD CDC d 5 dOEHcoocoocoo•» - EHpf! *H Odd)c m o S a§ 1 3 g, ?: : : : : : : : • • 0• • • « 'EH ' " CD Q C• ^ M R i s 3 S g i gEH CD • S • . 9 • S«g • 5 ° 0E B S co "s T; cS , S - H »OCJEHEH o j ' ^ i r j H ca cti o or;.^• 3 | s s • l ^ o e " i s ?3 ° O E 3 » « 3 e g fi« EH^4Jo ° ~ S - S " 1 P « S § 1U « O Ej o EH S VH " E H O S O S « *•s.2§o a S i l l § l f l a 3 2•J C S j; 2 a p 8 .3 a O O P M O, coOf O CJ 3 CDcDWO 3CDEHEH CDCD ctO CO O

N O T E — T h e revised grading- of Assessment Officers and Senior AssessmentOfficers, Income Tax Department, shewn in Appendix III of SessionalPaper No. I of 1947 is subject to confirmation by the Secretary of

31CO Pir-l f—CO COO COO CO CO cc O O OE- O O O S- S-, EHCJ cc co co CJ CJ CJ< o oCD CD CD*3O o o oCO W Tfl U2t- i-HPH P.o oCH CHPPCDCDo oO CH - oCQ O « ccP. aa ao oEH EHCJ oCD CQ CDgco>s: : : : : : : : • : : • o:• • : : : : : : = : : : : : go". . . iff: : : : : : : : : : : I I I ; : ; ! : : :ooS: : : • : : : = : : I : : : : • : I : : : : | i;: ; : ; ; ; ; i £ - = : : :X. . . . . . . . o - - - . ©: : : : : os : : ; 92 : : : : : : : : : : : :o o o . o o A£? £3 £? o 3 M 2I> fc- t- CO CO £-: o* c*i o» : : : t o : : - - - • 5S «- i i i : r : : T :. : : : : : : i o : : : j :O O O O O S o woCO CO CO CO CO CO C O OX X X X 8 X°f - M T8 8 8 g 8 8 § 8 £C D S C D CD '•»» «?x ^ °P «iO iO LO LO O CO (—i O L O O• CS] CN CN . ' - CN • • ^ CM io • CN • O —• x x x \ • '• 8 x '• X O ^ X X 8: : :O O O °- LO TP CD o o °-10 o' o o o °.IOIOLO ^ t- co LO in rfi—'tr-co TJILO LO ,—I.rjHTjHT^ ^ , tjj ^ 5j C4 M . , CO

S2' O C 55 CJ31< < O CJCD CO CO CDO aEH OCJ CO CO CO CO« t» -6 5 « 2 Sa so^ 53 •»=sS 3 0^ 8TJ* o oO CO CO mX> W ^ rji^ Q . O O O OH CD CO tj< ^r-rt erf crt crt crtx x tO O COS CO X Q OT«? —enCO a r:cr.30-840,30-840,X X: 8 825-600Tf CD COO C O LO* CO iCO CO CO i> « •. CO CO •cf i-O ^ 1o o CO CO) lO !CO COCO COO O• CO CD O1LO t> irHr-trHi-trH,—tCDCO LO TT ICH Crt Crf is£ a cCN LO co• o o: co coco ^LO O Oc- o o O CN LOTjH TJ- TJH t> lO COw c*} crtw w who a o.S'SK> a «S S isCO & • CD, « a•a ^ £ f,5 d) oCD CNOW > ^T3O co a E- oCH •3 H3 -" H O Cd TO O HH O8 2•rH cp2 >-. o a EH' a« 3_ CO C £co a ^ CD HHa s o aco 3•= sCO Oa a . PH-a .2CO «3 jo3 2 o 5 C3O CQflfi> a 3a £H cuEH "H -H- a aP CCD3rC COa0 CD r3 T!JH Oft T?s „a 1 3£ -ao o « m £ » fja tj >,T3 °O TJ O E.3 a -a jn a S -rH„aS a5£ S ft,H -P a aa a ho Ha Sfcjs aa i -3 3o —® u o c-£ S 5CJ a a L? a> S Pia I*o oto c ~ S oEB .„ CQ1 32 oO 4JaEH COa %t-HO P -a'a2 £« a Crt

