English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary

English_Teaching_Res.. - Hillcrest Elementary


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withAntonyms, Synonyms~Homophones and HomographsCopyright ©1998 by SUPER DUPER® PUBLICATIONS. A division of Super Duper,®Inc.All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the user to reproduce ,the materialcontained herein in limited form for classroom use only. Reproduction of this materialfor an entire school or school system is strictly prohibited.Post Office Box 24997, Greenville, South Carolina 296161-800-277-8737 Fax 1-800-978-7379

IntroductionSpeech 幽 Language impaired children usually meet with a great deal offrustration when trying to understand and utilize written and spokenvocabulary. There are so many confusing rules to remember and so manydifferent concepts to grasp. Many children just give up trying and will guess atcorrect word usage. Speech-Language Pathologists (or Therapists) andregular classroom teachers are also frustrated in trying to teach thecomplexities of our <strong>English</strong> vocabulary system. There doesn't seem to beenough diversified material to help children and reinforce basic vocabularyskills. This book was created to help meet this challenging task.丁 h e workbook contains four separate units with five lessons to each one.The units are Antonyms , Synonyms, Homophones, and Homographs. Eachlesson revolves around a separate core vocabulary given at the beginning.There are various fun-type activities for the child to do such as fill-ins , namingpictures , unscrambling words, crossword puzzles, etc.The activity worksheets can be used with an individual , small group or anentire classroom. And, when necessary, the sheets may be given as homeassignments to reinforce and review lessons.Hopefully, your students will enjoy learning and practicing vocabulary skillswith the fun activities provided in Vocabulary Building.h 户 的h∞n-hhh∞N-· Fm0c0op目U--丘2@3』 曲缸30』∞且3ωh白hF。/ζ=t:Jo Ann GordonIII

Table of Cont 创 刊也 些 m 仨 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 工 二 二 二 丑 盯 |Lesson 1 ......................…….........…........….......…...............….............1-8Lesson 2...........……...........................…….........….........…….............9-16Lesson 3................................…·…...................................……........17-24Lesson 4......................................... … . . . . . . . . . …................................25 国 32Lesson 5........….........…................................................…..............33-40i…lIIiISynonyms ..................................… I' • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • •tLELILtLtL eeeeeeucuCMQueuCMQMCMQueu OOOOOnHnHnHnHnH 1234544567 41n37rRJvquA8642O吁民uau7'只U~ 阳 n 除 二 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-130 IeeeeeOOOOOtLELZLtLEL eueuQueueuCUCUQMCMQun4tnζquA"Hn川nHnHnH..民JV只 41HQUO-2-QUO-23U E dE- 4E-·t -·4··EA---41·· ·44 1·E ·44 ·t ··44、, 嗣 E­Homo raphs ..............…..................…........….......... .1 川 IILesson 1 ................................. 霄 …….............… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 1 - 1 4 0Lesson 2..............….. ..............………..................…......................141-150Lesson 3.......................…….........…........................…................151-160Lesson 4................................….........….........…….........…..........161-170Lesson 5..............……….........……..................…………................171-180Answer Key … . . . . . . . . . …… · … …… [I -'-ITTTJ………1 创 刊 InununununU。吕ω叫ω岳阳呵。岳阳『@刀ZEStozω4·∞0·NUY 叫自由UGUYIV

Date:Dear Parent:Some children have difficulty understanding everyday vocabulary and using itcorrectly or effectively.The worksheets your child will bring home are designed to help him/herpractice and reinforce everyday, age-appropriate vocabulary.These worksheets concentrate on practicing and reinforcingPlease check your child's completed home assignment and then sign yourname with the date next to it. Thank you for your cooperation.h凹h∞EhhNE∞O-OF 的co=咽口主3也@』 由。30』由且3ωh 白OFOSincerely,Speech-Language Pathologistv

Lesson 1二 1mω e the Correct Anto 归 二 1Instructions -Fill in the blanks in each sentence be|ow with the correct pair ofantonyms. Choose from the antonym list below.arrive - depart vacant - occupiedcomfort - disturb guilty - innocentpolite 圄 rude doctor - patientfreeze - thawpunish - rewardentrance.- exitvaluable - worthlesscomedy - tragedybridge - tunnel1. I promised my dog I wouldn'tthe trick the right way.him, but that I'dhim if he did2. Our plane was set tosure tofrom the airport in just a few hours, so we had to makeat the terminal in time.3. Thewhile longer.told the anxiousto wait in the waiting room for a little4. "It's notter wasto stick out your tongue ," my mother told my little brother when my sistohim.5. When my grandpa lost his job, we all tried tohim when he slept late in the morning.6. We didn't put the frozen yogurt back in the freezer t。erator where it wouldout a while.7. The prisoner on the T.V. drama was supposed to look mean andout that he didn't commit the crime and was reallyhim, and we didn't; we put it into the refrig-, but it turned8.Mom and I wanted to see a funnywanted to see a sad9. Thestreet.instead.into the museum was on the other side of the10. We were happy when we stopped at a motel with onewere driving all night, and up till then all the motel rooms wereat the movies, but my sister and father11. "Why are you still keeping that piece of junk?" my mom said; "It's not at allit's12. To get to our country cottage, we had to go through a longwoodenout to theroom left, since weand then over a。4白@叫ωC℃曲『OC℃O『3可C亘古巴53ω4·∞。gMU 可节∞UYωUYAnt onym s are…rvJ-'W t! i1 "D 归 site meanings.Name2Date

Lesson 1Which Antonym Is It?|Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct antonym for each sentence.hn伺机∞-hhh∞NEF· 的0CO0ZE=§a@』 曲阜30』由$3ωh白F@ parents may do this to their child if he or she disobeys the rules.Answer: reward him/her, punish him/herA person may go to jail if he or she is found to be this.Answer: innocent, guiltyWhen a nurse gives you medicine to swallow, you may be this.Answer: a patient, a doctorYou should be on the train platform if you want to do this when the train comes.Answer: arrive, departYou may do this to someone who is upset or sad.Answer: comfort him/her, disturb him/herIf you want to enjoy your dish of ice cream, don't let it sit on the table and dothis for too long.Answer: freeze, thawYou have to find this place in order to get into the restaurant.Answer: exit, entranceWhen something is worn out or broken and can't be sold , it is called this.Answer: valuable, worthlessWhen you say "please", thank you", or "I'm sorry", you are this.Answer: rude, politeThis could be something terrible that happens to someone or someone's family.Answer: a comedμ a tragedyAn underground or underwater passage is called this.Answer: a bridge, a tunnelAsign on a restroom door that tells you there is someone inside and you willhave to wait your turn is this.Answer: occupied, vacantEmIlDate3

Lesson 1户 口 ~ 问 副 |Instructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.depart tunnel worthlesspatient freeze disturbdoctorarnve。4白电d;~ω岳。『口号∞『@刀CE口253由于gob-v∞UGUY'ffiJ(')"i,'t.t1iflVl.)j.m 灿 ~ 蜘 meanings .Name4Date

、,Lesson 1Name The Antonyms lInstructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.depart tunnel worthlesspatient freeze disturb"e,'>IIbridgethaw气 QVv.‘.- •今 ..... ":.. .·~ ~ ;'、.-· ... . _.. .. ~·、 一 - .、 一- •c• ......... ..、.' - ... -.4 - I .,,- .、~...~- .:.. .... 气 ' 户 一 -h 1. . L .. "‘' ..,、,,•,'‘, .、. . .3•· . .....---.'、,w....‘ .、‘'.,.'"'--' ....' .,< '-}。。hhR∞-hhhN∞EOFOmc056233』 旦a3@ 05EωkhmmFONamecomfort,Ant onyms are words 胁 。p 仰 §UfI "if""!tWj tDate5

Lesson 1[ 俨Instructions - Write sentences using antonyms in the word list below. Write twoantonyms in each sentence. You do not have to use all the antonym pairs. You shouldhave ten sentences. Underline the antonyms you use.arrive - departcomfort - disturbpolite - rudevacant - occupiedguilty - innocentdoctor - patientfreeze - thawpunish - rewardentrance - exitvaluable - worthlesscomedy - tragedybridge - tunnel2. 川 I 叫 n to nym s |The following five words are not shown at the beginning of this lesson. Findantonyms for these five words from the list above. Use the dictionary to help you.1.leave2. upset3. discourteous4. full5. blameless。4∞叫ωC它。『OC℃∞『@可CZ- 口民-03的?∞OEM可U 飞 '∞UGUYMU(·) , ' ti "~t ' i@ tl · , 巾 W 灿 ~。 由 [. t¥illJ 咿 EName6Date

Lesson 1Make YourOwn AntonymInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite antonym pairs.Write the name of each antonym under each picture.A 户 的hSAha-00∞-FE。古252丘@』OB20』 旦3ωhgF@Namer;W g.} i W " t-'H ifl I,lN i·mn j l , ) U , X ·M fi fl j , tW J j J I 略 | lDate7

Lesson 1Antonym Crossw 可 百 二 百Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is an antonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.arrive - departcomfort 峭 disturbpolite - rude2. up or lived inTo bother or interruptWithout blamevacant - occupiedguilty - innocentdoctor - patientWithout use or valueTo make water into iceTo give money or a gift for some~ervl (,;eiCe where you go out日 二 -freeze - thawpunish - rewardentrance - exit4tnJRd?rnwuDownHaving correct mannersTo leavevaluable - worthlesscomedy - tragedybridge - tunnelA person who cures you of sicknessA funny play or movieTo get to the other side of a river,you travel by car over this structure8.F 二 一一一』…--2.4.l...--5.。 户一一11.r9.12.'-----。-CU 飞ωC刀。『OC刀。『@可C豆- 口由营。2臼460'NUYU 可'∞UYω叫| A 旭 阳 !'m 阳 。rmm ' liPiR.-.nm 巾 dω~ 咧 m 由 i"m。 呻 ~ 阳 。ωaI l4llt;}j}ffijName8Date

Lesson 2Antonymsmeanings.arewordswithoppositeInstructions - The words in this list showantonym for each word. Canantonyms for these words?younameanyonemoreh凹h∞nh时h,。。∞EFmc。=muā3a@』 曲。30」由S3ωhn白FO1. boss - employee2. break - repair3. always - never4. increase - decrease5. fancy - plain6. most - least7. best - worst8. sweet - sour9. niece - nephew1o. create - destroy11. smile - frown12. wise - foolish制

Lesson 2主 · 叫 eCorrect Antonyms|Instructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofantonyms. Choose from the antonym list below.boss - employeebreak - repairalways 圄 neverincrease - decreasefancy - plainmost - leastbest - worstsweet - sourniece - nephewcreate - destroysmile - frownwise - foolish1. I didn't mean tofor me.my watch, but my dad said that he could2. My birthday was last year when I had a big party, but mybirthday was this year since my friend moved away.3. It was not of me to loan money to that boy, and now I feelbecause I can't get my money back.4. This year I won'tone that I like better.my first science project before Ia new5. I have the fun when my friend is home in the summer, but thefun when my friend goes to summer camp.6. My older sister thinks she is too heavy and wants toI'm too thin and I want tomy weight.her weight, while I think7. I门 l e .write in my journal every night, but Ilet anyone read it but8. My cousin said she didn't want aand simple.9. After I dropped the vase and broke it, I had a big, sillymother had a bigon her face.10. My father said he was a very happy11. Theto get rid of the taste.wedding, just somethingmilk left a bad taste in my mouth, so I ate a12. My aunt says that she doesn't think of us as herbut as her own son and daughter.on my face; but my, because he had such a wonderfulandwi 町 ' ; , tt ' iOO ;Z " j ·mn) ' · )O:I:J 蜘 m e an ings . lcookie。苍白叫ω岳。『口号。呵 3刀cgzg524Ego-M习·∞ω叫Name10Date

Lesson 2~ 叫 叫 s It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct antonym for each sentence.hhm∞-hh,。N。∞EF 的cg币253a@』 由巳30』 曲。3ωh由白hFAω2. person who works for others in return for wages is this.Answer: a boss, an employeeWhen you take money out of the bank or your savings, you do this.Answer: increase the amount of moneμdecrease theamount of moneyHe had more jellybeans than his friend , so he had this.Answer: the least, the mostWhen my sister played the part of a showgirl in a play, she needed this kind ofcostume.Answer: plain,但 ncyTo mend something you do this to it.Answer: repair it, break itWhen you do something stupid, you might feel like this.Answer: wise, foolishThings made from sugar always taste like this.Answer: sour, sweetWhen you are angry at someone, your face may have this on it.Answer: a smile, a frownWhen you make something original you do this.Answer: create it, destroy itYour brother is this to your aunt.Answer: a niece, a nephewThis means at no time or not ever.Answer: always, neverWhen you try to do a job as good as or better than the rest, you are doing this.Answer: your best, your worstAntonyms are words 让 蜘 WnJ 叫 IIlNameDate11

Lesson 2堕 … Th e A 函 丽 二 1Instructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.V印aroEF阳 巾smileVJsour」decreaseplainG/(, 噜Increasesweet。4白-1ωEUO「OC它。『@刀CEE旦03臼4·gobuyuy·∞叫ω叫Ant on yms are words 咧 WEU wm 阳Name12Date

Lesson 2叫 III← |Instructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.repairdestroysmiledecreasesourplaincreatefrownhh伺机∞Ehhh∞NE· F0m0c币g2H33 且@』 由巳30』 由且3ωh白hFOfancy'rnn')'\iimNameDate13

Lesson 2产 to n ms in 叫 函 忑 1Instructions - Write sentences using antonyms in the word list below. Write twoantonyms in each sentence. You do not have to use all the antonym pairs. You shouldhave ten sentences. Underline the antonyms you use.boss 蝴 employeebreak - repairalways - neverincrease - decreasefancy - plainmost - leastbest - worstsweet - sourniece - nephewαUW出-st 始-S阳E-刚 WFH 临e创 eHEnk喝e』甘 OVJnh2. New AntonymsThe following five words are not shown at the beginning of this lesson. Findantonyms for these five words from the list above. Use the dictionary to help you.1. mend2. rarely3. worker4. simple5. lessen。4∞ω叫ωE它。『OCUO『@刀cg- 口ω骂。2归于∞。OENU 习·∞UGU 飞'im«·)'l·" .tt'ifl',.,。 由 with opposite meanings.lName14Date

Lesson 2Make Your Own AnωInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite antonym pairs.Write the name of each antonym under each picture.h 户 的h∞-hh,。n。∞N,F 的CQ志旦ā2且@」OS3』0ORH3ωhmmmF@NameAnt onym s are words with oppo 山 ~ 问 s lDate15

Lesson 22 旦 旦 旦 豆 雨 雨 o rd PuzzleInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is an antonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below. - employeebreak - repairalways - neverincrease - decreasefancy - plainmost - leastAcrossTo construct or makeWhen your mouth curves upwardA person who gets paid forworking for othersA very smart personWhat a girl is to her aunt or uncleLess than all the othersnJ』A斗au7'nwu11.best - worstsweet - sourniece - nephewcreate - destroysmile - frownwise - foolishDownAgain and again or all the timeVery simple or easy to understandTo make less丁 。 f i x somethingThe pleasant taste of cookies ,cake or ice creamBetter than the rest2.7. 8. 9.4. 6.3. onym s are words with opposite meani 略 | |。4白电ωc30『OC它自『@响 ucgzmz。3臼斗'∞OaNU 习'∞UGU 可Name16Date

Lesson 3Antonymsmeanings.arewordswithoppositeInstructions - The words in this list show oneantonym for each word. Can youantonyms for these words?nameanymorehhm∞h-hhh∞F'N俨m· c0。E0币233 且@』 由且30」O且3ωh 白FO1. many - few2. easy - difficult3. fat - skinny4. unusual - ordinary5. graceful - awkward6. silly - serious7. trust - doubt8. fresh …. stale9. similar - different10. city - country11 . all 国 none12. raw - cooked

Lesson 3Choose the Corr 创 ntonyms|Instructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofantonyms. Choose from the antonym list below.many 唰 feweasy - difficultfat - skinnyunusual - ordinarygraceful - awkwardsilly - serioustrust - doubtfresh - stalesimilar - differentcity - countryall - noneraw - cooked1. Even though the trick lookedto learn and took a lot of time.2. In the movie, the spaceman looked like anspeak in anlanguage.to do, the magician said it wasperson, but then he began to3. My mom said, "Ifinish it before bedtime."that you can do the job, but Ithat you can4. It was a funny sight to see thewindow, while theclown try to squeeze through the narrowclown tried to pUll him out.5. I missed the trees and green grass of thesurrounded by the tall buildings and concrete in thewhile I spent the summer6. Some people say thatmeat7. The air in the unused cabin smelledsomeair.meat is good for you, but most people like their, so we opened all the windows to let in8. Whenever my sister has aand no one suspects she has a real problem.9.10. I felt verythe new dance she learned.11. My best friend and I wearthings to eat.12. I looked forward to eatingnext morning there wasproblem in school, she actspeople promised that they would show up for the rally, but only aactually came.and clumsy when mytypes of clothes, but we likefriend tried to teach memy Halloween candy, but when I looked for it theleft.。4∞电ωC可。「OC币。高EES$03的斗'∞OE鸣叫·∞目叫句 ~…iii 二 with opposite meanings.Name18Date

Lesson 3J 飞 忧 h Antonym Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct antonym for each sentence.hnm∞u-hhNh.。。∞-F的cg忘233a@』 由且30』曲血3ωh白FO2. there is a lot of something , there is this.Answer:也 ~ manyWhen you see something you don't see often or hardly at all , it is this.Answer: ordinary, unusualWhen a problem is hard to solve, it is this.Answer: easy, difficultWhen you can't do something skillfully at first, you may feel like this.Answer: graceful, awkwardWhen you act stupid or foolish on purpose, you are called this.Answer: serious, sillyIf you are very thin , you are this.Answer: skinnμ 臼 tWhen you don't believe something or someone, you do this.Answer: trust, doubtWhen something is uncooked , it is this.Answer: ra~ cookedEverything is the same as this.Answer: none, allThis is a place with many buildings close together and where many peoplecome to work everyday.Answer: country, cityTwo things that look almost the same are this.Answer: different, similarSomething that has lost its freshness and tastes flat or dry is this.Answer: fresh, stale叫 tonym s are words with 0 。 由 meanings . lDate19

Lesson 3NameT 叫 ntonym 二 1Instructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.different many skinnydifficult cooked unusualfat''/人\f 、飞、1旷 户'raw。4mw∞叫ωC响 MO『Ocug@可CEnmzo2ω4·∞。-NU 可叫'∞UYω叫i 叩 旭 '~li rru 阳 。 创 ~~Name20Date

Lesson 3Instructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.different many skinnydifficult cooked unusualfeweasy1 ,5 也 写 φ 9 2 . 5 '3>< 24hsh∞-hhN'∞0E0FEO 琶UZ2且3@苟且30』曲。2ωhmm。FordinaryAnt onymsNameDate21

Lesson 3· 阳 m s In S 创 …IInstructions - Write sentences using antonyms in the word list below. Write twoantonyms in each sentence. You do not have to use all the antonym pairs. You shouldhave ten sentences. Underline the antonyms you use.many - feweasy - difficultfat - skinnyunusual - ordinarygraceful - awkwardsilly - serioustrust - doubtfresh - stalesimilar - differentcity - countryall - noneraw - cooked2. New Antonyms|The following five words are not shown at the beginning of this lesson. Findantonyms for these five words from the list above. Use the dictionary to help you.1. several2. hard3.slim4. common5. clumsyAnt onyms are words w 灿 oppo 蜘 meanings.。吕由叫ω岳。『OCB『@节 UC亘古垒。3臼4'∞S·M·-V∞UYω叫Name22Date

Lesson 3Make Your Own AnInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite antonym pairs.Write the name of each antonym under each picture.h的h∞h-hh,。N。∞,F的C。古UZ3且@』 曲也30』ohMDω白hFOAnt onym s are words灿 GJ D · I ·ti I CfI!!I$I"m.NameDate23

