Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group

Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group
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The number of projects and total lending for youth employment increasedover time (figure D.1).Most lending is managed by the Human Development Network (HDN), 73percent), which implements 63 operations (70 percent). The SustainableDevelopment Network (SDN) follows with 14 operations (3 percent of totallending), and Finance and Private Sector Development (FPD) with 8 operationsaccounting for 13 percent of total lending. More recently, 5 PREM operationsalso started to incorporate youth employment, reflecting 11 percent of totalyouth employment lending (figure D.1 and table D.2).Most youth employment projects are in Africa, and most lending wentto Europe and Central Asia (ECA). Africa had more than one-third of theprojects. The ECA Region leads slightly with 31 percent of lending, followedby Africa with 23 percent of total lending (figure D.3). The average youthemployment loan commitment ranges from $20 million in Africa to $64million in ECA (table D.3 and figure D. 3).Who is Borrowing for Youth Employment Programs?IDA countries are more likely to borrow for youth employment. AlthoughIBRD countries received 61 percent of total youth employment lending,IDA countries are more likely to receive Bank support to promote youthemployment. More than half of IDA countries (59 percent) report at least oneFigure D.1Actual ($ million)700600500400300200100Trends in World Bank Commitments for Youth EmploymentProjects (US$ millions) by Network and Fiscal Year of Approval1412108642Operations (number)02001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011Fiscal year of approvalFPD HDN PREM SDN Number of operations0Source: IEG portfolio review based on World Bank data.Note: FPD= Finance and Private Sector Development: HDN= Human Development Network; PREM= PovertyReduction and Economic Management; SDN=Sustainable Development Network.104 Youth Employment Programs

Table D.2Distribution of Youth Employment Operations and ActualSupport by Sector Board, FY01–11 ApprovalsSector Board ED SP FPD PREM SDN TotalDistribution of operationsNumber of operations 37 26 8 5 14 90Distribution (percent) 41 29 9 6 16 100FY01–05 (percent; total operations = 28) 39 32 11 4 14 100FY06–11 (percent; total operations = 62) 42 27 8 7 16 100Percent Development Policy Operations 13 40 13 33 0 100Distribution of actual supportAverage support per operation ($ millions) 34 32 47 62 6 32FY01–05 (percent; total actual support = $ 502 million) 43 37 13 1 6 100FY06–11 (percent; total actual support = $ 2.35 billion) 44 28 13 13 2 100Source: IEG portfolio review based on World Bank data.Note: ED= Education; FPD= Finance and Private Sector Development; PREM= Poverty Reduction and Economic Management;SDN= Sustainable Development Network; SP= Social Protection.youth employment operation in the past decade, compared to 29 percent ofIBRD countries, and 1 blend economy that has both IBRD and IDA projects(West Bank and Gaza). 1 See table D.4.Many middle-income countries, especially those in Latin America, alreadyhave youth employment programs in place, and their effectiveness has beenTable D.3Distribution of Youth Employment Operations and ActualSupport by Region FY01–11 ApprovalsAFR EAP ECA LAC MENA SAR TotalDistribution of operationsNumber of operations 32 7 14 15 9 13 90Distribution (percent) 36 8 16 17 10 14 100FY01–05 (percent; total operations = 28) 39 0 29 11 14 7 100FY06–11 (percent; total operations = 62) 34 11 10 19 8 18 100Percent DPOs 20 0 33 20 13 13 100Distribution of actual supportAverage actual support per operation ($ millions) 20 23 64 32 22 36 32FY01–05 (percent; total actual support = $ 502 million) 25 0 49 12 3 11 100FY06–11 (percent; total actual support = $ 2.35 billion) 22 7 28 18 8 18 100Source: IEG portfolio review based on World Bank data.Note: AFR= Africa; DPO= Development Policy Operation; EAP= East Asia and Pacific; ECA= Europe and Central Asia; LAC=Latin America and the Caribbean; MENA= Middle East and North Africa; SAR= South Asia Region.Appendix D: The World Bank Portfolio for Youth Employment 105

Table D.2Distribution of <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> Operations and ActualSupport by Sector Board, FY01–11 ApprovalsSector Board ED SP FPD PREM SDN TotalDistribution of operationsNumber of operations 37 26 8 5 14 90Distribution (percent) 41 29 9 6 16 100FY01–05 (percent; total operations = 28) 39 32 11 4 14 100FY06–11 (percent; total operations = 62) 42 27 8 7 16 100Percent Development Policy Operations 13 40 13 33 0 100Distribution of actual supportAverage support per operation ($ millions) 34 32 47 62 6 32FY01–05 (percent; total actual support = $ 502 million) 43 37 13 1 6 100FY06–11 (percent; total actual support = $ 2.35 billion) 44 28 13 13 2 100Source: IEG portfolio review based on World Bank data.Note: ED= Education; FPD= Finance and Private Sector Development; PREM= Poverty Reduction and Economic Management;SDN= Sustainable Development Network; SP= Social Protection.youth employment operation in the past decade, compared to 29 percent ofIBRD countries, and 1 blend economy that has both IBRD and IDA projects(West Bank and Gaza). 1 See table D.4.Many middle-income countries, especially those in Latin America, alreadyhave youth employment programs in place, and their effectiveness has beenTable D.3Distribution of <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> Operations and ActualSupport by Region FY01–11 ApprovalsAFR EAP ECA LAC MENA SAR TotalDistribution of operationsNumber of operations 32 7 14 15 9 13 90Distribution (percent) 36 8 16 17 10 14 100FY01–05 (percent; total operations = 28) 39 0 29 11 14 7 100FY06–11 (percent; total operations = 62) 34 11 10 19 8 18 100Percent DPOs 20 0 33 20 13 13 100Distribution of actual supportAverage actual support per operation ($ millions) 20 23 64 32 22 36 32FY01–05 (percent; total actual support = $ 502 million) 25 0 49 12 3 11 100FY06–11 (percent; total actual support = $ 2.35 billion) 22 7 28 18 8 18 100Source: IEG portfolio review based on World Bank data.Note: AFR= Africa; DPO= Development Policy Operation; EAP= East Asia and Pacific; ECA= Europe and Central Asia; LAC=Latin America and the Caribbean; MENA= Middle East and North Africa; SAR= South Asia Region.Appendix D: The World Bank Portfolio for <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Employment</strong> 105

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