133OSm 2EH COco 2CO cjo COCOcjPP. oa . . CO CPci cj o cj CO cjo o h a co oCNi No °j < o o g -.•-< CO o _X X 0 ^Q 1 • oQ i _r O O-O O O O O O - C O O O C N i O O Oco co «crtwwwoic4crto*1ooA XJ: u v oU C / 3 CO^ a a0P cc: OcmO! M O I•H O Ip e" °O P rjCO CD gCCD •g S |P CD CD (« B i ­ts ft „ 'a s CD ,P CO CO ,: o o• -a 'Pa aEH EH. C5 a' 43* 43a aCO CD: p aCD CD .43 43a'en 'toCD CDCQ CQ' 55 559 9 ' co* co'CU '5 'CCO COCO CO CO CDEH EHc a ftCp a a Op 43 CO COO co co "bo >> !>>a EH EH•H a a2 •«a a aEH a aEH co coo o .2 2 EH•2 P -P 9 COa 43 to .2 £CD a a o .2CO PH Li, CO CO•O 13: a a' EH EHa o:a aa a43 43CO COCO 'LoEH .CO CO CO<

34pa o- 3° O*- -_/3*3 csC03O CQ~.r.pqCO f- C~>P< c_ ,3 3 3 ,2O O O ctU U U o— - -3 3 p< 5 < o < m o„ (3 oS P3o 3 o o 3 o oCO £ CO CO 02 CO 03r-t , H CN H CN , C , CN Ho n Q o o ^ f f l bofflpq'ooCD CD ^ © ^ ^ ^ C D ^ C D C D C D C Dci c3 c^ tjj c3 fP C"3 . P3 flS c3 o3O O 0 0 0 ^ 0 3 0 0 0 0CQ CQ CQ^-OOcQ&c/JCQCQajecjCQ8 80 0 0 0 0 ' I ICM -f CN O O Ot- CO t> CO CO COCO COcri cii crt Cri U ; ; ; ^ ; ; X XO O O O O o © O Oco co n n co co CD COCO^ cri W 2*o - O X ^ Xu-i. » - CO t- COrH H H CO COc*< w w w w c*jO C X X M X X . . . ^ ^ 0 0 ° . .0 0 0 © :Q* ijQcNCN o" © 6 08O O O O O CN CO. OOrrtrrHCO CO CD CD CD11O iQ CO iO iiOC N N C N C .CNCDLQCN^ W Wo O QTIH ^CD CDiQ iQCN CNX X X X X X ^ X X MMQ O O C O C D 0 03 0 0 C N O O OOiOCC^iOiOauOLQ[>c0^tj(O OLOiOL O ^ l C l O ^ « C r t W ^ « W T | ' M ^ Tf

3505>>CGs b"3 toco nCN CN CN CN «N H ' H ^ CN ^H HH . rH i-f . H H ' H Ho o o '"'ooo ^ O O W D O O O, CD CD CD 3 QJ 3 C' CO CD CJ CD CO CD COg'rf'd'ci OScj ei o"c13cortac3C3m O O CJ « CO O CD S H O O O C D C O O Ow co co co O co co coOCCCOCQCQCQCOCQcc* crj H rH ft