Lesson 3户 \ 阳 mID…… 函 孟 II |Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a antonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.many - feweasy - difficultfat - skinnyunusual - ordinarygraceful - awkwardsilly - serioustrust - doubtfresh - stalesimilar - differentcity - countryall - noneraw - cooked3. of clumsyTo believe in someoneVery thin or very leanSimple to doMore than a fewAlmost alikeFlat or dry food thatdoe2. big town with many buildingswhere people often come to workBeing foolish on purposeStrange or oddMeat not cookedEverything5. 3 6.4.9. 7.810. 11.Ant onym s are wo 巾 with opposite meanings.12.。司ωUYω吕鸣。岳。『@刀cu- 口旦。3ω4·∞。,NU 可 叫'∞UGU 飞Name24Date

Lesson 4Antonymsmeanings.arewordswithoppositeInstructions - The words in this list show oneantonym for each word. Canantonyms for these words?younameanymoreh的h∞-hh,。N。∞EF的COZ币2-22且@h 由且30」由且3ωh 白FO1. insult - praise2. friend - enemy3. give …receive4. interested 国 bored5. teacher - student6. dim - bright7. villain - hero8. public - private9. fact - fiction10. famous …. unknown11 . absent - present12. majority - minority25

Lesson 4三 ill 二 二 - 叫 n 阳 |Instructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofantonyms. Choose from the antonym list below.insult - praisefriend - enemygive - receiveinterested - boredteacher - studentdim - brightvillain - heropublic - privatefact - fictionfamous - unknownabsent - presentmajority - minority1. My mother says I don't have t。be disappointed if she doesn't2. I always like to beand had to beher anything for her birthday, but I know she'llanything from me.in school when we have Field Day, but this year I was sick3. Thevoted for Lisa.4. I know for aof the class voted for me for class president, while athat my friend got her idea for the plot of her play from abook she just read.5. Mrs. Rogers always reminds me that she is thewhen I question her directions.and I am the6. I needed a newlight in my reading lamp because myoid one was much tooto read by without getting eye strain.7. My neighbor down the block wasT.v. star.about a year ago and now she's a8. The9. My10. Myanin the story was mean looking and wore black all the time , while thewas always smiling and wore white all the time.message to my mother was atelephone in full view of everyone.remark to my friend was supposed to be11. I tried to look12. I used to think that popular boy was mybestone, so I didn't want to use the, but she said it sounded likewhen the speaker began his lecture, but I was really so, but he turned out to be my。吕@叫ωCZ『OC30『@可CEZg53?∞。-NUYV∞UGUY'ffil

Lesson 4Which Antonym Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct antonym for each sentence.hmh∞EhhN∞· a0F的0CO币E233 且@』OS3』0OmH2ω白Fh。 is someone you like to be with.Answer: an enemμ a friendYou don't enjoy hearing this said by someone to you.Answer: praise , an insultThis person seeks to learn from someone with more knowledge.Answer: a teache r, a studentWhen you are not interested, you may feel like this.Answer: bored. interestedThe person that eveyone hates in a play is this.Answer: a villain, a heroWhen the light in a room is low, it is this.Answer: bright, dimWhen you accept a gift or a letter from someone, you do this.Answer: give it, receive itWhen only some people in a communtiy can use a pool or a club, it is becausethe pool or club is this.Answer: public, privateWhen a person is known or recognized by people allover the country or theworld , he or she is this.Answer: unknown, 但 mousA group of people or things that number less than half the total is called this.Answer: the majori~μthe minorityWhen you are there and not in another place, you are this.Answer: present, absentThese true statements are called this.Answer: fiction, 角 cts! 叫 '~l'i rrn 阳 旭 t 。 创 w.ilDate27

Lesson 4Name The AntonymsInstructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.present villain privatestudent bright receive\//ζ>absentteacherhero。吕@叫ωC它。『OCB『@刀C亘古田里03ω460·NU习·∞ω叫Ant onym s are words with opposite meanings.lName28Date

Lesson 4rill 中 e Th e A 削 |Instructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.present villain privatestudent bright receivegivedimhmu∞,hhNE∞O-FOmcoz咽口一 五3a@』 由巳30』由巳3ωh 白FONameAnt on s are w 巾 咧 毗 meanings . lDate29

Lesson 4IIInstructions - Write sentences using antonyms in the word list below. Write twoantonyms in each sentence. You do not have to use all the antonym pairs. You shouldhave ten sentences. Underline the antonyms you use.insult - praisefriend - enemygive - receiveinterested - boredteacher - studentdim - brightvillain - heropublic - privatefact - fictionfamous - unknownabsent - presentmajority - minority2. New AntonymsThe following five words are not shown at the beginning of this lesson. Findantonyms for these five words from the list above. Use the dictionary to help you.1. pupil2. indifferent3. obtain4. foe5. flatter。4mwu 可ωC它。『OC它。『3可E口应-03由于∞oeMUY 叫'∞叫ωUY'.!jJI( · ) · ' ;j " tt " fl t, ;i . , 由 WU , ' · S O Wl 巾 m e an ings .Name30Date

Lesson 4ωInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite antonym pairs.Write the name of each antonym under each picture.hmu∞hEnhhh∞N-EFOm。Oc古旦-23n』 曲L阜@ 30』由龟3ωhgF。Name'ffill .)'Vi!·tt'

Lesson 4Antonym Crossword PuzzlelInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is an antonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.insult - praisefriend - enemygive - receiveinterested - boredteacher - studentdim - brightvillain - heropublic - privatefact - fictionfamous - unknownabsent - presentmajority - minority2. donate or hand overA person who saves someone elsefrom dangerTo say something unflattering to orabout someoneA person who learns new things froman instructorA movie or T.V. star is thisSomeone who is always against you andsays bad things about you all the time肝 十 一14578.10.DownLess than half the people in a large groupTo be curious or show concernNot being thereSomething used by all the people in thecommunityA true statementNot very much light showing百 二 一2.E 二 一•---←-- 一I--- 国 血3. 4.I-- I--•---I-- 一 -6.8.L.--•---而 二← 一 一 一一 9.一L..--L.--L.--Ant onym s are words 灿 oppo 蜘 ~ 二 I。4ω叫ωC℃曲『OC它。『@可Cσ一 口岱盟。3臼4·∞。-NUY 吨'∞叫ωUYName32Date

Lesson 5Antonymsmeanings.arewordswithoppositeInstructions - The words in this list show oneantonym for each word. Can you name anyantonyms for these words?morehmm∞hahhNE∞,OFOmco=mu且-@-』aE30』由a3ωhmm。F1. include - exclude2. sad - cheerful3. straight - crooked4. allow - refuse5. bold - timid6. past - future7. notice 帽 Ignore8. part - whole9. husband - wife10. kind - cruel11 . safe - dangerous12. strange - familiar33

Lesson 5二 巴 坦 问 o rre c tAnton 卢 可Instructions -Fill in the b|anks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofantonyms. Choose from the antonym list below.nnyhH-VE--vluvinclude - exclude allow - refuse oauL CIao e-a .wm O oeW ehUkind - cruelH Msad - cheerful卜bold - timid卜safe - dangerouscstraight - crooked past - futureustrange - familiar1. I know I am supposed to beand I was feeling so2. I tried to pretend I didn'tand I couldn't3. You have to be veryto ever do that for fun.her.。 n my birthday, but my pet hamster just diedthe teacher standing there, but then she said "hello"to jump out of an airplane; I think I am too4. My dog was notbarked at herwith my sister's witch costume, so it was not unusual that henew appearance.5. In my art lesson I tried to make the road lookwinding andand narrow, but it came out6. I knew the new girl in class wouldshe wanted tome from her birthday party guest list sinceonly the most popular kids.7. My dad did notme to buy expensive sports equipment, so I knew he wouldto loan me the money when I asked.8. If the original owner of the dog had been instead ofto it, the dog would not be barking and snarling at everyone who tried to pet it.。9. My teacher says we can learn fromthe10. I only finishedthing.11. My older sister is going to be married next week and become auncle will become ain the following month.12. The roads werejust to be也 Ohistory not to mak 始 阳 @ 创 ethe same mistakes in3c百。 f my project last night since it was too late to complete the; while myto ride on because of all the rain, so we waited another dayMiI ( · ) ! \ti " ~t ' i¥Vi。 由 W 恼 。~ 蜘 m ean ings .o c吃 3(\)@ECTggc/)口 38队 2飞 』、Jα3、dω、dName34Date

Lesson 5Which Antonym Is It?|Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct antonym for each sentence.k 户 的h∞-hhN-00∞-F的CSHmgā3且@』 由也30』 由a3ωh白FO2. you don't want someone to join your club, you do this to him or her.Answer: include him/her, exclude him/herAcurved line is this.Answer: crooked, straightWhen you are very happy, you look like this.Answer: cheerful, sadWhen you choose not to see something you do this to it.Answer: ignore it, notice itWhen you let someone do something to you or for you , you do this.Answer: allow it, refuse itThis event has not happened yet because it is here.Answer: in the past, 的 the futureWhen you can only have a piece of something , you get this.Answer: a whole, a partWhen you have seen someone or something over and over again and you knowit very well , you feel it is this to you.Answer: strange, 臼 miliarA married woman is called this.Answer: a wife, a husbandWhen something you plan to do might cause you harm , it is called this.Answer: safe, dangerousWhen you feel shy or afraid to try something , you may be called this.Answer: bold, timidWhen someone is mean or nast 弘 they are called this.Answer: kind, cruelAnt onyms are words with opposite meanings.INameDate35

Lesson 5叫 m eThe Antony…IInstructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.dangerous part cheerfulcrooked wife ignorehusbandstraightAnt on ym s are wo 附 咧归 m lt4W " f?j 川 IIl。4由ω叫ωC℃∞『OC℃曲『@可cg- 口国且。2臼460·NU 可叫·∞叫ω叫Name36Date

Lesson 5Name The AnInstructions - Look at each set of anytonym - pictures below. Choose thecorrect antonym for each set from the word list, and write it in the space provided.dangerous part cheerfulcrooked wife ignoresafewholehhE∞-hhN,。。∞,F的CO百233且噎曲。30』足3ωh白F。noticeNameDate37

Lesson 5AntonymsInstructions - Write sentences using antonyms in the word list below. Write twoantonyms in each sentence. You do not have to use all the antonym pairs. You shouldhave ten sentences. Underline the antonyms you use.-ihdnnurkH -c[bLeEa- mvo­ "i einclude - excludeoauallow - refuseU 叭,·H卜sad 蛐 cheerful bold - timidc nstraight - crooked past - futureuoew怡 ·v·kind - cruelsafe - dangerousstrange - familiar2. Ne 巾The following five words are not shown at the beginning of this lesson. Findantonyms for these five words from the list above. Use the dictionary to help you.1. omit2. happy3. mean4. cowardly5. overlook。4@叫ωC它。『OC它需@可E亘古臼$03的460。ENU 飞 UF∞叫ωUYAnt onyms are words w 拙 oppositemeanings.lName38Date

Lesson 5叫 到 |Instructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite antonym pairs.Write the name of each antonym under each picture.h·凹h∞h-hh,。N。∞,FmCOEms-』 由D缸D刀aO@KOS3ω白hF。NameAnt onyms are words 时 也 。~ 蜘 meanings.lDate39

Lesson 5主 些 些 芝 哩 C ro s swo r 画 画 milInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is an antonym.include - excludesad - cheerfulstraight - crookedAcrossTo keep someone from enteringa place or group357Unhurt or free from dangerA time that is to comeSomething that has bends orcurves and is not straight9. Something which is complete,with all its parts11. To observe or be aware ofYou may choose your answers from the word list below.- -lhdK旧 ve'huallow - refusenoau ce-ago­'iH-wn gUh kind - crueln H卜eH川bold - timidv』HC -b wU们past - future4. 帽 dangerousstrange - familiarDownHappy and gladDecision not to act or do somethingFearless and daringA man joined to a woman in marriageTo be acquainted withCausing pain or suffering2. 8.5.3. 10. 12.6.9.Name407.Ant onym s are words with 0Ppo 蜘 w:r;.] 叫 II|11.Date。吕ω叫ωCB「OC℃安@刀Enm$03归于gobud-∞UG--

Lesson 1Synonyms are words with one or moresimilar or same meanings.Instructions - The words in this list show one synonymfor each. Yet, you may know more synonyms foreach word shown.hmh∞h-hhN-∞Z0F0mco- 目2-2也3@苟且30』曲。3ωhn白FO1. under …. beneath2. chubby - plump3. friend - companion4. watch - look5. champion - winner6. simple - easy7. pick - choose8. allow - permit9. ask - request1O. near - close11. pull - drag12. above - over41

Lesson 1Choose the Correω~Instructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.under - beneathchubby - plumpfriend - companionwatch - lookchampion - winnersimple - easypick - chooseallow - permitask - requestnpa eub aHO r.v 户 b·te s-v eeV m」H·m、0vl1. Since I was very little, my mom let meeach day.2. My cat likes to sit on the window sill andmy own clothes to wearall the people go by.3. My aunt says her cocker spaniel is her most loyal4. When the race was over, my best friend Todd was the5. The cobweb was too highthe broom.6. The ball rolledmy head for me to brush it away withthe limousine and I couldn't get it back.7. The juggler told the crowd it wasreally wanted to and you practiced a lot.to learn how to juggle if you8. My father won'tme to go to the movies on a week night.9. 丁 he telephone message said you had tothe box office.10. My baby sister likes tohair.11. My mother says I was a12. I am lucky I livethe bus.tickets in a letter toher dollie around by her long, braidedbaby with cheeks like a chipmunk.to my school, so I can walk instead of ride。4由ωU 可ωC它。「OC它。『@可C亘古ω$03的4·∞ob.-up∞叫ω叫Synonyms are words with one or moName42Date

Lesson 1而 卢 ch Syn o n 些 旦 .Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct synonym for each sentence.I am someone you spend a lot of time with and you may tell me your secrets.Answer: a champion, a compamon2. Clouds in the sky are here.Answer: above us, beneath us3. A person or animal that eats too much food could become this.Answer: simple, chubby4. You have to do this when you must decide between two things.Answer: choose, watch5.The marble rolled here.Answer: beneath the bed, above the bed6. 丁 he dog can't come in the store with you because of this.Answer: the owner wouldn't watch it,the owner wouldn't allow it7. If a job doesn't take much time or work, it is this.Answer: simple, over8. When you come in first at the spelling bee, you are called this.Answer: the companion, the championh凹h∞,hhN·00∞-F的COZ币2-D3且@』 曲阜30』曲且2ωh白hFO9. You must do this if you want to get permission.Answer: request it, permit it10.If your friend lives next door to you, he or she is this.Answer: close to you, under you11. The store detective has to do this to all customers.Answer: watch them, drag them12. You do this to a wagon.Answer: pull it, permit itSynonyms are words with one or mo 叫 linn:c at}£1¥i " NNameDate43

Lesson 1arne The Syn 句 副 |Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.川 I 」E 什 吨Eunderpaun…. beneath唰 Hpick - choose· E· 叩champion - winner· 叮 e · o WH0 3LKchubby - plump,..Mask- request四b simple - easyAChT咀 a国friend - companion near - close-allow - permitName44土 土 土 土 土 alii 孟 中 ~ 工 工 司 lDate。吕@叫ω岳。『OE32@刀cgZE034·∞OZN习'∞UGU 可

Lesson 1Name The Synonym 二 IInstructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.under - beneathchubby 翩 plumpfriend - companionpick - chooseask- requestnear - closepull - dragabove - overwatch - lookchampion - winnersimp 怡 - easyallow - permith白h∞,hhN·00∞-Fmcoz目。-53且@』OAU30』由且3ωh白FO。Name旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 士 生 巳 些 芝 …Date45

Lesson 1~ 叫 ynInstructions - In the sentence below, one word is underlined. Find a synonym forthat underlined word in the list below. Write it in the blank next to the word.npa eub aHO r cbH· bs-v eeunder - beneath watch -lookpick - choose .te ω幽allow - permit吨chubby - plump champion - winnerv 。 VBfriend - companion simple - easy ask - requestI dropped my wallet over the ledge and it fell 12 型 旦 旦 (water.) me into the2.I was sorry I could only 皇 到 豆 豆 (ones on the menu.) one appetizer from the many delicious3.My 旦 旦 l() Sandy came with me to the dentist after school.4.The teacher said we had to 旦 且 呈 旦 旦 旦 (closely to see how the trick was done.) the magician's hands very5.The vet told my uncle that his overweight(go on a diet.Synonym Scram 忧 ||) golden retriever needed toUnscramble these words. Write the correct words in the blanks next to the scrambled words.丁 h e n , write a sentence for each unscrambled word in the blanks under the words.thenabe 一2.3.4.5.wolal 一limpes 一newlrn 一stequer 一Synonyms are wo 巾 W 灿 rtl:ffiIiIIIiItJ。苍白叫ωCUO『O岳阳『@刀cu-nmt。3的4·goaM叫U吨'ω∞叫Name46Date

Lesson 1Make Your Own SynInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite synonym pairs.Write the name of each synonym under each picture.h伺机∞-hhF。∞NEF 的C。古232且@』 由且30』由巳3ωh由白hF@NameSynonyms are words with one or more sim 阳 。!.J1II(;fillJDate47

Lesson - beneathchubby - plumpfriend - companionLSynonym Crossword PuzzleInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a synonym.You may choose your answers from the wqrd list below.watch - lookchampion - winnersimple - easyAcrossA chum or buddyNot hard to do or understandWhen you need something , you do thisBest or first in a contestOve 阳 eight呵,』A叶公U『,pick - choseallow - p 刚 rmitask - req~estTo letBeside youBelowSelectDown8. Observenear - closepull - dragabove - over9. To drag along11. Overhead7.。4@ωUYωcūm『OC它。『5刀CE口臼EO2臼4·∞。-MU 习·∞叫ω叫Synonyms are words with one 町 more similar or same meanings.lName48Date

Lesson 2Synonyms are words with one or moresimilar or same meanings.Instructions - The words in this list show one synonymfor each. Yet, you may know more synonyms foreach word shown.hnm∞h-nhhh∞N,6F0mcgvmu且Z@3SB30』oa3ωh白FO1. prank - joke2. brave - bold3. build - construct4. name - title5. silly 国 foolish6. rich - wealthy7. middle - center8. remain - stay9. belief - opinion10. far - distant11. vanish - disappear12. find - discover491

Lesson 2Choose the Correct SynonymsInstructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.prank 帽 jokebrave - boldbuild - constructname 幽 titlesilly - foolishrich - wealthymiddle - centerremain - staybelief - opinionfar - distantvanish - disappearfind - discover1. When I was very little, I used tomy blocks.2. I can't remember thefavorite books to read.buildings and houses withof the book exactly, but it was one of my3. The magician said he would make the rabbit4. When I grow up I would like to travel to places veryIlive now.from where5. The cowboys hoped to6. I had toout for a couple of hours.gold in the old wild west.home and watch my baby sister while my parents went7. Our teacher asked us what oursaucers.was about the reality of flying8. When I threw the dart, I knew I had to hit the bulls-eye which was right in theof the circle.9. The fireman was veryto save the child.10. Every April Fool's Day, my friend Jerry likes to playa11. One day, when I'mown private plane.12. "Don't beground-hog day."when he went into the burning buildingon me.I'd like to travel around the world on my:' my teacher said, "You can't have a day off on际 问 mt4 ' Mi(;2eJ !l . t.. ..lJ n ; i . J .t ~ ……? 些 土 些 些 些 旦 l。4mwω叫ωchv 由『OC℃白『5刀C宣言良52ω4·∞obu 斗·∞UGU 飞Name50Date

Lesson 2Which Synonym I 吧 .Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct synonym for each sentence.If you act like a clown when you shouldn't, people will think you are this.Answer: wealthμfoolishhmh∞EhhN∞·-F0mc0gv 币23队@』ORM30』曲。2ωh 白FO2. worker can do this.Answer: build houses , discover new p 的 cesThis is something you may hold.Answer: a prank, an op 的 ionEvery person has this thing.Answer: a joke, a nameAdog sometimes has to do this in the car when you leave it.Answer: vanish, remainPolice officers and soldiers are often this.Answer: bold, sillyWhen you have a million dollars, you are this.Answer: rich, braveYou may laugh at this.Answer: a prank, a centerIf someone stands in line here, he or she is not in the back or the front becausehe or she is here.Answer: in the middle ,This is the opposite of near.Answer: distant, middle臼 rawayAn explorer would do this.Answer: discover new countries or places, vanish fromsigh t.If it could become invisible, it can do this.Answer: disappea r, construct§',,(.J, \ i', &E ' iOO iN i · t-'W A,··),{fI·)·,,{. ) i4i Frn 怕 。 r same meanings.NameDate51

