English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

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Lesson 2. 叫Instructions - Fill in each blank in the sentences below with the correct homograph.Choose from the homograph list below. Remember to use each word in twoand sometimes three sentences.castbackpartpenpipesolediamondfootpupilnailtipclub1. We started a newtoday.2. After I broke my leg, I had to wear aand were going to meet for the first timefor months.3. My mother likes the smell of my father'stobacco.4. Theof my left shoe had a big hole in it.5. We saw the pigs playing in their pig6. "Let me give you anext time!"," my mom said , "Don't stay up so late7. My aunt proudly showed us her new nng.8. I tried to hammer thein the wall, but I dropped it.9. 丁 he giant hot dog was a long.10. I cut theof my finger on a piece of paper.11. I was the only in my class who got 100 % on the test.12. I wanted ain the play, but I was too shy to say so.。吕ωU 可ω巳它。『OC℃∞『3可CEB旦534·∞obu 飞 UY'∞Name142~ 咿 aP EEs m words whicE 豆 豆 豆 平 ~τmτ~GUU4i4hWV.t¥ ia,"Wi 飞 二iii国 一 一 - 一 一 -.Date叫ω叫

Lesson 2Correct t川 omographContinued13. sat inLemonWhen a big waterMy ballpointA policeman carries aof the room , and I couldn't hear the speaker.is my favorite kind of fish to eat.broke, we had no water for days.ran out of ink.as well as a gun.18.19.I always get confused over a spade or aMy dad gave the waiter a bigin a card game.because he was so nice.20.21.TheI hurt myconsisted of just six people.and I didn't want to participate in exercises.22.23.I shut the door on my thumbI only ate aand it turned black and blue.of the meal; I saved my appetite for dessert.h· 凹h∞ehh,0F0∞N-Fmc田o9z33&@』 由也30』 由且3ωh 白FO222A斗This was the first time I saw a baseball民JvauI kept quiet even when my dance partner stepped on myThe doctor checked theof my eye.|Homogaphsmwo 地 ~ …p 叫 m 川 川 的 Idifferent meanings.in a real ball park.NameDate143

Lesson 2Correct t川 omographContinued13. sat inLemonWhen a big waterMy ballpointA policeman carries aof the room , and I couldn't hear the speaker.is my favorite kind of fish to eat.broke, we had no water for days.ran out of ink.as well as a gun.18.19.I always get confused over a spade or aMy dad gave the waiter a bigin a card game.because he was so nice.20.21.TheI hurt myconsisted of just six people.and I didn't want to participate in exercises.22.23.I shut the door on my thumbI only ate aand it turned black and blue.of the meal; I saved my appetite for dessert.h· 凹h∞ehh,0F0∞N-Fmc田o9z33&@』 由也30』 由且3ωh 白FO222A斗This was the first time I saw a baseball民JvauI kept quiet even when my dance partner stepped on myThe doctor checked theof my eye.|Homogaphsmwo 地 ~ …p 叫 m 川 川 的 Idifferent meanings.in a real ball park.NameDate143

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