36cesm2.U COo o OHHHHHro-tCOCO^lO

37corn>>-n-H3 &03 do CO"53COmtN rHCO rH rH rH rH~ o n m m o o O

38cSm~5 5CO 75H m to ffl crj ^ O O < ^§• 2; S; g g « » S & .2 ,2O O O O O c g cctcO ctjeoU rH U U rH O O O t H O OS O U (5 O m » iO O CO co-~ «4Qr 2O ttjSH otS CQH* ocf pi C* H . *-?o o o o * < oO CD CU CO ftCD CD*ce co "ttj CO o etj ctjo o o u ~* o uco co so LO CJ co coCQ>>cjO O O QLO O O OO LO uo CN CN gCN H* rH rH rH TjHcri crt cri crt crt cri8 s -CN3.8O CN O L -• LO E» CN £-i *?* Ui LO WO O o* O CN O • LO CNO H' o n H CO |> "H. Q o LO i O O O © - t- O•ffl CO -tH CO iH LOOi Cr3 Crt Cn} Cri Cri (-riXOzLJJQLa . S c 3H H rH pU CD 4B 0°H-> r£ rH & ~ K ?0 fc,S H C S CO ^ CO H > OO Cj In ft C IH 1 43 -S0g S 8 -3 p o § g 8•-CO C D ! H ° I H C D X 20

39coO o>,C0fCO'm&H LO H E-i O. H N C O H H H^ ^ o O U O O '^ ^ CD 0) Gvi CD ft3

40CJ7.CC-.XCH itso oco>l"5 _2CO 13a COLO TjHPH CHCO CD3 3CO CQCN CN CN CN .N CO N c4 CN CN CN CO CNH f C O H H H H t OO O O O O O O C HCDCDCDCDCDCDCDCDo o o o o o o oCOCOCQCOCOCQCQCQTJH CO r-t CNd CJ o wCD CD CD CDCt3 tSO O O OCQ CO CO COO03CD CD CD CD CDrfctic^c^cS-—JCD CDci cj3 A£ 1c 0s|£ C QQ3BS HPrr, 3^u>aCO-oS1-3HaooCOCOoCOCH- coCOCHoCOCH.CO , «1O COCN OCH CN '1I CC CNI O CNI CN CH' S - l gCO CO05 rH ^4X X- CD CNi a. CO < ^ ^ TjHI CO CSi crt CHCD CD I CO3 5co -CO CO•a -aco iEH U0 o3 3cS ctiCO COEH CO B 2Piacd•33 JH< 1 S oSfltjEH 343 g O •co .5 co> &H CQ 1^SHf—, CDCD CO 43CE 53S CO Ma o2 3tit) oo oO —'t* .2 co -d js 3CO H 3 Q HCO CO 43 CJ QPHS I < D. CO -H (i.3 Q S 3 ° 53 W cotl a 2 :CO.2 o » 0 43 ; T3 1HCO o O >CCi 1 3 CO 3 43, 43 43 OJ CO'• C — — — - ṟ - w< C O C H C O C O _ 4 Q O CCDtea^ 3CO CO5a >CD -3CO 3COo .4H S COCO co3 co5 Qcos3 03to CJ el­o CJ G5 e 93's 2da £CD CJe cso ^hr, « &H3OEH CH EH CHC° CH. CO gco O co "g GOpa

41CDo g>> cocd grH CHCt! COM-aO COCNCO *HEH EHCD CO•cs •ao oco coCM LO CO[ • CN] (NTP* CO H* co TP ft ^ CO* CN ^ »H ^jJ CO rHH5 Q EH EH EHEH EH EH 1-5 >-3 1-3 S "3 2 ~> ">CDCDCDCDCDCDc^CDCHQ(DCD CDCDCOCOcd cd co cd • cj w d cd0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 - j C O O Ocd cd cd r-i'0 0 0 0 SB B a i c j c i i a s K i M a i s 05 co co co «s s -CNCO rH CO CN rHCD CD CD CD CDcd cd cj d0 0 0 0 0CO CO CO CO CQcdotopjs"3couo>>X! 3.2 ^35 MX 1 X 6 3 S S SS>> >> >C >iCO C3 C"3a a a a1J « S Hr-J +JI CO LO o o cxQZLUQ.CL