Lesson 2NameT 时 ~ 曰 : 二 lInstructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.name - title prank - joke build - construct s 川 y - foolishfar - distant brave - bold rich - wealthy remain - staymiddle - center belief - opinion find - discover vanish - disappear;i...h 在 如 !P~。4∞由U 可ωC可由『OC哩。『@可CE-noEO3臼4'∞。-NUYV∞UGUY&1? i t · ) ' S." , tt ' i. ·t" ) i , m-q " · ) ' ( fI ,' · " I , l j¥i ffil f m; 。 町 r 川 ~Name52Date

Lesson 2Name The SynonymsInstructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.name - titlefar - distantmiddle - centerprank - jokebrave - boldbelief - opinionbuild - constructrich - wealthyfind - discoversilly - foolishremain - stayvanish - disappearhhm∞h-hhN·∞a0F0的CO-H 目233ι@』 由且30』曲也3ωhh白F。Name'f A-DAHl旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 士 些 哩 干 -… 二 … 孟 高 忑 忑 忑 忑 1Date53

Lesson 2二 些 U 卢 际 石Instructions Eln the sentence below,one word is underlined.Find a synonym forthat underlined word in the list be|ow.Write it in the blank next to the word.prank - jokebrave - boldbuild - constructI played a trick (pretended I wasn't there.name - titlesilly - foolishrich - wealthymiddle - centerremain唰 staybelief - opinionfar - distantvanish - disappearfind - discover) on my grandmother when I hid behind the door and2.3.4.When I went to camp, every piece of clothing had to have your 坦 坦 皇 L (on it for identification.For a hobby, my father likes to m 亘 坠 () wooden bookcases.Long ago, people thought that the idea of going to the moon one day was 豆 监 皇 且 国5.The man received a medal from the president because of his couraaeous( ) actions.Synonym ScrambleUnscramble these words. Write the correct words in the blanks next to the scrambled words.Then, write a sentence for each unscrambled word in the blanks under the words. 一yewthal-manne-ercentvordisec-Synonyms are words with 0…[iII[!"illJ 叫 m 阳 (1)~"'f;Jl…~ 略 |l。4由@U可ωC它。『OC30『@刀C亘古mz03的?∞。,NUYUYB∞叫ω叫Name54Date

Lesson 2Make Your Own· SynInstructions 一 I n the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite synonym pairs.Write the name of each synonym under each picture.KBBEhh,。N。∞-Fmc。舌353a@』230』 由$2ωkhgFONameSynonyms are words 胁 。!.t;:a. j alife)l£illIiIDate55

Lesson 25 旦 些 些 国 马 丽 可 百 1£1Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a synonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.prank - jokebrave - boldbuild - constructname - titlesilly - foolishrich - wealthymiddle - centerremain - staybelief - opinionfar - distantvanish - disappearfind - discover4. locateFearlessNot nearWell-to-doRidiculousηζndauaunuDownIn the centerMakeBeliefTrickStay一 3.2.-- 6.自8.9.4.5. 1--- 上 二 J----- -'口一 I 一 一 ~ 一10.一。4mwDU 飞ωcum『OC℃曲『5刀ES曲$03的460·MUYV∞UYω叫Name56Date

Lesson 3Synonyms are words with one or moresimilar or same meanings.Instructions - The words in this list show one synonymfor each. Yet, you may know more synonyms foreach word shown.h的h·∞-h时h,F00∞ZF 的C。=而933且@』 由巳30』由a2ωh 白FO1. mean - cruel2. wet - damp3. help - assist4. error - mistake5. trail 帽 path6. short - brief7. first - initial8. last - final9. smart - intelligent10. lost - misplaced11. join …connect12. give - donate5

Lesson 3·ωInstructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.mean - cruelwet - damphelp - assisterror - mistaketrail - pathshort - brieffirst - initiallast - finalsmart - intelligentlost - misplacedjoin - connectgive - donate1. The2. Thewitch in the story put the princess in a dungeon.question on the test was the hardest to answer.3. First, the magician had to4. My mom said she is going to5. I can't believe Imy keys again.the two pieces of string.myoid toys to a charity.6. Thereally is.7. I used a8. You have to be verytime you jump into the water, it seems colder than itwashcloth to clean the baby's face.if you want to study to be an astronaut.9. The teacher asked me to10. When I erased thepaper.11. Today, our lunchtime was cut and we only had a12. Theher in handing out the test booklets.I made, my eraser made a h∞ 叫 ? 叫 Ie i 阳 n 川 1 t 廿 thto the mailbox was very slippery this morning.l 川 叩 灿 陀 rec 邸。4CU 可ωC℃白『OC它。『@节 ucu=白toz?∞。-MUYV∞叫ω-1南 石 ζ 石 雨 雨 …… 些 些 旦 旦 旦 坐 me an ings .Name58Date

Lesson 3Which Synonym Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct synonym for each sentence.Sometimes, in school, when your name begins with the letter "A", you can bethis in line.Answer: last , firsth凹h∞-hhN·00∞-Fmcoz咽口-52a@苟且30』OS3ω白hFOh2. can be this if you call other people bad names and hurt their feelings.Answer: brie f, cruelWhen you volunteer to do some good deeds, you are trying to do this.Answer: help, connectYou walk on this place to get somewhere.Answer: damp, pathWhen you have just one more chance to write the correct answer, it is thischance.Answer: final, initialThis is the opposite of long.Answer: last, briefWhen the weather is hot and very humid, your skin may feel like this.Answer: smart, dampIf you want to get good marks in college, you must be this.Answer: short, intelligentSometimes you do this but you didn't mean to.Answer: make an error, donate a giftYour book may be this if you can't find it.Answer: misplaced, briefWhen you put two things together to make something work right, you do this tothem.Answer: connect them, assist themWhen your clothes get old or worn out , you may do this with them.Answer: donate them ω cha ri tμ JO 的 th em ω cha ritySynonyms are words with one or mo 叫 m 恼 。NameDate59

I Lesson 3Name The Synon 问 1Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.first - initiallast - finalwet - dampshort - briefhelp - assistjoin - connectlost - misplacedtrail - patherror - mistake盯 l e a n - cruelgive …donatesmart - intelligentdCSynonyms are words 回 il , * .s .t4i .s a " f.) i¥1 rm t m a . i £-n i " t48 " t4 1 , i l 略 |l。4ω叫ωcūo『OC℃由『@可C亘古mz。3由于∞。-MUY 吨'∞UYω叫Name60Date

Lesson 3Name The Synony 且 引Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.first 嗣 initiallast - finalwet - dampshort - briefhelp - assistjoin - connectlost - misplacedtrail - patherror - mistake町 1 e a n - cruelgive - donatesmart - intelligent也已 多 付 1 二h的h∞n,hhhN∞· E0F0mcgv6且2@-』 旦2330』OEωhhgFOName\恒 些 些 芝 ? 些 叩 川 e …。tl¥llill 阳 (ill…… 山 也 可Date61

Lesson 3」 旦 些 ? 队 司 平 一 「|Instructions -ln the sentence below,one word is underlined.Find a synonym forthat underlined word in the list below. Write it in the blank next to the word.mean - cruelwet - damphelp - assisterror - mistaketrail - pathshort - brieffirst - initiallast - finalsmart - intelligentlost - misplacedJoin - connectgive - donate2.My father said you had to be very 趾 国 出 (Ivy League college.The towels were still m 旦 i 亘 L () if you wanted to get into an) when I took them out of the dryer.3.The book was so boring , I couldn't read it all the way to the 旦 旦 g (chapter.4.My friend said she would sUDDort (president.) me if I wanted to run for class5.For a change , the stepmother in the fairytale was kind and not n 豆 豆 ty (Synonym Scramble|Unscramble these words. Write the correct words in the blanks next to the scrambled words.Then, write a sentence for each unscrambled word in the blanks under the words.sistas一2.3.4.5.splamdice 一cennoctlarit-lucer-Synonyms are word 毗 …。 叫 m 阳 [' ) ~'E J !! {" j , I *'E J I 问 I l。4ω叫ωC℃鸣。cug@刀C亘古ω且03由于∞OaMUY 叫·∞UYω叫Name62Date

Lesson 3Make Your Own Synonym|Instructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite synonym pairs.Write the name of each synonym under each picture.k 户 的hn∞EhhN·00∞-F的CQ忘UZ3且@5α30』曲也2ωhm白FO回 … 民 sare words 咧 lIt"nm…NameDate63

Lesson 3主 旦 些 些 墅 。n 证 d PuzzleInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a synonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.门 l ea n - cruelwet - damphelp - assist3. incorrect answerAt the endCovered with water丁 o fasten together or linkTo give aid or supporterror - mistaketrail - pathshort - brief2. - initiallast - finalsmart - intelligent1. 2. 4.lost - misplacedJOIn - connectgive …donateDownAbility to learn quicklyHurting someone purposely and enjoying itAt the beginningPath or trackShort in lengthContribute a gift to a fund or cause3.6.』 一 -12.7.一I-←--- 国9. 11.10.•---。吕∞叫ωc30『OC它。『@刀czst。2臼4·∞oobuyUF∞UYω叫s 句 ynon 町 ~…~..:U;;J…~ 晦 w 毗 i 让 灿 ill 仙 IT! 川 EName64Date

Lesson 4Synonyms are words with one or moresimilar or same meanings.Instructions - The words in this list show one synonymfor each. Yet, you may know more synonyms foreach word shown.hh 凹h∞-hhhN∞BEOFOm。cEmu-也-@a』 3曲且30』由队3ωhh白FO1. portion - piece2. funny - amusing3. empty - vacant4. stingy - miserly5.answer- response6. fantasy - daydream7. teacher - instructor8. buy - purchase9. wages - salary10. guest - visitor11 . false - wrong12. messy - untidy651

Lesson 4Choose the ωeω 卢 副 司Instructions -Fillin the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.portion - piecefunny - amusingempty - vacantstingy - miserlyanswer - responsefantasy - daydreamteacher - instructorbuy - purchasewages - salaryguest - visitorfalse - wrongmessy - untidy1. The motel sign said there was only oneroom left.2. I wrote a letter to the president and I'm still waiting patiently for a3. Even though the lady was rich, she waswith her money.4. My favoritewherever I go.5. My father said we will need tohave now is falling apart.is to become a famous author and be recognizeda new car soon, since the one we6. My teacher is always scolding me for having such adesk.7. I was so happy to have only one answeron the test.8. I gave my last9. The entertainer was so10. My mother's golfof Halloween candy to my baby sister., we couldn't stop laughing.said she was the best student he ever had.。4mw@叫ωC它。『OC币。『@11. I wondered when I would ever be able to work and earn12. My friend Pat invited me to be aat her country home thissum 阿 ler.响 ucgE 口臼盟。2臼4·∞。-MUYV∞UGU 飞Synonyms are words with one or more similar or same meanings.Name66Date

Lesson 4Which Synonym Is I 到 |Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct synonym for each sentence.h·凹h∞,hh,。h。N∞,Fmcop由UZ3a@』 由a30』由且2ωh 白FO2. nothing is in the room , you can say that the room is this.Answer: untidμvacantThis word is the opposite of generous.Answer: amusing, stingyWhen something is not true, it is this.Answer: 但 fse , emptyWhen you want a small bit of something , you want this.Answer: wages, a pieceYou may laugh when something is this.Answer: wrong, funnyYou usually get this when you send someone a letter.Answer: a 臼 n tasy, a responseSomeone who helps you to learn something new is this person.Answer: an instructor, a visitorWhen you imagine something that is not really true, it is this.Answer: an answe r, a daydreamYou pay money when you do this for something you want.Answer: purchase, answerWhen you work for someone you get this.Answer: a safarμ a responseWhen you stay for a time in someone's house, you are this.Answer: a visitor, a teacherWhen your bedroom has clothes and toys and books all over the place and notin the proper place, your room looks like this.Answer:wrong, unudySynonyms are words 胁 。i'li>KtJ • ,ITO (i.] 伽 加 。 r same meanings.NameDate67

Lesson 4型 血 e The Syn 雨 同 |Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.fantasy - daydreamempty - vacantanswer - responseportion - piecebuy - purchasemessy - untidywages - salaryteacher - instructorfunny - amusingstingy - miserlyfalse - wrongguest - visitor。4∞叫ωcūo『OC它。『@响 ucu- 口ω口。2由于∞。-NU 斗·∞叫ωUYSynonyms are words w 灿 railll 町 more similar or sameName68Date

Lesson 4Name Th 叫 些 些 J|Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.fantasy - daydream portion - piece wages - salary stingy - miserlyempty -vacant buy -purchase teacher E instructor fa|se-wronganswer - response messy - untidy funny - amusing guest - visitorE 哥 ~ r:TA.~[;I~'‘ I I · }.·.....hmh∞EhhN∞·-F0m0cozg-33且@SB30』由Eωhn白FOName旦 旦 士 土 土 些 些 些 一 ?… re simi1… f:."'E' " 1-'"I f] 叫 二 IIDate69

Lesson 4」 旦 些 ! 雨 雨 可 寸Instructions -ln the sentence below,one word is underlined.Find a synonym forthat underlined word in the list below.Write it in the blank next to the word.portion - piecefunny - amusingempty - vacantstingy - miserlyanswer - responsefantasy - daydreamteacher - instructorbuy - purchasewages - salaryguest - visitorfalse - wrongmessy - untidy2.I'm only going to have a small f 旦 旦 t i on (mother cooked for the family.The room was Q 缸 鱼 () of the lasagna that my) and had no pictures or furniture.3.4.It has been one month and I still haven't received a 旦 因 立 (letter I sent my friend in Mexico.My grandfather was known in the family for telling very humorous (stories of when he was a boy.) to the5. Mr. Kelsey was known as the most 皇 旦 Ifi 皇 h () man on our block.丁 h e n ,II 归 ~ω1ωo nym era 日 刷 IUnscramble these words. Write the correct words in the blanks next to the scrambled words.write a sentence for each unscrambled word in the blanks under the words.pitnoor 一2.3.4.5.stuge 一slafe 一maddyare-sharecupr:12; X · ) ' Vi " t.t ' i fl'.i · ' i ·m 灿 [.j '(48:'j • "toliL4J"mI。4∞U 可ωC℃巾『OC它。『3可C亘古ms。3由斗'∞。-MU 习'∞UGU 飞Name70Date

Lesson 4Make Your Own SynonymInstructions … In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite synonym pairs.Write the name of each synonym under each picture.hhm∞hEhh,。n。∞N-Fmc币g2v33 比@』 由应30』由龟3ωhhmmFOSynonyms are words with one or moNameDate71

Lesson 4平 平 豆 豆 ro s swo rd 古 |Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a synonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.portion - piecefunny - amusingempty - vacant3.7.8.11.stingy - miserlyanswer 圄 responsefantasy - daydreamAcross?omeo.ne who stays at your housefor a whileA person who teaches youComicalContaining nothingPayment of services to a workman2.teacher - instructorbuy - purchasewages - salaryDownguest - visitorfalse - wrongmessy - untidy245679Not neat, sloppyNot wanting to spend moneyTo pay money for an itemNot correctSomething you just imagine or make-believeA reply to a question10. A fraction5.厄 十 一3.4.7.←-- 一11.←…- 一•---9.8.10.← 一 一←-- 一L-----J。4白@UYωCUO『OCUO『@可C亘古曲目。3ω4·∞obuy∞叫ω叫应Wi旦, ( , ' i SW~..旦 'i4l....le5il 型 to...,.)" 豆 豆 ,. 豆 ISmae)a..M:£1rmIIii 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 ralsa¥i or samenf2SJme丽 画孟 孟 1Name72Date

Lesson 5Synonyms are words with one or moresimilar or same meanings.Instructions - The words in this list show one synonymfor each. Yet, you may know more synonyms foreach word shown.h凹h∞-hh,。N。∞,?的EO- 田旦ā3且@』 由也30』由且2ωh 白FO1. new - unused2. scared - frightened3. strange - odd4. real - genuine5. imitate - copy6. often - frequently7. careful - cautious8. silent - quiet9. rarely - seldom10. busy 国 active11 . agree - consent12. perhaps - maybe731

Lesson 5?ω.un ω~ 山 雨 丽 町 |Instructions - Fill in the blanks in each sentence below with the correct pair ofsynonyms. Choose from the synonym list below.new - unusedscared - frightenedstrange - oddreal - genuineimitate - copyoften - frequentlycareful - cautioussilent - quietrarely - seldombusy 唰 activeagree - consentperhaps - maybe1. The sparkling stone looked2. My dad, but it was just a fake.tells me to stop slouching and sit up straight.3. I'm very when I eat an ice cream cone; I don't want to getthe ice cream on my white shirt.4. My friend said I could borrow her book, but I wanted to have my ownone.5. Sometimes I try toas it looks.6. My father said he wouldmy homework.7. After I got a calculator, Imy mother's handwriting , but it isn't as easyto let me go to the concert if I did alladded or subtracted numbers without it.8. When my sister got her hair cut very short, she looked some at first.9. The audience was very10. "my mother said.11. My aunt lives a very12. My dog always getsthunderstorm.as soon as the first act of the play began.you should call your new friend to go with you to the library;'life, even though she is a senior citizen.and runs under the bed when there is ato。革可ωC币。「UE『@响 uczstoa4·goeNU 斗·∞UGU 可f:)ii1UJIV)" ttl

Lesson 5Which S nInstructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct synonym for each sentence.h的h∞-hhN∞·-0F 的C0S忘U-33n』 曲L$@ 30』 曲阜3ωA由白F。 pictures painted by famous artists that hang in museums are this.Answer: unused, genuineThe opposite of often is this.Answer: busμseldomSomething that looks peculiar or out of the ordinary is this.Answer: real , oddWhen you do something over and over again and again , this is when you do this.Answer: often, rarelyWhen you want to be exactly like someone else, you want to do this.Answer: agree, imitateDoing many different things in a day is called this.Answer: cautious, busyWhen you are afraid you are this.Answer: silent, frightenedWhen you are not sure of something , you might say this.Answer: quiet, perhaps9. If you want to be safe you should be this.Answer: cautious, active10.11.12.When'you say "yes" you do this.Answer: maybe, agreeWhen there is no noise or talking , it is this.Answer: busy, quietWhen you buy clothing it is usually this.Answer: unused. realNamet:1m:IiJ9"tt'ifl...z",·tilf,'j'!"·)'(fI·" "i" '4i FjjlIEi' ·'4f 'i'(;W " I $ 削 .Date75

Lesson 5止 III 豆 翌 F |Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow.Wrlte your answers under each picture.Color the pictures as you wish.frightened - scaredstrange - oddimitation - copybusy - activesilent - quietreal - genuineagree - consentnew - unusedcareful - cautiousoften - frequentlyperhaps 圄 mayberarely - seldomName76阳 山 …………ι……… 山 一 …… 二 二 I lDate-、、。4∞UYωchMO『OC30『@可CE口阻旦。3的4·∞obu 吗 ?∞叫ω叫

Lesson 5Name The S non 叫 |Instructions - Name the synonym pairs in each picture from the word listbelow. Write your answers under each picture. Color the pictures as you wish.frightened - scaredstrange - oddimitation - copybusy - activesilent - quietreal - genuineagree - consentnew - unusedcareful - cautiousoften - frequentlyperhaps - mayberarely - seldom吗 ?h的h∞-hhN-∞E0F0EOE币253 且@』 曲。30』在3ωh白F。Name圄 .• m~J TfP>' 0 & c;;;>. 小 ?些 …… are words with one …。 而 归 阳 (lIj… lilI~J 向 二 |lDate77

Lesson 5二 旦 些 7 际 石 E 寸Instructions -ln the sentence below,one word is underlined Find a synonym forthat underlined word in the list below Write it in the blank nextto the wordnew - unusedscared - frightenedstrange - oddreal - genuineimitate - copyoften - frequentlyThe expe 时 said the painting was authentic (Rembrandt.careful - cautioussilent - quietrarely - seldombusy - activeagree - consentperhaps - maybe) ; it was painted by2.My friend's mother gave me a fr 豆 豆 h(end.3.My classmate Jimmy always gets in trouble when he mimi 豆 皇 (teacher.) the4.5."Don't be 型 自 id (The old dog was very cute, but it had a 旦 旦 旦 旦 li 鱼 r () to try new things:' my parents always told me.Synonym Scramble|) odor.Unscramble these words. Write the correct words in the blanks next to the scrambled words.Then, write a sentence for each unscrambled word in the blanks under the words.ambey 一2.3.4.5.listen 一) washcloth to use for the week-vitace -grantes -engume-些 - 更 are wor s 协 [ITffi3 町 more similar or same meanings.。4@叫ωc30『OC32@刀cσ-Z曲do2归于∞ob叫UP∞UGU 飞Name78Date

