The proposition 2003/04:116 also called for changes in other legislation, i.e. newrequirements on SEA in the Act on municipal energy planning (lagen om kommunalenergiplanering) (1977:439), and changes in the Environmental Code regarding the aims,contents and procedure for SEA (Articles 10, 19, 20), brought about changes in the AviationAct (luftfartslagen) (1957:297), Road Law (väglagen) (1971:948), the Act on fairways andharbours (lagen om inrättande, utvidgning och avlysning av allmän farled och allmän hamn) (1983:293),the Act on changes in the Minerals Act (lag om ändring i minerallagen) (1991:45) and the Act onchanges in the construction of railroads (lag om ändring i lagen (1995:1649) om byggande av järnväg)(Prop. 2003/04:116).4.2 The national SEA requirements4.2.1 The aims of Environmental Assessment of plans and programmes in SwedenAs stated above, the Environmental Code sets the legal framework for SEA in Sweden withstipulations in Articles 11 – 22 of chapter 6 of the Code.The purpose of the Environmental Code (DS2000:61) is as follows:“The purpose of the Environmental Code is to promote sustainable development, which will assure ahealthy and sound environment for present and future generations. Such development will be based onrecognition of the fact that nature is worthy of protection and that our right to modify and exploitnature carries with it a responsibility for wise management of natural resources” (Part one, generalprovisions. Chapter 1, Article 1) 7 .The purpose of environmental assessment of plans and programmes is stated in Article 11,chapter 6 of the Environmental Code:“The aim of the environmental assessment is to integrate environmental aspects in the plan or theprogramme in order to promote sustainable development” (Chapter 6, Article 11) 7 .When comparing the aims of the implementation of SEA according to the EnvironmentalCode and the dual objectives of the EU directive (see chapter 2), certain differences emerge.The Environmental Code introduces SEA in a broader context of promotion of sustainabledevelopment, as well as the more narrow purpose of environmental protection. Theprocedural aspects, i.e. the integration of environmental considerations into the preparationand adoption of plans and programmes is not included in the aims of the SEA procedures inthe overall aims of the Environmental Code, nor the more specific aims of theEnvironmental Assessment procedures prescribed in chapter 6 of the Code.4.2.2 Plans and programmes covered by the directive (screening)There is no definite list of plans and programmes that are covered by the requirements of theSEA directive in Sweden. In Article 4 of the Ordinance on Environmental Assessment (SFS2005:356), the criteria for identifying the plans and programmes requiring SEA are listed.These include plans that set the framework for permission of activity or measure thatpotentially have considerable environmental effects, and that are required by law or otherregulations, and that are prepared and adopted by an authority. The SEA requirements applyto plans that are stipulated by the Planning and Building Act and the Environmental Code aswell as the Act on municipal energy planning, the Road Law and the Railway Act. According7 English translation: Hólmfrídur Bjarnadóttir46

to the ordinance (2005:356), the following plans are covered by the requirement onenvironmental assessment as a part of their preparation: municipal comprehensive plans,detailed plans and regional development plans stipulated by the Planning and Building Act,municipal energy plans, municipal plans for waste disposal (avfallsplaner), regional transportplans and maintenance plans for rail and roads (banhållningsplan and väghållningsplan).Furthermore an environmental assessment is generally required for the following sectors:agriculture and forestry, fishing, industry, water management, telecommunication, tourism,comprehensive planning and land use. For other plans than those listed above, an SEA maybe required if the proposed plan, programme or changes in existing plans or programmes setthe precondition for future permit for an activity or measure are considered to havesubstantial environmental effects. Furthermore, environmental assessment is required if theauthority or the municipality regards that the proposed plan or changes are likely to havesignificant environmental effects with regard to the criteria that is given in appendix 2 of thedirective, i.e. is encompassed by the risks for human health or environmental risks, theaffected area sensitivity on the basis of exceeded environmental quality norms or culturalheritage the effect on protected nature (Article 5, 2005:356).In the case of detailed development plans, those may require an environmentalassessment according to the requirements of environmental assessment of plans andprogrammes as well as the EIA requirement of projects. For detailed development plans ascreening procedure shall always be carried out by the municipality on the need anenvironmental assessment. The SEA requirements do not cover Regional plans and specialarea regulations mentioned in the PBA since their preparation is not compulsory according tothe PBA. Furthermore, the Swedish requirements of policies and programmes that areprepared at the national level, but are limited to those not required by law are not subject tothe SEA requirements, and do encompass plans required by administrative provisionaccording Article 2 of the directive 2001/42/EC. Plans and programmes with the solepurpose of serving the national defence or civil emergency, as well as financial and budgetplans and programmes, including the national budget and local authority budgets are notsubject to the SEA requirements.As a part of the assessment of whether a plan or the programme is considered to haveconsiderable environmental effects, the CABs, the municipalities and other authorities thatare affected by the plan or the programme, shall be given an opportunity to comment on thedecision. At the national level this consultation shall be carried out with the SwedishEnvironmental Protection Agency and other state authorities that are affected. Theauthority’s or the municipality’s decision on whether an environmental assessment is requiredshall be made available to the public as a part of the planning issue (Article 6).4.3 The Environmental Assessment processThe main steps or phases stipulated in the Swedish SEA requirements correspond to those ofthe EU directive, i.e.; screening, scoping, analysis, environmental statement, consultation,adoption and follow up. These steps are listed in the Environmental Code, provisions(Boverket, 2006) and in a handbook that is being prepared by the Swedish EnvironmentalProtection Agency (Naturvårdsverket, unpublished 2006). The main steps or phasesstipulated in the Swedish SEA requirements correspond to those of the EU directive. In adraft version of the handbook made available by the Swedish Environmental ProtectionAgency in November 2006 and in a later version 2008, it is stressed that the main steps of theassessment process should be coordinated with the relevant planning or programmingprocess, notwithstanding that the following steps shall be included (see figure 4.1):47

