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Mälardalens HögskolaABBMälarenergi ABEskilstuna Energi ABVafab Miljö ABYITAspholmenFuture Energy

Future EnergyRenewable Energy• 80 % of all energy used is fossile• Need transfer to renewable urgently• Biomass, waste and solar in focusIntelligent Energy• Robust methods for cost efficientenergy savings• Making the renewable energiesavailable to the consumers

Figur 5.2. Värmelast för ett kontor. Legend: röda punkter – vardagar dagtid, svartaResearch within Future EnergySolarWind8000700060005000kWh 40003000200010000Total EL consumption for each apartment 20051 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2462m2 79-80m2 95m2Production: Biogas, GasificationLocal production andconsumptionplustecken – övrig tid.TPVDiagnostics, control,Decision support, optimizationEconomic incentives,New business modelssWedgingModeling,simulationMetalIndustryWaterPaper3

Future Energy organization• Covers Energy, environmental and buildingengineering• 45 PhD students and 31 researchers fromwhich 13 professors• Major research groups (numb researchersand PhD students):– Process efficiency improvements (22)– Process development (18)– Energy and load management (12)– Saftety science lab (9)– Applied mathematics (6)

PLEEC• EU FP7 project within Smart Cities• Mälardalen University together with Eskilstuna city,Eskilstuna energy and environment (coordinator),Gemany, UK, Spain, Finland, France, Austria,Denmark, Netherland, Esthonia, Slovenia• The goal to reduce energy use in• 4 miljoner euro from EU, same amount frompartners• WP3 Technology (Mälardalen Univ Erik D leader)• WP4 Behavior with respect to energy use (HamburgUniv leader• WP5 Organisational issues from city perspective(Copenhagen univ leader) 5

Biogas production

Bioenergy research MDUFuel characterizationMoisture content –RFRegional systemsOptimisationFossil fuel freeWaste-to-energy-REMOWEBiogasBioGasOpt- OptimisationFarm based- dry digestionGasificationPower- and heat productionSimulation, OptimisationIntegration of fuel productionHeat storagehttp://www.mdh.se/hst/Bioenergigrupp

9 Project PartnersMälardalen UniversityThe County Administrative Board of VästmanlandThe Municipal Federation of Savonia University ofApplied SciencesCentre for Economic Development, Transport andthe Environment for North SavoUniversity of Eastern FinlandMarshal Office of Lower SilesiaOstfalia University of Applied Sciences-CampusBraunschweig / WolfenbüttelKlaipeda UniversityEstonian Regional and Local Development Agency(ERKAS)

The BioGasOpt Project• limit the ballast of organics inprocess water that isrecirculated to the reactor• improve transport performanceof gas and nutrients in thereactor• treat the feed material indifferent ways to enhance thedigestion rate• use the digestion residue in bestpossible way at farms

Improve transportperfomanceCFD (computational fluid dynamics)modelling - mass transfer and gasdistribution in the digestorFrom the left100% of possible flow, 60%, 20 %respectively and 20 % gas flow with recirculation of

Pre-treatment• Electroporationelectrodes in the materialelectric pulses20-40 mA, 100-1000pulses, 24-96 kV/m,187 Wh/ kg VSUpp to 100% increasedgas production

Control strategy BFBCGoal 2: Keep steam flow stable at higher levelSteam domeControl fuel feedby NIR. FF.Goal 3: Keep CO & NOXunder limitNIR- fuel feedGoal 1:Keep bed tempconstantHumidificationadjusteairair flowAirflowExhaust gas recirk

NIRinstrument11/9/2012 Erik Dahlquist 14

PCA analyses of NIR-spectra for differenttype of wood species: 18-33 % Lignin inAcacia mearnsii, Beech, Pinus patula,Pinus taeda, Poplar, Red Maple, YellowBirch and Eucalyptus mac (analysed bySAPPI Tech Center)

Model predictive control (MPC) of BFB inEskilstuna- coop with ABB/CRCNIR – moisture content910900890880870860850840830Störningsförsök under en timmerecirk(D),uppfukt(E),luftflöde(F)-röd bäddtemp, blå rökgasfukt82016011917823729635541447353259165070976882788694510041063112211811240129913581417147615351594165317121771183018891948Eskilstuna