Lesson 5Make Your Own SynonymInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite synonym pairs.Write the name of each synonym under each picture.hmh∞-hh,N0∞-Fmcozg=23队@』 由$30』由缸2ωh 白FONameSynonyms are w。 由 with one or more similar or same meanings.Date79

Lesson 5写 豆 豆 豆 豆 s swo rd PuzzlelInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a synonym.You may choose your answers from the word list below.new - unusedscared - frightenedstrange - oddreal - genuineimitate - copyoften - frequentlyAcross1. Trying not to make a mistake3. To have the same opinion as someone elsecareful - cautioussilent - quietrarely - seldom5. To be fearful6. Happening just once in a while8. Not yet used E 二 一 9. Not artificial10. Occupied11. Makin Jno nOiseDownbusy - activeagree - consentperhaps - maybe2457·WeirdTo try to act or look like someone elseTo happen many timesPossibly4.←-- 一10.。4由@叫ωcūo『OEhMO『@刀E亘古岱且。2臼4·∞。-MUYV∞UYω叫Synonyms are words with one or more similar or same meanings.Name80Date

Lesson 1Homophones are two or more words thatsound alike but are spelled differently andhave different meanings.Instructions - Here is a list of homophones for thislesson. Read them out loud so you can hear that theysound alike.hhm∞h-hhhN∞-· F的0C0OZω95也3@远且30』由血3ωhh白FO1. aunt - ant2. beet - beat3. bee - be4. berry - bury5. cent - sent 国 scent6. cord - chord7. ail 皿 ale8. bear - bare9. eye - I10. flower - flour11. urn - earn12. ewe - you81

Lesson 1Choose the Correct Hom 句 honeInstructions - Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correcthomophones. You may look in the dictionary after you complete this exercise to seeif you chose the right homophone. Correct any mistakes by crossing out or erasingyour first answer and writing in the correct homophone.1. I have an(ant, aunt)by the name of Sue.2. There was a big crawling on the picnic table.(ant, aunt)3. The song has a strong and you can dance to it.(beet, beat)4. My baby brother spilled(beat , beet)juice on himself.5. The6. I can't(be, bee)(be, bee)buzzed around the honey.at your house until 7:00 pm.7. I wanted to(bur 弘 berry)my dead parakeet in the backyard.8. The blue bird flew away with a(berry, bury)in its mouth.9. The flowery10. I(cent , scent, sent)(sent , scent, cent)of her perfume remained in the room after she left. ~co、Jthe package to my aunt in Rhode Island.(j)UCO@11. 丁 he gum ball only cost one(scent , cent , sent)刀C12. The telephone(chord , cord)was badly tangled.Bg∞军队 2习Homophones are two or more words that sound alike but arespelled differently and have different meanings.ω、dName82Date

Lesson 1Choose the 豆 豆 ophone|Continued13. The pianist began his piece with a loud(cord, chord)14.The knights sat around the wooden table and drank(ale, ail)15.When our old cat began to(ail, ale), we had to put him to sleep.16.17.We took a picture of the grizzly(bear, bare)My baby sister likes to walk around outside in herthrough the closed window.(bare, bear)feet.18.When(eye, I)go to the beach , I always bring lots of suntan lotion.19.The wind blew a cinder into my(eye, I)20.The cake had to be made with three cups of(flower, flour)hmm∞h-hhh。∞N,. 俨的CQHE- 宫内 比@』 由$30』E3ωhhg。F21.ηLqUA斗民dMy favorite kind of2222cuomouv-TEmeQU‘(earn, urn)丁 h e re was a big, silver(flour, flower)On the farm we saw a largeWhy don't(you, ewe)(earn, urn)is the tulip.money babysitting.(ewe, you)on the mantlepiece.grazing in the field.call me when you get home?|Homoph… IT'I"mIm。 …。…mr;'l 出 …~ 1F.l 1ω…Is elled differently and have different meanings.NameDate83

Lesson 1Name The HomophonesInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write them in the spaces provided.beet - beat eye - I berry - burybear - bare flour - flower urn - earn.。 阳 …m 叫 …~……。 町 r 川 剖 们 s…g'!'[] 胁 川 rs 叩 pelled differently and have different meanings.。4@U 可ωC刀。呵。C它。『@可CE口臼旦。3臼4ago-MU 习'∞叫ω叫Name84Date

Lesson 1陆 … mall 叩 哩 些 才Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.beet - beatbear - bareeye -Iflour - flowerberry - buryurn - earnh凹h∞h-hhNEOO∞-Fmcoz目23nL@苟且30』由巳3ωh白白FOName_i(.)" t.)·J,(·),(ft. C tW,,,,·' ''. ,,t.Ji4 N'' i·f3n rn41·il',f.wt1n*i ;mW' Mispelled dif erently and have different meanings.Date~85

Lesson 1Which Hom 呐 one Is It?|Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct homophone for each sentence.A tree has no leaves in the winter. Its branches are this.Answer: bear, bare2. You do this to a drum to make music or to a rug to get the dust out of it.Answer: beet it, beat it3. A squirrel may do this with a nut.Answer: berry it, bury it4. A special police dog follows this with his nose in order to find a criminal whohas run away.Answer: a sent, a scent, a cent5. This is a string or a light rope.Answer: a chord, a cord6. 丁 his grows in your garden and can be many different colors.Answer: a flower, a flour7. Your mother or father may do this every day at a job.Answer: earn money, urn money8. We call ourselves "I" when we speak of ourselves. When we speak to anotherperson about themselves , we say this...Answer: ewe, you9. This is a female relative of yours. She is your mother's or father's sister.Answer: ant, aunt10. This is the main ingredient of cakes and cookies.Answer: flower, flour11. An insect that has four wings and a stinger is called this.Answer: a be, a bee12. To feel ill or sick is to do this...Answer: to ail, to ale,;(.)"i,)·),(·),(§t¥ ' i. , t;tZ·. ·>. ,,(·' iga··'Z.ji.,*Imt4 1·1",(·FlO:i?iilTtW'241. . . ..l。吕ω叫ω号。『O岳阳『@可ZESto3臼4·80·MUY 叫'∞叫ω叫Name86Date

Lesson 1同 函 叫 些 到 |Instructions -Some of the homophones in the sentences be|ow are correct,and some are wrong.lf the homophone is correct,leave the sentence alone.lf thehomophone is wrong,cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.What do eye have to do to win the contest? ewe is a female sheep.A beat is a red vegetable that grows underground.My dog likes to berry his bones in the backyard.Will you bee coming to my house for dinner tonight?6. I cent you a long letter last week. sister played a loud chord on the piano.My father drank a mug of ale at the county fair.There was a big wasp flying around the flour in the vase.The coffee was poured from a large earn.11. I only had one scent left from the change I received.12.13.My ant Sophie is coming to visit us next weekend.We took a picture of the prize-winning flower.h的h∞-hh,00F∞,NFmc布g232且@」 由巳30』 由nu3ω白hF。Name14.Our teacher told us not to try to feed the bare.15. I offered the rabbit a bury, but the rabbit ran away. dog smelled the sent of another dog on my coat.I need to get a long chord to wrap around the package.My dad says he can't wait until I urn my own money.The big, black aunt was crawling across the floor.20. When we opened the door, a big be flew inside.!i(')',(·)·)iN,(;.t 'i¥ WZ.l…s elled differently and have different meanings.Date87

Lesson 1Hidden HomophoneInstructions - In each of the following sentences there is a "hidden homophone."Find this "hidden homophone," underline it, and write it as you found it in theblank next to the scrambled word in the parenthesis.1. My mother has a red, ruby ring she wears when she goes out.,(bury)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一2. I had only five cents left after I spent my weekly allowance on a gift for my门 1 0 m .(scent)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一3. When it began to rain, we all had to run quickly for cover in the clubhouse.(urn)一 一 一 一 一 一4. My brother sits in the sun every day in order to get a tan.(ant)一 一 一 一 一 一5. The photographer told me to turn my face "a wee bit more to the right."(ewe) 一 一 一 一Homophones are two or more words that sound alike but arespelled differently and have dif erent meanIngs.。4MWU叫ωC℃∞『OC℃白『@可C亘古曲目。2的4·∞。-MU 飞 叫·∞UGUYName88Date

Lesson 1Make Your 豆 豆 些 巴 己 |Instructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homophonepairs. Write the name of each homophone under each picture.hhm∞h-nhnh。∞NE.FEe-mu且-@-』 由a血30』由巳3ωh 白F。Name.iN"(·)·)iN.t;Y'i. ' l,ll·. ·'. "(·'i4 '.'2.sq·An;m&·Mi',{'W16 FUi iffta '2ispelled differently and have different meanin s.Date89

Lesson 1Homophone Crossword PuzzleInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homophone.You may choose your answers from the word list below.aunt 嗣 antbeet - beatbee - be12345. - burycent - sent - scentcord - chordTo place in the ground and cover with dirtWearing nothingTo be sickA female relativeA red vegetableTo obtain money by workingA smell or odorA part of your facegardenail- alebear - bareeye -I4. - floururn - earnewe - youDownTo strike with forceA crawling insectBirds eat oneA drink that tastes like beerA sheepOpposite of receivedA small rope or string2.3.6. 4.12.11. 8.10.5. 7. 9.~ 呐 t . ) , t ?t.. ' li. ;...Z...)."t.sli.....Mli· t;IIlrn:t.1·i1 1 a . .,;'! 胁 but 缸~ 证 川 tly and have different meanings.。4@∞叫ωcZ『OC它由『@刀C亘古里。3ω4·∞。ENU 斗·∞叫ω叫Name90Date

Lesson 2Homophones are two or more words thatsound alike but are spelled differently andhave different meanings.Instructions - Here is a list of homophones for thislesson. Read them out loud so you can hear that theysound alike.hmh∞n-hh,。N。∞-F的COZ币232且@』 由$30』由$3ωh白FO1. raise - rays2. vein - vane - vain3. road - rode4. forth - fourth5. here - hear6. tied - tide7. rain - rein - reign8. too 皿 to - two9. towed - toad1o. steel - steal11 . seam - seem12. waist - waste91

Lesson 2Choose the Corr 创可Instructions - Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correcthomophones. You may look in the dictionary after you complete this exercise to seeif you chose the right homophone. Correct any mistakes by crossing out or erasingyour first answer and writing in the correct homophone.1. In our class , our teacher won't answer any questions from us unless weour hands first.(rays, raise)2. The(rays, raise)beach umbrella.from the noonday sun were so strong that we had to sit under a3. When my mom cleans the shrimp, she always removes the blackruns down the shrimp's back.(vain, vein, vane)that4. 丁 he weatherIng.(vane, vein, vain)on top of the roof shows you which way the wind is blow-5. My cousin Gail is soadmire herself.(vein, vane, vain)she can't pass a mirror without stopping to6. My friend , Dave, and I our bikes two miles today.(rode, road)7. We drove carefully since the was wet and muddy.(road, rode)8. "Please step(forth , fourth)who participated in the contest.9. I told my friend I would be sitting in the10. I didn't12. Because the(here, hear)11. "Why don't you have the party(tied, tide)and collect your prizes;' the principal told the students(forth, fourth)row.the fire truck until I opened my bedroom window.(here, hear)in our house?" my mother said.was so low today, we didn't go swimming in the ocean.lH。moPho…re tw。 …(!li:~。 创 …und 胁 but areb1 ·N l rm l' ffB9 i9 iu K ·· , n , ' , 'i\+ZfI · ! 创 !Il 旺 fe re nt meanin s.。co忆 。、Jenc飞 30O C百画"tlCcra。3∞co oo白白 3、Ju)、、JName92Date

Lesson 2Choose 些 豆 豆 Homoph 工 lContinued13.14.the rope tightly around the pole so my dog wouldn't get loose this time.(tide, tied)The instructor told me how to hold eachto control the horse.(rein, rain , reign)15.The game was cancelled when it began to(reign, rain , rein)hard.16.The king held his(rain, reign, rein)of power for fifty years.17.18.I hadmuch cake and ice cream , and I felt sick(to, two, too)When I get out of high school I planjoin the army.(to, two, too)19.There are(to, two, too)more days left of my vacation.20.21.Alooks like a frog , but it has a rougher, drier skin.(toad, towed)We had to have our carwhen it broke down today.(toad, towed)h 户 的h∞-hhhN∞EOFOmc忘g二ā3且@』 由应30』 由nu2ωhmmmFO22. dad told me his razor blade is made ofThe thief was about toIt doesn't(seam, seem)(steel, steal)(steal , steel)the money, but he was caught before he could do it.like winter because the weather is so warm here.My mother said the rip in my shirt was easy to repair since she just had to sew the(seem, seam)My mom said she had the same sizeI don't like to(waist, waste)(waste, waist)as mine when she was fifteen.food so I eat everything on my plate including all the vegetables.!;(.)"t.'.J,t.),t*w'ia",u·I"M"t·'i¥'Ni·gn ittt41·'i',t·E"a.ern«iiispelled differently and have di erent meanings.Date93

Lesson 2卫 生 些 雨 忑 刁Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write them in the spaces provided.towed - toad road - rode rain - reinrays - raIse waist - waste too - two、--|Homom…r;.w l t;ll ·." . i . t.s 2&1l" 2 . rs l itm … [II'i1] 川 .spelled differently and have differentmeanings.E。4UD·-ωC刀。『Ochug@可CE白E02ω4·∞。ohuyuye∞叫ωUYName94Date

Lesson 2F 个 坐 竖 立 J |Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.towed - toadrays - raiseroad - rodewaist - wasteram - remtoo …twoAFm∞h-nhhN∞E-OF 的OCQV 币233 且@』 由巳30」由也3ωh白hF。Name.Z Io) " N "iN iH2 缸 r?'WWZ.*.)-,,tel;ta W";t.tWli'ma1.ii';t.w1fj ({Slm. " ιspe Ie di ferent1y and have different meanin s.Date95

Lesson 21m! 灿 rImjj] 呐 o n e Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct homophone for each sentence.1. They were going to do this to the flag today.Answer: raise it, rays it2. This is a vessel that carries blood to the heart.Answer: vein, vain, vane3. I live near a main one of these.Answer: rode, road4. In July, a holiday falls on this day.Answer: the forth, the fourth5. This is what we do with our ears.Answer: here, hear6. What you did to the shoelaces on your sneakers.Answer: tide them, tied them7. A king or queen does this in certain countries.Answer: rain, rein, reign8. This word means also.Answer: to, too, two9. These creatures have gills and are called amphibians.Answer: towed, toad10. A sword is made of this material.Answer: steal, steel11. A tailor sews two pieces of material together along this edge.Answer: a seam, a seem12. We throw this in the garbage can or trash basket.Answer: waste, waistHomophones are two or more words that sound alIke but ares elled differently and have di erent meanIngs.。4ωU 可ωC℃白『Ucug@可CEB巴53的4·∞ob叫V∞叫ω叫Name96Date

Lesson 2Correction Ti 生 ]|instructions -Some of the homophones in the sentences be|ow are correct,and some are wrong.If the homophone is correct,leave the sentence alone.if thehomophone is wrong,cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.khm∞-hhh∞NEFOmOc琶oUZ23丘@』 足30』22ωhngFOName2. weather vein on top of the roof was pointed north.We were the fourth ones in line waiting for tickets.up ahead the rode curved sharply to the left.My little brother tide his shoelace into a tight knot.The rein came down fast and we all had to run for cover.I don't like to here bad things about my friends.When we played musical chairs , there were only too of us left and we boththought we would win.The towed jumped up on the chair and scared us.The crow flew over to steel the bread before the sparrows got to it.The guest speaker was so interesting it didn't seam like he was speaking for awhole hour.I had two much homework to do so I didn't go to the movies.It was a waist of time to try to convince my friend that he was wrong.We road all day and finally got to the cabin by nighttime.Our efforts were in vain; we couldn't find the lost ring.Three of us tried to rays the window shade, but it wouldn't budge.If you can't be hear on time , then don't come at all.From afar the knife looked like it was made of steal, but it was really made ofrubber.My new leather belt was too big for my waste.My vane cousin Cynthia is always combing her hair in the mirror.I had to clean my room before I was allowed too go to the game.iHomom… r;w, t: i2..j. ,, t . )…m t.I U'1…lIlrnIIt'[Il 川 .s elled differently and have di ferent meanings.Date97

Lesson 2Hidden HomophoneInstructions - In each of the following sentences there is a "hidden homophone."Find this "hidden homophone," underline it, and write it as you found it in theblank next to the scrambled word in the parenthesis.1. My dog chased the hare, but he was too swift for my dog to catch.(hear)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一2. When my aunt goes on a diet, it only lasts for a few weeks.(tide)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一3. Of all my friends, I had the least amount of cavities.(steal)一 一 一 一 一 一4. Three of my classmates were reporting on the same President as I was.(seam) 一 一 一 一 一 一5. My cat always waits on the window sill when I come home.(waist) 一 一 一 一 一 一Homo hones are two or more words that sound alike but arespelled differently and have dif erent meanings.。4φ@叫ωCZ『OCB『@刀cu-szo34·gosNU 吗 ?∞叫ω叫Name98Date

Lesson 2高 ζ 石 函 … 卧 … 些 生 1Instructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homophonepairs. Write the name of each homophone under each picture.机的 h∞EhhFNEOO∞-F的SE-D3ι@』OS30』由$2ωhFSFOName| 王 G1llIW. · J 'N .tft. c '?JI wz .a . $ . , , ( . $ it?*N .s q · An itl&·t.i i ' .t . W\1 0 !i 4ii MtW' UIspe led differently and have different meanings.Date99

lLesson 2卫 些 些 坦 白 C ro s swo rd P 卢 豆 豆 1Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homophone.You may choose your answers from the word list below.raIse - raysvein - vane - vainroad - rodeforth - fourth tide - tied steel - stealhere - hear too - to - two seam - seemrain - rein - reign towed - toad waist - wasteAcross1. Water that comes from cloud、,3. Beams of light4. A king's term of power5. Garbage or trash7. You sew together two pieces 。fmaterial along this line8. You wear a belt around this p9. Your ears allow you to do this11. When you take whatdoesn't belong to you5. 6.12. DoubleDown1. A path cars travel on2. Too much pride in your own a3. To lift6. Pulled along behind by a cha7. A hard, strong material oftenused on construction10. The past tense of ride12. A creature that looks like a fr ,。13. Also去 r t 4.)pearance1g2.3.。4笔 《、0。 叶(J)7. ℃C 由 『。EB8. @" 口9. 10.11. 13.CET口 3ω … 由 己 。4∞ONU 也 YU?UYω 叫12.………。…o 町 …r 山 巾 [fI(iJ1 。 町 il*l;;Zelh mJ…e 川 …~ 叩 。 町 r…iEω r.:aum:....:mffi~ 叫 r;ri] …。(ill]iitG¥ " ¥ j·I9'miItUf

Lesson 3Homophones are two or more words thatsound alike but are spelled differently andhave different meanings.Instructions - Here is a list of homophones for thislesson. Read them out loud so you can hear that theysound alike.hhmhs-hh∞N-·F0m0c币o2= 23且@5a20」旦2ωhngFO1. ate - eight2. bough - bow3. blue - blew4. by - buy5. knot - not6. capital - capitol7. cheap - cheep8. flee - flea9. fowl - foul10.arc-ark11 . knight - night12. bald - bawled101