to the ordinance (2005:356), the following plans are covered by the requirement onenvironmental assessment as a part of their preparation: municipal comprehensive plans,detailed plans and regional development plans stipulated by the Planning and Building Act,municipal energy plans, municipal plans for waste disposal (avfallsplaner), regional transportplans and maintenance plans for rail and roads (banhållningsplan and väghållningsplan).Furthermore an environmental assessment is generally required for the following sectors:agriculture and forestry, fishing, industry, water management, telecommunication, tourism,comprehensive planning and land use. For other plans than those listed above, an <strong>SEA</strong> maybe required if the proposed plan, programme or changes in existing plans or programmes setthe precondition for future permit for an activity or measure are considered to havesubstantial environmental effects. Furthermore, environmental assessment is required if theauthority or the municipality regards that the proposed plan or changes are likely to havesignificant environmental effects with regard to the criteria that is given in appendix 2 of thedirective, i.e. is encompassed by the risks for human health or environmental risks, theaffected area sensitivity on the basis of exceeded environmental quality norms or culturalheritage the effect on protected nature (Article 5, 2005:356).In the case of detailed development plans, those may require an environmentalassessment according to the requirements of environmental assessment of plans andprogrammes as well as the EIA requirement of projects. For detailed development plans ascreening procedure shall always be carried out by the municipality on the need anenvironmental assessment. The <strong>SEA</strong> requirements do not cover Regional plans and specialarea regulations mentioned in the PBA since their preparation is not compulsory according tothe PBA. Furthermore, the Swedish requirements of policies and programmes that areprepared at the national level, but are limited to those not required by law are not subject tothe <strong>SEA</strong> requirements, and do encompass plans required by administrative provisionaccording Article 2 of the directive 2001/42/EC. Plans and programmes with the solepurpose of serving the national defence or civil emergency, as well as financial and budgetplans and programmes, including the national budget and local authority budgets are notsubject to the <strong>SEA</strong> requirements.As a part of the assessment of whether a plan or the programme is considered to haveconsiderable environmental effects, the CABs, the municipalities and other authorities thatare affected by the plan or the programme, shall be given an opportunity to comment on thedecision. At the national level this consultation shall be carried out with the SwedishEnvironmental Protection Agency and other state authorities that are affected. Theauthority’s or the municipality’s decision on whether an environmental assessment is requiredshall be made available to the public as a part of the planning issue (Article 6).4.3 The Environmental Assessment processThe main steps or phases stipulated in the Swedish <strong>SEA</strong> requirements correspond to those ofthe EU directive, i.e.; screening, scoping, analysis, environmental statement, consultation,adoption and follow up. These steps are listed in the Environmental Code, provisions(Boverket, 2006) and in a handbook that is being prepared by the Swedish EnvironmentalProtection Agency (Naturvårdsverket, unpublished 2006). The main steps or phasesstipulated in the Swedish <strong>SEA</strong> requirements correspond to those of the EU directive. In adraft version of the handbook made available by the Swedish Environmental ProtectionAgency in November 2006 and in a later version 2008, it is stressed that the main steps of theassessment process should be coordinated with the relevant planning or programmingprocess, notwithstanding that the following steps shall be included (see figure 4.1):47

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