English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

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Voωulary Building • Answer Keyl……- 现 应 国 医 ·】 自 ••'~~I:、Page 2 - Choose the Correct Antonyms1. punish , reward2. depart, arrive3. doctor, patient4. polite, rude5. comfort , disturb6. freeze, thaw7. guilty, innocent8. comedy, tragedy9. entrance, exit10. vacant, occupied11. valuable, worthless12. tunnel , bridgePage 3 - Which Antonym Is It?1. punish him/her2. guilty3. a patient4. depart5. comfort him/her6. thaw7. entrance8. worthless9. polite10. a tragedy11. a tunnel12. occupiedPage 4 - Name The Antonyms1. patient2. depart3. worthlessPage 5 - Name The Antonyms1. tunnel2. freeze3. disturbPage 6 - Find New Antonyms1. arrive2. comfort3. polite4. vacant5. guiltyPage 8 • Antonym Crossword PuzzleA 旦 盟 主旦 金 迦 n2. occupied 1. polite4. disturb 3. depart6. innocent 5. doctor8. worthless 7. comedy10. freeze 9. bridge11.12.rewardexitPage 10 - Choose the Correct Antonyms1. break, repair2. best, worst3. wise, foolish4. destroy, create5. most, least182Page 10 - Choose the Correct AntonymsCont.6. decrease , increase7. always, never8. fancy, plain9. smile, frown10. employee, boss11. sour, sweet12. nephew, niecePage 11 • Which Antonym Is It?1. an employee2. decrease the amount of money3. the most4. fancy5. repair it6. foolish7. sweet8. a frown9. create it10. a nephew11. never12. your bestPage 12 • Name The Antonyms1. repair2. decrease3. sourPage 13 • Name The Antonyms1. destroy2. smile3. plainPage 14 - Find New Antonyms1. break2. always3. boss4. fancy5. increasePage 16 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcro 吕旦 旦 旦 旦create 2. always3 smile 4. plain5. employee 6. decrease8. wise 7. repair10. niece 9. sweet12. least 11. bestPage 18 - Choose the Correct Antonyms1. easy, difficult2. ordinary, unusual3. trust , doubt4. fat, skinny5. country, city6. raw, cooked7. stale, fresh8. serious , silly9. many, few10. awkward, graceful11. similar, different12. all, nonePage 19· Which Antonym Is It?1. many2. unusual3. difficult4. awkward5. silly6. skinny7. doubt8. raw9. all10. city11. similar12. stalePage 20 - Name The Antonyms1. skinny2. cooked3. differentPage 21 - Name The Antonyms1. many2. difficult3. unusualPage 22 - Find New Antonyms1. few2. easy3. fat4. unusual5. gracefulPage 24 • Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcr 坚 豆旦 旦 旦 旦graceful 2. city3. trust 5. silly4. skinny 6. unusual7. easy 9. raw8. many 11. all10.12.similarstalePage 26 町 C h o ose the Correct Antonyms1. give, receive2. present , absent3. majority, minority4. fact, fiction5. teacher, student6. bright , dim7. unknown , famous8. villain , hero9. private, public10. praise, insult11. interested , bored12. enemy, friendPage 27 - Which Antonym Is It?1. a friend2. an insult3. a student4. bored5. a villain6. dim。吕@UYω岳阳『OCB『@可E口应-。zfgobuyV∞叫ω叫