M42--o §>> CO.2 &cdO CQ'coCO-ri CO CM,_,* LO -Cfi CO r-i" rH LC CN CO' rH rH 10 CD CO CO 1—1O Q EH rH EH ci O C5 O fa £ 0 0 0CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CP CD CO CD CDCD CD CD CDri ri ri ci! ri•3OO O O Ori O ri ri ri ri 00210 02 02 02 02co I ^ CHO O O O OCO0202020202Seal£76.SealSealSealSealtScalSealSealCO>5COCO• 00 CNO CMCM CHCH I. I O• O rHX' CMCHOCO CM COCH CH CH- S£ 93CD CO 3!00 CO CM COCO CH CH II I )CM CM CM ftO O CM -O O CM 0?CO CO CMCH CH CH CHI CDCM CO COrH -cHCH CH CH— -CM COCOX rH8 ^XS3 TH"^*CO CD c^ ^ 3^CO - C* CO CO1 ^CM CO ^ CD CO1—IrH X Xo - -O CM CO CO COCO t~~ CM "-cfl TjiCH CH CH CH CHḺ.0CrH.CN =QOCOCH - •:c COCM CN1—;X M0 00 07" COCH CH1 CM CM TJH1 CO CO CO CO1 CN CN I Tt CH CH CO CDI CN CN X XH Ho ^I X X 50 LOCH CHCM CNCN CN 1—- .—•, CO CM ^ CO1 CM CM Q XI Tf CM LO ^CH CH CH CHCC 4jSco2a•ro CD•3 Qbo _3 3 :a .2 •O g•IH CD RCQ rk riT! ° 43S s iO EH cDCD COCO O EH6. cu E-i •CD 43C cd "ooMcjEHX 53 X '3CO cc CO COH < EH CD 3X COF*l PH3 r. 3c i £ 3g i°CQ2 a 0 ?iH OIIIEH CO PHCD 3co cd3 fiCD COUOHPO!HJHHPCO CDrH CQCD PICQ CDIH CQ a0) U OQftCD CQ Q3dCD ad 00 CQCQ Q >[mispa


44oCO cdO CO'cc Ococoi—I CO rH rH COCD OJ CD CO CD OJCj ri CO CO CO CO COC § CO O CO CO COco 35 co co co co coCOCNCD CO CO(d rr Cj CCco22 co oCO Cr) CO COCC MH PHCO CD COCO CO COCO CO oco co coCNJ &. CH rJCD CO CO COCO cj cd cdCD CO CO COCO CO CO CO. . X: •a• acd: o• o,ao. CO'EU)J§ 2£ cd 953- Ico 3QZUJQ_ 5 Sa cc.2K0coICAL-BfasIPoICQSI4oPHEgseC 50 :> SiCD CD iCO C W

45pq c>3 >>CO CD OrH CO CN°f S3 S3 " CNCN -5 CO 4i CN CO HB H S S S S K J JCrt ' ^ ^ ^d _ r ri ri rio fa fa fa o o oCC oo tt, CQ CC COO f a f a f a O O j J r 4 0 0 f aO ^ ^ O ^ jD JD CD CO o o— ri C3 CC rio o o o o o o o o o o oCQCQCQCQC0CQC0C0COC0CO:Qt^COiOTtiiO^CO-HCDCDCDCDCDCDCDO_- ~ ri> ri ri ri T.: /—CO O O O O O O O r oCOCQCQCQCQCQCOCQcrt£ 3CD OTj -Pri +o*HCC CD• >o oCQ CO COCH j-CQco gCD. OH XriCQX §rH (1JCy C•a , r Hri cdE-< CDcs -aa *CO COCO CO >i § « > > S § £ «i > S 5C S Q P B C, , 3 CDs -aa o S g g g e a a g S S3 ^ 0 . « . r t C i ) f l ( U < B ' H C a G Jc^fa^fafal^r^^fcfacOCQO r.* O (j"-1 CD •a SI'S coCS r* « i43 & •to > e S3•? CO 5. co co COits 1 saoco Ed2 coCO CO g COSOrSOO TJ Ci j3 :O S T )«a o us •? -o co(L CO EH EH CO fn EH3 §2 5.S CO3 HCOco cdD"MCD Jco H« mnco3oCO 432 43u 5S fOcd a .» 5 "a ° cja 2 .2ri coS ^ rHCD G CDO ^ rHzo2caELO I CQCJD C$ COCJ t, rQCO «> &"3cC coCrt r-;* o 9Hp riCM COC- -crt —

