English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

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Lesson 3·ωInstructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.mean - cruelwet - damphelp - assisterror - mistaketrail - pathshort - brieffirst - initiallast - finalsmart - intelligentlost - misplacedjoin - connectgive - donate1. The2. Thewitch in the story put the princess in a dungeon.question on the test was the hardest to answer.3. First, the magician had to4. My mom said she is going to5. I can't believe Imy keys again.the two pieces of string.myoid toys to a charity.6. Thereally is.7. I used a8. You have to be verytime you jump into the water, it seems colder than itwashcloth to clean the baby's face.if you want to study to be an astronaut.9. The teacher asked me to10. When I erased thepaper.11. Today, our lunchtime was cut and we only had a12. Theher in handing out the test booklets.I made, my eraser made a h∞ 叫 ? 叫 Ie i 阳 n 川 1 t 廿 thto the mailbox was very slippery this morning.l 川 叩 灿 陀 rec 邸。4CU 可ωC℃白『OC它。『@节 ucu=白toz?∞。-MUYV∞叫ω-1南 石 ζ 石 雨 雨 …… 些 些 旦 旦 旦 坐 me an ings .Name58Date

Lesson 3Which Synonym Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct synonym for each sentence.Sometimes, in school, when your name begins with the letter "A", you can bethis in line.Answer: last , firsth凹h∞-hhN·00∞-Fmcoz咽口-52a@苟且30』OS3ω白hFOh2. can be this if you call other people bad names and hurt their feelings.Answer: brie f, cruelWhen you volunteer to do some good deeds, you are trying to do this.Answer: help, connectYou walk on this place to get somewhere.Answer: damp, pathWhen you have just one more chance to write the correct answer, it is thischance.Answer: final, initialThis is the opposite of long.Answer: last, briefWhen the weather is hot and very humid, your skin may feel like this.Answer: smart, dampIf you want to get good marks in college, you must be this.Answer: short, intelligentSometimes you do this but you didn't mean to.Answer: make an error, donate a giftYour book may be this if you can't find it.Answer: misplaced, briefWhen you put two things together to make something work right, you do this tothem.Answer: connect them, assist themWhen your clothes get old or worn out , you may do this with them.Answer: donate them ω cha ri tμ JO 的 th em ω cha ritySynonyms are words with one or mo 叫 m 恼 。NameDate59

Lesson 3·ωInstructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.mean - cruelwet - damphelp - assisterror - mistaketrail - pathshort - brieffirst - initiallast - finalsmart - intelligentlost - misplacedjoin - connectgive - donate1. The2. Thewitch in the story put the princess in a dungeon.question on the test was the hardest to answer.3. First, the magician had to4. My mom said she is going to5. I can't believe Imy keys again.the two pieces of string.myoid toys to a charity.6. Thereally is.7. I used a8. You have to be verytime you jump into the water, it seems colder than itwashcloth to clean the baby's face.if you want to study to be an astronaut.9. The teacher asked me to10. When I erased thepaper.11. Today, our lunchtime was cut and we only had a12. Theher in handing out the test booklets.I made, my eraser made a h∞ 叫 ? 叫 Ie i 阳 n 川 1 t 廿 thto the mailbox was very slippery this morning.l 川 叩 灿 陀 rec 邸。4CU 可ωC℃白『OC它。『@节 ucu=白toz?∞。-MUYV∞叫ω-1南 石 ζ 石 雨 雨 …… 些 些 旦 旦 旦 坐 me an ings .Name58Date

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