Mm1JmJ 町 B u ild i ng• Answer KeylPage 27 - Which Antonym Is It?Cont.7. receive it8. private9. famous10. the minority11. present12. factsPage 28 - Name The Antonyms1. present2. student3. villainPage 29 - Name The Antonyms1. receive2. bright3. privatePage 30 - Find New Antonyms1. teacher2. interested3. give4. friend5. insultPage 32 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleA 旦 旦 皇旦 旦 旦 旦2. give 1. minority3. hero 4. interested4. insult 5. absent6. student 7. public8. famous 8. fact9. enemy 10. dimPage34· Choose the Correct Antonyms1. cheerful, sad2. notice, ignore3. bold, timid4. familiar, strange5. straight, crooked,.... 6. exclude, includef2 7. allow, refuse~ 8. kind, cruel与 9 . past, future运 1 0 . part, whole,!. 11. wife, husband12. dangerous, safe的c。+:lg主Pag e 35 …Which Antonym Is It?;; 1. exclude him/her星 2 . crooked.5 3. cheerfulQ; 4. ignore itg- 5. allow it民 6 . in the future言 7 . a part。 8 . familiar9. a wife10. dangerous11. timid12. cruelPage 36 - Name The Antonyms1. wife2. crooked3. cheerfulPage 37 - Name The Antonyms1. dangerous2. part3. ignorePage 38 - Find New Antonyms1. include2. sad3. kind4. bold5. noticePage 40 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcr 盟 主旦 旦 旦 旦1. exclude 2. cheerful3. safe 4. refuse5. future 6. bold7. crooked 8. husband9. whole 10. familiar11. notice 12. cruelPage 43 - Which Synonym Is It?1. a companion2. above us3. chubby4. choose5. beneath the bed6. the owner wouldn't allow it7. simple8. the champion9. request it10. close to you11. watch them12. pull itPage 44 - Name The Synonyms1. pick, choose2. near, close3. friend, companion4. over, abovePage 44 - Name The Synonyms Cont.5. pull, drag6. ask, requestPage 45 - Name The Synonyms1. chubby, plump2. under, beneath3. watch, look4. allow, permit5. champion, winner6. simple, easyPage 46 - Find the Synonym1. beneath2. choose or pick3. friend4. watch5. chubby or plumpPage 46 - Synonym Scramble1. beneath2. allow3. simple4. winner5. requestPage 48 - Synonym Crossword Puzzle………-、 回 归 回 回 ‘ 回 归 1-....……Acr 盟 主Do 旦 旦1. companion 2. allowPage 42 - Choose the Correct Synonyms 3. simple 4. near1. choose or pick5. request 6. under2. watch8. winner 7. choose3. companion or friend10. chubby 8. watch4. winner or champion9. pull5. above or over11. above6. under or beneath7. simple or easy8. permit or allow9. request10. drag or pull11. chubby or plump12. closePage 50 - Choose the Correct Synonyms1. build or construct2. name or title3. vanish or disappear4. far or distant5. discover or find6. stay or remain7. belief or opinion8. middle or center9. brave or bold10. prank or joke11. rich or wealthy12. silly or foolishPage 51 - Which Synonym Is It?1. foolish2. build houses3. an opinion4. a name5. remain6. bold7. rich8. a prank9. in the middle10. distant11. discover new countries or places12. disappear183

Mm1JmJ 町 B u ild i ng• Answer KeylPage 27 - Which Antonym Is It?Cont.7. receive it8. private9. famous10. the minority11. present12. factsPage 28 - Name The Antonyms1. present2. student3. villainPage 29 - Name The Antonyms1. receive2. bright3. privatePage 30 - Find New Antonyms1. teacher2. interested3. give4. friend5. insultPage 32 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleA 旦 旦 皇旦 旦 旦 旦2. give 1. minority3. hero 4. interested4. insult 5. absent6. student 7. public8. famous 8. fact9. enemy 10. dimPage34· Choose the Correct Antonyms1. cheerful, sad2. notice, ignore3. bold, timid4. familiar, strange5. straight, crooked,.... 6. exclude, includef2 7. allow, refuse~ 8. kind, cruel与 9 . past, future运 1 0 . part, whole,!. 11. wife, husband12. dangerous, safe的c。+:lg主Pag e 35 …Which Antonym Is It?;; 1. exclude him/her星 2 . crooked.5 3. cheerfulQ; 4. ignore itg- 5. allow it民 6 . in the future言 7 . a part。 8 . familiar9. a wife10. dangerous11. timid12. cruelPage 36 - Name The Antonyms1. wife2. crooked3. cheerfulPage 37 - Name The Antonyms1. dangerous2. part3. ignorePage 38 - Find New Antonyms1. include2. sad3. kind4. bold5. noticePage 40 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcr 盟 主旦 旦 旦 旦1. exclude 2. cheerful3. safe 4. refuse5. future 6. bold7. crooked 8. husband9. whole 10. familiar11. notice 12. cruelPage 43 - Which Synonym Is It?1. a companion2. above us3. chubby4. choose5. beneath the bed6. the owner wouldn't allow it7. simple8. the champion9. request it10. close to you11. watch them12. pull itPage 44 - Name The Synonyms1. pick, choose2. near, close3. friend, companion4. over, abovePage 44 - Name The Synonyms Cont.5. pull, drag6. ask, requestPage 45 - Name The Synonyms1. chubby, plump2. under, beneath3. watch, look4. allow, permit5. champion, winner6. simple, easyPage 46 - Find the Synonym1. beneath2. choose or pick3. friend4. watch5. chubby or plumpPage 46 - Synonym Scramble1. beneath2. allow3. simple4. winner5. requestPage 48 - Synonym Crossword Puzzle………-、 回 归 回 回 ‘ 回 归 1-....……Acr 盟 主Do 旦 旦1. companion 2. allowPage 42 - Choose the Correct Synonyms 3. simple 4. near1. choose or pick5. request 6. under2. watch8. winner 7. choose3. companion or friend10. chubby 8. watch4. winner or champion9. pull5. above or over11. above6. under or beneath7. simple or easy8. permit or allow9. request10. drag or pull11. chubby or plump12. closePage 50 - Choose the Correct Synonyms1. build or construct2. name or title3. vanish or disappear4. far or distant5. discover or find6. stay or remain7. belief or opinion8. middle or center9. brave or bold10. prank or joke11. rich or wealthy12. silly or foolishPage 51 - Which Synonym Is It?1. foolish2. build houses3. an opinion4. a name5. remain6. bold7. rich8. a prank9. in the middle10. distant11. discover new countries or places12. disappear183

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