Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group

Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group Youth Employment Programs - Independent Evaluation Group
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Gritz, Mark, and Terry Johnson. 2001. “National Job Corps Study Assessing ProgramEffects on Earnings for Students Achieving Key Program Milestones.” Impactevaluation submitted to U.S. Department of Labor. Battelle Memorial Institute,Seattle, Washington.Heckman, James and Carmen Pagés-Serra. (2000). “The Cost of Job SecurityRegulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor Markets.” Economia 1(1) 109-144.Hicks, Joan Hamory, Michael Kremer, Isaac Mbiti, and Edward Miguel. 2011.“Vocational Education Voucher Delivery and Labor Market Returns: ARandomized Evaluation among Kenyan Youth, Report for Spanish ImpactEvaluation Fund (SIEF) Phase II.” Policy Note Human Development Network.World Bank.Ibarraran, Pablo, and David Rosas. 2007. “Impact Evaluation of a Labor TrainingProgram in Panama.” OVE Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC.Independent Evaluation Group. 2012. “World Bank and IFC Support for YouthEmployment Programs.” Background Paper. Country Case Study: Ghana.Forthcoming.Jalan, Jyotsna and Martin Ravallion. 2003. Estimating the Benefit Incidence of anAntipoverty Program by Propensity-Score Matching. Journal of Business andEconomic Statistics, American Statistical Association 21(1) 19–30.Kluve, Jochen. 2010. “The effectiveness of European active labor market programs.”Labour Economics 17: 904–918.Kugler, Adriana D. 2005. “The Effect of Job Security Regulations on Labor MarketFlexibility. Evidence from Colombia Labor Market Reform.” In Law andEmployment: Lessons from Latin American and the Caribbean, eds. James J.Heckman and Carmen Pagés. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.Larsson, Laura. 2003. “Evaluation of Swedish Youth Labor Market Programs.” TheJournal of Human Resources 38(4): 891–927.Lee, David S. 2009. “Training, Wages, and Sample Selection: Estimating Sharp Boundson Treatment Effects.” Review of Economic Studies 76(3): 1071–1102.Malamud, Ofer, and Cristian Pop-Eleches. 2010. “General Education versus VocationalTraining: Evidence from an Economy in Transition.” Review of Economics andStatistics 92(1): 43–60.Medina, Carlos, and Jairo Núñez. 2001. “The Impact of Public and Private JobTraining in Colombia.” Inter-American Bank, Research Network Paper.Miller, Cynthia, Johannes M. Bos, Kristin E. Porter, Fannie M. Tseng, Fred C. Doolittle,Deana N. Tanguay, and Mary P. Vencill. 2003. “Working with DisadvantagedYouth Thirty-Month Findings from the Evaluation of the Center for Employment92 Youth Employment Programs

Training Replication Sites.” Manpower Demonstration Research CorporationWorking Paper.Neumark, David and William Wascher. (2004). “Minimum Wages, Labor MarketInstitutions, and Youth Employment: A Cross-National Analysis.” Industrial andLabor Relations Review 57( 2): 223–248.Patrinos, Harry Anthony, Cris Ridao-Cano, and Chris Sakellariou. 2006. “Estimatingthe Returns to Education: Accounting for Heterogeneity in Ability.” Unpublishedreport.Premand Patrick, Stefanie Brodmann, Rita Almeida, Rebekka Grun, and MahdiBarouni. 2012. “Entrepreneurship training and self-employment amonguniversity graduates: Evidence from a randomized trial in Tunisia.” World BankImpact Evaluation Report. Washington, DC: World Bank.Rodriguez-Planas, Nuria. 2010. “Longer-Term Impacts of Mentoring, EducationalServices, and Incentives to Learn: Evidence from a Randomized Trial.” IZADiscussion Paper No. 4754, United States.Schochet, Peter, John Burghardt, Steven Glazerman. 2000. “National Job Corps Study:The Short-Term Impacts of Job Corps on Participants’ Employment and RelatedOutcomes. Final Report.” Princeton: Mathematica Policy Research.Schochet, Peter, John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. 2008. “Does Job Corps Work?Impact Findings from the National Job Corps Study.” American Economic Review98(5): 1864–1886.Tesliuc, Cornelia. 2011. “Impact Evaluation Report on Dominican Republic ProgramaJuventud y Empleo (PJE).” Summary Note Human Development Network. WorldBank.United States Department of Labor. 2005. “Performance and Accountability Report.”Department of Labor Annual Report. Fiscal Year 2005.Van Reenen, John. 2003. “Active Labour Market Policies and the British New Deal forthe Young Unemployed in Context.” NBER Working Paper Series. Working Paper9576.World Bank. 2011. “Sri Lanka: Education, Training and Labor Market Outcomes.”World Bank South Asia Region.Appendix B: Evaluation Data Sources and Methods 93

Training Replication Sites.” Manpower Demonstration Research CorporationWorking Paper.Neumark, David and William Wascher. (2004). “Minimum Wages, Labor MarketInstitutions, and <strong>Youth</strong> <strong>Employment</strong>: A Cross-National Analysis.” Industrial andLabor Relations Review 57( 2): 223–248.Patrinos, Harry Anthony, Cris Ridao-Cano, and Chris Sakellariou. 2006. “Estimatingthe Returns to Education: Accounting for Heterogeneity in Ability.” Unpublishedreport.Premand Patrick, Stefanie Brodmann, Rita Almeida, Rebekka Grun, and MahdiBarouni. 2012. “Entrepreneurship training and self-employment amonguniversity graduates: Evidence from a randomized trial in Tunisia.” World BankImpact <strong>Evaluation</strong> Report. Washington, DC: World Bank.Rodriguez-Planas, Nuria. 2010. “Longer-Term Impacts of Mentoring, EducationalServices, and Incentives to Learn: Evidence from a Randomized Trial.” IZADiscussion Paper No. 4754, United States.Schochet, Peter, John Burghardt, Steven Glazerman. 2000. “National Job Corps Study:The Short-Term Impacts of Job Corps on Participants’ <strong>Employment</strong> and RelatedOutcomes. Final Report.” Princeton: Mathematica Policy Research.Schochet, Peter, John Burghardt, and Sheena McConnell. 2008. “Does Job Corps Work?Impact Findings from the National Job Corps Study.” American Economic Review98(5): 1864–1886.Tesliuc, Cornelia. 2011. “Impact <strong>Evaluation</strong> Report on Dominican Republic ProgramaJuventud y Empleo (PJE).” Summary Note Human Development Network. WorldBank.United States Department of Labor. 2005. “Performance and Accountability Report.”Department of Labor Annual Report. Fiscal Year 2005.Van Reenen, John. 2003. “Active Labour Market Policies and the British New Deal forthe Young Unemployed in Context.” NBER Working Paper Series. Working Paper9576.World Bank. 2011. “Sri Lanka: Education, Training and Labor Market Outcomes.”World Bank South Asia Region.Appendix B: <strong>Evaluation</strong> Data Sources and Methods 93

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