Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group

Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group

Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group


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Holzmann, Robert. 2007. MILES: Identifying Binding Constraints to Job Creation andProductivity Growth. An Introduction. Washington, DC: World Bank.<strong>Independent</strong> <strong>Evaluation</strong> <strong>Group</strong>. 2012. “World Bank and IFC Support for <strong>Youth</strong><strong>Employment</strong> <strong>Programs</strong>.” Background Paper. Country Case Study: Ghana.Forthcoming.International Finance Corporation (IFC). IFC Education Investment Strategy. 2012.———. 2006. “PEP- MENA Annual Report.” http://ifcnet.ifc.org/intranet/changemo.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/OneIFCWeek_VirualFail_IFCDevelopmentImpactSourceStudy/$FILE/IFC+source+study+fact+sheet.pdfWorld Bank. 2012. Building Resilience and Opportunity. The World Bank’s SocialProtection and Labor Strategy 2012–2022. Executive Summary. Draft for SPLBoard/HD Council. February 3, 2012.———. 2010. Learning for All: Investing in People’s Knowledge and Skills to PromoteDevelopment: World Bank Education Strategy 2020. Education Strategy. HumanDevelopment Network, Education. Washington, DC.———. 2009a. “The Dominican Republic: Country Partnership Strategy for theDominican Republic for the Period FY10–13.” Report No. 49620-DO, Washington,D.C.: World Bank.———. 2009b. “Morocco: Country Partnership Strategy for the Kingdom of Moroccofor the Period FY10–13.” Report No. 50316-MA. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.———. 2009c. “Nigeria: Country Partnership Strategy for the Federal Republic ofNigeria for the Period FY2010–13.” Report No. 46816-NG. Washington, D.C.: WorldBank.———. 2009d. “Tunisia: Country Partnership Strategy for the Republic of Tunisia forthe Period FY10–13.” Report No. 50223-TUN. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.———. 2008. “Turkey: Country Partnership Strategy for the Republic of Turkey forthe Period FY2008–11.” Report No. 42026-TR. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.———. 2007. World Development Report 2007: Development and the next generation.Washington, DC.———. 2006. “Création d’emplois pour la Réduction de la Pauvreté au Burkina Faso.”<strong>Employment</strong> Program Review. Washington, DC.What is the Evidence of Support for <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> Priority Country Needs? 33

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