Reclassification Request Form & Instructions

Reclassification Request Form & Instructions

Reclassification Request Form & Instructions


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RECLASSIFICATION REQUEST PROCEDUREEmployee’s Name ___________________________________ Current Date ______________________________Current Classification ________________________________Date Began in Department ___________________CHECKLISTThe following documents must be completed and submitted to Human Resources to support a reclassification request:1. New Position Description‣ Position Description Cover <strong>Form</strong> (OSER-DMRS-011) - signed & dated by employee & supervisor‣ Job Description (Description of job duties/tasks)2. Current Organizational Chart‣ Must show entire department including incumbent’s position in the area3. Detailed description of changes to the position (see instructions below)APPROVAL FLOW SIGNATURES AND DATES:__________________________________________Supervisor__________________________________________Department Chair/Account Administrator__________________________________________Dean (if appropriate)__________________________________________Chancellor / Provost / Vice Chancellor__________________________Date__________________________Date__________________________Date__________________________DateIt should be understood that the reclassification action may be denied based on cost or the appropriateness of thedelegation of duties and require that the job changes be rescinded or that only duties appropriate to the existingclassification be assigned.HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE AUDIT RESULTS<strong>Reclassification</strong> Approved______________________________________ ___________________ _________________ __________________New Classification Effective Date New Biweekly Salary Addt’l Cost CurrentFiscal Year<strong>Reclassification</strong> Not Approved____

UW-STOUT RECLASSIFICATION INSTRUCTIONSPlease attach a detailed summary of the changes to this position since the last time it was reviewed forclassification by responding to the statements below. For each section provide an explanation as to whatcaused the changes listed. BE SPECIFIC as to how those changes occurred and in what time frame. Includesuch things as department reorganizations, changes in department procedures, program expansion orcontraction, introduction of new equipment, termination of other employees in the work unit, etc.REMEMBER: <strong>Reclassification</strong> is based on permanent and significant job change where higher level dutiesand responsibilities are performed to the extent that the position is better identified by a higher levelclassification.When detailing the duties in each section please list them as they appear on the position description, i.e.,“A1. Drafts memos for administrators…-- This position now drafts memos for administrators due to theincumbent’s increased knowledge of the program.”DELETED DUTIES:Indicate those duties and responsibilities listed in the old position description that areno longer performed by the employee.NEW DUTIES:Indicate new duties and responsibilities not listed in the old position description, butare now found on the new position description.LOWER %:Indicate those duties and responsibilities listed in the old position description whichnow constitute a lower percentage of the employee’s work time.LARGER %:Indicate those duties and responsibilities which were formerly listed in the old positiondescription but now constitute a larger percentage of the employee’s work time.Please provide any additional/overall comments about the position and what justifies the position to be classifiedat a higher level.

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