Lesson 3Choose the Correct HomophoneInstructions - Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correcthomophones. You may look in the dictionary after you complete this exercise to seeif you chose the right homophone. Correct any mistakes by crossing out or erasingyour first answer and writing in the correct homophone.1. I think my brother2. There are only3. The(bough , bow)(eight, ate)(ate, eight)4. My friend asked me if he shouldthis summer.5. The(blue, blew)6. When they turned out the lights, Ibirthday cake.7. I'm going8. I won't9. I do(b 弘 buy)(by, buy)(not, knot)10. I tried hard, but I couldn't loosen the11. My teacher reminded me to use asentence I wrote.12. This summer we will visit the|Hh。m。P 忡 nt . S; t4.. u;am。the piece of pie I lett in the refrigerator.people in my class who passed the test.of the old oak tree broke and fell off during the hurricane.(bough, bow)when he meets the princesspaint was what I chose for my bedroom walls.(blew, blue)out the candles on myyour house today, so I'll drop off the book I borrowed.anything I don't need when I go shopping at the mall.like to play chess with my friend because he always wins.(capitol, capital)(capital, Capitol)(not, knot)in my necklace chain.at the beginning of each…。ωm…i.'.IDJ 。 叫 巾 s 出 伽 ωa 创 们 …i.Eω。 叫 d 川 ut arelliN4tSiIiIJU;Uy"UWihio' ifW\I'UUYN'l',,($ !,!!,fffiJ |。4UCU 飞ωCMUO呵。E℃白『@响 UCE口曲里。2的4·∞。EMU 斗B∞UYωUYName102Date

Lesson 3·ω 呐 IIContinued13.14.The calculator was soWe heard a(cheap, cheep)chick was inside.(cheep, cheap)it broke two weeks after I bought it.coming from the box and we knew that a baby15.16.17.18.The horses had toWe saw the(flea, flee)from the burning barn.(flee, flea)-o Qu · ,,DEav··LHnVJcu hu· umnvo ..,•. nvHuva­ nvnud a户··E·UMy uncle doesn't eat red meat, he only eatsThe(fowl, foul)sewer pipes.』W(foul, fowl)smell in the motel room was a result of the brokenLK19.After the rainstorm, a noticeable rainbow formed anpavement.(are, ark)on thehnh∞,hhN,。。叩Fmc。-M 币2-23n』 曲h阜@ 30』由且3ωh 白FO20.In the Bible it is said that Noah built anto save himself, his(ark, are)family, and the animals from a flood that covered the earth.2222 1234AEvery(night, knight)(knight, night)My father told me he turnedMy brothertoy back.(bald, bawled)wore metal armor to protect himself during battle.I do ten minutes of exercise before I go to bed.(bawled, bald)at the age of twenty-eight.when mom told him to give his twin sister her!;(.)"(.).),t , >'I; Y " fM' $tl·. ·>4 ,,t"i4 ','Z·>i·m rm41tS'"(·E uA m . ' ilspelled di erent y an have di ferent meanings.NameDate103

Lesson 3主 些 丘 函 忑 p h o n e sInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word iist,and write them in the spaces provided.arc - ark cheep 鞠 cheap eight - atebawled -bald knight ··night blue -blewI 王 (ill"ill) 阳 …s 叩 1 erently and have different meanings.。4@@叫ωc30『UC刀。『@可C亘古民52归于∞0·NU飞UY·∞UGUYName104Date

Lesson 3呐 。·Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.arc - ark cheep - cheap eight - atebawled - bald knight - night blue - blew~h凹h∞nEhhh∞N-EF的OOC。=币2-23血@』曲$30』o白nFuO3ωhhName!;(.)"t.).) ,(.) ,t;'V'iW""Z., .,. "t.)ZCW.){·All ift(a.1·ii,a.W1hitS Mta aUispe e di erently and have differentmeanings.lDate105

Lesson 3Which Hom 呐 one Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct homophone for each sentence.1. This is what you may have done to your finger after you burned it.Answer: blew on it, blue on it2. You could hang a swing on this thing on your big tree.Answer: a bough, a bow3. You did this with your dinner last night.Answer: ate it, eight it4. When you pay for things you take home from the store, you do this.Answer: buy them, by them5. When we tie together two pieces of string or cord, we may make this.Answer: a not, a knot6. 丁 he U.S. government (congress) meets in this building in Washington D.C.Answer: the Capital, the Capitol7. When the sun goes down and it is dark outside, it is this time.Answer: knight, night8. Something which is inexpensive or not worth much is this.Answer: cheep, cheap9. A small, pesty insect that lives on dogs and cats is this.Answer: a flee, a flea10. A chicken , duck, or turkey is called this.Answer: a fowl, a foul11. A curved line on a circle is called this.Answer: an arc, an ark12. When someone has no hair on his/her head, he/she is called this.Answer: bald, bawledlHomom…r-1I ~…m……hat …gl'UJ 川 lEU.aIN'rmIiUU;Uq,U [!j 缸 d have different meanings.。4∞UUYωCUO『Ucūg@响 UC亘古巴-03ω?∞obuy∞UGUYName106Date

Lesson 3南 高 … 旦 旦 |Instructions -Some of the homophones in the sentences below are correct,and some are wrong.lf the homophone is correct,leave the sentence alone.lf thehomophone is wrong,cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.BKS-hhh∞N-· F0m0c忘2g32a@』 旦20』曲。3ωhgFO1. I described the man as being tall , with a grey beard and a bawled head.2.3.Every knight I watch the 6:00 P.M. news with my family.At the end of the play, our teacher told us to take a bough for theaudience.4. I do knot want to change my appointment for today.5."Why don't you by that book?" my friend asked.6. I saw the flea crawling on my dog's head.7.8.9.The air in the room smelled fowl because so many people had beensmoking there.We blew out all the candles and turned on the lamp.丁 h edress was so cheep, my mother couldn't resist buying it.10. I eight all my meat , but left the vegetables.11.We saw a painting of Noah's arc in the museum.12. I have a habit of printing, rather than writing, the capital letters in my firstand last names. got three blew sweaters as presents last Christmas.The little boy's shoelace had such a tight knot in it, it took a long time toloosen it.I walk bUy the old , abandoned building every day on my way home fromschool.I'll come by your house at ate o'clock tonight.The criminal had to flee from the scene of the crime.The night was brave when he went into battle.My mom asked my dad if he wanted fish or fowl for dinner.My cat sat on the bow of the tree and we couldn't coax her down.|Homomma… [••o.,nlJ~。 由 il;m"1 . lit .t . ~ " (i{ iji iI'1… |spelled di ferent1y and have different meanings.NameDate107

Lesson 3Hidden Hom 呐 ~ IInstructions - In each of the following sentences there is a "hidden homophone."Find this "hidden homophone," underline it, and write it as you found it in theblank next to the scrambled word in the parenthesis.1. My favorite summertime fruit is the peach.(cheap) 一 一 一 一 - 一 一 一2. We heard the wolf howling in the night.(fowl) 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 -3. My father painted the old car and it looked like new.(arc)一 一 一 一4. My little sister stood outside for an hour trying to catch a leaf falling from thetree.(flea)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一5. Every night my grandma has a cup of tea before she goes to bed.(ate)一 一 一 一 一 一|Homom…tt;aI(;,.1.* .s. ,.t.s:aQ.M2.1311 i'!…rrl"in lltlω…~s elled differentl and have different meanin s.。吕ω叫ωCB『OC℃白『@可Cσ一 -sz。2臼4·∞。-MU 飞 可 ·∞叫ω叫Name108Date

Lesson 3币 k e You 蚕 豆 土 巴 IIInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homophonepairs. Write the name of each homophone under each picture.BKSEhhh∞N-EFOmO5由5223 且@』 旦30』曲。3ωhgFOName-iNi,(.)·)iN,t;*!';Wil,ll·' ''·I,t·U4W·U·Sltt1W1·iii;f.lfiO:iS MtWmspelled differently and have different meanings.Date109

Lesson 3HomophonInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homophone.ate - eightbough - bowblue - blewYou may choose your answers from the word list below.卜 Vkby - buyakb nna -hH. at·-cheap - cheep:ilEn -叫he +,‘fknot - notflee - fleauA 唰 A同U川capital - capitolfowl - foul】 uAcrossDown42. A chickenE呵3. You begin a sentence with this letterJ』A『6. A person who wore armor and fought in battlesR8. A crayon colorJV7'9. Not much moneyQU11. A nUl 丁 me rThe sound a baby chick makesAn unpleasant smellWhat you did at lunchtimeNoah and his family sailed in thisIt's dark outsideA bia t 民 le oranc12. A negative word10. A curved line that makes a part of a circle2.……fi:;,j 叫 …e 川 …~…~IL'J…oω。 盯 …r 川 mHomophones are two or more words that sounh but 且 主 豆 are taa spelled · t4U r;tIIiU04i 创 d !Ii 旺 t

Lesson 4Homophones are two or more words thatsound alike but are spelled differently andhave different meanings.Instructions - Here is a list of homophones for thislesson. Read them out loud so you can hear that theysound alike.hhm∞h-hhN∞-0F0EO 百332 也@』OB2』0曲阜3ωhgFO1. wear - where2. write - right3. root - route4. prays - praise - preys5. plane - plain6. patience - patients7. groan - grown8. soar - sore9. know …no1o. knows - nose11 . witch - which12. way - weigh111

Lesson 4?…e the Correct Homo 队 副 |Instructions - Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correcthomophones. You may look in the dictionary after you complete this exercise to seeif you chose the right homophone. Correct any mistakes by crossing out or erasingyour first answer and writing in the correct homophone.1. I can't remember(wear, where)I put my homework assignment.2. My big sister always says she doesn't have a thing to(where, wear)3. I'm going to(right, write)4. I know I didn't get the first answera letter to my pen pal today.(write, right)on that test.5. My tomato plant began to take(root, route)finally.6. I went along with my friend on his newspaper(root, route)today.7. My uncle, who's a farmer, always for rain when there's a drought.(praise, preys, prays)8. You have to a dog often in order to teach it new tricks.(prays, praise, preys)9. An owl on a mouse for food.(prays, preys, praise)10. For dessert my mother ordered strawberry short cake, and I orderedpound cake.(plane, plain)11. My grandfather's(plain, plane)12. 丁 he waiting room was filled withwas scheduled to land in an hour.(patients, patience)when we got there.Homophones are two or more words that sound all e but arespelled differently and have di erentmeanings.l。吕巧ω吕∞『OCUO『5可 C亘古旦-034·∞OZMUYUY·∞UGU 可Name112Date

Lesson 4白 雪 th e Cor 三 主 ; 二 lContinued13. My dad doesn't have the .、(p 副 ients , p 副 ience)to wait in line for a popular movie.14. I can't wait till my dog isfuιso I can enter him in a dog show.(groan, grown)15. My cousin started toeating so much cake.(grown, groan)16. We watched my uncle's jet into the sky.17. I had a(soar, sore)(sore, soar)and said she had a stomach ache fromthroat and knew I was getting a cold.18. I don't what I'm getting my friend for her birthday.(no, know)19. When I rang the bell, there was answer.20. Everyone except Joe(knows, nose)(know, no)how to use a computer by now.21. My and eyes itch alot when there is alot of pollen.(nose, knows)822.lplayed the part of the goodp、∞h C\Jg∞的C。=6232a@SS30』由且3ωhn 白白F@23. We couldn't decideboth.(which, witch)22 45It's just my opinion, I have noThe post office had to(which, witch)(weigh, way)(way, weigh)in the school play.puppy to choose, so we bought themto prove it.the package before I could send it.Homophones are two or more words that sound alike but ares elled different1 and have different meanings.NameDate113

Lesson 4型 些 Th e Hom 马 丽 可 |Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write them in the spaces provided.right - write plane - plain witch - whichknows - nose root- route sore - soar>lHomo 川 …~ ' 1. 12 .. . ) . i1ttll;:aQJ 吵 [L'… l im.... ] 川 rm 叫spelled differently and have different meanin s.。-mw@叫ωchuo『OC它。『@可CU-5曲里02臼AE白OZNU 飞 -V∞叫ω叫Name114Date

Lesson 4Narne The HomophonesInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.right - write plane - plain witch - whichknows - nose root - route sore - soarh凹hn∞,hhN∞-0F0的C。=mu-也5@2SB30』由也2ωh 白FONameli(.)"C·)·)iN,C;.'i.''''·*''." i.)i&INi·Antm''1·ill,f..,tJ(J4 i1l1W'Mispe e di erently and have different meanins.lDate115

Lesson 4Which Hom 呐 one Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct homophone for each sentence.I don't know whether to throw my jeans away or do this.Answer: where them, wear them2. 丁 he opposite of left is this.Answer: write, right3. The bus follows this everyday to school.Answer: the root, the route4. When a teacher likes what you did, she gives you this.Answer: prays, preys, praise5. When something is not fancy it is this.Answer: plane, plain6. You must have this when you are waiting for your presents.Answer: patients, patience7. When you reach your full height, then you are this.Answer: full groan, full grown8. Your finger will become this way if you slam a drawer on it.Answer: soa r, sore9. You give a negative answer when you say this word.Answer: knov 民 no10. This is an important part of your face.Answer: knows, nose11.If you want to know if it's one thing or the other, you say this.Answer: witch one?, which one?12. You may do this on a scale to find out how many pounds you have gained.Answer: way yourself, weigh yourself|Homo 阳 …s 叩 pelle different y an ave dif erent meanIngs.04@∞UYωCR『MOOC 它。『@可CE口臼埠。3由于∞。aMUY∞UFGUYName116Date

Lesson 4Correction TimeInstructions - Some of the homophones in the sentences below are correct,and some are wrong. If the homophone is correct, leave the sentence alone. If thehomophone is wrong, cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.hhm∞h-hh,。F。N∞,FEozg=2且2@』 由$30』由$2ωhgFO2. need to have patients when you want to learn a foreign language.9. I had trouble putting my shoe on because my foot was so soar.10.My friend had a hot fudge sundae, but I had my ice cream plane.11. When we heard we were having a surprise test today, some of the kidsin the back of the class began to grown.12. Since we had know more mayonnaise left, I put salad dressing on myturkey sandwich.13.I didn't know witch shirt I liked better, so my mother said I should get both.14. My dieting sister likes to weigh herself every morning to see if she haslost any more weight. asked the policeman if he knew wear Main Street was.The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do.I had to pull each weed up by its route.4. I don't know witch friend to give the free ticket to.20.My friend said he didn't no whether he could come over tonight.My friend nose all my faults, but stilllikes me the way I am.When my mother began to prays me in front of my friends, I wasembarrased.I should where myoid shoes when it's raining , but I don't.I always route for the player in second place when I watch golf on r.v.The first time I flew on a plain I was very nervous.My friend and I make a good team; he likes to write stories, and I like todraw pictures for them.I like my neighbor's cat alot, except when it prays on the birds in the yard.My uncle Jim only eats home-groan vegetables, never the ones from thegrocery store.!;(.)"t·)·)'{')'{;*'ifJI ;tlz.a.,a "t.' Z4 t;·,q·fSJttttk ·Mli,t.*"Oidi itft. ' 22i• A •• • •.INameDate117

Lesson 4m 优 n HomophoneInstructions - In each of the following sentences there is a "hidden homophone."Find this "hidden homophone," underline it, and write it as you found it in theblank next to the scrambled word in the parenthesis.1. I have to spray my flowers often so they don't get eaten by insects.(prays)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一2. The panel consisted of six students and three teachers.(plane)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一3. I walked down the wrong hall and was late for my class.(grown) 一 一 一 一 一 一4. My mother was going to enter her pink rose in the flower show.(sore) 一 一 一 一 一 一5. There were no lights on so I didn't ring the bell.(no) 一 一 一 一 一 一战 坦 白 ; 二 ?Z JZU:ZertL223nd a 川 u 千 |。4由白UYωcūm『OC30『@响 UC亘古mzo3由?∞。obu 习'∞叫ω叫Name118Date

Lesson 4呐 .Instructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homophonepairs. Write the name of each homophone under each picture.hhm∞EhhN∞·-F0的0EO帽ZUZS3a』 由缸@30』 曲阜3ωh 白FONamelHomophon…t:4.iQl•••j." tel…rds th…u 川 川 .spe e 1 erently and have different meanin s.Date119

Lesson 4Homophone Crossword Puzzle|Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homophone.wwm 自 汀 Mmno·川e刚 hhdM 町 e甘e··,EYou may choose your answers from the word list below.prays - praise - preysplane - plainpatience - patientsgroan - grownsoar - soreknow - noknows - nosewitch - whichway - weigh2. put something on your bodyWhat a person does in a church or a templeTo give a compliment to someoneThe underground part of a plantWhat you do with a pen or pencilWhen something or someone is maturePeople that doctors and nurses treatYou do this to something on a scaleOrdinary or simple2. road, path or highwayYou have this when you wait for a long timeA road or course for travelTo rise upward into the airWordless sound that expresses pain or griefTo be certainA mean , old, ugly woman or hagA machine that fliesHurting or painful to the touch7.2. 5. 3.← 一 - 甲卡 一 - 一4. 13.8. 11.•--- ← 一 -- 』 一 -9.。』…-- ← 一 - 一 H 一 一 -10. 14.(flf- 白 白 - 问 ---@』 一 一 』 一 -12. 一..... 翩 翩 -』 一 -'---li Ce) ,,( ·) ·J.c" .ca-. 'i. Wl··"· ,,("i. ...Ni·Alltm..1HI,H. W10¥. ittt. '24ispe e 1 erently and have different meanin s.'---oo--唱NUY∞' 叫ω叫Name120Date

Lesson 5Homophones are two or more words thatsound alike but are spelled differently andhave different meanings.Instructions - Here is a list of homophones for thislesson. Read them out loud so you can hear that theysound alike.hhm∞h-hhN∞-0F0的CSH 而且-22且@』 曲。30』由B3ωh白nFO1. whole 皿 hole2. dye - die3.lead - led4. one - won5. pair - pear6. pail - pale7. sea - see8. pause - paws9.hour …our10. dense - dents11 . grate - great12. their - there121

Lesson 5叫 om o p h o n e |Instructions - Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correcthomophones. You may look in the dictionary after you complete this exercise to seeif you chose the right homophone. Correct any mistakes by crossing out or erasingyour first answer and writing in the correct homophone.1. I ate the pint of ice cream and then felt sick.(hole , whole)2. The dog dug a in the yard and buried his bone in it.(whole, hole)3. My mother said she would(die, dye)my shirt a different color.4. The old Indian chief said he would in a few weeks.(dye, die)5. There was no more left in my new mechanical pencil.6. I(led, lead)(lead, led)my thirsty horse to the water hole.7. I was sure I had the contest of how many beans were in the jar.8. I only had(one, won)(won, one)piece of gum left.9. I couldn't find my new of socks.(pair, pear)10. My mom packed a tuna sandwich, a box of juice and alunch today.11. My sister's face stayedthe sun.(pale, pail)12. My little brother always carried his new(pail, pale)went to visit his friend who lived near the beach.(pear, pair)and shovel when he1Homo 问 …~ ~…m…~…und alike 川 I. . .,。for my ~飞 3cl>o call summer because she stayed out of 1、』(f)巳. 口c0"s =!:0 3的∞o oM习α3、Jc..l叫Name122Date

Lesson 5Choose the Correct 阳Continued13.14.15.16.My brother likes to swim in the(see, sea)but I like the poo l.My bedroom window was so fogged up from the air conditioner, I couldn'tout of it.(sea, see)My cat's(pause , paws)My teacher said we would(paws, pause)started the second part of the test.were all wet when he came in from the rain.for a short time before we17.In another(our, hour)the summer vacation.we were going to be out of school for the start of18.We thought it would be a good idea to givesurprise birthday party.(our, hour)teacher ah的h∞-hh,。n。N∞-Fmcg志233 也@』 由nH3』0OS3ωh白hFO19.20.21.The fog was soThe(dents , dense)(dents, dense)The quarter rolled into the2222 2345hHa AU aMy mom lets me(grate, great)we couldn't see one foot ahead of us.in the fenders made the car look older than it was.covering the sewer.(grate, great)time at my grandparents' farm last summer.(great, grate)the potatoes for her potato pancakes.We asked our friend Butch to come with us to the old haunted house, but hesaid he would never goagain.(there, their)My neighbors always walkeach night.(there, their)|Homoph… ~ … riIIITIl…ords th…!3.t9'rmr:uU9i9,U'·¥ ' '(·· ,E\llfl·UU9i9,i' ,,(W',' ','Y.1dog past my house at 7:30 PM.ω…IlNameDate123

Lesson 5Name The Hom 呐 … | |Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write them in the spaces provided.pair - pear dye - die pail - palehole - whole one - won see - sea、!;(.},,(.).)!t.)!({ "spelled differently and have differentmeanings.|i a (I;tl.. .,. "t.n;aw.sq.13n it(41.sn,f.W1h(IS Mt. 'Mi。48叫ωCB『OE『@刀C豆zmzgm468·NU 斗·∞UYωUYName124Date

