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Sheate, W., Byron, H., Dagg, S. and Cooper, L (2005) The Relationship between the EIA and<strong>SEA</strong> Directives. Final Report to the European Commision. Imperial College London Consultants.Short, M., Jones C., Carter J., Baker M. and Wood C. (2004) ’Current practice in thestrategic environmental assessment of development plans in England’, Regional Studies Vol 38:177 – 190.Simon, H.A. 1976 (1945) Administrative behavior. 3 rd ed. New York: Free Press.Svenska kommunförbundet (2004) Hur ser det ut…? Enkät om det kommunalasamhällsbyggandet. Stockholm, 2004.Theodórsdóttir, Á.H. (2003) ‘The introduction of strategic environmental assessment tonational level planning in Iceland’ :119-131. In Hilding-Rydevik and Theodórsdóttir (eds)(2003) Planning for Sustainable Development - the practice and potential of Environmental Assessment.Proceedings from the 5th Nordic Environmental Assessment Conference. Nordregio R2004:2, Stockholm.Theodórsdóttir, Á.H. (2000) ‘Planning in Iceland’, Built Environment 26(1):52-60.Therivel, R., Wilson E., Thompson, S., Heaney, D. and Pritchard, D. (1992). StrategicEnvironmental Assessment. Earthscan, London.Therivel, R. and Partidario, M.(eds) (1996) The Practice of Strategic Environmental Assessment.Earthscan, London.Therivel, R., Caratti, P., Partidário, M., Theodórsdóttir, A. and Tyldesley, D. (2004)‘<strong>SEA</strong> guidance. Writing strategic environmental assessment guidance’. Impact Assessment andProject Appraisal, Vol 22 (4): 259–270.Therivel, R. (1998). <strong>SEA</strong> of development plans in GB. Environmental Impact AssessmentReview (18):39-57.Therivel, R. and Walsh, F. 2006 ’The strategic environmental assessment directive in theUK: 1 year onwards’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review (26): 663–75.Thissen, W. (2000) ’Criteria for evaluation of <strong>SEA</strong>’. In Partidario, M. and Clarke, R. (eds)Perspectives on strategic environmental assessment: 113-127. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers.Tomlinson, P. (2002) <strong>SEA</strong> and Transport Planning Newsletter, November 2000, 13.Valsson, T. and Jónsson, B. (1997) Ísland hid nýja. Fjölvi Publishers, Reykjavík.Valsson T. (2000) City and Nature - An Integrated Whole. University of Iceland Press.Valsson, T. (2002) Skipulag byggðar á Íslandi (Planning in Iceland). University of IcelandPress.Verheem, R. and Tonk, J. (2000) ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment: one concept,multiple forms’. Journal of Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 2000; 18(3): 177–82.Vicente, G. and Partidário, M. (2006) ‘<strong>SEA</strong> – Enhancing communication for betterenvironmental decisisions’. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 26 (2006) 696 – 706.Voogd, H. (1997) ’The changing role of evaluation methods in planning environment:some Dutch experiences’, European Planning Studies, (5): 257 – 266.Wallington, T. (2002) Civic Environmental Pragmatism - A dialogical framework for StrategicEnvironmental Assessment, PhD Thesis, Murdoch University, Western Australia. In Bina, O.(2003) Re-conceptualising Strategic Environmental Assessment: Theoretical Overview andCase Study from Chile, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, UK.125

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