46ciPd fc,» icncoCD m4AIT3 TJ" COCN CNT-T rH»"3 ^ •o ^ *Sfa faCJ CD CD CD CD CD CD CD"ccl riO CJCO COO O OCO CO CO"3 do oCQ CQSea]CN < < "*2 CN CN COCN 1*1 " O O cs,' CN O CN OLO ^3* CO rH j_j CO CO T—T rH CO *H CO CO CO CO rH I 11 CO rH rji CO HfatfcSOo^rJ^OJ. C D O Q C D O C D O C O O O O O C D C D O C D C J O C D O C D C D^riririririririririrtc^cSriririririririririricrtCQMcQCOcOcOMc^CQi CD CD H ^ O17j 7", rH CO CO. o o , i co ciCO CO; crt crt x X X2 "S 3XXHiLO LOrH rHS co'CO co"T "VCO COXH. LO ,rH . 'LO H rH • rH OS CO (X 6* XrH TH LO M i LO CO | 00LO rHCDO CD "3 rH .COLO CD O • •CO H- ' CD CN •SJ SPcn£3oS Oo 00 ^H. CO CO * X COcrt crt cd -i. ' H 1CO CO i' CO CO CN OPCO rH .i CO CO COC-11tO rH I CO H *! r! « co r CD' O C N C N^YoOTWi O CH 'X rH rHW N CN bdC^rHrHr^f-i)^, i | ,_, X ,_, | , | PS PSX X X J?! CD CD1^ . L Q X X L O ^ X L OO O O O - CO X X," . O O - O CN -lOiOOCOCOCOHf O O OCOOCOCOOCNCOrH CO CO CN —•CO CO icrt crt crt crti ^ cn H co '• ro^cocN^coiN^crt crt Crt crt crt crt (crtcrtcrtcrtcrtcrtcrtcrt>XLUCLQ_

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APPENDIXVISPECIMEN F O R M OF ELECTIONForm 4.GOLDCOAST G O V E R N M E N TSALARY REVISION—FORM OF ELECTIONI (a) at present holding the postof in the Departmentelect/do not elect (b) to accept the new Conditions of Service embodied in Sessional Paper No. 1 of1947 with effect from 1st January, 194S.I understand that my election is unconditional and irrevocable.j (Signature or Mark)....(Date)(a) Insert full name in block capitals.

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63APPENDIX VII— contd.CONVERSION T A B L E — S C A L E J£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £Scale J 1 60 63 66 69 724th Class Escort Warder•Constable,Preventive Service Class II332 - 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4Scale J 2 75 78 81 84•Constable, Preventive Service Class I 2/3 2 4 2 5 2 627Scale J 3 u 87 90 93 96 1003rd Class Matront3rd Class Escort Warder•Corporal, Preventive Service48483/-54513/160543 2573 36034Scale J 4 112 116 120 124 128 132 1363rd Class Supt., Preventive Service•Sergeant, Preventive Service;3rd Class Staff Warder ~|2nd Class Escort Warder YWMWM - 12nd Class Matronilea4 16642724 34 478708475 80Scale J 4A 108 114 120 126 132 138 1443rd Class Trade Instructor 60 66 72 78 84 90 96Scale J 5 140 145 150 155 1603rd Class Supt., Preventive Service ...2nd Class Staff Warder "185 90jf1st Class Escort Warderi- ^ ^ ^ ^ H 90 98 106 1141st Class Matron -*>H—1Son le .T SA ... -Tw ... 1 .„ i?,n 160 170 180 1802nd Class Trade Instructor V^l^fT.- 96 104 112 120128 ! 136180Scale J 6 170 180 190 200 210 220Principal Warder2nd Class Superintendent PreventiveService120100128107¬10 -136115144122¬10/-152130160Scale J 6A 190 200 210 220 230 2401st Class Trade Instructor 160 170 180 190 200Scale J 7 230 240 250 260 270 280 280 280Chief Warder1st Class Superintendent PreventiveService170150180160190170200180210190220200 210 220• Daily rates include Good Conduct pay.13rd Class Escort Warder at present on £48 per annum will convert to £84 per annum and willproceed to the next point in the revised scale on the date on which he would have proceeded to £51per annum in the old scale had it remained in force.J 3rd Class Staff Warder at present on £60 per annum will convert to £112 per annum and willproceed to the next point in the revised scale on the date on which he would have proceeded to£66 per annum in the old scale had it remained in force.9A

