City of Darebin Heritage Study Volume 1 Draft Thematic

City of Darebin Heritage Study Volume 1 Draft Thematic City of Darebin Heritage Study Volume 1 Draft Thematic
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DAREBIN HERITAGE STUDY STAGE 26 Associations with the Church6.1 Missions6.2 Schools6.3 Churches7 Land Reserved for Aboriginal People7.1 Land reserved for general Aboriginal population use7.2 Land reserved for specific individuals/families8 Places of Conflict8.1 Places where Aboriginal people were killed/assaulted/threatened by Europeans8.2 Places where Aboriginal people were killed/assaulted by other Aboriginal people8.3 Places where Europeans were killed/assaulted/threatened by Aboriginal people8.4 Places where Aboriginal people were imprisoned9 Places where Aboriginal People have Died or been Buried since Contact9.1 Location of individual burials outside of formal cemeteries9.2 Location of burial grounds outside of formal cemeteries9.3 Location of burials within cemeteries9.4 Places where people have died10 Places Linked to Significant People10.1 Places where known ancestors were born10.2 Monuments10.3 Buildings10.4 Homes10.5 Natural features associated with significant people11 Places Linked to a Significant Incident11.1 Significant incident relating to a significant person11.2 Significant incident relating to a number of people12 Attachments to/Associations with Places Known to Precede Contact12.1 Pre-contact food resources/areas where people continued to procure food (swamps, fishweirs, forests etc.)12.2 Camp sites/meeting places12.3 Spiritual places12.4 Ceremonial places12.5 Sources of raw materials used for making artefacts post-contact12.6 Sources of bush medicines12.7 Travelling routes12.8 Burial/burial grounds164

VOLUME 2: THEMATIC ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY12.9 Named places13 Places Relating to Self Determination13.1 Community resource centres (co-operatives, health services, legal services etc.)13.2 Community cultural centres (museums, keeping places etc.)13.3 Tourism endeavours13.4 Businesses13.5 Government departments13.6 Land claimed/reclaimed under Native Title13.7 Land owned by Aboriginal people13.8 Places related to a significant individual achievement165

VOLUME 2: THEMATIC ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY12.9 Named places13 Places Relating to Self Determination13.1 Community resource centres (co-operatives, health services, legal services etc.)13.2 Community cultural centres (museums, keeping places etc.)13.3 Tourism endeavours13.4 Businesses13.5 Government departments13.6 Land claimed/reclaimed under Native Title13.7 Land owned by Aboriginal people13.8 Places related to a significant individual achievement165

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