English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

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Lesson 1Which Hom 呐 one Is It?|Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct homophone for each sentence.A tree has no leaves in the winter. Its branches are this.Answer: bear, bare2. You do this to a drum to make music or to a rug to get the dust out of it.Answer: beet it, beat it3. A squirrel may do this with a nut.Answer: berry it, bury it4. A special police dog follows this with his nose in order to find a criminal whohas run away.Answer: a sent, a scent, a cent5. This is a string or a light rope.Answer: a chord, a cord6. 丁 his grows in your garden and can be many different colors.Answer: a flower, a flour7. Your mother or father may do this every day at a job.Answer: earn money, urn money8. We call ourselves "I" when we speak of ourselves. When we speak to anotherperson about themselves , we say this...Answer: ewe, you9. This is a female relative of yours. She is your mother's or father's sister.Answer: ant, aunt10. This is the main ingredient of cakes and cookies.Answer: flower, flour11. An insect that has four wings and a stinger is called this.Answer: a be, a bee12. To feel ill or sick is to do this...Answer: to ail, to ale,;(.)"i,)·),(·),(§t¥ ' i. , t;tZ·. ·>. ,,(·' iga··'Z.ji.,*Imt4 1·1",(·FlO:i?iilTtW'241. . . ..l。吕ω叫ω号。『O岳阳『@可ZESto3臼4·80·MUY 叫'∞叫ω叫Name86Date

Lesson 1同 函 叫 些 到 |Instructions -Some of the homophones in the sentences be|ow are correct,and some are wrong.lf the homophone is correct,leave the sentence alone.lf thehomophone is wrong,cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.What do eye have to do to win the contest? ewe is a female sheep.A beat is a red vegetable that grows underground.My dog likes to berry his bones in the backyard.Will you bee coming to my house for dinner tonight?6. I cent you a long letter last week. sister played a loud chord on the piano.My father drank a mug of ale at the county fair.There was a big wasp flying around the flour in the vase.The coffee was poured from a large earn.11. I only had one scent left from the change I received.12.13.My ant Sophie is coming to visit us next weekend.We took a picture of the prize-winning flower.h的h∞-hh,00F∞,NFmc布g232且@」 由巳30』 由nu3ω白hF。Name14.Our teacher told us not to try to feed the bare.15. I offered the rabbit a bury, but the rabbit ran away. dog smelled the sent of another dog on my coat.I need to get a long chord to wrap around the package.My dad says he can't wait until I urn my own money.The big, black aunt was crawling across the floor.20. When we opened the door, a big be flew inside.!i(')',(·)·)iN,(;.t 'i¥ WZ.l…s elled differently and have different meanings.Date87

Lesson 1同 函 叫 些 到 |Instructions -Some of the homophones in the sentences be|ow are correct,and some are wrong.lf the homophone is correct,leave the sentence alone.lf thehomophone is wrong,cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.What do eye have to do to win the contest? ewe is a female sheep.A beat is a red vegetable that grows underground.My dog likes to berry his bones in the backyard.Will you bee coming to my house for dinner tonight?6. I cent you a long letter last week. sister played a loud chord on the piano.My father drank a mug of ale at the county fair.There was a big wasp flying around the flour in the vase.The coffee was poured from a large earn.11. I only had one scent left from the change I received.12.13.My ant Sophie is coming to visit us next weekend.We took a picture of the prize-winning flower.h的h∞-hh,00F∞,NFmc布g232且@」 由巳30』 由nu3ω白hF。Name14.Our teacher told us not to try to feed the bare.15. I offered the rabbit a bury, but the rabbit ran away. dog smelled the sent of another dog on my coat.I need to get a long chord to wrap around the package.My dad says he can't wait until I urn my own money.The big, black aunt was crawling across the floor.20. When we opened the door, a big be flew inside.!i(')',(·)·)iN,(;.t 'i¥ WZ.l…s elled differently and have different meanings.Date87

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