64CH CD COCO rH CH> Ci CHO TJ COcw CO 03fl ~ -a"H ^ Cid 2 co- N LQCD J>> CHi3 ^ CO« S So 5 3a a £ICOCrt | CO rjnI W Hi O 00 S^ O rH OL MCQ13 d IISOH• CO fji CO CD tHI O CH, o. rt Z1u « °H CH -H' * Z?I oPHa>zoifl •a—' rH CirH C3 HJsre +JHIS £ co £Wc« HO • CHCO ^ CHfl flo "3HJ rn coa J Ad Sco 2 erH d 5S s 5£ Si OcdcoCQcdoCQco dCO co> coCO« PH» CO •fl cs S' " "° 13I CO ©flfl•

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68APPENDIXVIIIMODIFICATIONS IN CONDITIONS OF S E R V I C ENOT A F F E C T I N G T H E G E N E R A L OPTIONL E A V ER A T E S1. With effect from the 1st of January, 1947, the leave rates for established staff in the Servicewill be as follows :—Senior Service 5 days for each completed month of service plus 2 days for eachcompleted month of service in the case of an Overseas officer asdefined in Chapter III.fJunior Service :Salaries up to £120 per annum 15 days "j For eachSalaries over £120 per annum and up to £250 per annum ... 30 days y completed yearSalaries over £250 per annum 45 days J service.oLeave includes Sundays and Public Holidays. African officers may be allowed to accumulateleave over a period of two years if they so desire. This modification will be effected byamendment of General Or ders.L E N G T H OF T O U R OF O V E R S E A S OFFICER2. With effect from the 1st of January, 1947. subject to the exigencies of the Service, Overseasofficers will be granted leave as follows :—Officers with up to 10 years service after 18 months.Officers with 10 to 20 years service after 15 months.Officers with over 20 years service after 12 months.This modification will be effected by amendment of General Orders.P A S S A G E S3. The following leave passage rules will be adopted with effect from the 1st of January, 1947 :—Junior Service.—An officer ordinarily resident in one of the other Colonies of West Africamay be granted once in five years, free return passages for himself, one wife and not more thanfour children of that marriage under the age of 18 years from his station to the Port of Entryin his home Colony. No rail fares outside the Gold Coast will be paid.Senior Service.—(i) A n African officer who is ordinarily resident in another Colony of WestAfrica may be granted once in two years, free return passages for himself, one wife and notmore than three children of that marriage from his station to the Port of Entry in his homeColony. No rail fares outside the Gold Coast will be paid.(ii) At the discretion of the Governor, an officer who is ordinarily resident in West Africamay be granted a free return passage for himself and wife, but no children, once in every fiveyears, to enable him to spend his leave in the United Kingdom.These modifications will be made by amendment of General Orders.SICK L E A V E OF A F R I C A N OFFICERS4. The rules governing the grant of sick leave to African holders of pensionable posts will berevised as follows :—(a) Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) below, an African officer may be grantedsick leave on full pay not exceeding six months during any period of twelve months and thereaftersick leave on half-pay subject to a maximum of twelve months sick leave in any period offour years.(6) Sick leave may be granted up to three months on the certificate of a GovernmentMedical Officer. If at the end of that period the officer is still unfit to resume duty a MedicalBoard will be convened with a view to ascertaining whether he should be invalided from theService or whether, there being a reasonable prospect of eventual recovery, he should begranted a further period of sick leave. If at the expiration of a further period of sick leavehe is still unfit to resume duty a further Medical Board will be convened.(c) Sick leave in excess of twelve months in any period of four years will be without salaryand will not be reckoned for purposes of increment or pension.(ci) No officer will be confirmed in his appointment while he is on sick leave.(e) These modifications will be effected by amendment of General Orders.W I D O W S ' AND O R P H A N S ' PENSION S C H E M E5. The question of establishing a Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund for African officerswill receive consideration by the four West African Governments.

