AcknowledgementsThis thesis has developed over some period of time alongside other professional work andpersonal events. The thesis has developed in different directions and its aims have been revisedseveral times, but looking back at the work it all seems worthwhile: I have gained knowledge ofthe research subject, accomplished a know-how in different research techniques and an‘expertise’ in work discipline.I would like to thank my supervisors Lars Emmelin and Tuija Hilding-Rydevik for theirknowledgeable advice and support, infinite interest in the subject and for not giving up faith inthat this project would be accomplished. Tuija has furthermore been an invaluable colleagueduring the years at Nordregio and a good friend.My family, that has grown in numbers during the working process, I am indebted to; my husbandMartin for his encouragement and positive outlook (and for always knowing exactly the rightthing to say!) and my wonderful boys who have taught me what is important in life. My parentsÞorbjörg and Bjarni I would like to thank for everything. As well as other family and friends whohave helped keeping the spirit up.I have got to know an abundance of great people through work and studies; colleagues atNordregio, the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate and the Icelandic Planning Agency; fellowPhD students at BTH, KTH and Ultuna; participants in the MiSt programme; researchers atSheffield University, lecturers at Newcastle University as well as other clever and interestingpeople I have encountered in Nordic and international cooperation, all of whom have made thework enjoyable and been a source of inspiration in different ways. A big thanks to you all!1

AcknowledgementsThis thesis has developed over some period of time alongside other professional work andpersonal events. The thesis has developed in different directions and its aims have been revisedseveral times, but looking back at the work it all seems worthwhile: I have gained knowledge ofthe research subject, accomplished a know-how in different research techniques and an‘expertise’ in work discipline.I would like to thank my supervisors Lars Emmelin and Tuija Hilding-Rydevik for theirknowledgeable advice and support, infinite interest in the subject and for not giving up faith inthat this project would be accomplished. Tuija has furthermore been an invaluable colleagueduring the years at Nordregio and a good friend.My family, that has grown in numbers during the working process, I am indebted to; my husbandMartin for his encouragement and positive outlook (and for always knowing exactly the rightthing to say!) and my wonderful boys who have taught me what is important in life. My parentsÞorbjörg and Bjarni I would like to thank for everything. As well as other family and friends whohave helped keeping the spirit up.I have got to know an abundance of great people through work and studies; colleagues atNordregio, the Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate and the Icelandic Planning Agency; fellowPhD students at BTH, KTH and Ultuna; participants in the MiSt programme; researchers atSheffield University, lecturers at Newcastle University as well as other clever and interestingpeople I have encountered in Nordic and international cooperation, all of whom have made thework enjoyable and been a source of inspiration in different ways. A big thanks to you all!1

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