Lesson 5Name The Homophones|Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomophones for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.pair - pear dye - die pail - palehole - whole one - won see - sea~O"khm∞h-hhN∞·-0F0mc目o2z33 且@』 旦30』oa3ωh白hFOName理 !> n~I 勘 。 ITillJ 。 呐 p 忡 阳 h3i'nJJmlUl 证 [fl 岛 e rent1y and have different meanin s.Date125

Lesson 5Which Homophone Is It?Instructions - Which one is it? Circle the correct homophone for each sentence. is equal to the sum of its parts.Answer: the whole, the holeFish in the fishbowl will do this if you don't feed them.Answer: die, dyeYou need this to write with.Answer: led, leadIf you get a prize, that means you have done this.Answer: one, wonTwo of gloves or socks or shoes are called this.Answer: a pair, a pearIf you have very light skin , people may say you have this.Answer: pail skin, pale skinYou can call this the ocean or you can call this another name.Answer: the see, the seaDogs and cats have these, but people don't.Answer: pause, paws丁 h i s is a unit of time.Answer: our, hour10. When you hit a surface very hard , you can make these.Answer: dense, dents11.12.We can do this to cheese, potatoes or carrots if we want to make shreddedpieces.Answer: great, grateA place where something can be found.Answer: their, thereI;C,)" (,).J,C,),t; Y ',¥ RS·. ·>. "I.>i4 $j.>i·m ro4 i ·i,,,t.EU!R m . 'iflspelled di ferent1y and have different meanins.l。吕骂ωCB「口号。『5响 US一 …geo3臼4·gOENUY∞叫Vω-1Name126Date

Lesson 5l白 II|Instructions - Some of the homophones in the sentences below are correct,and some are wrong. If the homophone is correct, leave the sentence alone. If thehomophone is wrong, cross it out and write the correct word above the wrong one.h的h∞n-hhF。∞N-. F 的COPCU-33比@』 曲阜30』 由$2ωh白FO2. hole class applauded when the teacher said there would be no testtoday.Our team led the other team by ten points.lone the game , but I still had to do the dishes.I can't wait to wear my new pear of boots in the snow.We found our kitten asleep in the pail.I couldn't see my mistake even when the teacher pointed it out.My dog's pause were all muddy when he came in from the rain.Our new hall clock chimes every half our.I counted twelve dense in the fender.I won a great big panda at the fair.I wondered why their wasn't any cake left after the party.We couldn't swim in the see today; the water was too rough.The whole in my sweater was getting bigger each day.I was afraid my fish would dye if we let my sister take care of them.The guide lead us back to the front of the museum.The speaker decided to paws in the middle of his speech to answerquestions from the crowd.The pair looked overripe so I threw it away.I wanted my room painted a pale blue shade.That's a grate story you told , but I don't believe you.I'm the only won in my class whose name begins with "Z".|Homom…lia ",;q .j …。…。 … ttl1tiIi 川 ...INameDate127

Lesson 5Hidden HomophoneInstructions - In each of the following sentences there is a "hidden homophone."Find this "hidden homophone," underline it, and write it as you found it in theblank next to the scrambled word in the parenthesis.1. It was my turn to deal the cards in the game.(l e ad ) 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一2. My mother says I have to clean my room now.(won) 一 一 一 一 一 一3. When I was in third grade, my favorite game was leap frog.(pale)一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一4. My flashlight needs a new battery often.(dense) 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一5. My little brother wanted to swap his tricycle for a yo-yo.(paws) 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一Homophones are two or more words that sound alike but arespelled differently and have differentmeanings.|。吕可ωC它。「OESO-@可C亘古旦。3ω4·∞OOa吗?∞UYω叫Name128Date

Lesson 5Make Your Own HomophoneInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homophonepairs. Write the name of each homophone under each picture.h∞h∞·-hh,。F。∞N-Fmc币g22v3且@』 由且30』曲。2ωh白hFOName|H。m。 呐 p 庐 h… 缸 e … …~。 叫 r.:JIl 由 h…lI'I"m: mI 胁 川 ms 叩 rmurmlil 副 [Ii 旺 . . .lDate129

Lesson 5Homophone Crossword PuzzleIInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homophone.You may choose your answers from the word list below.whole - holedye - dielead 回 led4tA吁民UQU9.11.12.13.。 n e - wonpair - pearpail - paleAcrossA pronounTo stop for a whileOpposite of followedDeep impressions made onhard surfacesTwo of these are thisWhere it is locatedA cavityA thick fog is this3. 2.sea - seepause - pawshour - ourDown234579024To no longer existEntire or allVery light in shade or colorAn oceanTo tintAn animal has fourVery big or wonderfulUnit of timeTo look41··4·EA---dense - dentsgrate - greattheir - there5.4. 13. 14.10.9. 12.6. 7.8. 11.。吕UUYωCUO「OCUO『@可CE口mw 埠。2mAB∞0·NName130|?m??………!spelled differently and have一different句 iii……meanin s.一 … … 一 |DateUYU 吨 '∞UGU 可

Lesson 1Homographs are words which are spelledalike but have two different meanings.Instructions - The homographs listed below havetwo and sometimes three meanings. Yet, it is possiblethat some of the homographs can have even more meaningsthan those given in this lesson.hhm∞h-hh,。h。N∞-FE。=币252 且@SEQ』OS2ωhgF@1. pool2. school3. ruler4. pitcher5. block6. chest7. top8.batter9. pit10. scale11. star12. bat131

Lesson 1Corr 创 the Homog 即Instructions - Fill in each blank in the sentences below with the correct homograph.Choose from the homograph list below. Remember to use each word in twoand sometimes three sentences.poolschoolrulerpitcherblockchesttopbatterpit1. In the summer, we have fun swimming in my neighbor'sscalestarbat2. Thewas filled with ice-cold lemonade.3. My cousin is an actress in Hollywood and wants to be a bigone day.4. My mom always put a little nutmeg into the pancake5. The ball rolled into a6. We gave the baby a blue and red7. In the fairytale , theand we couldn't get it out., and it's now his favorite toy.of the kingdom was a wise, old gnome.8. Under the water, we saw afrom us.9. I was coughing so much, my10. Tomorrow I am going to my new11. Every time I see the first12. I watched the cook remove everyit in the oven.of silver fish swimming quickly awaywas beginning to hurt.in the sky, I make a wish.on the fish before he baked~omographs ~re words which are spelled alike but havedif erent meanin s.。4@U 可ωC币。「ocug@可CU- 口mz。2的4'∞。-MUYV∞UGU 可Name132Date

Lesson 1r 创 the Ho 些 些 些 」Continued13. My friend let me borrow his brand newgame.for the baseball14. My older brother taught me how to shoot15. My uncle said he always wanted to be abaseball team.for a major league16. I needed a to underline the words in my sentences.17. I weighed myself on the in the nurse's office.18. We had a contest to see who could get to thefastest.of hill the19. When my mom was in elementary school, she said she walked to schoolbecause it was just down the20. My cat, Dinah, was having fun playing with a peach21. The pirate buried his treasure deep in the ground.~ 22. My baby sister likes to pile one∞on top of another.323l didn'tfollow myf 阳 ds into the cave because I was afraid aιwould fly on my head.g ogE24噎丁 he music teacher made us sing up and down the225.Our mothers formed a car』旦3ωh 白FOn-』ho丁 hH e.. .different meanin s.hit a home run out of the ball park.ten times.to take us to school each morning.NameDate133

Lesson 1坚 生 些 日 。 问 画 同 |Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.top bat poolbatter pitcher chest00龟@、.::!)Homographs are words which are spelled alike but havedl erent meanings.。4@由UYωzhuo『Ochug@刀C亘古兔52ω460·MUY 叫·∞UGUYName134Date

Lesson 1阐 卢 叫 才Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.too bat poolbatter pitcher chesth凹h∞,hhN· ∞0-F0的C。Z田253且@SB30」OS3ωh 白FONameIII 叫 , t. na l • 1 2 . Ji . r;m; !l 灿 a U¥i · t ;u rm E 1 胁 but havedifferent meanin s.Date135

Lesson 1雪 白 ~~ 呐 A….Instructions - Write the correct homograph next to its meaning in the following.Choose each homograph from those listed below.poolschoolrulerpitcherblockchesttopbatterpitscalestarbat1. A measuring stick:2. A toy a child can build things with:3. A place where you go to learn:4. A part of your upper body:5. A person who throws the ball to a batter:6. A child's toy that can spin:7. A hard seed in a fruit:Name1368. A thick, beaten mixture of flour, milk and eggs:9. A part of a fish:10. A mammal that flies at night:11. A small body of water for swimming:12. Someone who has a leading role in a movie:lH。mog 叫 s are w 叫 . . .. .…l• .'IDate。4∞ωUYωCUO『OC刀。『@刀CEE也53"?∞。-M叫UY 命UYωUY

Lesson 1国 omog rap h S 叩 丝 丝 jInstructions - Choose any six homographs from the homograph list below.Then, write two sentences for each homograph. Remember to use a different meaningin each sentence. Underline the homograph in each sentence.poolschoolrulerpitcherblockchesttopbatterpitscalestarbat2.∞h-KFhN∞-0F0mc。5 目。-32队@』 由缸30』由巳3ωhh白FO7.8.4···4 012•••4·E9.|Homgraphsmm 巾 which are s 问 ~ 胁 but havedi erent meanin s.NameDate137

Lesson 1主 豆 豆 h Senteζ 平 平 II 丁Instructions - Unscramble these sentences. Write the correct sentences in theblanks under the scrambled sentences.Circle the homograph.Use the word listbelow for help.poolschoolrulerpitcherblockchest1. 丁 he dog block I walked around my.topbatterpitscalestarbat2. To be in my class star I wanted a play.3. At Earth is a star only seen from night.Name1384. The top of the mountain covered the snow.5. In my garden the soil in the pit avocado I planted.· .... ~E·:E!Z!Idi erent meanings.Date。4@叫ωC它。『OC它。『@可cu-n由目。2ω?∞。-MU 飞 YE∞叫ω叫

Lesson 1五 豆 副 司 如 ~… 些 IIInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homographs.Write the name of each homograph under each picture.hmh∞n-heh∞F-NFEmOc百Oo223 且@』OS20』由且3ωh由mF。Name~omograp s are words which are spelled alike but havedifferent meanin s.Date139

Lesson 1Homograph Crossword Puzzle lInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homograph.You may choose your answers from the word list below.poolschoolrulerpitcherblockchesttopbatterpitscalestarbat4EA『?'8.9.10.AcrossA street where you liveA baseball playerTo share a ride in a car with agroup of peopleNotes of musicA deep holeA bright, shini bj h kynζndA斗严hdaunHUDownA person who governsA part of your upper bodyA wooden clubA child's toy that spinsA large group of fish swimming togetherA container that holds cold drinks2. 5.8.I 叫9.10.sc:aw.jq.tw tJjimn*a:4a. fi!J l roma ' 且 l tJFl..tn_ ;#&1.."04il4,i.meanin s.e l:rlD [~ MHt4il4 ,U。4ω叫ωC响 MO『UC30『@可C亘古ω营。3臼4600·NUYUYE∞UGU 飞Name140Date

Lesson 2Homographs are words which are spelledalike but have two different meanings.Instructions - The homographs listed below havetwo and sometimes three meanings. Yet, it is possiblethat some of the homographs can have even more meaningsthan those given in this lesson.A 户 的h∞-hhqo∞-FmCQHmu-02a@』OB30』ORU2ωh白F@1. cast2.back3. part4.pen5. pipe6. sole7. diamond8. foot9. pupil10. nail11. tip12. club141

Lesson 2. 叫Instructions - Fill in each blank in the sentences below with the correct homograph.Choose from the homograph list below. Remember to use each word in twoand sometimes three sentences.castbackpartpenpipesolediamondfootpupilnailtipclub1. We started a newtoday.2. After I broke my leg, I had to wear aand were going to meet for the first timefor months.3. My mother likes the smell of my father'stobacco.4. Theof my left shoe had a big hole in it.5. We saw the pigs playing in their pig6. "Let me give you anext time!"," my mom said , "Don't stay up so late7. My aunt proudly showed us her new nng.8. I tried to hammer thein the wall, but I dropped it.9. 丁 he giant hot dog was a long.10. I cut theof my finger on a piece of paper.11. I was the only in my class who got 100 % on the test.12. I wanted ain the play, but I was too shy to say so.。吕ωU 可ω巳它。『OC℃∞『3可CEB旦534·∞obu 飞 UY'∞Name142~ 咿 aP EEs m words whicE 豆 豆 豆 平 ~τmτ~GUU4i4hWV.t¥ ia,"Wi 飞 二iii国 一 一 - 一 一 -.Date叫ω叫

Lesson 2Correct t川 omographContinued13. sat inLemonWhen a big waterMy ballpointA policeman carries aof the room , and I couldn't hear the speaker.is my favorite kind of fish to eat.broke, we had no water for days.ran out of ink.as well as a gun.18.19.I always get confused over a spade or aMy dad gave the waiter a bigin a card game.because he was so nice.20.21.TheI hurt myconsisted of just six people.and I didn't want to participate in exercises.22.23.I shut the door on my thumbI only ate aand it turned black and blue.of the meal; I saved my appetite for dessert.h· 凹h∞ehh,0F0∞N-Fmc田o9z33&@』 由也30』 由且3ωh 白FO222A斗This was the first time I saw a baseball民JvauI kept quiet even when my dance partner stepped on myThe doctor checked theof my eye.|Homogaphsmwo 地 ~ …p 叫 m 川 川 的 Idifferent meanings.in a real ball park.NameDate143

Lesson 2Name The Homo 即 IIInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.foot cast pendiamond pipe back~

Lesson 2- 川 om og rap h sInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.footdiamondcastpipepenbackh的h∞-hh,。F。∞N-Fmc目oUz-2也3@』由且30』由也3ωh白hFOdifferent meanings.NameDate145

Lesson 2Homog 即 h AnswersInstructions - Write the correct homograph next to its meaning in the following.Choose each homograph from those listed below.castbackpartpenpipesolediamondfootpupilnailtipclub1. A hollow tube which carries fluid or gas:2. A fenced place for animals to stay:3. The bottom part of your shoe:4. The opposite of front:5. A precious gem:6. A piece of something:7. All the people that act in a certain play:8. Twelve inches equal this:Name1469. A part of your finger:10. A helpful hint:11. A group of people who join together for a common purpose:12. 丁 he black part in the center of the eye:Homographs are words which are s elled alike but have. . 二 ←.Date。-c可ω岳阳『OC℃∞『@刀CESEO2由于gOEN习·∞UGU 可

Lesson 2Hom 咿 呐 Sentenω|Instructions - Choose any six homographs from the homograph list below.Then , write two sentences for each homograph. Remember to use a different meaningin each sentence. Underline the homograph in each sentence.cbp aaaC bM tb户V R 川H +U Lpenpipesolediamondfootpupilnailtipclub2.∞-hhhN∞-BFO的Ocgvmu比=2@3』OB3』0曲阜3ωhh白FOA『..A『..dE••9.012Homograp s are words which are spelled alike but have. .'NameDate147

Lesson 2Homograph SentenωcrambleInstructions - Unscramble these sentences. Write the correct sentences in theblanks under the scrambled sentences. Circle the homograph. Use the word listbelow for help.castbackpartpenpipesolediamondfootpupilnailtipclub1. A party had after the cast the play.2. Because of the auditorium stood back I in the were there no seats.3. My sister's baby foot and I stepped on she screamed by mistake.4. A dad had his sore the foot of sole on.5. Diamond on the baseball home base in back of sat I.lqm522 品 … rds which are s 问 … 且 rID 卢 |。吕∞叫ω岳。『O岳阳『@可CES$03白4280·N叫 V∞叫 ω叫Name148Date

Lesson 2Make Your Own HomographInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homographs.Write the name of each homograph under each picture.hhm∞h-hh,。h。N∞-F的EOE币233 也@5巳30』由缸3ωhh白F。Name|Homogaphs …。m t"" IJ ;mIi'!… p el 川 川 川 II1 erent meanin s.Date149

Lesson 2Homograph Crossword Puzzle|Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homograph.You may choose your answers from the word list below.castbackpartpenpipesolediamondfootpupilnailtipclub3. infieldA studentBottom of your footPart of your bodyPieceIt has five toesηζqUA斗RJV7'nwuDownPart of a fingerA writing toolYou put tobacco in itThe members of a playA card symbolMoney you give for good service7.2.8. 5.11. 9. 3. 4.10.6.|Homog 叫 s are words whi 川 e spelled a 胁 b 川 机 |• ..I。4ωUYωC℃曲『OC它。『@可cgz由国。2md·∞。-NU 飞 吨 '∞UGU 可Name150Date

Lesson 3Homographs are words which are spelledalike but have two different meanings.Instructions 圃 - The homographs listed below havetwo and sometimes three meanings. Yet, it is possiblethat some of the homographs can have even more meaningsthan those given in this lesson.民运-hhN·00∞-FE058=§a@』 在30』旦3ωhgFO1.page2. seal3. teeth4. story5. ring6. switch7. yard8.pound9. file10.bill11. tape12. ball151

Lesson 3II 咿 呐 |Instructions - Fill in each blank in the sentences below with the correct homograph.Choose from the homograph list below. Remember to use each word in twoand sometimes three sentences.pagesealteethstorynngswitchyardpoundfilebilltapeball1. My mom likes to use a different Christmassends to a friend during the holiday season.2. Since my friend lives on the secondstairs instead of the elevator.3. My father ordered a 1 1/2lobster for dinner.on each card sheof his building , he uses the4. You have toanswers the door.the doorbell a few times before my grandfather5. The hallway was so dark you had todaytime.6. When the big dog showed his7. My mother says you shouldon the light even in theand growled , we ran away fast.the veal first before you cook it.8. My aunt keeps her Great Danes chained in her9. My father has ahis important papers.10. My baby brother tries to turn thereading it to him.11. The restaurantfrom myπ10m.12. My teacher wants me to buy a notebook with athan a spiral binding.every day.cabinet in his home office where he keeps allof the book before I finishwas so high, my father had to borrow moneybinding rather04由ωUYωC℃白『OC℃白『@响 ucgzmHZ。3的斗'∞obJ 可叫‘∞叫ω叫• •••• • •• • •ιi ferent meanin s.Name152Date

Lesson 3lcorr 刨 出 ~ 呐 |Continued13. I still have the red, silver and blue I had as a toddler.14. We had to bring the lost dog to thehome if no one claimed him in a few days.15. When we were sitting in the hotel lobby, amessage.16. I was surprised when I heard the principalcome down to his office.but we would take himbrought my dad amy brother to17. Even though amam 盯 la l.swims in the water like a fish , it is still a18. "Be careful with that saw," my father said , "The are very sharp."19. When I was little , my favorite was "The Wizard of Oz:'20. My mother bought afor Halloween.of ribbon to make my sister's costume21. I always wear my lucky when I take a test in school.r、22.My mother likes tomy father's nails every now and then.~ 23. The tropical bird had a beautiful yellowo∞~ 24.g~ 25.噎My sister is excited about going to a formalI wanted towas too late.at her college.my vote to "no" when the class was polled, but it。由~ 26.卜 ‘Our teacher played aof the concert for us.。Name|Homosaphsa…。 由 which …rm1l 川 1 川 川 II.IDate153

Lesson 3·meTheInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.tape page sealteeth switch yardCallingMr. Johnson...CallingMr. Johnson...~叫 !I-"'Ma+.1j。 由 胁 but havedifferent meanings.。4∞UYωC℃白『OC℃白『@可C亘古曲。=ω4·∞。-NU飞UF∞叫ω叫Name154Date

Lesson 3Name The Homographs|Instructions … Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.tape page sealteeth switch yard..hmh∞h-hhN∞·-F0的0EOZ6U且Z@3』 由且30』由且3ωh白nFoO仁 之 三 仁 之 三 七 之 三II 叫 Edi erent meanings.NameDate155