69APPENDIXVIII— contd.TRAVELLINGA L L O W A N C E6. (i) A n officer of the Senior Service travelling on duty, who is provided with accommodationby arrangement with another officer, will not be eligible to claim travelling allowance but hishost will be eligible to claim the allowance.(ii) A n Officer not in receipt of table allowance who is required to provide accommodationfor a guest of Government will be paid an allowance of £1 per day.This modification will be effected by amendment of GeneralOrders.M E D I C A L E X P E N S E S OF OVERSEAS OFFICERS7. (i) Railway fares will be paid to all Overseas Officers on leave who are required to report tothe Consulting Physician for medicalexamination.This modification will be effected by amendment of GeneralOrders.(ii) The question of making arrangements for Overseas Officers to receive medical treatmentin the United Kingdom at reduced rates either by means of insurance or by an extension of thepresent arrangements with the Seamen's Hospital will be examined.WHITLEYCOUNCIL8. The establishment of Whitley Councils in the Gold Coast will receive the consideration ofGovernment.P U B L I C SERVICE COMMISSION9. The appointment of a Public Service Commission is under consideration.CREDIT FOR APPROVED EXPERIENCE10. The recommendations in paragraph 53 of the Harragin Commission Report regarding thegrant of incremental credit for approved experience after acquiring the minimum qualificationsprescribed for entry to the Colonial Service have been approved in principle. This question is beingconsidered separately and a further announcement will be made in due course.L E A V E ON U R G E N T PRIVATE AFFAIRS11. General Order 450 (a) will be amended with effect from the 1st of March. 1947 by thesubstitution of " twelve months " for " eighteen months " throughout.iu

70APPENDIXIXCircular No. 9/47File No. D.C.S.527/S.38CONFIDENTIALCOLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE,ACCRA.28th January. 1947.SALARIES REVISION (JUNIOR SERVICE)I am directed by the Governor to inform you that the following instructions are issued inanticipation of the approval of the revised salary scales in order that Heads of Departments maybe able to make arrangements to carry out these instructions as early as possible after thepublication of the revised conditions of service.2. The revised salary scales for certain Second Division posts in the Junior Service will includea promotion bar as recommended in the Harragin Report. The object of these promotion bars isspecifically to facilitate the advancement of officers whose efficiency is above the average and notto hold up any officer who is of average efficiency. The operation of these promotion bars willrequire constant and careful supervision and review but for the time being the standard requiredwill in general be that required for passing the equivalent efficiency bar in the existing scale.There will not be separate establishments in the upper and lower segments of scales in the JuniorService which include a promotion bar and there is therefore no question of an officer being heldup on the lower segment for lack of vacancies in the upper segment. Heads of Departments arerequested to give careful study to the instructions contained in this Circular.3. Scale F.l, F.2: Second Division Clerical Service:(a) Scale F.l and F.2 overlap and though an officer will normally be appointed on Scale F.l.he may. as explained below transfer to Scale F.2 before he reaches the maximum ofScale F.l.(b) An officer holding a post which Is allocated to revised Scale F.l, 2. who has passed the £138efficiency bar in the existing scale between the 1st of January. 1946 and the date on whichhe elects to convert to the revised conditions of service will proceed to Scale F.2 as fromthe date on which he proceeded to € 154 per annum in the old scale.(c) An officer holding a post which is allocated to revised Scale F.l., 2 who converts to themaximum of Scale F.l will proceed to Scale F.2 on satisfying the requirements of GeneralOrders 371, 372, and 373 in so far as they relate to the passing of the £138 efficiency barin the existing scale. For the time being, the same standard will be required for passingthis promotion bar as is at present required for passing the £138 efficiency bar.(d) An officer who has passed the £72 efficiency bar in the present scale but has not yet passedthe £138 bar and is not included in category (c) above will be eligible for considerationfor accelerated promotion to Scale F.2 at a point in the latter scale immediately above hisrevised salary in Scale F.l. In order to obtain such accelerated promotion an officer willfirst have to satisfy his Head of Department that he merits special consideration by hisconduct, energy and general ability and will then have to pass an examination underGeneral Order 371 obtaining 75 per cent of the total marks. No officer will be allowed totake this examination until he has reached the maximum of Scale F.l unless his Head ofDepartment considers that his general efficiency is above average.4. Scale G.I., 2: Second Division Technical Officers:(a) Scales G.l and G.2 do not overlap.(b) An officer holding a post which is allocated to revised Scale G.l, 2, who has passed the £138or £158 efficiency bar as the case may be, between the 1st of January, 1946 and the dateon which he elects to convert to the revised conditions of service will proceed to Scale G.2as from the date on which he passed the efficiency bar in the old scale.(c) An officer holding a post which is allocated to revised Scale G.l, 2 who converts to themaximum of Scale G.l will proceed to Scale G.2 on passing an examination with 75 percent of the total marks obtainable and satisfying any other requirements which wouldhave entitled him to pass the relevant efficiency bar in the old scale.(d) An officer confirmed in a post which is allocated to revised Scale G.l. 2 who converts to apoint below the maximum of Scale G.l may be considered by his Head of Department foraccelerated promotion to Scale G.2. In order to obtain such accelerated promotion anofficer will first have to satisfy his Head of Department that he merits special considerationby his conduct, energy and general ability and will then have to pass the examination with75 per cent of the total marks obtainable and satisfy the other requirements as for anofficer in category (c) above. No officer will be allowed to take this examination until hehas reached the maximum of Scale G.l unless his Head of Department considers that hisgeneral efficiency is above average.5. Scale N.3, i: Nursing Appointments:As in paragraph 4 above.