Bed temperatureAnders Avelin 17

MEASUREMENTS IN ESKILSTUNA ENERGI &MILJÖ ABMAIN BOILER – KVÆRNERPOWER (Metso)- Bubbling Fluidized-Bed Boiler- 71 MW Heat (Including Flue GasCondenser)- 39 MW Electricity- steam flow is approx. 41,1 kg/s.(139 bar, 540 °C)- Fuel – wood based biomass18

Temperature (°C)110010009008007006005004003002001000Temp – O 2FURNACET_EEM1T_EEM2T_EEM30 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm)Temperature (°C)110010009008007006005004003002001000SUPERHEATERST_EEM4T_EEM5T_EEM6T_EEM70 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm)O2 concentration (vol%)2520151050FURNACEO2_EEM1O2_EEM2O2_EEM30 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm)O2 concentration (vol%)2520151050SUPERHEATERSO2_EEM4O2_EEM5O2_EEM6O2_EEM70 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm) 19

Temperature (°C)CO concentration (ppm)110010009008007006005004003002001000Temp –CO150010005000FURNACET_EEM1T_EEM2T_EEM30 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm)CO_EEM1CO_EEM2CO_EEM3FURNACE0 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm)Temperature (°C)CO concentration (ppm)110010009008007006005004003002001000150010005000SUPERHEATERST_EEM4T_EEM5T_EEM6T_EEM70 1000 2000 3000Distance from the wall (mm)SUPERHEATERSCO_EEM4CO_EEM5CO_EEM6CO_EEM70 1000 2000 300020Distance from the wall (mm)

Renewal of the power plant – waste combustionCo-combustion different fuels – renewable energyBoiler/turbine/exhaust gas cleaningAdvanced diagnostics& control – intelligent energyFuel pre-treatment

Process and system optimizationSpecifications Boiler 5Total heat Output : 157 MWthSteam Flow : 55.5/48 kg/sSteam Pressure : 170/37 barSteam Temperatur : 540/540 o CBiomass and wasteCombustionin CFB plantHigh temperatureGasification toproduce methane

Going from possible fault to realproblems100%Furnace status100%90%90%80%80%Unballanced rightUnballanced left70%70%High combustionNormal60%60%Sensor 10 falseSensor 11 falseProbability50%50%Sensor 12 falseSensor 13 falseSensor 14 false40%40%Sensor 15 falseSensor 16 false30%20%100%30%20%Sensor 17 falseSensor 20 falseSensor 21 falseSensor 22 falseSensor 24 falseFurnace status 2011-09-10 to 2011-09-18100%10%90%10%Sensor 25 false90%0%0 30000 60000 90000 120000 150000 180000 210000 240000 270000 80% 300000Time [s]70%0%80%70%Unballanced rightUnballanced leftHigh combustionNormal60%60%Sensor 10 falseSensor 11 falseProbability50%50%Sensor 12 falseSensor 13 falseSensor 14 false40%40%Sensor 15 falseSensor 16 false30%30%Sensor 17 falseSensor 20 false20%20%Sensor 21 falseSensor 22 falseSensor 24 false10%10%Sensor 25 false0%060001200018000240003000036000420004800054000600006600072000780008400090000960001020001080001140001200001260001320001380001440001500001560001620001680001740001800001860001920001980002040002100002160002220002280002340002400002460002520002580002640002700002760002820002880002940003000003060003120003180003240003300003360003420000%Time [s]

Gasification for methane productionGasification ofBiomass& organic wasteNew national gasification program.MDH,KTH, LinneUniv:Direct Gasification.Industry: ME,EEM,Nordkalk,Cortus,Fortum,E.on,NynäsBLRecycling dried titanateReactorFilterDissolution of titanate FilterNaOH to pulp millHEXPressAirScrubberHEXGTSTRecycling titanateCondensorTitanatedryer

CFB plant in Manchester

District heatingand/or cooling inAbsorption heat pumpTPV-cellsFilter > 1.9 umSteel platePhotonsEdge filter=GlassplateWith coatingsFlame(fuel: gas,oil, biomass)Mirror insideTPV-cells1.9 um

The actual TPV unit

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