Lesson 3Homogr 二 ph Answers lInstructions - Write the correct homograph next to its meaning in the following.Choose each homograph from those listed below.pagesealteethstorynngSVJitchyardpoundfilebilltapeball1. A unit of length equal to thirty-six inches:2. A person who works in congress and carries messages:3. A small disk of paper or wax stamped on an official document:4. The bony structurE~S in the jaw of your mouth:5. A tale that you read or listen to:6. A unit of weight equal to sixteen ounces:7. A round, rubber toy that you bounce:8. A piece of jewelry you wear on a finger:Name1569. 丁 o change your opinion or your attention:10. A strip of material which you use to fasten one thing onto anotherthing , such as a piece of paper:11. A place where important papers are kept:12. A statement of fees or charges that you owe:H 勘 。m 咿 呐 l4Ui&*.tt.fi. l4DJ f1 灿 .I 脚 e 创 EDate。吕ωUYωcūo『口号∞『@Egō旦。2的?∞。,阳叫口 可·∞-3叫

Lesson 3Homograph S 创 ences|Instructions - Choose any six homographs from the homograph list below.Then, write two sentences for each homograph. Remember to use a different meaningin each sentence. Underline the homograph in each sentence.nvsbu agell-hHeav到只storynngswitchyardpoundfilebilltapeball2. 户 的h∞n-hhhh∞N-FmOE。O白而且ḡa@』 由且30』由巳3ωh白FO7.8.9.4BEd---dEE 012• ;,;,;,.......ifferent meanin s.NameDate157

Lesson 3Homog 即 ~ 时 crambleInstructions - Unscramble these sentences. Write the correct sentences in theblanks under the scrambled sentences. Circle the homograph. Use the word listbelow for help.pagesealteethstoryringswitchyardpoundfilebilltapeball1. The circus at the seal we watched balance on a ball its nose.2. A seat wanted to switch my sister her for window aisle seat.3. Came to the bill one dollars hundred.4. To ring for it you must the bell push hard.5. All the pictures I wanted my scrapbook to tape into.|Homographsmmrdswmmspelleda 胁 but havedifferent meanin s.。4@由叫ωcūm『OC刀。『5可C亘古mz。2ω?∞。-MU 吗 ?∞UYω叫Name158Date

Lesson 3Make Your Own Hom 咿 呐 |Instructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homographs.Write the name of each homograph under each picture.hmh∞ahhh∞N-F-的0CO0E币233a@』 由且30』OS3ω白hFOi• ••erent meanings.NameDate159

Lesson 3Homograph Crossword PuzzleInstructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homograph.You may choose your answers from the word list below.pagesealteethstoryringswitchyardpoundfilebilltapeball4BA叶Rd106.8.9.AcrossA taleOne side of a leaf of a bookA small band of precious metalyou wear on your fingerTo change from one thing toanotherA metal thing that keeps papers,cards or any items in orderWhat you can do to clay beforeyou can mold itA bird' ·s oea2. chew with these bonystructures in your mouthA large piece of land next to orsurrounding a buildingA mammal with flippers thatswims in the waterSomething on which you canrecord music or wordsA formal gathering for socialdancing3.。4@由UYωE它。『OC它。『@可CEnmd。2mf∞。-N~ .. 雨豆 [h i) 2 i) . , . ' . UU . i mgr.:J!…………………………-U 可 吨'∞叫ω-1Name160Date

Lesson 4Homographs are words which are spelledalike but have two different meanings.Instructions - The homographs listed below havetwo and sometimes three meanings. Yet, it is possiblethat some of the homographs can have even more meaningsthan those given in this lesson.hmh∞hBhhNB∞EOFO的C。=币223 且@ES30』由龟3ωhh白FO1. quarter2. letters3. date4. patient5. plant6.keys7. palm8. glasses9.check10. rare11. line12.head161

Lesson 4Correct the HomographInstructions - Fill in each blank in the sentences below with the correct homograph.Choose from the homograph list below. Remember to use each word in twoand sometimes three sentences.quarterlettersdatepatientplantkeyspgc组 h 1M mU比 m … 树木'hH剧curarelinehead1. I remember my dad was veryto ride a two-wheeler bicycle.2. I filled twowith me when he taught mewith lemonade and took them outside.3. My friend said a bird once landed on hisbelieve him.4. The usher told us that the5. My grandfather likes to collect6. When my aunt lost thehad a spare set in her house.7. My art teacher taught me how to write the, but I didn'tformed to the right.stamps.to the car, she was grateful that shein calligraphy.8. My teacher said she wouldover.9. It was a hot day so the candy melted in the10. I had a11. I used my last12. My father always ordered his steakour answers before the class wasto meet my friend at the mall after school.to make a phone call.of my hand.at a restaurant.• •..• ~~'D:i:'II~aJ~ 灿 are spelleωω..different meanin s.。吕ωUYωC℃白『OC它。『@可CU- 口皇03∞?∞OENUYV∞UG叫Name162Date

Lesson 4Correct the Homog 即 h lContinued13. cat jumped up on theMy little sister had never seen aexcited the first time she saw one.My neighbor is theMy father is not a goodstay in bed.My uncle Ted works in an industrialI had never eaten aMy mom said there was awanted it.of the piano.tree before and was socustodian in my school.when he gets sick; he doesn't like tobefore, but I liked it.of the pie left in the refrigerator if I20.I drew adown the center of the page and then through themiddle of the page to make four sections.21.My favorite houseis the philodendron.hmh∞,hhN· ∞0-F0的CSV 帽UZ3 且@』 由且30』由且3ωh 由白F。22.2222qUAU寸RJvauI went to the eye doctor to see if I neededYou should always purchase cake on or before theon the bottom of the cake box.-btHKHE­且 且配 内T T OUVTME E叫‘ ‘·σMy aunt and uncle gave me aOUVH Cu U.stampedfrom my friend , Kate, in a special box in my dresser.for $50.00 for my birthday.for the meal in the restaurant came to $18.00 for the twoomograp s are words which are spelled alike but have..INameDate163

Lesson 4arne 叫 II 咿 呐 I |Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.glasses letters plantcheck palm keys1 erent meanings.. ..。4@由叫ωC℃O『OCūo『@刀CEng-03ω460·NU 习·∞叫ω口 可Name164Date

Lesson 4Name The Homographs|Instructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.glasses letters plantcheck palm keyshhm∞-hhh。∞N-. F 的COZE-且3@3SEO」E3ωhngF@ • ••••different meanins.lNameDate165

Lesson 4ψaph AnswersInstructions - Write the correct homograph next to its meaning in the following.Choose each homograph from those listed below.quarterlettersdatepatientplantkeys1. A person under a doctor's care:palmglassescheckv··VU们-v''创nm 阳它eM2.Implements you need to open a lock:3. Written money that takes the place of cash:4. The day of the month:5. Something that is unusual:6. A building containing equipment and machinery used for anyindustrial operation or work:7. To have a social meeting with someone at a particular timeor place:8. The inner surface of the hand:9. A leader, chief, or director:10. A thin , continuous mark made by a pen or pencil:11. Written symbols of speech sounds:12.Containers that hold liquid such as water or milk:k 监 灿 are spelled alike but have叫 i erent meanin s.。4∞叫ωC刀。『UC℃窍@可Eg口由世。2臼4·∞0·MU 飞 叫·∞-1ω叫Name166Date

Lesson 4Homogr 呐 111Instructions - Choose any six homographs from the homograph list below.Then write two sentences for each homograph. Remember to use a different meaningin each sentence. Underline the homograph in each sentence.quarterlettersdatepatientplantkeyspalmglassescheck创mm 阳3e创vtuubt2. 后,hhN9.。· ∞-F 4BEd-EdEE nU4tn/­EOZ币233且@SS30』旦3ωhgF。III。 different meanin s.NameDate167

Lesson 4Homograph S 创 ence Scramble|Instructions - Unscramble these sentences. Write the correct sentences in theblanks under the scrambled sentences. Circle the homograph. Use the word listbelow for help.quarterlettersdatepatientplantkeysnvn臼Cm部叫川剧怡.. 阳ecu

Lesson 4Make Your Own HomographInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homographs.Write the name of each homograph under each picture.hhm∞-hh,。N。∞-FmC币Q2H22 且@SS30』OS2ωhngF@Name1Homographsarewmdswhichare speneda 胁 b 川 叫 |i erent meanins.EDate169

Lesson 4IEomograph Crosswo 们 uzz l e |Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homograph.You may choose your answers from the word list below.quarterlettersdatepatientplantkeyspalmglassescheck甜mm 阳@e甜VEVUU-vt4tA叶Rd7'nwv10.AcrossCOMTWWAontainers for drinksne fourthplements to open a lockhe alphabet is thisu are this when you waitithout complainingtropical tree2. 即 s ~reηζquau7r8.9.DownA sweet fruitA bill at a restaurantThe opposite of well-done meatA straight mark you make onpaper with a pencilIt has hair on itTo put flower seeds in the groundwords which are spelled alike but have. .E。吕可ω巳它。「OC它。『@刀CE口阳 在。3臼斗'∞。,旧习'∞叫ω叫Name170Date

Lesson 5Homographs are words which are spelledalike but have two different meanings.Instructions - The homographs listed below havetwo and sometimes three meanings. Yet, it is possiblethat some of the homographs can have even more meaningsthan those given in this lesson.hhm∞-nhhn。∞N-F. 的CQV 币232a@』 由巳30』 曲阜2ωh白nFO1. spring2. straw3. fork4. race5. spot6.light7. note8.shade9. watch10.change11. sink12. stick171

Lesson 5CorreInstructions - Fill in each blank in the sentences below with the correct homograph.Choose from the homograph list below. Remember to use each word in twoand sometimes three sentences.SS'kVtttv··v··· nqMfE 门胁 H,M.,•• a‘ 扪、,, kracespotlightnsumd阳南e.旧 auhHbchangesinkstick1. The farmer let us feed theto the horses.2. Some people in the primative areas in Africa have never seen people of the white3. My good mood was ruined when I got ashirt.4. When I go to the beach , I always sit under the5. The tape was so old I couldn't get it toof gravy on my newon the paper.of an umbrella.6. We each took turns getting a cup of water from the7. I didn't realize I was late because myhad stopped.8. Last night I was so tired I went to sleep while it was still9. I wanted tomy father give my dog a bath.10. The11. My mother reminds me that theplate when I set the table for dinner.12. I lost themy good clothes into old clothes before I helpedOHU cud -Tton my bedroom window was broken and I couldn't pull it down.k 垣 堕 型 : 飞 ZEro 巾always goes to the left of thefrom my ballpoint pen and I had to throw the pen away.巴。苍白叫ωEB『UC百『@EEgto32·gob习·句句Name172Date

Lesson 5lCorrect t川 omographContinued13.The hermit drank nothing but purewater.14.The movie began to get very exciting as soon as the boat began to15.16.Lemonade always tastes better to me when I drink it with aWhen the road separated, the bus driver took the right17.18.19.My favorite season of the year iscome out.My lucky friend can alwaysfor one in the grass.My father said he saw a nicewhen the buds start toa four-leaf clover when she looksto pitch a tent for the night.20.I neverWins.with my friend Carl anymore because he always21.22.The package was big, but it was veryI had just enoughto carry.to pay for the bus fare home.hhm∞h-nhh,h0N∞-FESHE-队-@2-3230』由$3ωhgF@n q-』 UηAI』 外ηJ民』 JMnJ』auThe teacher said she would write awouldn't forget.to herself so sheWhen the chorus sang the new song , I had trouble reaching the highat the end.Every New Year's Eve wewhen it is 12:00 A.M.My grandmother always carries ascare away stray dogs.the ball fall in Times Square on T. V.with her when she walks to|H。m。gr 吵 r.:tE'l…。 町 lr!l 也 ~ 叫 …nmJ 叫 ω 川 a 町 m 时 叫different meanins.tI eι 1|NameDate173

Lesson 5呐 IInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.spring sink watchrace change note•lHomo 叫 … 川 胁 but have.|。4@∞叫ω巳它。『Ocūm『3可C亘古曲目。2臼4·∞0'NU 飞 叫'∞UGUYName174Date

Lesson 5Name The HomographsInstructions - Look at each set of pictures below. Choose the correcthomographs for each set from the word list, and write it in the spaces provided.spring sink watchrace change notek凹h∞hEhhh∞N,-F的0EQ0V 币2-D丘3@』 由缸30」on]3ω白「h@Name、@|Homographs mwo 巾 mJ'! 灿 are s 问 ~.., 胁 but havedifferent meanings.Date175

Lesson 5|llliIiil 咿 ap h AnswersInstructions - Write the correct homograph next to its meaning in the following.Choose each homograph from those listed below.pnak nqufCUQM&H甘WA叭rap9tFh』VHα『doh1. A natural fountain or flow of water:2. Opposite of heavy:且TEE--,..‘noteshadewatchchangesinkstick3. A group of people different from others because of color of skin:4. Stalks used as food for animals:5. To detect or find something:6.Information on a piece of paper:7. An implement with prongs used for eating:Name1768. A place where the sun is not shining:9. To cause to be different in some way:10. A place where you wash dishes or your hands:11. To look at something:12. A long , thin piece of wood from a tree:lH。m。gω 呻 呐 hs 白 …~'J 町 m lωs whi 川[fUM:4aa "N 创 r U H , J~ 'Date。苍白ωC币。『OC它。『@响 UC亘古巴534Ego-MUYV∞UYωUY

Lesson 5Homograph SentencesInstructions - Choose any six homographs from the homograph list below.Then, write two sentences for each homograph. Remember to use a different meaningin each sentence. Underline the homograph in each sentence.QMQUι民p-nak quf甘WMnmvapo--ph』VUUα『dohiτtιEtnoteshadewatchchangesinkstick2.∞shhnN·00∞EF的c。RHMWu-D3且@』 由a30』OS3ωh白户。4BEd--4. 012,9.NamelHomogaphsmmrdsw.川 are spelled 胁 but have.。'Date177

Lesson 5咿 ap h Sentence ScrambleInstructions - Unscramble these sentences. Write the correct sentences in theblanks under the scrambled sentences. Circle the homograph. Use the word listbelow for help.CUQUιHHpnak muw甘VAvapo--Fh『』俨们川α2d+t+tohnHQUM叭dM耐e叫pehchangesinkstick1. Sticking out was of the old spring a couch.2. For a picnic found we a spot nice.3. The light dark in the hallway on I turned.Name1784. Some a dollar and I had change left.5. Go out I can't tonight because my sister watch I have to baby.lHlliirn 叫 , t. na·.ti .HiL¥J) ;' 灿 ~ 叩 lmlω 胁 町 叫 !I 1Ildi erent meanin s.Date。-U叫ω岳。『OC它。『3可CE口mzo3m4·80·m叫·∞叫ωUY

Lesson 5Make Your Own Homog 即 IInstructions - In the boxes below, draw a picture of your favorite homographs.Write the name of each homograph under each picture.h的h∞-hh,。N。∞-F的C。Emu-且3@2SS30』曲也2ωh 白FO16 阳 。m。i erent meanin s.NameDate179

Lesson 5Homograph Crossword Puzzle|Instructions - Have fun filling in the crossword puzzle. Each of the answers is a homograph.You may choose your answers from the word list below.spnngstrawforkVapgERh』VHHα24+t-tohnsumd edbeh阳剧changesinkstick2.Across13589A seasonA piece of woodA piece of jewelry you wearSomething you can singThis covers a window to keepthe light out3. To go under the water and notcome up again2. Where a road separates intotwo parts4. It helps you drink your juice ormilk6.7.9.10.To alter or rearrangeThe sun gives us thisTo see somethingA contest to see who can runthe fastest8.。吕∞叫9.10.!i(.)"(·JYItIt·J,t. " @.tz,, ,·t-.wm. .|Homographs …。lT~~ …pelled 胁 川 IIdifferentmeanings.|ω岳。『O岳阳『@2亘白白白。3ω42∞。OENU习'∞ω叫Name180Date

hFm∞h-hhmN∞·E0F0mc币g2H3J2且@』OA]』 3由血03ωhn白F。181

Voωulary Building • Answer Keyl……- 现 应 国 医 ·】 自 ••'~~I:、Page 2 - Choose the Correct Antonyms1. punish , reward2. depart, arrive3. doctor, patient4. polite, rude5. comfort , disturb6. freeze, thaw7. guilty, innocent8. comedy, tragedy9. entrance, exit10. vacant, occupied11. valuable, worthless12. tunnel , bridgePage 3 - Which Antonym Is It?1. punish him/her2. guilty3. a patient4. depart5. comfort him/her6. thaw7. entrance8. worthless9. polite10. a tragedy11. a tunnel12. occupiedPage 4 - Name The Antonyms1. patient2. depart3. worthlessPage 5 - Name The Antonyms1. tunnel2. freeze3. disturbPage 6 - Find New Antonyms1. arrive2. comfort3. polite4. vacant5. guiltyPage 8 • Antonym Crossword PuzzleA 旦 盟 主旦 金 迦 n2. occupied 1. polite4. disturb 3. depart6. innocent 5. doctor8. worthless 7. comedy10. freeze 9. bridge11.12.rewardexitPage 10 - Choose the Correct Antonyms1. break, repair2. best, worst3. wise, foolish4. destroy, create5. most, least182Page 10 - Choose the Correct AntonymsCont.6. decrease , increase7. always, never8. fancy, plain9. smile, frown10. employee, boss11. sour, sweet12. nephew, niecePage 11 • Which Antonym Is It?1. an employee2. decrease the amount of money3. the most4. fancy5. repair it6. foolish7. sweet8. a frown9. create it10. a nephew11. never12. your bestPage 12 • Name The Antonyms1. repair2. decrease3. sourPage 13 • Name The Antonyms1. destroy2. smile3. plainPage 14 - Find New Antonyms1. break2. always3. boss4. fancy5. increasePage 16 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcro 吕旦 旦 旦 旦create 2. always3 smile 4. plain5. employee 6. decrease8. wise 7. repair10. niece 9. sweet12. least 11. bestPage 18 - Choose the Correct Antonyms1. easy, difficult2. ordinary, unusual3. trust , doubt4. fat, skinny5. country, city6. raw, cooked7. stale, fresh8. serious , silly9. many, few10. awkward, graceful11. similar, different12. all, nonePage 19· Which Antonym Is It?1. many2. unusual3. difficult4. awkward5. silly6. skinny7. doubt8. raw9. all10. city11. similar12. stalePage 20 - Name The Antonyms1. skinny2. cooked3. differentPage 21 - Name The Antonyms1. many2. difficult3. unusualPage 22 - Find New Antonyms1. few2. easy3. fat4. unusual5. gracefulPage 24 • Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcr 坚 豆旦 旦 旦 旦graceful 2. city3. trust 5. silly4. skinny 6. unusual7. easy 9. raw8. many 11. all10.12.similarstalePage 26 町 C h o ose the Correct Antonyms1. give, receive2. present , absent3. majority, minority4. fact, fiction5. teacher, student6. bright , dim7. unknown , famous8. villain , hero9. private, public10. praise, insult11. interested , bored12. enemy, friendPage 27 - Which Antonym Is It?1. a friend2. an insult3. a student4. bored5. a villain6. dim。吕@UYω岳阳『OCB『@可E口应-。zfgobuyV∞叫ω叫