71APPENDIXIX— contd.6. For the time being, an incremental return should be submitted to this office lor countersignaturein respect of every officer passing the promotion bar. The Return should contain astatement that the officer concerned has passed the necessary examination and satisfied the otherrequirements prescribed in this Circular. In the case of officers in category 3 (d> and 4 (d> theHead of Department concerned (with the exception of the General Manager of the Railway) shouldapply to this office for approval of the promotion before submitting an incremental return.7. I am to emphasize that these arrangements are subject, to review at any time in the lightof experience of the operation of the promotion bars.L. A. NORTH CROFTtor Acting Colonial Secretary

72fSOff»»8»CO-IAPPENDIXXRULES FOR T H E A W A R D OF ANNUAL ALLOWANCES AND GRATUITIES TONON-PENSIONABLEEMPLOYEES1. These Rules shall be called the Annual Allowances and Gratuities Rules, 1947, and shallcome into force with effect from the 1st of March, 1947.Classificationofemployees.2. For the purpose of these awards "employees" are sub-divided into two groups as follows: —(a) First Class Employees.—All non-pensionable employees, whether on annual salaries orother rates of pay, with salaries or pay not exceeding in the aggregate £ 130 per annumand not being less than £50 per annum.Annualallowancesnot to exceedpensionspayable insimilar cir­cumstances-Annualallowanceand gratuities: conditionsonwhichgranted.(b) Second Class Employees.—All other non-pensionable employees.3. Annual Allowances will be calculated at the rate of l/800th part of aggregate annual emolumentson retirement for each complete month of service, and may not exceed the pensions whichmight have been granted had the employees concerned been serving in pensionable posts.4. No annual allowance or gratuity may be granted except—(a) on a certificate of a Government Medical Officer to the effect that the employee isunable to carry out Iris duties owing to infirmity or permanent physical incapacity;ib) on a certificate by the Head of the Department that the employee has reached an age whenhe is no longer able to carry out his duties in an efficient manner; or. eluding all allowances except good conduct pay and long service pay wherepayable.D. Next-of-kin of a deceased employee is not necessarily a dependant for the purpose of theseRules and no gratuity will be paid in respect of a deceased employee unless it can beshewn that the applicant was in some degree dependent for support on the deceased.G.P.D./W. 7624/3,000/2/47


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