Mm1JmJ 町 B u ild i ng• Answer KeylPage 27 - Which Antonym Is It?Cont.7. receive it8. private9. famous10. the minority11. present12. factsPage 28 - Name The Antonyms1. present2. student3. villainPage 29 - Name The Antonyms1. receive2. bright3. privatePage 30 - Find New Antonyms1. teacher2. interested3. give4. friend5. insultPage 32 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleA 旦 旦 皇旦 旦 旦 旦2. give 1. minority3. hero 4. interested4. insult 5. absent6. student 7. public8. famous 8. fact9. enemy 10. dimPage34· Choose the Correct Antonyms1. cheerful, sad2. notice, ignore3. bold, timid4. familiar, strange5. straight, crooked,.... 6. exclude, includef2 7. allow, refuse~ 8. kind, cruel与 9 . past, future运 1 0 . part, whole,!. 11. wife, husband12. dangerous, safe的c。+:lg主Pag e 35 …Which Antonym Is It?;; 1. exclude him/her星 2 . crooked.5 3. cheerfulQ; 4. ignore itg- 5. allow it民 6 . in the future言 7 . a part。 8 . familiar9. a wife10. dangerous11. timid12. cruelPage 36 - Name The Antonyms1. wife2. crooked3. cheerfulPage 37 - Name The Antonyms1. dangerous2. part3. ignorePage 38 - Find New Antonyms1. include2. sad3. kind4. bold5. noticePage 40 - Antonym Crossword PuzzleAcr 盟 主旦 旦 旦 旦1. exclude 2. cheerful3. safe 4. refuse5. future 6. bold7. crooked 8. husband9. whole 10. familiar11. notice 12. cruelPage 43 - Which Synonym Is It?1. a companion2. above us3. chubby4. choose5. beneath the bed6. the owner wouldn't allow it7. simple8. the champion9. request it10. close to you11. watch them12. pull itPage 44 - Name The Synonyms1. pick, choose2. near, close3. friend, companion4. over, abovePage 44 - Name The Synonyms Cont.5. pull, drag6. ask, requestPage 45 - Name The Synonyms1. chubby, plump2. under, beneath3. watch, look4. allow, permit5. champion, winner6. simple, easyPage 46 - Find the Synonym1. beneath2. choose or pick3. friend4. watch5. chubby or plumpPage 46 - Synonym Scramble1. beneath2. allow3. simple4. winner5. requestPage 48 - Synonym Crossword Puzzle………-、 回 归 回 回 ‘ 回 归 1-....……Acr 盟 主Do 旦 旦1. companion 2. allowPage 42 - Choose the Correct Synonyms 3. simple 4. near1. choose or pick5. request 6. under2. watch8. winner 7. choose3. companion or friend10. chubby 8. watch4. winner or champion9. pull5. above or over11. above6. under or beneath7. simple or easy8. permit or allow9. request10. drag or pull11. chubby or plump12. closePage 50 - Choose the Correct Synonyms1. build or construct2. name or title3. vanish or disappear4. far or distant5. discover or find6. stay or remain7. belief or opinion8. middle or center9. brave or bold10. prank or joke11. rich or wealthy12. silly or foolishPage 51 - Which Synonym Is It?1. foolish2. build houses3. an opinion4. a name5. remain6. bold7. rich8. a prank9. in the middle10. distant11. discover new countries or places12. disappear183

|Vocabulary BuIlding • Answer KeyPage 52 - Name The Synonyms1. prank, joke2. build, construct3. brave, bold4. far, distant5. belief, opinion6. find, discoverPage 53 - Name The Synonyms1. middle, center2. rich, wealthy3. name, title4. remain, stay5. silly, foolish6. vanish, disappearPage 54 - Find the Synonym1. joke, prank2. name3. build, construct4. silly, foolish5. brave, boldPage 54 - Synonym Scramble1. wealthy2. remain3. vanish4. center5. discoverPage 56 - Synonym Crossword PuzzleA 旦 旦 皇旦 旦 旦 旦1. disappear 2. middle4. find 3. construct5. brave 6. opinion7. distant 8. prank9. rich 9. remain10. sillyPage 58 - Choose the Correct Synonyms1. cruel or mean2. last or final3. join or connect4. give or donate5. misplaced or lost6. first or initial7. wet or damp8. smart or intelligent9. help or assist10. error or mistake11. short or brief12. trail or pathPage 59 - Which Synonym Is It?1. first2. cruel3. help4. path5. final6. brief7. damp8. intelligent184Page 59 - Which Synonym Is It? Cont.9. make an error10. misplaced11. connect them12. donate them to charityPage 60 - Name The Synonyms1. wet, damp2. first, initial3. last, final4. give, donate5. lost, misplaced6. short, briefPage 61 - Name The Synonyms1. smart, intelligent2. help, assist3. trail, path4. error, mistake5. join, connect6. mean, cruelPage 62 - Find the Synonym1. smart, intelligent2. damp, wet3. last, final4. help, assist5. mean, cruelPage 62 - Synonym Scramble1. assist2. connect3. trail4. misplaced5. cruelPage 64 - Synonym Crossword PuzzleAcr 盟 主Down1. misplaced 2. intelligent3. mistake 4. cruel5. final 7. initial6. wet 9. trail8. connect 11. brief10. assist 12. donatePage 66 - Choose the Correct Synonyms1. vacant2. response3. stingy or miserly4. fantasy or daydream5. buy or purchase6. messy7. wrong8. piece9. funny or amusing10. teacher or instructor11. wages12. guestPage 67 - Which Synonym Is It?1. vacant2. stingy3. falsePage 67 - Which Synonym Is It? Cont.4. a piece5. funny6. a response7. an instructor8. a daydream9. purchase10. a salary11. a visitor12. untidyPage 68 - Name The Synonyms1. portion, piece2. fantasy, daydream3. funny, amusing4. empty, vacant5. messy, untidy6. buy, purchasePage 69 - Name The Synonyms1. answer, response2. teacher, instructor3. wages, salary4. false, wrong5. stingy, miserly6. guest , visitorPage 70 - Find the Synonym1. piece, portion2. empty, vacant3. response4. funny, amusing5. stingy, miserlyPage 70 - Synonym Scramble1. portion2. daydream3. guest4. . false5. purchasePage 72 - Synonym Crossword Puzzle 。A 旦 旦 豆 旦 旦 旦 旦 $1. guest 2. untidy ~3. instructor 4. stingy 吕7. funny 5. purchase 丰8. empty 6. wrong .E11. wages 7. fantasy 量9. response 毛10. piece §.Page 74 - Choose the Correct Synonyms 豆1. real or genuine g2. often or freque 州 y 干3. careful or cautious ~4.new or unused z5. copy or imitate 引6. agree or consent 电7. seldom or rarely 习8. strange or odd9. quiet or silent10. maybe or perhaps11 . busy or active12. frightened or scared

Vocabulary Building • Answer KeyhFm∞h-hhF∞NEFOmOc币g2v33比@』 由巳30』 由$2ωh白n户。Page 75 - Which Synonym Is It?1. genuine2. seldom3. odd4. often5. imitate6. bUsy7. frightened8. perhaps9. cautious10. agree11. quiet12. unusedPage 76 - Name The Synonyms1. agree , consent2. busy, active3. frightened, scared4. real, genuine5. careful, cautious6. new, unusedPage 77 - Name The Synonyms1. imitation, copy2. silent , quiet3. strange, odd4. often , frequently5. perhaps, maybe6. rarel 弘 seldomPage 78 - Find the Synonym1. real, genuine2. new, unused3. imitates, copies4. scared, frightened5. strange, oddPage 78 - Synonym Scramble1. maybe2. silent3. active4. strange5. genuinePage 80 - Synonym Crossword Puzzle3. 旦 旦 皇旦 旦 旦 ncautious 2. strangeagree 4. imitatefrightened 5. frequentlyrarely 7. perhapsunused 9. genuinebusyquiet…… 缸 " 四 E 剧 目 缸 '] ~ I 四 ε……Pages 82-83 • Choosethe Correct Homophone1. aunt2. ant3. beat4. beet5. bee6. be』.•.. e--meeM 时时MUMmewy附mn陆ur臼 r, ..n墨 Aa'n7890123456789012345nLV 惘俨 UHhMm 内 nv hH ' 白 剖』 .H nMnueeae冒MnMnHas冒r‘号 ‘u 白』户 n 』·VLW wU uWK e···········WUC cU4t4t4t4t4l45414t4t4tnJιntnJ』町,』nζnζCUV户UVF oUV户 hua hu 阳g HM』U eKU aElauwUH o剧H o白 aMH r Uv白MHyPage 84 - Name The Homophone1. beet , beat2. bear, bare3. eye, IPage 85 - Name The Homophone1. flour, flower2. berry, bury3. urn , earnPage 86 - Which Homophone Is It?1. bare2. beat it3. bury it4. a scent5. a cord6. a flower7. earn money8. you9. aunt10. flour11. a bee12. to ailPage 87 - Correction Time1. I2. ewe3. beet4. bury5. be6. sent7. chord8. ale9. flower10. urn11. cent12. aunt13. flower14. bear15. berryPage 87 - Correction Time Cont.16. scent17. cord18. earn19. ant20. beePage 88 - Hidden Homophone1. ruby2. cents3. run4. tan5. weePage 90 - Homophone Crossword Puzzle2.咿 ea12a4567ub 矶。A 豆 血 豆 豆旦 旦 旦 旦bury 1. beatbare 4. antail 5. berryaunt 6. alebeet 7. eweearn 9. sentscent 12. cordeyeflowermFUW』n 内 -aaut』ae nMrw-­ ae户-E HMHH> u‘wmMV 臼snenedh巾w-m刚m阴.阳阳M MmednMMh-mm nm m阳 MbM阳 dω 叫白 创白 创白 m臼 mmMm蜘hwOmnwnvhHonHas511111111112222222212n44567hna纵队12n44567LPage 94 - Name The Homophone1. waist, waste2. towed , toad3. rays, raisePage 95 - Name The Homophone1. road, rode2. rain, rein3. two, to185

Vocab 由 ry Building • Answer KeyPage 96 - Which Homophone Is It?1. raise it2. vein3. road4. the fourth5. hear6. tied them7. reign8. too9. toad10. steel11. a seam12. wastePage 97 - Correction Time1. vane2. fourth3. road4. tied5. rain6. hear7. two8. toad9. steal10. seem11. to。12. waste13. rode14. vain15. raise16. here17. steal18. waist19. vain20. toPage 98 - Hidden Homophone1. hare2. diet3. least4. same5. waitsPage 100 - Homophone Crossword Puzzle3. 盟 主旦 旦 旦 旦rain 1. roadrays 2. vainreign 3. raisewaste 6. towedseam 7. steelwaist 10. rodehear 12. toadsteal 13. tootwoPage 102·103 • Choosethe Correct Homophone1. ate2. eight3. bough4. bow5. blue6. blew7. by186阳 ' 国"臼 ,n‘an江1队1121aA1u1sa1-n1a1Q11叭2队12222内 4244·· m内 nv-aawthH-e Fu­ nM『'' 份 t UHnvmnunvLnSRVnuwRHaLW-3FUKHMLWW dMMytomFpeeeaflghdvPm P阳臼 iaerdhh灿灿m础刷 叶叫· 叫MM"Page 104 - Name The Homophone1. knight, night2. arc, ark3. bawled, baldPage 105 - Name The Homophone1. cheep, cheap2. blue, blew3. eight, atePage 106 - Which Homophone Is It?1. blew on it2. a bough3. ate it4. buy them5. a knot6. the Capitol7. night8. cheap9. a flea10. a fowl11. an arc12. baldPage 107 - Correction Time1. bald2. night3. bow4. not5. buy6. flea7. foul8. blew9. cheap10. ate11. ark12. capital13. blue14. knot15. by16. eight17. fleePage 107 - Correction Time Cont.18. knight19. fowl20. boughPage 108 - Hidden Homophones1. peach2. wolf3. car4. leaf5. teaPage 110 - Homophone Crossword Puzzle2.吨 auee12345678940t4t14424t34144E5唱 6,47,4t84l9ntn0tn1J2』nt3nJ4』n5ζ生 旦 旦 旦D o 旦 旦fowl 1. cheepcapital 2. foulknight 4. ate~ue 5. a~cheap 7. nighteight 8. boughnot 10. arcmmm 刷 叫阶 段川阳出mwmMmr肌叫oesaMt』H au­FMFUW.hH nu、,白MO『 回 『-tcia,‘UH内m冉M uPage 114 - Name The Homophones1. plane , plain2. knows, nose3. witch , whichPage 115 • Name The Homophones1. right, write2. route, root3. sore , soarnur LnhUnHau。吕@叫ωCB『OC它自『@响 UCUES-。2白4·∞obu 斗·∞UGUY

Page 116 - Which Homophone Is It?1. wear them2. right3. the route4. praise5. plain6. patience7. full grown8. sore9. n。10. nose11. which one?12. weigh yourselfPage 117 - Correction Time1. where2. right3. root4. which5. know6. knows7. praise8. patience9. sore10. plain11. groan12. no13. which14. weigh15. wear16. root17. plane18. write19. preys20. grownPage 118 - Hidden Homophones1. spray2. panel3. wrong4. rosep、口 5 . on∞ r:: Page120 - Homophone Crossword Puzzle3 也 旦 皇 S 旦 旦 旦g 1. wear 1. way亡 2 . P 即 s 2. patience§ 3. praise 4. route百 4 . root 5. soar:g 6. write 7. groana: 8. grown 9. knowsg10 paients11WItchg- 12. weigh 13. plane~ 13. plain 14. soreQl0.~ Pages 122-123· Choose the Correct Homophone1;; 1. whole~ 2. hole@ 3. dye4. die5. lead6. led7. won·ωulary Building • Answer Key阳890opp币 阳nu 白 tee惘 asdhhHOO qnnnvmMe--e-'huHHa-制 帽白Page 127 - Correction Time Cont.睛 m17. pear怡 m18. pale19. great20. oneew--Mau-η3vyppvs,EωhH阳 gauAHH臼pnepa-s1 eW1 s2MpaU13pa4阳h15oeHPage 128 - Hidden Homophonesda16ed1. deal7 a1 g8wga2. nowu19g0 ouS3. leapt1rtun臼4. needs112enr3 05. swape14dap5 rPage 130 • Homophone Crossword Puzzle1 1r回prA 豆 旦 旦旦 旦 旦 旦2 h 怡she1. their 2. die2hd4. pause 3. whole22创M6. led 4. pale2 n创e· ue8. dents 5. sea2mr9. pair 7. dye2 · 创 -411. there 9. paws-R唱NmmeNaNemH。nvnv ee 12. hole 10. great1 。2 矶 n13. dense 12. houra '陆14. seer· 创 H ML…HOMOGRAPHSeR咱MO m m HR11111111112222mauGM 坦 4nd3rl1rpuworV·-aU· 庐 晶 AY』 UH』E OmhMnHU1H auaunvHed'" ‘ ‘,..2 创·-M ∞i3 d 陆1 nv h2 nK臼怕ma3 vs,4WuhF u甜mna vPage 126 - Which Homophone Is It?忧 ra -t1. the wholeu r叩7 S2. dieF响h u3. leada cdn u ∞s4. wons队 创hhm5. a pair队 uA n ∞t山v6. pale skinz n阳v7. the seaa rm怡4 c8. pawsu l5 a-M9. hour6 t∞1 r10. dents8 " e11. grate9 时 -12. there即 -叫叩Page 127 - Correction Time』以 次U1. whole队 nHv- C2. ledz KM创U3. wonn 以 K44. pair4 』 -aU5. pail5 Sm怡a nv6. see∞ 17. paws』 甜 川U 剧8. hour9. dentsPage 134 • Name The !"iomographs10. great1. bat11. there2. pool12. sea3. chest13. hole14. diePage 135 - Name The Homographs15. led1. top16. pause2. batter3. pitcher187

Vocab 阳 -=mm! 问 ·Answer KeyPage 136 - HomographAnswers1. ruler2. block3. school4. chest5. pitcher6. top7. pit8. batter9. scale10. bat11. pool12. starPage 138- HomographSentence Scramble1. I walked my dog around the block.2. I wanted to be a star in my classplay.3. A star is only seen from Earth atnight.4. The snow covered the top of themountain.5. I planted the avocado pit in thesoil in my garden.Page 140 - Homograph Crossword PuzzleAcrossDown1. block 2. ruler4. batter 3. chest7. pool 4. bat8. scale 5. top9. pit 6. school10. star 9. pitcherPage 142-143 - Correct the Homographs1. club2. cast3. pipe4. sole5. pen6. tip7. diamond8. nail9. foot10. tip11. pupil12. part13. back14. sole15. pipe16. pen17. club18. club19. tip20. cast21. back22. nail23. partPage 144 - Name The Homographs1. cast2. back3. diamondPage 145 - Name The Homographs1. pen2. pipe3. footPage 146 - Homograph Answers1. pipe2. pen3. sole4. back5. diamond6. part7. cast8. foot9. nail10. tip11. club12. pupilPage 148- Homograph Sentence Scramble1. The cast had a party after the play.2. I stood in the back of the auditoriumbecause there were no seats.3. I stepped on my baby sister's footby mistake, and she screamed.4. Dad had a sore on the sole of hisfoot.5. I sat in back of home base on thebaseball diamond.Page 150 - Homograph Crossword Puzzlea-- FuDntvcu吨+k阁cu制vyw.mHmιH咱抽』 川Uh剧UEM-m+tm 4牛D-FU 咱 auJH时惊叹地m凯且也aMama问123eE-tnvcu旧制吨州acm。, ..阳 咱咱』川elhyid2.heβhHiNemT de hH dm oohHnnnn111meeha ms唱tzam唱12a456789012nu455 MHUHAuhH --nu mum幽 T-mwr a-nv陆、 α何nva 』 ,.. eut ··eBBKHHyn暗H,, 国 u-Mt叩mecue刽uay45时EMayna6α hHA n wevH,..-唱es 时-t gc aun tv r臼 uhHwgToeanAcr 监 皇旦 旦 旦 旦1. diamond 2. nailPage 158- HomographSentenceScramble3. pupil 3. pen 1. We watched the seal at the circus。6. sole 4. pipe balance a ball on its nose. " 占8. back 5. castc《、o0、』2. My sister wanted to switch her10. part 7. clubaisle seat for a window seat.11. foot 9. tiphωcvo 『3. The bill came to one hundred dol-Page 152-153 - Correct the Homographs lars.吕 。 曲 @1. seal2. story3. pound4. ring5. switch6. teeth7. pound8. yard9. file10. page11. bill12. tape13. ball14. pound15. page』U.nHe川叩怡u--‘sl川4. You must push the bell hard for ittoring.EgU5. I wanted to tape all the pictures intomy scrapbook. 臼 02Page 160 - Homograph Crossword Puzzle " ~ 啡 、d 司 、A bJ 叶 号且 旦 旦 皇 旦 旦 旦 旦1. story 2. teeth4. page 3. yard5. ring 6. seal6. switch 7. tape8. file 10. ball9. pound10. bill』mg nMa mvnvaaeH eunv188

Page 162-163 • Correct the Homographs1. patient2. glasses3. head4. line5. rare6. keys7. letters8. check9. palm10. date11. quarter12. rare13. keys14. palm15. head16. patient17. plant18. date19. quarter20. line21. plant22. glasses23. date24. letters25. check26. checkPage 164 - Name The Homographs1. letters2. check3. keysPage 165 - Name The Homographs1. glasses2. palm3. plantPage 166 - HomographAnswers1. patient2. keys足 3 . check。? 4. datep、民 5 . rareg 6. plant'1l 7. date~ 8. palm,8 9. head~ 10. line雪 1 1 . letters~ 12. glasses。EPage1 协 Homograph Sentence Scrambleq; 1. I found a quarter today and put it inJf my piggy bank.~ 2. I sent the hamburger back to theζcook because it was too rare.。3. My dad likes to check my spellingafter I do my homework.「 古 ab u lary Bui 雪 豆 坐 坐 三 立 」Page 168• Homograph Sentence ScrambleCont.4. I had to wash the glasses twicebecause they still had spots.5. We had to line up in alphabeticalorder.Page 170- Homograph CrosswordPuzzle也 盟 盟Do 旦 旦1. glasses 2. date4. quarter 3. check5. keys 6. rare7. letters 7. line9. patient 8. head10. palm 9. plantnr均 aL'12aAtFa67Lagn队14t4t4t4E2町 44454t4··4t4t567ha43内,』nJ』ηtn,』巧Lntηtan队izaAtFaGmmm 驯叫敝瞅毗川 机 向叫MW… 范MW驯阳川 机 阳毗咐拮唱,.,HMfehgeggfgghMH品 AYFLVOvEvzaw户』aw OmonseanvVE 』hv ‘ HHeu冒auvauwPage 174 - Name The Homographs1. note2. race3. sinkPage 175 - Name The Homographs1. spring2. watch3. changePage 176 - Homograph Answers1. spring2. light3. race4. straw5. spot6. note··Page 176 - HomographAnswers Cont.7. fork8. shade9. change10. sink11. watch12. stickPage178• Homograph Sentence Scramble1. A spring was sticking out of theold couch.2. We found a nice spot for a picnic.3. I turned the light on in the darkhallway.4. I had a dollar and some change left.5. I can't go out tonight because I haveto watch my baby sister.阳 g e 180· Homograph Crossword PuzzleA♀ 盟 主 豆旦 旦 旦 旦1. spring 1. sink3. stick 2. fork5. watch 4. straw8. note 6. change9. shade 7. light9. spot10. race189

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